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Artist’s signature fees at MegaCon17506

Collector WndrWmn74 private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone seen a list of what the artists will be charging to sign items at MegaCon? I’m just trying to plan out how many books I can bring to be signed/graded and it would be a huge help to know the cost of signatures. Thanks in advance!!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector sdr2711 private msg quote post Address this user
I thought witnessed sigs were $25-$45 I just can't recall. Sorry.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
There will not be a list. The only sigs that are promoted prior to the event are celebrities.
Most of the sponsored creators (in the past) tend to be in the $10 for sig, $20 for witnessed range. Some are MUCH higher. That would be my guess for Cates, stegman, tynion, ottley, lau, kubert, Silvestri, Capullo, etc... Last I saw Clayton Crain the cheapest witnessed sig was $50 and it went all the way to $120.

I'm pretty disappointed their not having a ticketed signing event. It had become the most feasible way to get the sigs from the comicsketchart represented creators.

I would guess all the "courtesy of" creators would be the same (frankie's comics, black flag, one-stop comic, and on). Marat Mychaels was $20/sig on anything last year.

What's crazy is that 3 years ago I got something like 150 comics signed and it cost me about $200 total that included the special signing event. Not going to see that happen again.

It might be down to the "also appearing" list for anything $5.00 or less.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Noblebeast315 private msg quote post Address this user
At lot of creators will sign one book at no cost. Most have a $5-$10 per signature fee after the first one. Some of the more in demand signatures and artistry designed sigs will cost more. For example Clayton Crain has a gorgeous signature but it can range from $25-$80 depending on how elaborate it is. Also any really big name creator is going to charge for a signature. having the signature witnessed with CBCS is only $5 but sometimes the big name folks will charge extra for having the signature witnessed. Usually the day of the list of prices will be available at their table. I know that doesn’t help before hand, but really the best advice I can offer is big name folks are going to ask for payment of $25-$80, and the less in demand sigs shouldn’t cost more than $10.

What sigs are you looking to get? MegaCon is packed with talent this year. It’s going to be a great Con. Glad to hear another follow board member will be attending. This will be my second year there and last year I got to meet @ZombieHead and his family. Super nice guy and our meeting was completely random. 🙂
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector quick1unc private msg quote post Address this user
Here is a list I got from a comic book shop. Not sure if it’s the same as in-person, but it should be pretty accurate.

Adam Kubert -$30
Alex Aaviuk- $25
Arthur Sudan $25
Ben Percy- $25
Bill McKay- $20
Bill Morrison- $30
Bjorn Barends- $35
Bob McLeod- $35
Chad Hardin- $25
Dan Mendoza- $20
Dan Panosian- $25
David Nakayama- $25
Derrick Chew- $25
Donny Cates- $35
Elias Chatzoudis- $20
Francesco Mattina- $35
Frank Tieri- $20
Greg Capullo- $35
Greg Horn- $25
Humberto Ramos- $25
InHyuk Lee- $25
James Tynion- $30
Joe Rubinstein- $25
John Beatty- $25
John Giang- $30
Jose Varese- $20
Ken Lashley- $25
Kendrick Lim- $25
Marc Silvestri- $30
Marco Mastrazzo- $25
Michael Golden- $35
Mico Suayan- $35
Mike Grell- $25
Mirka Andolfo- $20
Mitch Gerads- $20
Renee Witterstaeter- $30
Ron Leary Jr.- $25
Ryan Kincaid- $10
Ryan Ottley- $35
Ryan Stegman- $35
Sabine Rich- $25
Sam de la Rosa- $20
Sam Johns- $25
Sorah Suhng- $20
ArtGerm- $25
Steve McNiven- $35
Tony Daniel- $25
Tony Moy- $25
Yanick Paquette- $25
Zen Wells- $25
Post 5 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
There was a day when I was getting Stan Lee autographs for free.

Now I'm paying someone named John Doe $25 for their autograph?

