Loooong Term Future...name a book and discuss16169
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@TellEmSteveDave Miles will be around for a long time. Lots of them slabbed but the character has staying power. My entry into all of this is Web of Spider-Man 36. It is the first appearance of Tombstone. Raw copies in very good shape can be had for less than 30.00. There are less than 600 of the book on the CGC census. ![]() I believe that at some point, Tombstone is going to show up and have a big role in either the streaming Daredevil/Punisher series, or in a Spider-Man movie. If Miles Morales gets a live movie he would be a great fit to be a bad guy. He was in the Multi-Verse movie. You can tie in Robbie and the Daily Bugle into the story too without getting Disney mad at Sony. |
Post 26 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@TellEmSteveDave those will likely fall “long term” To elaborate - high print run in the modern era with high preservation rate equals literally tens of thousands 9.6+ grades out there and maybe 100k copies that will grade out 8+… no scarcity but lots of recent trend… so likely to suffer the same fate as 90s stars that spiked and then faded away. |
Post 27 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater your definition of long-term seems different than mine. I assume 10+ years and even that is “short” long-term. Census numbers mean squat for recent books at those price points. |
Post 28 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Davethebrave Miles is going to be around for a long time. Sony hit the jackpot with the character and the rumor is that a live movie is in the beginning stages of development. Add in the fact, that Miles isn't a retread of Peter Parker. Also add in that children know who he is and like him. Throw that all together and you get magic. My son who is 8 and all his friends dig Miles. They were introduced to him via the Spider-Verse movie. They are going to get another dose of him next year in the follow-up movie. So, I'm going to bet the exact opposite of the way you are leaning in your post. My long term is about 10 years. My son is 8. I see him leaving comics around then. I'll be out at the lake storing his collection for his return to the hobby in his 30-40's. He'll return looking for something to relive all those good memories. Miles will be there just like he will be there for a lot of other middle-age dudes. Kind of like the late 80's and early 90's OA is there for many of the people now who were reading comics then. Why else would those pages be exploding in price? Older collectors have scoffed at most of those artist for years. They aren't buying it. |
Post 29 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater I didn’t doubt the character. I doubt the value. The value being ascribed to that issue is far too high. It will drop. |
Post 30 IP flag post |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Davethebrave It's true, 600 can become 6000 very quickly when a book rises in value. |
Post 31 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Davethebrave We look at it differently. Just like our opinions on the the Stan Lee signed/Frank Miller sketched Daredevil book. | ||
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doog private msg quote post Address this user | |
I have very few moderns but the Ultimate Fallout 4 is already such an iconic cover that regardless of number of issues, it should stay near the top of the modern game. I was blissfully unaware of the other three but based on the descriptions, they would all go in the “buy and hold for years” box, and I would not care too much if I accidentally overpaid. Thanks for the info, love the forum, now I will see if I happen to any any of the 3. Thanks to the forum I also have a Veronica 28 to hunt down. |
Post 33 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@EbayMafia If you find what you think is a 9.8 copy of Web of Spider-Man 36 please send me a PM. The cover and the back cover color combination have made that a very hard raw copy for me to come up with at that grade. | ||
Post 34 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
I can see the confusion when I said “fade”… I meant pricing for the issues… not the characters. Sorry. | ||
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xkonk private msg quote post Address this user | |
I think first Miles will be worthwhile whether we're talking 10 or 30 years. I know there are tons of copies since it's a modern book, but that doesn't slow down Hulk 181 or NM 98. When a character hits the big time in the general public, they're going to maintain value. I feel less certain about the variant but that's probably my general disdain toward the value of variants. I can't think of a particular reason it would lose value unless Miles does in general. That same reasoning tells me that Tombstone doesn't have the same potential. The issue would certainly pop if he shows up in a show or movie, but villains don't seem to hold the same appeal or maintain value. There are exceptions but I don't see Tombstone being one of them. |
Post 36 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater there are dozens on ebay at the moment… just buy all of them. Should be a 9.8 in the bunch. Rest will go up in value anyways ;-) |
Post 37 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
The way people talk about books that went up continuing to go up with certainty despite massive supply (IH181) is why these bubbles exist and persist. | ||
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Davethebrave I've looked over the raw copies of Web of Spider-Man 36 on eBay and haven't found one that I would consider a candidate to come back as a 9.8. I did notice that a Miller cgc slabbed sketch book sold for 2399.99 on 11-5-21 though. ![]() |
Post 39 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater I don’t see the relevance. Sketches are all unique and individual - but nice non seq… The examples you referenced last time were sketched and inked. I don’t care to check your other reference but if you need someone to say you were right… That isn’t going to be me lol! Psyche! |
Post 40 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Davethebrave The book that sold on 11-5-21 for 2399.99 was sketched and inked. I guess my comparison of apples to apples instead of limes threw you off. ![]() |
Post 41 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater the ones I said -weren’t- worth as much weren’t inked.. apples and limes indeed ;-) | ||
