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I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom

I’ve learned that sadly you’re only going to get two types of feedback on this forum. The vast majority of the posts will be people expressing their similar frustrations and confusion, while a small subset of people with 10k plus posts vehemently defending the status quo and telling you that it’s your fault for not setting your expectations lower than what’s advertised on the website, it’s your fault for not understanding the current market, and there’s no way, no how, not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Any suggestions against the status quo will be deemed stupid, impossible and/or bad for future business despite other grading companies doing similar things. Unless you, yourself own a grading company you’re not allowed to criticize or offer suggestions for improvement. You are not a customer here paying hundreds of dollars for a service, you’re merely an servant to the comic gods and just be thankful your paper treasures can one day be blessed by their gracious touch.

Holy crap!!! A forum newb finally gets it!! 😉 🍻

We're all in this together.
Post 976 IP   flag post
Collector Trixster private msg quote post Address this user
Still waiting on my 3 submissions.

3/30 all modern, half of which were pressed notified on 11/4 in grading (now at 35 weeks)
5/27 all modern, no press moved, invoice updated to grading about 10/6 (now at 27 weeks)
6/29 modern, expanded, and quickstream still at received (now at 22 weeks)

TATS at 3/30 I think were at 16 and 16, and when the 5/27 went to grading TAT was at 19 weeks.

For those who are concerned about their orders changing to received, that is when your card is charged and that free loan starts while your books wait in the queue so maybe it is better to be delayed. Maybe the interest they could make pays for storage fees? Actually delaying charging you for your order speaks well for the company.

As for status updates on orders, I would prefer to see what range of submitted orders are starting or finishing at the various stages of the process. With updates 2 to 4 times a month. Based on grading tier. For example:
Grading - Modern 7/7/21 to 8/15/21
Grading - Expanded 7/10/21 to 8/20/21
Labels - Modern 6/25/21 to 7/15/21.
And so the only updates would be received, date your pressed orders entered the grading queue, and the equivalent submission date for Fast Pass/Press orders so you figure out where they are at. If you have multiple tiers in your submission you would assume that your order is in the one that is the slowest. Unless your order is lagging behind (or lost) this would eliminate a lot of questions about where your specific order is in the process and how long are the stages taking.
Post 977 IP   flag post
Collector timberghost private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
Originally Posted by timberghost
Originally Posted by Scifinator
Originally Posted by timberghost
well I stand corrected again, dash board says grading but invoice says labels??/
anybody have this happen and which one would be correct???

@timberghost - Yes. Again, in typical times, many will not even see "Labels" on the invoice. And again, the external Dashboard which we see isn't being updated on a timely basis. Labels suggests that your comics have been graded and are somewhere between, Labels, QC, Encapsulation, Shipping, etc. As has been previously mentioned, this zone is one of the bottleneck areas.

man and I thought press to grade was the bottle neck, lol. It s all good as long as I see that they are some signs of life I'm fine. It was the 9 months of black out that had me frustrated, as i'm sure anyone would be, except for the ones that wanted to stone me just for being frustrated and taking 2 minutes of the big guys time acting like it takes him 23 days to read an email. In the military those kind of people usually ended up taking friendly fire, lol. but seriously thank you for always having positive input and helping us newbies understand the process even under these exceptional times. I can't wait to get my holy grail back graded and framed for the wall. peace.

@timberghost - I understand the frustration…on both sides. One needs to look no further than my Moderated assigned moniker to see that I have been on your side of the table. This forum was very helpful to me in understanding what was occurring and what to expect. I additionally read past posts to get a feel for how to wade past what i had seen from my first couple of test runs of one comic and a doz comic submissions to the 3,000 comic SDCC submission with no paperwork. That was some faith on the line.

And so while i for one have attempted to help newer submitters/forum posters understand what was going on I nonetheless got frustrated when i saw continued and repeated grousing, by some of the same posters, at the same things that that had already been addressed.

So in keeping with the military theme I, being a former sailor, admit and apologize for the shots across the bow that I leveled.

Cheers to you and all the forum posters. Be well. And be patient as I have will be.
hey bro, it's all good. At least I'm seeing some life on dashboard and invoice. No hard feelings what so ever brother. You do what you do. It'll all work out, I just know this isn't normal and one day they will get back to the normal routine. Thanks and peace.
Post 978 IP   flag post
Collector Fads89 private msg quote post Address this user
Go Navy, baby!
Post 979 IP   flag post
I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Oct 14 Submission. Processed and moving into Pressing today 12/3
Post 980 IP   flag post

Collector Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JustinMabooty

They couldn't predict it but their main competitor was able to keep their TATs accurate. When said competitor significantly increased their TAT, I decided to try CBCS. It's now 7-8 weeks past the original TAT and still in "labels". If I subbed to their competitor, I would have them back by now.

From my first hand experience....Said competitor's QC is in the toilet right now with their new rapid turnaround method.

