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I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
I have no idea. You would need to email them and ask. I would imagine that it would matter if they are consignments or not.
Post 226 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Just found answer. No to trades on consignments. Which both books are. =(

I did email them a bunch of questions. If they offer enough, I might just sell the book out right to get it.

Depending on how they answer, the question is do I go for the signed 3.0 or a universal 1.5?
Post 227 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Instead of selling the books to them, could you get more by selling them on their site and using the credit to purchase?
Post 228 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user

Post 229 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Depending on their answer I might do that. I literally have about 5k in books I just sent to them fir consignment. I kinda want to have the option of going to Orlando as well though. I can't do both unless I start selling some of my core books, which I would prefer not to. I suppose everything hinges on their response. We shall see. But as my brother stated earlier, be prepared for disappointment. So don't get your hopes up too high without all tbe fscts...
Post 230 IP   flag post

The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Estee called me today. You guys weren't kidding. She is really pleasant to deal with. If all goes as planned I will have my hulk 1 by the end of the month.
Post 231 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Which one?
Post 232 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
I opted for the 1 5. Universal.
My thinking is that if I ever need to liquidate, I can sell my other books easier than the hulk 1. And chances are I wouldn't want to sell the hulk 1.

The bad part is it has a chunk missing on the bottom and it has rusty staples, but I can live with those issues. I just hope the rust doesn't spread across books.

I have some books on consignment. She is going to give me a buy out price for those books. If I'm right, I will be out of pocket zero dollars and I didn't have to go to a convention or deal with stinky folks getting too close to me....

Granted it's not a done deal until I get the book in hand.
Post 233 IP   flag post
Collector pulpfury private msg quote post Address this user
Hello folks, first time poster here. Has anyone paid with a prepaid credit card from Canada? I don’t have a credit card so my friend suggested a prepaid. I am worried about any hidden or unforeseen costs that would put me over the balance paid on the card. I also should have noticed that the card was not reloadable. Now it seems to me that if the total cost goes over the balance, the whole transaction will fall through and I will lose money for shipping and it all will be for nothing. From what I understand it is $40 for grading & pressing x3 books + $33 return shipping + 13% tax + 2.5% currency conversion fee + $7.95 purchase fee from the card. There should be about $15 left on the card. Is there any fees for insuring the books or things like that which I am not seeing? I know it seems crazy and not worth it but I really want to get some books graded just to try it. I am in a small city in the middle of nowhere Canada and my two lcs’s do not do submissions and the closest pressers are at least 8 hour drive.
Post 234 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte just two thoughts re: staples. You are probably already considering both but figured no harm:

First, any significant migration into the surrounding paper? Second, you’re in FL, right? You will want to avoid a high humidity situation. This applies to all your books but more critical here.
Post 235 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
I opted for the 1 5. Universal.
My thinking is that if I ever need to liquidate, I can sell my other books easier than the hulk 1. And chances are I wouldn't want to sell the hulk 1.

The bad part is it has a chunk missing on the bottom and it has rusty staples, but I can live with those issues. I just hope the rust doesn't spread across books.

I have some books on consignment. She is going to give me a buy out price for those books. If I'm right, I will be out of pocket zero dollars and I didn't have to go to a convention or deal with stinky folks getting too close to me....

Granted it's not a done deal until I get the book in hand.
Probably chose the right copy, I personally wouldnt want a copy signed on the cover by Stan Lee......for such a key and rare book. First page, sure, but yeah thats not what I would have gotten . Gpa shows a 1.5 around 11.5 and that 3.0 at around 25k....meantime its cheaper right now by GPA to buy a 3.5 or 4.o than that 3.0 .
Post 236 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

The rust from staples I figure have migrated to paper already, but I figure how much more damage can possibly occur? To be honest, the book will literally out live me.

Yes I am in Florida. Hence you have to run the AC 24/7 365 a year. Humidity in the house is at around 48% to 50% I used to have one of those thermostat things for humidity but I can't seem to find it right now.


Found it
45% currently in house
Post 237 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

I'm not too concerned with over paying a bit on the book. You figure it will cost me under 15k trade after all said and done.

