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This world we live in….17213

Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
I think Simu Liu should sign the offensive books and only the offensive books. I think he should not charge. But the cost of the signature should be that you have to tear out any offending pages of the book in front of him and put them in the shredder. That would show how strongly he truly feels about the offensive content. And it would show how strongly his fans feel about his signature.
Post 26 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Just wait a few years and you will probably be able to get him to sign a menu from the Chop Suey Inn for $10.
Post 27 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Would the owner get a purple or green cgc label if an actor purposely tears out the pages? It's sort of like putting his "mark" on the book so I think it should be a yellow label

But if the actor cuts out the value stamp, well we can't have that
Post 28 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
I remember when Stuart Sayger put a bullet hole in a Punisher sketch cover. He also tore part of the cover off when doing a Hulk sketch. Neither went over well with the owners or the cgc graders.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
Would the owner get a purple or green cgc label if an actor purposely tears out the pages? It's sort of like putting his "mark" on the book so I think it should be a yellow label

But if the actor cuts out the value stamp, well we can't have that

I'm thinking CGC would give a special "Simu Liu purged" label.
Honestly, I think it would be an interesting version of the Soul Stone swap. "You can have my signature but you have to give up the thing of value that I'm writing it on". We would find out how dedicated fans really are to these folks.
Post 30 IP   flag post

I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Honestly, I think it would be an interesting version of the Soul Stone swap. "You can have my signature but you have to give up the thing of value that I'm writing it on". We would find out how dedicated fans really are to these folks.

I, personally, will not jump off the cliff on Vormir for a Simu Liu autograph.
Post 31 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by southerncross
@Nuffsaid111 maybe someone told him something like when someone spoke to Starlin all those years ago.

I'd get a actor to sign a book if the comic was based on the actor or the tv/movie he did

An example that I don't have is having Bruce Campbell sign a Army of Darkness comic

my guess would be that - shocker - he never read any of the source material (I mean...ha..surely no actor would do that!!) and was later informed of some of the content and then changed his stance?
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
I would love to get a Will Smith.

Post 33 IP   flag post
I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ticktocktyler
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
There is plenty I could write on this topic. I choose not to but will instead say that everyone has the right to see the world through their own eyes and act accordingly.

I tend towards a view that we should progress while not de-contextualizing or erasing the past. I also will say that I hope other countries apply the same principles in the future as many of these topics are portrayed in a highly skewed fashion (US centric). Most countries are decades behind where the US is today (and note that I am Canadian).

I see the US erasing its past every day. Take the Confederate monuments down the past is being further whitewashed. To some, the things are a reminder of slavery and some vicious, subsequent racism. To others, it's a reminder of how this joint was actually built and keeps thinking people from getting ahead of themselves.

A lot of people are against critical race theory. I am personally all for laying out the facts. It isn't even complicated. What went down is what went down.

The US is very into erasing its own history plus any other indigenous peoples history that happened to be here before the Mayflower. Just bulldoze it. Plow it under.

I'm not certain what you are looking at concerning the US. A lot of us are looking at Canada like it's a better deal.

The trouble with people "everyone having the right to see the world through their own eyes and acting accordingly" is they are really negatively impacting a lot of other people when they do it. Especially here. They actually DON'T have the right to "act accordingly".

This loudness and outright ignorance I am seeing here on a daily basis. This lack of any intelligent dialogue and compromise for the good of all. It's non existent. I believe functional illiteracy has never been greater here. People's ignorance - WILLFUL ignorance - is at fever pitch here.

They ask me "Well, aren't you PROUD to be an American?" Not really, no. I know how the thing was built. Nothing to be proud of there. Enslaving one race brutally and just as brutally decimating hundreds of others? Not proud, no. I didn't have any hand in it anyway, so....

I don't want to be associated with what's going on here these days. And just you wait for the next election cycle if you want to see chaos. This isn't a political thing I'm writing, now. This is a shapes of things to come thing I'm writing here. It's gonna get fugly.

CRT has nothing to do with progressive politics and is as reactionary as the racislists who peddle the 1619 Project as "the true story of America".

Both present all problems in the US as racial problems, casting whites as architects of social problems, obscuring the real issue of class.

Search "Critical race theory" on in a title of article search,if you want to learn about American & world history.

Avoid the filthy New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, etc.

Here you go, the other article in that search result is also great but this is an easier read:

California Ethnic Studies Curriculum imposes “critical race theory,” excludes Martin Luther King Jr.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user

Post 35 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Um guys? Wrong forum.
Post 36 IP   flag post
I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Um guys? Wrong forum.

That's all I'll post on this subject.

I just can't stomach identity politics,
Post 37 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Interesting that Simu won’t sign the offensive comics but he got his big start in Kim’s Convenience. A TV series my co-worker, of Korean decent, couldn’t watch because of the offensive stereotypes.
Post 38 IP   flag post
I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
Interesting that Simu won’t sign the offensive comics but he got his big start in Kim’s Convenience. A TV series my co-worker, of Korean decent, couldn’t watch because of the offensive stereotypes.