The Times they are a changin'
Post 6 IP   flag post
"Forum Overlord" bah ha ha ha... JustThatGuy private msg quote post Address this user
@Nuffsaid111 probably when he wasnt on the leash holding by Max and prior to Disney buying Marvel
Post 7 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JustThatGuy
@Nuffsaid111 probably when he wasnt on the leash holding by Max and prior to Disney buying Marvel

U got that right
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by quick1unc
Here is a list I got from a comic book shop. Not sure if it’s the same as in-person, but it should be pretty accurate.

Bill McKay- $20
Chad Hardin- $25
Dan Mendoza- $20
Jose Varese- $20
Ryan Kincaid- $10
Sorah Suhng- $20
Yanick Paquette- $25

These are all people who I've seen in person and not paid for sigs. I haven't seen Yanick Paquette and Chad Hardin in several years. Sorah, Bill, and Dan I see regularly and would be surprised if they charged. Ryan I saw last year and wasn't charging. Bill, in particular, would be a massive change if he was charging. He once told me "love to see my big obnoxious signature on my books", since I was worried about bringing him so many to sign. I have 51 signed comics at present from Bill (not all from one con...more like 5). Sorah Suhng does fantastic, fast, color remarks for very reasonable price that would make me highly doubt she's charging $20 for sigs. may be because I was mostly getting her to sign her kickstarter books. I've definitely not paid for sigs on some other work.

Likely this is what your facilitator is charging you for getting you these signatures and they may be using that money towards to creators to continue to build a professional relationship with the creator. No problems with that.

Also keep in mind that Greg Horn and Nathan Szerdy will almost certainly be there running their sales booths. Nathan said he prefers not to be a listed creator, but has yet to miss a Megacon since I started going in 2015. He's a really, really nice guy. He may have been charging $5.00 for sigs (honestly can't recall), but he's also done a quick sharpie-remark as part of that $5 (similar to Mark Texiera).
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector Noblebeast315 private msg quote post Address this user
@etapi65 yeah there is a number of folks on that list that do not charge, and many that will sign one book for free before charging.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
If any of you think about it, grab a few Emma Frost books and have Greg sign em for me!@
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Puckster private msg quote post Address this user
I remember when the mid to upper level artists started charging for sketches years ago. I overheard a couple of them talking about it and they were saying how they hate charging for sketches but it's become a necessity. He was saying how he did a sketch the day before for free and looked that night and it had been put on ebay for $50. It's obviously moved that way towards signatures now.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Puckster
I remember when the mid to upper level artists started charging for sketches years ago. I overheard a couple of them talking about it and they were saying how they hate charging for sketches but it's become a necessity. He was saying how he did a sketch the day before for free and looked that night and it had been put on ebay for $50. It's obviously moved that way towards signatures now.

This is definitely a big part of it. A bigger part of it is that they're all now "represented" by an organization like comicsketchart. They do all the legwork with mantaining a website of original art, selling books, booking shows, etc... That representative needs their piece for the work they're doing. I've been told more than once by a creator that they "wouldn't charge, but they have to" in order to pay their...agent? Sponsor? Facilitator? Not sure what the actual title is. I understand that scenario; it just makes it less likely for me to get stuff signed. Another example of everyone in the hobby that just likes to collect being "punished" for those in it for profit (Don't have a problem with it, just wish there was a way to suit both types of comic hobbyists).
Post 13 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Represented by

I love this hobby.
Which .... is why I'm selling everything off
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Bige private msg quote post Address this user
I think that if you are getting a witness signature that they should charge, if you plan on making money so should they. I am not an artist, but I know many, and if you are getting pad for their work shouldn't they. I have been collecting for a longtime and get times have changed, but many people are making this a business and therefore why should the artist not get a piece of the action. Now if you get a comic book personalized I think they should do that free. Like " John, thanks for being a fan" Anyway that is my opinion.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector Puckster private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bige
I think that if you are getting a witness signature that they should charge, if you plan on making money so should they. I am not an artist, but I know many, and if you are getting pad for their work shouldn't they. I have been collecting for a longtime and get times have changed, but many people are making this a business and therefore why should the artist not get a piece of the action. Now if you get a comic book personalized I think they should do that free. Like " John, thanks for being a fan" Anyway that is my opinion.