I'd rather wait longer and ensure the service I'm paying for is carried out accurately.
Post 981 IP   flag post
Collector Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HeinzDad
Originally Posted by Supertom
Originally Posted by HeinzDad
Hair is harmless, especially 1. You ever see where a tater grows???

Based on your name I’m going to assume you’re in the Ketchup business and therefor directly tied to the success of potatoes farmers! You won’t fool me potato shill! 😉
No on the Catsup business.... Yes on the well played sir!!!

I always assumed the dog's name was Heinz.
Post 982 IP   flag post
I'm a McNugget guzzler. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Paulbg2000
Originally Posted by HeinzDad
Originally Posted by Supertom
Originally Posted by HeinzDad
Hair is harmless, especially 1. You ever see where a tater grows???

Based on your name I’m going to assume you’re in the Ketchup business and therefor directly tied to the success of potatoes farmers! You won’t fool me potato shill! 😉
No on the Catsup business.... Yes on the well played sir!!!

I always assumed the dog's name was Heinz.
Heinz Smash is his name on his papers.
Post 983 IP   flag post
Collector Adam private msg quote post Address this user
Sent in a book for pressing and grading which says received May 4th. Just says processing. No one from CBCS has responded to my emails and a woman I spoke to said she'd get back to me with an update on Monday. Nothing. Unreal experience so far.
Post 984 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
@Adam try going into your dashboard and clicking on the order #. It should give you more info. If not you can click on the invoice, which may also be updated.

On my order it says grading. When I click on the invoice it says labels, so my comics have already been graded and are in the queue for labels/encapsulation. I hope yours is updated.

You're likely only done with pressing at this point based on the turnaround times and still have several months to wait before the comics are graded, which has a separate turnaround time from pressing.

Post 985 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
I took a closer look at my invoice and it lists 8 comics out of the 80 I submitted for a 9.8 grade screen as rejected. There are no actually grades yet since it just entered labels and the dashboard won't update until they are ready for pickup. But, based on how my past invoices have looked I think 72/80 hit the 9.8 mark and I'm still hoping for my first 9.9.
Post 986 IP   flag post
Collector PhantomStranger271 private msg quote post Address this user
@flanders I hope you get your first 9.9 too. I don't know what to expect from mine.
Post 987 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
My order received around June 30th popped up as "labels" last week. Wasn't checking every day so not sure when, but was still in "submitted" the prior week.
Post 988 IP   flag post
Collector Adam private msg quote post Address this user
@flanders Nope. Stuck at May 4th processing. No one responds to emails and no one returns my calls.

Post 989 IP   flag post
Collector tylerindo private msg quote post Address this user
Sept 18 submission. Still not in the system. Did they lose my books?
Post 990 IP   flag post
Collector crashco private msg quote post Address this user
4 months and counting on a 2-day Modern with signature verification. One comic. No pressing. No response to emails, no help over the phone. Not sure how anybody can defend CBCS. Customer service matters.
Post 991 IP   flag post
Collector JDang private msg quote post Address this user

I’m at 2 months and still just says “Submitted”. Emailed them 2-3 weeks ago and have gotten no reply either. I get they’re busy but you need to respond to customers.
Post 992 IP   flag post
Collector Comjon private msg quote post Address this user
I agree
Post 993 IP   flag post
Collector GeekStoxx private msg quote post Address this user
I've submitted this (20-3F259AD) in NOVEMBER 2020. Still awaiting to be shipped back to Canada office. I wanted to have it re-directed to my address, to no avail. Not sure what the holdup is? It's been on Ship To Canada for over a month.

Help, anyone?!
Post 994 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Adam
@flanders Nope. Stuck at May 4th processing. No one responds to emails and no one returns my calls.

Do you see in your screenshot where it says Invoice? Click on that. Your status is on the invoice (upper right quadrant).
Post 995 IP   flag post
Collector Adam private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC Nope, same as processing. It's been there for nearly 8 months and she said it should be done within the year. I called to have the book returned. We will see if they honor the request. This is unacceptable from any company. Nearly two years to have a comic graded?
Post 996 IP   flag post
Collector PixelPanda144 private msg quote post Address this user
I just got an email that my submission of 3 books at NYCC on 10/10 shows as received and is processing!
Post 997 IP   flag post
Collector JDang private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelpanda, that gives me hope. I turned in one that day. Just checked, though, and it still just says "Submitted."
Post 998 IP   flag post
Collector cwazywabbit private msg quote post Address this user
When I decided to send 25 books to CBCS in April, the TATs set up the expectation they'd be back before the end of the year. There's no way I'm submitting more until I get back my 2 submissions and this crazy TAT has become reasonable.

I know it wouldn't stop people really bent on submitting 100s of comics at once, but maybe placing a temporary max # of books at one time per account would deter a lot of it until the backlog is under control. I'd rather be limited to sending in 5 books at once (and getting them back in a few months at most) than be able to send in 25 and have to wait a year.
Post 999 IP   flag post
618083 999 24