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Original Art Aficionado - Weekly Articles1762

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks! Another great write up.
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 21/4/17

Report on recent eBay and Pedigree auctions is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 28/4/17

Artist Spotlight on the stellar Jim Starlin is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 5/5/17

Collector Spotlight is up, featuring the esteemed Jeff Harnett!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 12/5/17

Report on last week's ComicLink Focused Auction is up!
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Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Interesting thread and site. The articles provide a good introduction and overview of genre art collection. As a serious collector of comic, pulp, SF related art & investment grade GA my impression is that both you and your publisher have a pretty good eye for delving into an area of collecting that, for the most part, has been given short shrift in the media.

In my own collecting experience I've tended to shy away from illustration art because a) there is a mountain of B&W OA pages in the marketplace (each piece starts to look like the next in the context of an accumulated collection filed away or displayed), b) B&W illustration has less visceral impact than chromatic paintings (see "a" above), and c) the fragility of illustration board combined with the care and maintenance required to keep B&W art from disintegrating over time (from handling, acidic glues, UV fading, white out discoloration, etc.) exceeds that of most mass market comics or other types of unique art.

This is not intended as a cautionary or criticism of the collecting market and I applaud your efforts to enlighten the comic community on investment data and the perils of choice. Furthermore, while I haven't had time to familiarize myself with the site, I'd love to see a serious in-depth discussion of restoration and preservation of original art in your column if that hasn't already been covered.

While restoration is still a controversial topic in respect to mass produced comics, the antiquities community has long espoused a pro-active stance in respect to preservation techniques for unique artworks, rare documents, and other valuable paper ephemera. B&W comic pages from GA to modern are at great risk and covering this aspect of collecting would seem to be worthy of discussion.

Looking forward to reading your weekly OA Aficianado columns and browsing the comic book investment site for applicable data. In closing, I'll post one of the works in my collection, a painting by celebrated LoTR artist Donato Giancola featuring Captain America...

Apologies for the mediocre upload (image taken from iPad camera).
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks very much for your in-depth post @CatmanAmerica!

As you've correctly identified, the goals of this column are to introduce OA to new collectors, invigorate existing collectors, and increase exposure of overlooked art.

I feel that the B&W nature and "smaller" size of OA has kept it relatively affordable compared to many other forms of artwork, which is why I think there is still substantial room for growth in this field! In my opinion, OA also ages better than comic books - Bristol Board is much hardier than comic book newsprint and India Ink generally doesn't fade.

I've discussed preservation techniques in my articles, and conservation/restoration is definitely a topic of interest. I think there is general acceptance of it in the OA world - unlike for comic books, prices for OA seems largely unaffected by professional restoration.

That is an awesome Cap painting, congrats on obtaining that beauty I very much appreciate your support, and look forward to future conversations. Please feel free to peruse my other articles here:

Happy collecting!
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 19/5/17

Artist Spotlight on the marvelous Todd McFarlane is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 26/5/17

Report on last week's Heritage Signature Auction is up!

This also marks the Original Art Aficionado column's 6-month anniversary, with articles produced every week since 1 December 2016 I'd like to wholeheartedly thank all the contributors and readers for your support; here's to many more articles to come!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 2/6/17

Part 2 of the report on May's Heritage Signature Auction is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 9/6/17

Collector Spotlight is up, featuring cosmic connoisseur Drew Cheskin!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 16/6/17

Report on last week's ComicLink Featured Auction is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 23/6/17

Part 1 of the report on last week's ComicConnect Event Auction is up, with a focus on Jack "King" Kirby!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 30/6/17

Part 2 of the ComicConnect Event Auction report's up, along with my appeal for more OA-related content producers!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 7/7/17

Report on last week's ComicLink Focused Auction is up!
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Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
@OA_Aficionado What did you think of the Bagley/Hennessy Defenders: From the Marvel Vault #1 splash page? I know that the Submariner isn't all that popular. However, the page reminded me of Bagley's work on Spiderman in the 1990's. It had a good feel to it, and I've always enjoyed his city backgrounds. I thought it was a very good representation of Bagley's 1990's (main character and background) and post-1990's style/work (head shot panels) on one page.

I really wish I had gotten back to the auction before it sold. For a $102.00, I think somebody got a good deal on it.

