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Probably old news on here, but I finally saw Shang-Chi16238

The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
...and I want that 2 hours of my life back!
No way was that a Shang-Chi movie. Nothing to do with the original character!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Haljordanfan private msg quote post Address this user
🤮 I’m with you.
Post 2 IP   flag post
SpongeBob Comics #1 sells for $991! Joosh private msg quote post Address this user
I just watched it last week. I was also disappointed, and I don’t even know much about the comic character. It was all too predictable. I’m still hesitant to give Black Widow a chance
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Haljordanfan private msg quote post Address this user
BW was much better than this abomination
Post 4 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Haljordanfan
BW was much better than this abomination

While I agree, I did not hate BW, just thought it was nothing special.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector Haljordanfan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock
Originally Posted by Haljordanfan
BW was much better than this abomination

While I agree, I did not hate BW, just thought it was nothing special.

We’re on the same page my man.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
Can’t argue with how the Marvel movies have done though, as a group. Might just skip that one though.
Saw that this famous director, Jane Campion, has a movie out. Wasn’t really familiar with her so looked her up. Recently she was quoted as saying “I hate super hero movies, I really detest them” The irony of course is, she has Dr Strange as her lead in her movie.
Post 7 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I never read Shang-Chi but I enjoyed the movie well enough. The most disappointing part for me was the end-of-movie CGIfest, which is expected at this point but I would have much rather had a kung fu fight.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Well, that’s disappointing to read. I had high hopes for it. Was thinking I would watch it this weekend with my sons. But maybe we will just NHL binge instead.
Thanks for the heads up @SBorock
Post 9 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock
...and I want that 2 hours of my life back!
No way was that a Shang-Chi movie. Nothing to do with the original character!

My wife and I actually just saw this a couple of days ago on Disney+. With all the good press the movie seems to have gotten (98% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes???) we both just thought it was "eh." It wasn't terrible. It just wasn't good. I'm glad that I didn't pay to see it in the theater.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Joosh i don’t typically hop on bandwagons, but @sborock and @Haljordanfan are on the right track with Black Widow, it was very watchable, glad i saw it but not going to hit my top ten MCU list.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@Joosh i don’t typically hop on bandwagons, but @sborock and @Haljordanfan are on the right track with Black Widow, it was very watchable, glad i saw it but not going to hit my top ten MCU list.

Can't help but agree. Fun movie, I enjoyed it, as far as female-lead super-hero movies go it was better than most and makes the Top Five (can't have a Top Ten in this category - there aren't enough of them), but no way is it Top Ten MCU.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Looking for love in all the wrong places. robo private msg quote post Address this user
Off topic - & haven't seen Shang but seems so stale - but then again I tried to watch Cowboy last night. - And it's like I start thinking it's me. It's one after another... Swear, I enjoy stupid shit too. Am I maybe gaslighting myself? Not sure, I phrased that right but who cares - neither seems to warrant the energy of a critic. Or is this like what happened to westerns, film noir or 80's movies? I mean the nineties were coming for that one. Dunno? But wonder what the average run in years were for those genres? Could just be Rome falling. Cheers - They had violins back then!? I thought I heard the emperor played a violin while it burned - sounds like BS - okay, looked it up and looks like a harp to me. But what do I know? They call that a fiddle.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
@robo You really aren't off-topic on your assessment. Westerns are considered a "dead genre" now, but that wasn't the case for decades. There have been some westerns, or at least western-stylings that have come back but for the most part, gone are the days of black hat vs white hat, revisionist, spaghetti and foreign (Outback or African desert) westerns. It took 50+ years for the genre to die whereas the glut of superhero/comic book media is coming out at a pace that almost seems unsustainable at times. Every film is essentially the same when you break them down, so it depends on the little quirks and nuances that the directors and writers intend to set them apart. I haven't seen Eternals or Shang Chi yet. The people I've talked to Shang Chi about say that while they were entertained, it has nothing to do with the comic character. With content being produced for streaming, broadcast tv, film, print media, and video games, when does the genre take a downturn? I don't fault Disney or WB or whoever for milking the cash cow for all it is worth. At some point, the genre will take a downturn but I don't know if it is in the next couple of years. I have little excitement for any of what I've seen coming out except for Spider-Man. I'm in zero hurry to consume any of the newer Marvel content. It's pretty much all becoming the same to me.
Post 14 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DWeeB1967
(98% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes???)