However, I have about 1k invested in that hulk 181 9.0 I traded and similar values on the consignment books being considered for trade currently. So if I spent about 2k for the book, at the end of the day it was a win....
Post 238 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Right, I get that. I was making the point that the 3.0 is more than double the price of the 1.5 and yet if you went to a 3.5 or 4.0 the GPA shows them selling cheaper . You just about have to get a copy of the book fairly soon or it will be gone to where you would never be able to get one, even if you wind up paying a bit more than current isnt going to get any cheaper

I did something similar with my first Stan lee signed book, and paid most of it in trade at a fraction of the actual cost it would have been in cash
Post 239 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Yeah my brother doesn't get why I want the hulk. I can't explain to him my reasons because they aren't logical. But my assumption was that if I didn't get it this year, It would never come.

Granted there is one key point I need to make. Until the book is in hand the deal isn't done yet. So I'm hoping for the best, but so far things seem to be falling in place...
Post 240 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by pulpfury
Hello folks, first time poster here. Has anyone paid with a prepaid credit card from Canada? I don’t have a credit card so my friend suggested a prepaid. I am worried about any hidden or unforeseen costs that would put me over the balance paid on the card. I also should have noticed that the card was not reloadable. Now it seems to me that if the total cost goes over the balance, the whole transaction will fall through and I will lose money for shipping and it all will be for nothing. From what I understand it is $40 for grading & pressing x3 books + $33 return shipping + 13% tax + 2.5% currency conversion fee + $7.95 purchase fee from the card. There should be about $15 left on the card. Is there any fees for insuring the books or things like that which I am not seeing? I know it seems crazy and not worth it but I really want to get some books graded just to try it. I am in a small city in the middle of nowhere Canada and my two lcs’s do not do submissions and the closest pressers are at least 8 hour drive.

Sorry - no experience with a PPCard - seem like you have just about all the charges covered though -not sure if the 2.5% conversion is enough? but then again it swings both ways so you could end up with a few dollars credit! I think there is always a small difference because they convert the CAD amount to USD then bill you that but there is inevitably a rate difference between what CBCS uses and what the credit card uses on that day

You sending direct to Dallas? If so on return expect FedEx to try and nail you for $25 to $50 for "brokerage" fees - I've always gotten them waived....FedEx will say a person item was returned to you with a business account and the charge all business accounts the "brokerage" fee...what gets me out is I say - listen!! all the paperwork says returning customers own item! and I can't control how they choose to mail it back to me
Post 241 IP   flag post
Collector pulpfury private msg quote post Address this user
I mailed to the cbcs facility in Oakville ON
Post 242 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
I opted for the 1 5. Universal.
My thinking is that if I ever need to liquidate, I can sell my other books easier than the hulk 1. And chances are I wouldn't want to sell the hulk 1.

The bad part is it has a chunk missing on the bottom and it has rusty staples, but I can live with those issues. I just hope the rust doesn't spread across books.

I have some books on consignment. She is going to give me a buy out price for those books. If I'm right, I will be out of pocket zero dollars and I didn't have to go to a convention or deal with stinky folks getting too close to me....

Granted it's not a done deal until I get the book in hand.

If I may provide an alternate solution. Put all your consigned books in the April prime auction. You may get a better price than an outright sale to MCS which need to factor in a margin. It will take 1 month longer for you to get your money for the IH1 and it might be gone by then - but just something to consider
Post 243 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte consider tax implications and weigh your options to maximize value. Tax implications are not always apparent…

You don’t want to forego value because you think you’re saving on taxes and then get a surprise
Post 244 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

I spoke to Estee and they do not do 1099 forms yet. So tax wise I'm okay for the moment. I suppose however, that could change at any time.


That ideally sounds like a better solution, however, the risk of not getting the book would weigh heavy on me if circumstances changed and the price shot up, or the ability to find a copy didnt materalize. Although its not a do or die type thing, i have the means right now and the cost is minimal.

Most importantly though, I already committed to buying the book. Although some may say I'm foolish, if I say I will do something I follow through. I try to be a man of my word. To me that's more important than almost anything.

I'm satisfied with the amount she gave me on tbe hulk 181 it was very fair. The other books we shall see. I'm waiting for a response. But to be honest. The books I sent were "disposable." They were meant as a test to see how MCS works, as I have never sold / cinsigned anything prior to them. They had no emotional value to me.