An after thought, on the value of a page like this one, that I never hear expressed, is it would cost much more to commission Mark Bagley to render an image of the detail and size like the one find on this page compared to the final auction price. It has a value built into it based upon that idea.

Always enjoy reading your articles.
Post 41 IP   flag post
Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater Great, spot-on analysis of Bagley's art styles! This page went cheap, and was another piece I'd considered featuring to highlight the undervalued nature of Bagley's Modern artwork.

The value proposition of low-priced, splashy pages like this one versus increasingly expensive commissions is also something I'd been pondering recently, and may try to discuss in an article.

Great chatting as always, and thanks for your continued support!
Post 42 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
@OA_Aficionado If you write that article I hope you use this page as an example. It reflects the idea you succinctly expressed in your post vs. my long winded
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater Thanks for raising this issue in the first place
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 14/7/17

Collector Spotlight is up, featuring a Spidey & Star Wars fan from the UK, Jon Blackwell!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 21/7/17

Report on last week's Hake's and Heritage Sunday Auctions is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 28/7/17

Report on recent eBay auctions is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 4/8/17

Artist Spotlight on "Big" John Buscema is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 11/8/17

Collector Spotlight is up, featuring the ever-personable Paul P!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 18/8/17

Part 1 of the report on last week's Heritage Signature Auction is up!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 25/8/17

Part 2 of the report on Heritage's August Signature Auction is up!
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector Scipio2000 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OA_Aficionado
Thanks very much for your in-depth post @CatmanAmerica!

As you've correctly identified, the goals of this column are to introduce OA to new collectors, invigorate existing collectors, and increase exposure of overlooked art.

I feel that the B&W nature and "smaller" size of OA has kept it relatively affordable compared to many other forms of artwork, which is why I think there is still substantial room for growth in this field! In my opinion, OA also ages better than comic books - Bristol Board is much hardier than comic book newsprint and India Ink generally doesn't fade.

I've discussed preservation techniques in my articles, and conservation/restoration is definitely a topic of interest. I think there is general acceptance of it in the OA world - unlike for comic books, prices for OA seems largely unaffected by professional restoration.

That is an awesome Cap painting, congrats on obtaining that beauty I very much appreciate your support, and look forward to future conversations. Please feel free to peruse my other articles here:

Happy collecting!

I second this. I have OA pages that are from 1947, and they are in great shape. And, I might add, restoration is NOT much of an issue in the OA market, like it is in the comic book market. Each page of OA is unique. So, restoring its condition rarely effects its value. In fact, in many cases, it enhances it. The only exceptions would be where you are restoring lost lines or part of the art itself. But, removing old glue stains, for example, would do nothing to harm - an may even improve - value of the art. Even replacing missing word balloons (for ones that were glued on) will not harm the value, if it is done properly and with care.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scipio2000
I second this. I have OA pages that are from 1947, and they are in great shape. And, I might add, restoration is NOT much of an issue in the OA market, like it is in the comic book market. Each page of OA is unique. So, restoring its condition rarely effects its value. In fact, in many cases, it enhances it. The only exceptions would be where you are restoring lost lines or part of the art itself. But, removing old glue stains, for example, would do nothing to harm - an may even improve - value of the art. Even replacing missing word balloons (for ones that were glued on) will not harm the value, if it is done properly and with care.

Thanks for the elaboration @Scipio2000, absolutely spot-on analysis!
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater Hope you don't mind me posting your question here:

"Why do you think that ShadowHawk OA doesn't seem to have the appeal that the other Image founders pages do? Is it the limited run that the character had or some other reason? I ask as Valentino's GoG pages/covers seem to do OK, have a following, and seem to be collectable."

I think it's a combination factors. As you said, ShadowHawk has a limited (and dormant) publication history, resulting in a small and shrinking fan base. Also, Valentino (and Portacio) didn't have landmark runs like the other Image founders, leading to lower popularity/visibility with fans from that period and forward. Valentino GOTG OA still seems rather undervalued to me, given the successful MCU movies and possibility of the original team appearing in future instalments!
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Collector OA_Aficionado private msg quote post Address this user
New Article - 1/9/17

Report on July's eBay and August's ComicLink Focused Auctions is up!
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