The world views of this social layer seems to suddenly change when great sums of money have been accumulated.
Post 39 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
In the early 2000's there was an idealistic view that the internet would be a great unifier for the globe. People all over the world would have access to complete information and local uneducated viewpoints would give way to educated global viewpoints, which would be less divisive. We would understand each other background and cultures better and find more common ground. Sadly, the opposite has happened. The internet and social media just removed the geographical boundaries of Tribalism. We've become a bunch of thin-skinned Tribalists who seek out members of our tribe...those who reinforce our viewpoints. We are constantly presented with the most extreme and fringe members of other tribes as reinforcement of our positions, resulting in a thin-skinned version of neo-narcissism. We definitely agree with the original ideal...that there should be global unity and least on our own points of view.
Post 40 IP   flag post
I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
In the early 2000's there was an idealistic view that the internet would be a great unifier for the globe. People all over the world would have access to complete information and local uneducated viewpoints would give way to educated global viewpoints, which would be less divisive. We would understand each other background and cultures better and find more common ground. Sadly, the opposite has happened. The internet and social media just removed the geographical boundaries of Tribalism. We've become a bunch of thin-skinned Tribalists who seek out members of our tribe...those who reinforce our viewpoints. We are constantly presented with the most extreme and fringe members of other tribes as reinforcement of our positions, resulting in a thin-skinned version of neo-narcissism. We definitely agree with the original ideal...that there should be global unity and least on our own points of view.

Somewgat agreed, though I think the internet is a valuable tool and one must remain optimistic on its utility,despite all challenges to squash it.

Many workers and youth around the world used that period of the early 2000's to speak out against the Iraq War.

Julian Assange held a crucial role in that process, chiefly with the publishing of the Iraq War Logs.

That is why he is being persecuted to this day. As a warning to others who seek to educate the public of the crimes yet to be committed.

After all, it was Assange who famously said:

"If War can be started by lies, peace can be started by the truth."

As we face the possibility of WW 3 with nuclear weapons, and the very real potential for millions upon millions of human lives lost, one must be cogniscent of the power the internet has in countering propaganda but bringing together the numbers needed to build the massive anti-war to defeat the rulibg class' utterly insane drive to manufacture consent for World War III.
Post 41 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Or the power for promoting actions that could drive us towards WW3.

The “ruling class” isn’t motivated towards nuclear war. Perhaps the threat in the background but not actual war.

The dominant internet rhetoric is an echo chamber of misunderstanding and misinformation.

You reference manufactured consent, which suggests you’re directly or indirectly familiar with Chomsky. If so, you might note his own take on the situation.

In times like these the internet gives disproportionate voice to casual, uninformed observers-turned-activists. Much of what is being promoted as actions towards peace are in fact recipes for pushing us to the brink of global war.
Post 42 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
@ticktocktyler perhaps you misread my post. If he doesn’t want to sign the book, he has that right. If he does (or did) he also has that right. He can interpret the world through his own eyes and make decisions accordingly.

Edit: for brevity and to get back to comics
Post 43 IP   flag post
I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Or the power for promoting actions that could drive us towards WW3.

The “ruling class” isn’t motivated towards nuclear war. Perhaps the threat in the background but not actual war.

The dominant internet rhetoric is an echo chamber of misunderstanding and misinformation.

You reference manufactured consent, which suggests you’re directly or indirectly familiar with Chomsky. If so, you might note his own take on the situation.

In times like these the internet gives disproportionate voice to casual, uninformed observers-turned-activists. Much of what is being promoted as actions towards peace are in fact recipes for pushing us to the brink of global war.

The US ruling class geopolitical interests are squarely set on imperialist designs towards Russia and China.

China is the US's chief competitor in virtually all markets.

This is a process that has been in the planning stages for nearly 3 decades,

I am well aware of Chomsky, he is a hypocritical, and being overly kind, willfully naive.

Much of the internet is disoriented and aimless, corporate media and the leadership of the government is much to blame for such.

And those two are the largest sources of misinformation on the internet.

The very same papera and news networks which led the US public into supporting the Iraq War via Colin Powell's lie of Iraq having WMD's, now position themselves towards the demonization of Russua and China with Russiagate and the Wuhan Lab leak libel.

One cannot even turn on the corporate press for a minute without hysterical claims posited towards Russia or China, often in the most disgusting and thinly veiled racist language.

There is a growing movement of the working class, youth, and the most progressive among the middle class, against the conditions that persist.

I'd encourage you to look up David Norty's 2016 book called A Quarter Century Of War.

Alternatively, Google his name and pull up tweets for his analysis which I promise you, makes Chomsky look like the hypocrite that he is.

That said, this will have to end my posts on this forum WRT what borders on what can be deemed as possibly political posting by moderators.

I have Twitrer for that.
Post 44 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
@ComicHoarder twitter still has a character limit?
Post 45 IP   flag post
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