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Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte, @Cardzguy is on the right track. 100 days for cgc is business days. The estimated TAT for CBCS is actual weeks. Though, I would suggest that the last Thanksgiving and the last week of the year would likely add 1/2 to 1 week to the estimated TAT.

@Nearmint67 - With the estimated TAT's for the lower tiers at 17 to 19 weeks, adding two weeks for delivery back & forth plus the yearend holidays coming, I might think beginning March to mid March.
Post 426 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@jibautolycus I'm going to be in the same boat. I'm moving in February and at their current rate I'll be lucky to see my books by March or April. I haven't gotten an email response in over a month and I'm going on 8 weeks since they've supposedly been delivered, so I don't know what to do.

@Nearmint67 I wouldn't count on any estimates right now. Most people here are experiencing 8-10 weeks before books are even checked in, and another 20+ weeks in processing, and 8+ weeks in labels. So whatever estimate TATs are on the site are pure fiction at this point. Regular modern tier submissions could be held indefinitely if people keep submitting fast pass or 2-day moderns.

Beckett and most other card grading sites shut down their lower tier services. How high do TATs need to be for CBCS to do the same? 32 weeks? 52?
Post 427 IP   flag post
Collector Silversorrow private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@jibautolycus I'm going to be in the same boat. I'm moving in February and at their current rate I'll be lucky to see my books by March or April. I haven't gotten an email response in over a month and I'm going on 8 weeks since they've supposedly been delivered, so I don't know what to do.

I have about 30 comics I would like to send in right now but am holding off as I am in the military and may be getting posted next summer. If changing my address on the invoice is as hard as adding pressing once submitted, I have no faith in them to actually make the change even if they say they did. This kind of limits me to submitting only in the spring when I find out if I'm posted or not every year. As any other time during the year I cannot take the risk of them taking too long to come back and me having been posted in the meantime.
Post 428 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@Nearmint67 I wouldn't count on any estimates right now. Most people here are experiencing 8-10 weeks before books are even checked in, and another 20 weeks in processing, and 8 weeks in labels. So whatever estimate TATs are on the site are pure fiction at this point. Regular modern tier submissions could be held indefinitely if people keep submitting fast pass or 2-day moderns.

@supertom - That's some fake news hyperbole there. While the modern, expanded, and consumer estimated TAT's may exceed 17-19 weeks it is definitely not taking 36-38 weeks.
Post 429 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator No. No. I know you really want to make me out as some troll but I’m just actually reading the posts on the last few pages of this forum.

@xtraplayer Said as of 5 days ago his March order is being slabbed. 30-34 weeks and counting.

@TheMadTitan Stated his books were received on May 5th. Even assuming he means delivered, that’s 22 weeks and counting.

@Spidey62 22 weeks and counting not including time to mark books as received

@timberghost is at 28 weeks and counting

@Nearmint67 23 weeks and counting plus time it took to mark as “received”.

If anyone who’s actually received their books back can please tell me what their actual TAT was I’ll gladly eat my words. But going off the available information they’re nowhere near 17-19 weeks.
Post 430 IP   flag post

Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Supertom - You are still Fake Newsing. Submissions that have pressing are going to add 16 - 19 weeks to the TAT unless one opted for fast pass which would knock those numbers by half. And submissions that were sent in for signing, as mentioned before will add several weeks to several months depending upon when the signer sends back to CBCS for grading and possible pressing.
Post 431 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
I don't know.....

Yes..TATs are longer than they used to takes a while to receive the books and yes pressing or signature event or signature verification all add time to the process....but then the other guys aren't in a much better position and the last I checked no one is forcing us to send books in yes?

Oh...want to grade them for pass?? or sell raw - some auction houses the raw books go for almost the same as the similarly graded book!

Am I holing off - I have been...but right now the biggest thing is trying to decide what to send for PC vs what to send and have picked up by MCS

Damned if you do, damned if you don't...
Post 432 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator Most of those examples specifically stated, no press, no sig. But hey, maybe they’re lying or I read it wrong.

But anyway, did you guys know that QAnon is actually behind all of this? They highjacked the collectors market and took control of the auction houses to artificially inflate prices and launder money all to distract us while they enslave our children! This is 100% facts people.
Post 433 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@KatKomics You’re very right, in the end it’s a choice to send the books in and like the bad dude at the end of Last Crusade, I chose… poorly.

I would have zero complaints if the TATs posted were at least somewhat accurate. Their pricing page still shows them as 4-6 weeks. Ha!!
Post 434 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@Scifinator Most of those examples specifically stated, no press, no sig. But hey, maybe they’re lying or I read it wrong.

