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CBCS Only Slabs You Just Got Back #217617

past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Something has changed!!! I received my order back with no FedEx extortion fees!!! (which I don't get with the other guys)

3 books....last one and lowest graded is the one I think I like the best!!!

still looks better than a 6.0 to me - just a great cover and the interior is good too - pretty sure I have a reprint

this one folks is 1 of only 2 graded Canadian copies of this book (1 at CGC at 5.0 and this one at CBCS!!!)
scratches my itch for EC space comics and as a bonus a bit of Canadiana!!
even the plain jane version of this book is not that common - don't remember when I got this but super happy to have it back home!!!

Post 901 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Silversorrow
Finally got back these beauties. Little disappointed by the Rangers Comics 22 but ecstatic about all the 9.8's 😁

Great books and congrats on the 9.8s!! 3.5 for GA books is totally respectable.
Post 902 IP   flag post
Collector SauceDog private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drmccoy74
Alot of you on the boards have recently submitted books. Be honest. I would like like to know. Do you feel your books were over graded? Were your books in your opinion fairly graded?
Do you believe a press everything standard helps?
I have some big books I would like to send in. I'm on the fence.
I'm not into spending a large amount of money to get dogged out.

The grading for the three books I posted previously were bang on, and I've found when it came to CBCS they were the most consistent (and in the rare case I was off it was because they graded a little harder/conservatively than I did, which I prefer they do rather then get loose with grades).

There is no need to 'press everything', as that can run up your costs pretty quickly and slow down your own submissions considerably.
Post 903 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
Submitted at NYCC and came back two days ago, but finally picked it up this morning.

First new CBCS slab, my favorite behind the original slab design. The case is stellar.

Post 904 IP   flag post
Hmm... Moderated again! figment private msg quote post Address this user
More Walt Kelly fun just picked up earlier today...

Post 905 IP   flag post

I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
NYCC books.
Got the Daredevil book from the Daredevil panel that surprisingly had Charlie Cox & Vincent D'Onofrio unannounced show up. Phenomenal panel
Went downstairs to david Mack and a remarque and that's that.

Saw Hayley Atwell and got this wonderful autograph. Stunningly beautiful woman from my eyes.
I guess my eyes were tainted as I am/was quite disappointed with the 9.2 grade. Bends and indents CBCS? I looked at this thing for 1/2 hour and see nada... and I mean nada. Then I pulled out my electron microscope that can see an inch long piece of space dust on the moon and STILL don't see anything on the comic that's written in the graders notes. Grrrr. Whatever.

Well - you play this silly game and you win and you lose with no rhyme or reason sometimes.
I obviously got a hard ass grader who was probably also looking too long at Hayley instead of the book.
I'm just happy with the authentic and it is staying with me anyway.

Post 906 IP   flag post
KFC does haircuts now, Wooh Hoo. zdoes10 private msg quote post Address this user
Have #7 signed, but not graded.
Have #8 Needs to be signed.

Post 907 IP   flag post
Hmm... Moderated again! figment private msg quote post Address this user
Just got #3-5 back. Came out better than I expected! Thanks Sam!

Post 908 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
Beckett Tankobon slab I got back. Dropped this off at NYCC. 1st printing and appearance of Kaiju #8 in print since this is a weekly digital manga.

The slab is a beast. Here are some pics for comparison.

Post 909 IP   flag post
Collector DPK419 private msg quote post Address this user
Got these back today, submitted during the "BANANA" promo. 1st time using CBCS's pressing services and I'm highly impressed with their work! Definitely using them for future submissions.

This had quite a few creases on the back spine that are now gone!

Doomsday had a pretty noticeable crunch on the bottom front spine that must have pressed out pretty well.

And the best surprise of the batch, I knew it was nice but wasn't sure it would get a 9.8

Post 910 IP   flag post
I like bean sprouts. James42 private msg quote post Address this user
@DPK419 Steve and his team do good work.
Post 911 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
After watching the streets and stalking big box trucks like Kravon the Hunter, I finally spied my FedEx guy making a delivery at the area cannabis store.

I sprang into action and was able to capture his attention before he pulled out of the parking lot. He was kind enough to locate my package, I signed for it, put it in the car, and sped away as if hell itself was nipping at my heels.