Absolutely agree there. Yeah, it sucks that they charge, but if someone's going to make money off them, then sure. It's one of the reasons all of my sketches are in sketch books. I've had several cut me some slack on price because of it. They see that I'm keeping them and have had them for years.
The whole thing reminds me of when I was an autograph collector in the late 90's. I would read these stories of these lowlifes that would hang around popular celebrity hangouts in LA and New York. They were known to have backpacks full of photos. Many times they would expect specific celebrities to be there and bring stacks of photos of that person. When they would catch up with someone, they would try to hand them those stacks of photos to sign. They would then turn around and sell at huge prices.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bige
I think that if you are getting a witness signature that they should charge, if you plan on making money so should they. I am not an artist, but I know many, and if you are getting pad for their work shouldn't they. I have been collecting for a longtime and get times have changed, but many people are making this a business and therefore why should the artist not get a piece of the action. Now if you get a comic book personalized I think they should do that free. Like " John, thanks for being a fan" Anyway that is my opinion.

Your assumption is that anyone getting a sig slabbed is only doing so to resell. This is my issue. And Ed Mcguiness does exactly your suggestion of personalizing and not charging. If it were an option for more artists I would take it. As a collector, the only real issue with it is more writing on the comic. So back to my first point, I wish there were an easier way to distinguish money-makers from collector's that didn't require people who are just out for a buck to be honest.

Edited because I initially did this quick from my phone and it made no sense.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector ticktocktyler private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by etapi65
Originally Posted by Bige
I think that if you are getting a witness signature that they should charge, if you plan on making money so should they. I am not an artist, but I know many, and if you are getting pad for their work shouldn't they. I have been collecting for a longtime and get times have changed, but many people are making this a business and therefore why should the artist not get a piece of the action. Now if you get a comic book personalized I think they should do that free. Like " John, thanks for being a fan" Anyway that is my opinion.

You're assumption is that anyone getting a sig slabbed is only doing so to resell. This is my issue. And Ed Mcguiness does exactly this. If it were an option I would take it. As a collector, the only real issue with it is more writing on the comic. So back to my first point, I wish there were an easier way to distinguish money-makers from collector's that didn't require people who are just out for a book to be honest.

Wish in one hand. There is obviously no way to differentiate. I heard Frank Miller does horrible sketches on books (and he does. Beyond contemptible) because people were selling the good sketches he did on EBay. And where was his cut?

My own opinion is when an artist does a sketch and the fan paid for it, it's out of the artists hands. But FFWD >> to today, I'm not paying $200+ for Frank Miller to wreck a 9.6 1st print DKR #1 with an infantile doodle of a Batman cameo, either. You don't get to treat me with contempt if I am now paying for what was once free.

I would pay for a signature from very few artists/creators.
Post 18 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
The actions of a few ruin it for everyone.
It's like that in every walk of life.

Adam Hughes was doing full body commissions at shows for 100 - 200 for years and years. Then came that Wonder Woman day when a "fan" was relentless with him about always wanting a Wonder Woman commission. He did it for the "fan" and the "fan" put it up on Ebay that night.
Adam got wind of it & that was the end of low cost Adam Hughes commissions for the fans.... emphatically!
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector ticktocktyler private msg quote post Address this user
I went to a Garry Trudeau lecture one night and afterward stood in line to chat and get a few autographs. The autographs were free. But he had an 8x11 sign on his desk which said "Not doing drawings this evening." So, I didn't ask.

I had him sign 4 books and my paper DVD cover of "Tanner '88". Sent 2 of the books to my lifelong friend - a MAJOR "Doonesbury" geek. He was the one who turned me on to Doonesbury in 1978! Least I could do for him was to get his hero's signature on a couple treasuries.

That's where the gold is to me, anyway. Making awesome gifts of signed stuff to friends.
Post 20 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user

Those fees look high.

Either they are adding in a profit for themselves or the number includes the extra amount some artists charge for books that are getting graded.

Great guest list, too bad that show is so far from home.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector sdr2711 private msg quote post Address this user
Artgerm for example:



$20 - previously listed at $10 by mistake.






Post 22 IP   flag post
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