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CBCS Only Slabs You Just Got Back #217617

Collector PressMeComics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Got this back a couple of weeks ago. Added the Paul Dini signature but the grade got knocked down from a 9.2. It did get a press but that was before going to the signing because I didn't want to wait an extra year for it to work its way through CBCS' pressing backlog

Beautiful book. Can you tell what caused the drop in grade?
Post 301 IP   flag post
Collector enaz13 private msg quote post Address this user
Got comics back last week, was off by 2 on what I thought the grades may be. Guess I need more practice lol, think they look nice for the grades though and being 50 year old comics.

Post 302 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
UKPV Ghost Rider rocks! And the FF #73 presents really well. Those are great books!
Post 303 IP   flag post
Collector PressMeComics private msg quote post Address this user
@enaz13 Nice books!
Post 304 IP   flag post
Hmm... Moderated again! figment private msg quote post Address this user
Well heck... here's two Christmas presents I wasn't counting on. We'll take it!

Post 305 IP   flag post

Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
Dropped these off almost exactly a year ago (first week in January 2022).

Didn’t realize this one was a 1959 reprint of a 1949 book. Oh well. Still pretty.

This one I was expecting something more like 5.0 or 5.5. Regardless, it’s a drag paying for a press and clean only to get your book back and see in the grader notes it was dinged for light bends, indents and soiling. Sigh.

Post 306 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Those are both awesome books, though. That Shadow Comics presents very nicely, and I love that cover!
Post 307 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
I will now go on record and say CBCS grading, which was already both mor consistent and accurate if not mor stringent has gotten even more tough on grades. Each of these comics, had press-able flaws some were very clear ncb wrinkles, indents etc. And this is the second Silver Age submission in a row that I have received back that retained the same grades even after great press results from @SteveRicketts team.

Post 308 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Those are some very pretty books. I'm sorry they didn't get grade bumps.
Post 309 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user

Another 6.5 old cbcs red & white label and obviously unpressed.
Post 310 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Got a couple shipments of books in recently:

Post 311 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Byrdibyrd - honestly super happy and excited to have gotten hold of the SS 11 & 12 and FF 57. Now that they are pressed pretty much all of the visible flaws are gone and they are in the new style encasements. Much rather have an Under-graded CBCS encasement than an over-graded cgc slab.

I am really in a quandary on the SS’s though. I personally have no affinity for Pedigrees. But those covers and wrap alignments are very nice.

The Iron Man 1 was an investment piece to flip
Post 312 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Well, it was bound to happen to me eventually. A slabbing defect resulting in damage to a book.

Looks like there was a major heat seal failure on the seal above the book which allowed the book to shift in transit and damage the top-left front corner. Damage which isn’t mentioned in the notes. Not sure it still qualifies as even a 9.2 😕

Oh, and there’s a bit of plastic in the back as well.

I had it submitted through Clan McDonald since they did some of the signature witnessing so I’ve reached out to them to see how they would like to handle the issue since it was submitted under their account.
Post 313 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
They're all nice books, and the SS's really do look amazing. That Iron Man is sweet, too, and the Gene Colan signature is awesome. If I had the cashola I'd go for it myself!
Post 314 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Oh, no!! What a disappointment! I hope it doesn't have too much adverse effect on the grade. I'd insist they give it a free press to try and lessen the impact of that corner damage, if possible.

I've had to send a couple books back due to those little bits of plastic being inside the case, too.
Post 315 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PressMeComics
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Got this back a couple of weeks ago. Added the Paul Dini signature but the grade got knocked down from a 9.2. It did get a press but that was before going to the signing because I didn't want to wait an extra year for it to work its way through CBCS' pressing backlog

Beautiful book. Can you tell what caused the drop in grade?

The grader’s notes list a bend (or was it a crease?) on the back cover, which I can see. So I’m guessing it happened after the press since the bend listed on the previous notes are no longer mentioned
Post 316 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Byrdibyrd Thanks! I was told to message Steve McDonald tomorrow during business hours so we’ll see how he wants to handle it.