But anyway, did you guys know that QAnon is actually behind all of this? They highjacked the collectors market and took control of the auction houses to artificially inflate prices and launder money all to distract us while they enslave our children! This is 100% facts people.

What I love is that collectors in the US will now get dinged for sales over $600 even if they aren't running a business - just selling personal belongings

When at the same time it was noted that there were so few Americans listed as part of the Panama papers because tax laws are so lax in the US that there is really no incentive to hide funds offshore since they can pay almost nothing at home anyway!!! wrote the laws...immoral 100%
Post 435 IP   flag post
Collector Bobashek private msg quote post Address this user
Tomorrow marks 17 weeks for me. No updates on invoice or dashboard. No pressing and one signature verification.
Post 436 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@Scifinator Most of those examples specifically stated, no press, no sig. But hey, maybe they’re lying or I read it wrong

The issue is you made a claim that orders are taking 36-38 weeks. Only one of the examples you gave is over 30 weeks. One is close at 28 weeks, and one example wasn’t giving his actual wait, just an incorrect calculation of what he expects his wait time to be.

Leaving the rest of your examples in the 22-23 week “and counting” mark. Sure there is a possibility that they could take another three months to complete, and I am aware that some orders may slip through the cracks and take much longer to complete, but nothing you have shown suggests that 36-38 weeks is what most people are experiencing or should plan to expect

I have received two orders back after the flood so far. One received by CBCS in March and another received in April and both were around 19-20 weeks. Granted these were earlier after the rush had began and I would imagine turnarounds might have slipped further since then but I highly doubt it’s doubled to the 36-38 week figure you have quoted
Post 437 IP   flag post
Collector EvolutionOfEvil private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Buckets
It no longer matters when the books are received when the estimated time frame keeps shifting. My order was received/posted April 20th and is now on its 26th week, up from its original 17+ 1 week for VSP. It may take another 5-10 weeks to be completed or be completed tomorrow, but it no longer matters when CBCS received my order.

I'm in the exact same boat as you except mine were received on the 23rd instead of the 20th...otherwise it's the same. Modern + VSP (no press). Approaching 25 weeks, it's getting crazy.
Post 438 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@supertom - Also, I forgot to mention, the TAT's for Canadian customers (like @xtraplayer & @timpberghost) take weeks and months beyond that of US customers due to the border/pandemic issues. I I could be mistaking but @Nearmint97 was an Al Ewing signing. Don't recall about the other examples, but, nuffsaid.
Post 439 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@Scifinator No. No. I know you really want to make me out as some troll but I’m just actually reading the posts on the last few pages of this forum.

@xtraplayer Said as of 5 days ago his March order is being slabbed. 30-34 weeks and counting.

@TheMadTitan Stated his books were received on May 5th. Even assuming he means delivered, that’s 22 weeks and counting.

@Spidey62 22 weeks and counting not including time to mark books as received

@timberghost is at 28 weeks and counting

@Nearmint67 23 weeks and counting plus time it took to mark as “received”.

If anyone who’s actually received their books back can please tell me what their actual TAT was I’ll gladly eat my words. But going off the available information they’re nowhere near 17-19 weeks.
Post 440 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
My order was received on 02/06/21. I have had ZERO response from customer service. 32 weeks does sound like a minimum at this point, especially since my order has no updates. Stop taking submissions and get caught up or at least be honest about TAT. This is ridiculous.
Post 441 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@jwhite2737 - was your submission sent in for either a signing pressing or does it have pressing service?
Post 442 IP   flag post
Collector Gwenlocke_Variant private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jwhite2737
My order was received on 02/06/21. I have had ZERO response from customer service. 32 weeks does sound like a minimum at this point, especially since my order has no updates. Stop taking submissions and get caught up or at least be honest about TAT. This is ridiculous.

mines was sent on 03/14/21 i have included pressing and mines still on processing status. did you have yours with pressing also? i dont remember my last submission talking this long. ive contacted cbcs through email and have not had any reply. keep me posted when you get yours back.

Post 443 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom

If anyone who’s actually received their books back can please tell me what their actual TAT was I’ll gladly eat my words.

@supertom - I seriously doubt that most people who have received their comics back will frequent the TAT thread, but since you asked, while i have several submissions that were received between by CBCS between May 24th and September (most all with Press as part of the submission) there was one submission I sent in towards the end of April with straight grading and no press. It shipped back to on August 13th, so it was 16 weeks from the time CBCS received.