Post 42 IP flag post |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Towmater @Towmater you had said there are less than 600 copies on the census. I said that could quickly become 6000, but I thought you were talking about total copies, not jut 9.8. I agree, there will not be 6000 9.8's on the census. I pulled a copy from the Wayback box and with a press and clean it got 9.6. |
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BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Sunvox I tend to agree with @Sunvox on the casper book. I think its innocence's will be lost on any future generations. Im also not a fan of the ever growing Pedigrees that seem to be nothing more than vehicles used to inflate prices IMHO. I would in no way shape or form give any kind of premium for the "pedigree" listed on the book. While it is indeed a First appearance, with the lack of any writer or profound artists listed on the CGC label, Im hard pressed with it being labeled as a "Major Key". Aside from its Golden Age rarity, another generation or two removed makes this a tough sell IMO. I believe any profit to be made on this book needs to be done in the shorter term before the generation who grew up with Casper is gone. Kind of like what happened with the "Western Generation" of the Fifties. I apologize for my negativity here, just my opinion. Aside from the top tier heroes and characters with a sustained cultural presents, I believe the comic book industry as a whole will substantially decline. |
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Sunvox private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Towmater I apologize for my negativity, but this is a perfect example of what, in my opinion, will have zero long term value. By long term I mean long after you and I are dead. So . . . it could be a good investment in our lifetime; just not in your Great-grandchlidren's lifetime. |
Post 45 IP flag post |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Sunvox You don't have to apologize for disagreeing. But there are plenty of examples of 50 year old books that introduce a minor villain and have decent value today. Daredevil 131 comes to mind with Bullseye. Maybe not 50 years old, probably 45. |
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xkonk private msg quote post Address this user | |
I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I would put Bullseye above minor villain. He isn't a Magneto or Joker, but he's certainly above a Tombstone. He's like a Sabretooth; not thematically awesome enough to be a marquee villain but has enough cache to resonate. | ||
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
ufo and dinosaur covers are timeless and always appear to move up...take the run of , Star Spangled war stories from issue 90 up to maybe 140...early silver, DC and extremely hard to find in higher grades ...solid gold. And people have always loved dinosaurs vs army men and likely always will. Ufo things are again coming into vogue with the navy footage and so forth....making those older ufo covers and themed books much hotter and many go back to the golden age or late silver ... |
Post 48 IP flag post |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by xkonk I agree, but it wasn't always this way. My point is that we can't assume that Tombstone will be irrelevant 20-30 years from now. Black Adam was irrelevant for probably more than 50 years. Guardians of the Galaxy probably 40 years or more. |
Post 49 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
@EbayMafia but the supply side is completely different. Especially the preservation part. So even if there is a character renaissance the supply side will limit values. Of course not as applicable in today’s irrationally exuberant market, but in any normal market, supply matters. |
Post 50 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
All the slabbing today and careful storage generally + better production quality means the inherent collectible value of all but the most limited print runs will be… limited. In place of true scarcity we have this absurd sub-division of grades of books that have been produced in the past 10 years… that silliness is the exact same type of silliness as the early 90s baseball card and comic collector market. Go see what some 80s and 90s rookie cards returned over the past 25 years… negative returns. |
Post 51 IP flag post |
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doog private msg quote post Address this user | |
Here is one I have coming. The rumor is the Black Knight will replace Captain America as the leader of the Avengers in the MCU. Total conjecture. I suspect the silver age Avengers 48 will wind up more valuable than this one long term should that happen, but who knows? I do see the character as speculation worthy. ![]() |
Post 52 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
It might be just the current market, but the preserved supply doesn't seem to be effecting the values of 80's and 90's books like Spider-Man 300 and New Mutants 98. On the minor vs. major character comments, people tend to forget that Deadpool was a character that nobody cared about for years. When he came out the comic world was set ablaze by a character named the Punisher. Over time Deadpool's popularity went up and Frank's has waned. For that matter, the Image characters were certainly more popular than Deadpool or any other character the Big 2 produced at a given moment in time. I don't think that many people get ramped up about finding a raw WildCats #1 in 9.8 shape these days. Every market has changing tastes. @Sunvox We define long term differently. I'm looking at a 10+- year period until my son leaves the hobby. In looking at how you define it you may be 100% correct. @doog Won't the values be effect by which Black Knight takes over Cap's spot? In the copy you provided Sir Percy is the Black Knight. In Avengers 47, Dane Whitman is the Black Knight. |
Post 53 IP flag post |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
Deadpool was popular at release and, yes, it is just today’s market. Same market where books released in the past 24 months trade at big multiples of cover. |
Post 54 IP flag post |
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esaravo private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by EbayMafia I don’t think you can go wrong with EC books, especially the horror and science fiction titles. I absolutely love that cover, and have bid on a few over the years (but sadly never won). I did win the book below in an auction a few years ago. It was raw and not high grade, which made it affordable! I do think higher grade copies will show better gains over time, but how can you go wrong with anything Frazetta? ![]() |
Post 55 IP flag post |
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