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CBCS Signature VSPQuestions

Refund or credit for grading if failed VSP?17183

Collector chrispcola private msg quote post Address this user
I just saw that one of the comics I submitted for signature verification couldn't be verified. If I had unchecked the Encapsulate if Fail box and considering that they charged me when it started processing, do they refund the grading fee or does it just go into my account as a credit for future submissions?
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
It should get refunded if the book fails verification and you left the “encapsulate even if verification fails” box
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Collector chrispcola private msg quote post Address this user
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The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
@chrispcola Welcome to the forums!
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Collector chrispcola private msg quote post Address this user
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