Now the other submissions that I sent in after that, some or all may take longer than the Estimated TAT that is posted atop the main page. I say, ok, Fine. As long as CBCS is a good steward of my comics while in their possession and they come back with accurate grades, i am good. Some are going to be sold and some are going to be for PC. Were i most concerned with TAT I would have made different choices.
Post 444 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Gwenlocke_Variant

mines was sent on 03/14/21 i have included pressing and mines still on processing status. did you have yours with pressing also? i dont remember my last submission talking this long. ive contacted cbcs through email and have not had any reply. keep me posted when you get yours back.


@Gwenlocke_Variant if your submission was modern only the mos recent estimate is 19 weeks pressing + 17 weeks grading so 36 weeks if you had any consumer or expanded, add another 2 weeks.

CBCS got slammed with a much greater amount of submissions due to a combo of massive comic speculation sales and cgc having their own backlog problems and then increasing their prices.

CBCS will get you comics back soon as parr of their issue is in the post grading zone from labels to shipping and they have made some hires which should help address that. Also, in the pressing thread, looks indication is that your comics should have already been pressed a while ago so you may also be done with grading abd be shipped soon would be my guess.

Post 445 IP   flag post
Collector xtraplayer private msg quote post Address this user
My books from March went from Grading to Shipped today !
Post 446 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@xtraplayer Yay!! here's hoping mine are next out of the door.
Post 447 IP   flag post
Collector Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user
Sent in on March 27th...I've been sitting in labels for a few weeks now. Anyone know what the current ETA on labels is?
Post 448 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@Paulbg2000 I would love to know
Post 449 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite You're right. I'm purely basing my speculation on 2 factors. The current 8-10 week time it's taking to mark books as "received", and the many posts that are claiming +/- 20 weeks in the "Processing" and/or "Grading" stage. The unknowns are how long it takes to move from "Received" to "Process", or how long they sit in "Labels" or the various other stages. I obviously don't know all the details of each person's submission or if the Canadian members are including the time it takes for Mounties to hand deliver their submission via horseback. Based on the information available, and talking about late summer to present submissions, I don't think 36-38 weeks is any more hyperbolic or "fake newsie" than assuming everything is on schedule.

You posted that one of your May submissions has yet to even be marked as "Received". Is that still the case?

All this ranting is because there's just far too much uncertainty. I honestly hope I'm proven wrong here. If I'm wrong, I'll get my books back mid December. If I'm right then all I get is a virtual "I told you so". I'd much rather have my books.
Post 450 IP   flag post
Collector Cardzguy private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator I have a modern submission at CBCS. No Pressing, No Cleaning, No Labels. Delivered 27 weeks ago, received into their system and paid 22 weeks ago, that is still in "Processing". If, as people say, once it moves to next step is 10 weeks, then this will make total time after they received it at 32-37 weeks, depending on how you look at receive date. That is also IF they move it today. No answers to email, no resolutions from phone calls. Also, I am in USA, not Canada.
Post 451 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Cardzguy
@Scifinator I have a modern submission at CBCS. No Pressing, No Cleaning, No Labels. Delivered 27 weeks ago, received into their system and paid 22 weeks ago, that is still in "Processing". If, as people say, once it moves to next step is 10 weeks, then this will make total time after they received it at 32-37 weeks, depending on how you look at receive date. That is also IF they move it today. No answers to email, no resolutions from phone calls.

@Cardzguy - Good info, thanks for the details. So your is definitely on the wrong side of the estimated TAT. That said, there is no constant right now when it comes to the updating of the dashboard. We all have to remember, that that is the area that CBCS appears to be putting sacrificing while concentrating on the backlog. I have personally seen on many occasions that "Grading, Labels, QC, Encasement, and "Shipping" has been updated within a couple of days and even a couple of hours on some submissions. Obviously that is not what is occuring behind the scenes, it just happens to be when the date gets entered into the external dashboard for us to see.

Here is hoping that you see something similar with your submission and get it back in the next week or so.
Post 452 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bobashek
Tomorrow marks 17 weeks for me. No updates on invoice or dashboard. No pressing and one signature verification.

@Bobashek - Was your VSP submission sent in before, after, or the same time as your separate Pressing submission that CBCS received/checked-in on June 20th? Your orders may end up being good indicators for me as I had been sending submissions in each month since April.

Thanks for the info.
Post 453 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Paulbg2000
Sent in on March 27th...I've been sitting in labels for a few weeks now. Anyone know what the current ETA on labels is?

gonna say...long??

I have an order form Feb that has been in labels for a while too!

Apparently my March order is done pressing (no official update though other than comment from our press master!)

April and May???
Post 454 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@jwhite2737 - was your submission sent in for either a signing pressing or does it have pressing service?
Post 455 IP   flag post
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