You can see the tear in the inner well. That stuff’s pretty hardy so I wonder what caused it to tear. The box it arrived in was undamaged and it seems like it’d take quite a bit of force for shipping damage to be responsible. Maybe they tried to seal it too tight around the book and the thickness of the book helped tear the inner well
Post 317 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Those newer, digest-sized books can have some weight, and too much jossling during shipping may have caused some damage, too. Just like you, I'm surprised, though. That plastic is tough and those aren't rinky-dink little skinny seals.
Post 318 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
CBCS told me to give them 24-48 hours while they escalate and review the case. I specifically asked them to regrade on their dime, not just reholder.
Post 319 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
still waiting on update. still hasnt started grading after 13 months. makes me wonder if they pick random comics from random piles to grade regardless of when they are submitted as Ive seen people submit from same show, same everything...get theirs already...or submitted 2 months after me (same deal) get theirs
Post 320 IP   flag post
Collector Silversorrow private msg quote post Address this user
Well, finally got my first big 30 issue order back. I must say, I was quite disappointed in many of the grades. I got pressing on 28/30 but in most cases the pressing seemed to either not help at all or even make things worse. Things like "Light finger bends" and other things I would think would be easily pressed out are in the grader notes on some issues. In other cases color breaking spine ticks seemed to get bigger and even more noticeable after pressing and some corners had damage that was definitely not there before. It's definitely going to make me rethink if I even get pressing on a lot of my submissions now. I did get one 9.9 though (one of the 2 that didn't get pressed) so that was pretty cool! Anyways here they are:

Post 321 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Great books!!!! but yeah, I hear what you're saying about "light bends" and having been pressed...that would tick me off too.
Post 322 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, sometimes a bend just won't come out, even if pressed. I have had a couple books pressed a second time (it was slabbed and then I got it signed and I always press after a signing), and it got a grade bump.
Post 323 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
Yeah, sometimes a bend just won't come out, even if pressed. I have had a couple books pressed a second time (it was slabbed and then I got it signed and I always press after a signing), and it got a grade bump.

Stubborn bends!!!
Post 324 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
still waiting. 13 months later. seeing more and more people who submitted after dec 2021 get theirs (with same speed)
Post 325 IP   flag post
Collector Silversorrow private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by power_struggle55
still waiting. 13 months later. seeing more and more people who submitted after dec 2021 get theirs (with same speed)
To be fair I did get "Fast Press" otherwise I would still be waiting too.
Post 326 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Silversorrow
Originally Posted by power_struggle55
still waiting. 13 months later. seeing more and more people who submitted after dec 2021 get theirs (with same speed)
To be fair I did get "Fast Press" otherwise I would still be waiting too.

yeah but there are those who did same thing I did. no press, no rush...get theirs. from suggestions contacted Jesse and sent another cbcs email. I just want some kind of update. even if a "we know where it is. we are super backed up. promise in the next month"...heck doubt they would but a "oh we totally forgot about it. yeah we found it. doing it now" or even a "yeah our bad. we lost it. we found a replacement issue and are doing a grade right now"
Post 327 IP   flag post
Collector PressMeComics private msg quote post Address this user
@Silversorrow Those Grimm Fairy Tales are nice!
Post 328 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PressMeComics
@Silversorrow Those Grimm Fairy Tales are nice!

I have to agree. Those are nice and I am VERY jealous of your 9.9
Post 329 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Got some books back! Pretty satisfied, though there's one disappointment.

I knew this one was in rough shape, so the grade is no surprise, but until it was in that nice, shiny, crystal-clear slab I didn't really see the extent of that stain too well (it's much worse on the back). Yikes!

It's got a colour touch?! At least it wasn't amateur hour, but still!

Like the JQ above, I knew this book was really thrashed. I'm glad it's not a 1.8, because I thought that might be a possibility.

Pretty crunchy but compared to JQ and Strange Tales, I can't complain!

There are a couple more books in this lot, but they have some scuff marks/scrapes on the front of the slab and I'll be sending them back to get fixed... someday... when CS gets back to me....
Post 330 IP   flag post
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