Once there are enough reviews, if I'm checking rotten tomatoes I always look for the average score over the fresh/audience score. Those are basically yes/no averages, so it just means 92% of reviewers and 98% of watchers thought it was not bad. If you click on the percentage on the page it gives you a pop-up where you can see average ratings. For Shang-Chi the reviewer average is 7.5 out of 10, so a perfectly decent movie. The audience average score is a 4.8 out of 5, which is still awfully high.

Compare with something a little more questionable, like Superman Vs Batman. A 29% fresh score is terrible! But the average reviewer score is actually 5 out of 10; the movie is probably ok. It isn't "worst movie ever" status. The audience score is 63% with a 3.5 out of 5 star average; same deal.

All of which is to say that high and low rotten tomato scores are sometimes hiding the fact that a movie is actually in the FN to VF range.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk - umph - I had forgotten about S v B and how bad it was. Thanks a lot it just hit my memory bank again.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
I enjoyed Shang-Chi. My family liked it. And we were happy to see that everyone from Crazy Rich Asians is still getting work.
Post 17 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator it wasn't bad, it was mediocre!
Post 18 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk - So choppy and disjointed.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector ERB_in_CLT private msg quote post Address this user
I thought it was enjoyable enough, but not at all dissimilar from many of the Marvel origin stories before it?
Post 20 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
I thought it was alright, but I'm in agreement with everyone who said it has nothing to do with the actual comic book character, aside from having the same name. For me, though, the real eye-roller was the overly CGI'd climactic battle at the end. Would have been so nice to just have a good, old-fashioned martial arts free-for-all.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector Hexigore private msg quote post Address this user
This was a joke, right? Just watched it. WtF? This was such a dishonor to the actual hero. I gave it an honest shot and it was so lacking. The best part came after the credits. Glad I only paid Redbox price for it. 🙄
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
I just saw it too. It was a lazy movie to get Shang-Chi into the MCU, just a throw away effort. The usual Disney mixed with Marvel I hope does not become the norm.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector Puckster private msg quote post Address this user
Being one who knows almost nothing about the character, I'll say it was okay. Not the worst but could have been much better. Same with Black Widow, which I did like more.
Post 24 IP   flag post
How do I know this? Because I've done it myself. lawguy1977 private msg quote post Address this user
I guess I'm in the minority, but it's one of my favorites from the MCU. I never read any Shang-Chi comics so can't say how it compares to the comics, but I (and my son) loved it. Saw it in the theater and it's been on repeat in my house on Disney+. Thought Tony Leung as Wenwu was one of the best villains since Thanos and Killmonger, and I liked the balance of humor and action.

But if you want me to discuss my hatred for the snore-fest known as Eternals, I'm happy to do so.
Post 25 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
A couple of the earlier fights got my hopes up that we might get some exciting martial arts sequences (bus-fight and scaffolding-fight showed promise. Cage-fight was the definition of 'meh'), but all hope was lost when we waded into the almost comedically over-done finale. One thing I really did appreciate, though, was the filmmakers' assumption that the people watching the movie were intelligent and literate. Filmmakers usually bend over backwards to avoid putting sub-titles in movies intended for a western (especially American) audience because a lot (a LOT) of viewers can't be bothered with that. Not only was the movie loaded with sub-titles, but the language was Chinese, which is rarely spoken in the west, where folks are at least a little bit more tolerant of widely-spoken western languages like Spanish or French. It was a bold move, and I will give Shang-Chi points for that.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by lawguy1977
Tony Leung as Wenwu was one of the best villains since Thanos and Killmonger
I have to agree. He had depth and Tony Leung gave us a great performance (well, duh). He was also a tragic figure in that his downfall was not because he succumbed to the promise of power or money or vengeance, but because he loved his late wife. He didn't have that little tinge of petulance that both Thanos and Killmonger had.
Post 27 IP   flag post
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