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Any Tabletop Role-Players?17505

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Marvel is currently in the playtest phase of a new tabletop roleplaying game based on their comic characters.

In March Marvel released the playtest rules book with the final rulebook expected some time next year. The playtest book has a subset of the rules, some pre-made profiles, and an introductory scenario for players to try out and give feedback on. Rules updates and printable character sheets and map are available on the Marvel RPG site

So far the reception has been a little mixed. Some roleplayers have felt that it does include some neat ideas but can be a bit clunky (instead of using a D20 the hallmark feature is the game’s use of 3D6 they dub the 616 system), a bit too rules focused, and maybe too targeted towards existing role-players as opposed to targeting comic fans and building the RPG system around that.

I’ve never really role-played before but I figured it’d be fun to checkout the playtest and see how the game develops in the full rulebook and over time.

The comic shop made a little mistake on my order and I ended up getting two extra copies of the playtest book. If anyone is interested, I’m letting them go for free you just have to pay for shipping, which can be done as cheap as Media Mail if you want. Just send me a PM and we’ll work out the details.

For those that are curious but interested in something a little more complete, there are other superhero RPGs on the market. The two that seem to be brought up the most are Sentinel Comics RPG and Mutants and Masterminds, among a few others
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
One book remaining
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Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
Yes I still love tabletop RPGs, although finding time and people to play with becomes more challenging as the years go by. Old school AD&D is still my go-to game, but I do like superheroes. Since I am mostly stuck in the 80s, hobby wise, I am most familiar with Champions and Villains and Vigilantes. I have played Mutants and Masterminds, which is fun. Another newer hero game worth mentioning is called BASH. Not sure about it’s popularity but it is a pretty cool system. I would try a new Marvel game, especially if it is a true tabletop game.
Post 3 IP   flag post
I called CGC about the giveback benefit. beastboy1980 private msg quote post Address this user
i ordered the book did not get it yet

i still game from time to time

dungeons and dragons 5e is solid

but i still love old basic the best
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Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
@beastboy1980 I cut my teeth on these around the age of 11. I have actually been putting these to use lately to introduce my 11 year old grandson to the world of D&D.

I bought the 5E core books and have been looking them over. I think it’s way better than 3E or 4E, although I still prefer 1st and 2nd editions.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
I’ve never played a tabletop rpg proper though I did dabble in the D&D minis game for a litte bit so I have the “mini” Colossal Red Dragon on my shelf that stands over a foot tall
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Collector xvipah private msg quote post Address this user
I've played TTRPG's for years. I used to love the original Marvel Super Heroes game. I'd definitely be interested in giving this a shot.

We play D&D 5e, sometimes stuff like Fate or Mutants & Masterminds as well.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Both copies are now spoken for
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