If you PM I'll tell you what she gave me and I'm sure you'll concur that I did well.
Post 245 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

I spoke to Estee and they do not do 1099 forms yet. So tax wise I'm okay for the moment. I suppose however, that could change at any time.


That ideally sounds like a better solution, however, the risk of not getting the book would weigh heavy on me if circumstances changed and the price shot up, or the ability to find a copy didnt materalize. Although its not a do or die type thing, i have the means right now and the cost is minimal.

Most importantly though, I already committed to buying the book. Although some may say I'm foolish, if I say I will do something I follow through. I try to be a man of my word. To me that's more important than almost anything.

I'm satisfied with the amount she gave me on tbe hulk 181 it was very fair. The other books we shall see. I'm waiting for a response. But to be honest. The books I sent were "disposable." They were meant as a test to see how MCS works, as I have never sold / cinsigned anything prior to them. They had no emotional value to me.

If you PM I'll tell you what she gave me and I'm sure you'll concur that I did well.

Great - sounds like you are on the path to getting the IH1
Post 246 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

Yeah my brother doesn't get why I want the hulk. I can't explain to him my reasons because they aren't logical. But my assumption was that if I didn't get it this year, It would never come.

Granted there is one key point I need to make. Until the book is in hand the deal isn't done yet. So I'm hoping for the best, but so far things seem to be falling in place...
Actually pure logic would seem to apply...take him first to the CGC census and show him the number of hulk 1's known to exist thus far, compared to amazing fantasy 15 for instance or a few other marvel silver grails.Then there is the point that if you buy an Amazing spiderman 1, you arent getting the first appearance of the character...a similar thing with Tales to astonish 27....where you get the man in the ant hill but he does not appear in costume till issue 34 or 35....well maybe Iron man then right? but wait...he first appears in Tales of Suspense for some 60 or so issues before you get an Iron Man 1.....then you have hulk 1...first appearance, and 1 of the title. also get introductions for...Thunderbolt Ross, Rick Jones, Dr. Banner, Betty Ross. Next thing to consider is we KNOW that the hulk will have to appear in the She Hulk series to provide the blood transfusion that will render her as the she hulk. It would seem likely that they might well use him in other potential plots or episodes as well.....and what happens if the multiverse movie gives us a glimpse of another hulk, or Marvel tosses out a trailer that the hulk will be in another movie or have his own? Finally you have the hulk, a central marvel character that had his own tv series for years. Hulk has been with us since 1962....before the x men..daredevil, stands to reason his first appearance is going to move fast and high
Post 247 IP   flag post
Collector Sebastsk8 private msg quote post Address this user
Curious, do we still have an active trade thread? I've been trying to trade some of the more recent keys I bought into a bigger book or more venom cates slabs, but reddit and fb groups are disappointing me big time 😬
Post 248 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Sebastsk8
Curious, do we still have an active trade thread? I've been trying to trade some of the more recent keys I bought into a bigger book or more venom cates slabs, but reddit and fb groups are disappointing me big time 😬
Are you in need of the Crain variant for #7 in a 9.8?
Post 249 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
If someone has a membership for “across the street”, do they still have to pay for graders notes per book?
Post 250 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

If you have membership notes are free. I have one if you need something looked up
Post 251 IP   flag post
Collector Sebastsk8 private msg quote post Address this user
@HeinzDad if you'd be up for a potential trade, that'd be a resounding yes lol
Post 252 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HeinzDad
If someone has a membership for “across the street”, do they still have to pay for graders notes per book?

I have a $199 dealer membership.

I renewed it for the almost sole purpose of the grader's note. Probably 75% of the books that I am interested in seeing the notes come up as Notes Unavailable. Also, after you check about five or six books, the web site cuts you off for an as yet determined amount of time for "safety" reasons. That can be circumvented by using a VPN. However, if you don't already have one, that is another expense and a pain in the ass.

I do not see myself renewing once this one expires.
Post 253 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Sebastsk8
@HeinzDad if you'd be up for a potential trade, that'd be a resounding yes lol
I have no interest in selling it but a trade could certainly happen. It’s the trade dress.
Post 254 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte, @DrWatson, thanks. It’s rare I can’t see why their books get the grades. I happen to have 2 that baffle me.
Post 255 IP   flag post
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