I can't wait to unbox the books and see them in person. Giggity.
Post 912 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@DrWatson - It's a good thing you just happened to be near your local cannabis store. What were the odds?!
Post 913 IP   flag post
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
@DrWatson You were making a stop at the cannabis store and ran into your fed-ex driver?
Just kidding, but good that you have a box full of CBCS graded goodies.
Please share...
Oh, and show us the books too...
Post 914 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
@DrWatson - It's a good thing you just happened to be near your local cannabis store. What were the odds?!

It's on the main street, right where I turn to go check on one of the cabins.

I spotted the FedEx logo on the side of the Penske truck as I was turning and doubled back through the Exxon parking lot.

Picked up 30 lbs. worth of the finest CBCS slabs to hit the market. The street value is in the hundreds... maybe even thousands.
Post 915 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
@Nearmint67 A big no on the pot. I have to use the ozone machine if someone breaks the house rules and smokes in a cabin. The smell alone almost makes me puke.
Post 916 IP   flag post
How do I know this? Because I've done it myself. lawguy1977 private msg quote post Address this user
Well, here's the first of five submissions since Banana-gate happened. X-Men books were banana books and kept the same grade. Batman #423 dropped from 9.4 to 9.0, which definitely stings. I don't disagree with the grading notes after pulling out the magnifying glass for my old eyes.

Thrilled about the Batman #357 newsstand. Of course, a 9.8 would have been awesome and added about $800 in value, but I paid $100 for it, so no complaints. Mostly no complaints.

Batman #235 is the nicest looking 7.0 I own, I have mixed feelings on that one when it comes to the grade.

Detective #412 also looks amazing -- but it has a large crease that I hoped would press out better. If you angle the book just right, you can barely see it. A long crease across the cover obviously is a grade killer. It's one of my favorite Neal Adams covers so I might be on the hunt for a higher grade at some point.

Post 917 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@lawguy1977 All very cool! I see what you mean on the 235 looks like an 8.0 to me. Great books!! Congrats!!
Post 918 IP   flag post
How do I know this? Because I've done it myself. lawguy1977 private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC thanks! Yeah, I was hoping for something in the 8 range, but it does have a small crease that is color breaking on the front right corner. It's hard to notice because it blends in with the art, but it's there. Still, glad to have a copy in the collection and got a great deal on it
Post 919 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
@lawguy1977 Nice set of Books.
Post 920 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
This book is getting a post all its own. I can't recall if this was a banana book or not as I didn't really check. I didn't check because it arrived busted all to hell in the cgc slab. I intended to have it reholdered, but I never did.

Once Bananagate hit, I certainly wasn't going to send it to the cgc for a reholder. So, I held my breath and sent it to CBCS. Luckily, it kept the 9.8 grade and received a fancy new holder that is crack free, woo hoo!

Post 921 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@DrWatson Very cool!!

Rancor needs pants though.
Post 922 IP   flag post
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
@DrWatson Do you have all of the action figure variants yet, or still on the hunt for some of them?
It looks great in that new CBCS holder....
Post 923 IP   flag post
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
@Nearmint67 A big no on the pot. I have to use the ozone machine if someone breaks the house rules and smokes in a cabin. The smell alone almost makes me puke.

One of my neighbors smokes 24/7.
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door...
Post 924 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
@DrWatson Very cool!!

Rancor needs pants though.

That's just his tail. 🙊
Post 925 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Silversorrow
Finally got back these beauties. Little disappointed by the Rangers Comics 22 but ecstatic about all the 9.8's 😁

Congrats on the great batch. Especially liking the Marvel Spotlight #6!
Post 926 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nearmint67
@DrWatson Do you have all of the action figure variants yet, or still on the hunt for some of them?
It looks great in that new CBCS holder....

No, I still need a few. One was up for auction at MCS, but it was a 45 serial number scan and the back cover had some questionable markings as to whether they were spine ticks or art.

I don't like resubs. They make me nervous and cost money.
Post 927 IP   flag post
How do I know this? Because I've done it myself. lawguy1977 private msg quote post Address this user
@DrWatson Congrats! Rancor was one of my favorite toys when I was a kid.

Originally Posted by DrWatson

I don't like resubs. They make me nervous and cost money.
My nerves couldn't agree more.
Post 928 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by GAC
@DrWatson Very cool!!

Rancor needs pants though.

That's just his tail. 🙊

Lol! of course...I didn't really think it was his wang.
Post 929 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by GAC
@DrWatson Very cool!!

Rancor needs pants though.

That's just his tail. 🙊

Lol! of course...I didn't really think it was his wang.

I thought you might have had heatstroke. 🤯
Post 930 IP   flag post
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