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Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@EbayMafia Ah, if only we could we all strive to function as well as the USPS. Not obsessing, I just enjoy the thought experiment and hearing other perspectives. I think we've all acknowledged that the current model is frustrating at best. If we all just sit back and except the status quo then nothing will ever change.
Post 351 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@Supertom The problem with these ideas is, as you think them through completely, you eventually realize that the best business decision is to just eliminate the lower priced Modern tier. I mean if you are predicting long wait times far enough into the future to warrant a complete overhaul, why not just eliminate the low profit tiers and reduce the backlogs? Profit is not based on how much comes in the front door, it's based on how much can go out the back door.
Post 352 IP   flag post
Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
@Supertom The problem with these ideas is, as you think them through completely, you eventually realize that the best business decision is to just eliminate the lower priced Modern tier. I mean if you are predicting long wait times far enough into the future to warrant a complete overhaul, why not just eliminate the low profit tiers and reduce the backlogs? Profit is not based on how much comes in the front door, it's based on how much can go out the back door.

Bingo! IMHO, this is where it is all going. At a minimum, shutdown the lower profit tiers, mainly Modern, when it is "full". There is just no way that these companies would have the warehouse space to securely store an ever growing horde of books, nor would they likely be increasing their insurance premiums to cover this mass of unprocessed books. So yeah, just shutdown (or possibly eliminate, but I don't see the higher up suits going for this) the cheap tiers in times of excessive submissions. If you *really* want your Modern books graded, you can always pony up for 2-day Modern, Quickstream etc.
Post 353 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
@EbayMafia @Petroman I agree with both of you. But the idea isn't to just fix their current problem, but to prevent this from ever happening again. If they could just control the flow of books in, there would be no need to predict crazy long wait times or increase insurance premiums.
Post 354 IP   flag post
Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
@EbayMafia @Petroman I agree with both of you. But the idea isn't to just fix their current problem, but to prevent this from ever happening again. If they could just control the flow of books in, there would be no need to predict crazy long wait times or increase insurance premiums.

I think if they were to go with any type of order based queueing it would need to be pretty simplistic and not a complex workflow revolving around scheduled mailings. A real simple way would to just only allow a user to create a new submission if they 1) have no submissions currently in progress (or maybe allow 1 in progress, etc.) and 2) Have not created a new submission in the last X amount of time (week, month, 60 days, etc). Yeah, you may get some users who create multiple accounts, but there could be ways to prevent this.
Post 355 IP   flag post

If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Just got the email that my January order (pressing & grading) is in production. I got the email that they were in grading back on July 23rd, and my invoice has said they've been in labels basically since then.
Post 356 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by WMorse
How about a dynamic submission pricing system in response to supply/demand:

@WMorse - I, for one, would likely never use CBCS again if they put a pure dynamic model in place. That said, in a sense they do effectively have a dynamic(ish) model in which promo's are used to increase business flow. They could effectively eliminate promos (slow down flow) to certain tiers or services that get too backed up.

Actually, for October, there has been no broad promos, hence my reference to a pseudo dynamic model. I believe there was/is one promo this month for 5% off grading, if you have your submission pre-filled out/completed online before you drop off at the Con. This is a clever promo. Allows CBCS to have less staff at the Con, keeping more staff working in TX working on the backlog, but still keeps the we are open for business sign out.

I know some feel that, while they are backed up, they should not offer promos or even close the door to new submissions, but that is just not how you increase market share.

Now from a customer service standpoint, maybe offer a healthy discount on a future submission of same or lesser value, if the existing submission was received prior to the current onslaught of submissions that drove grading TAT's over 4 months.

In the meantime, I shall await a time with patience, until the Pressing and Grading Masters in Texas complete and return my submissions. (who gets that reference?)
Post 357 IP   flag post
Collector xtraplayer private msg quote post Address this user
Just received an email today. Books are finished grading and being slabbed. Not sure if it was my February order which was pressed, or March order.
Post 358 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@xtraplayer doesn't the email have your order number in it?
Post 359 IP   flag post
Collector Reelgee private msg quote post Address this user
Ok sooo when does TAT start? for order 21-13EEE3B started April,9th. When I click on orders it says Al Ewing 6/15 and its still says that. Since i started watching on this topic TAT seem to went from 17 to 19 to 26 to now 36. Now I could be wrong or missing something. so if anyone can clear this up for kool . Really just want to know when they are going to be back.Thanks to any and all that answer.
Post 360 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Reelgee - Estimated TAT starts a day or so after the shipment is received from carrier or the Wednesday after Dropoff at Con. If the submission above is modern and had pressing the TAT is going to an add’l 19 weeks.
Post 361 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@Reelgee TAT is kind of an arbitrary or variable concept at the moment, so the start date isn't really relevant. Knowing a start date for a TAT won't actually help anyone to figure out when they will get their books back. It will be a temporary thing, it will pass.
Post 362 IP   flag post
Collector Reelgee private msg quote post Address this user
ok thanks guys. but in my case i had paid for fast press and this is the first time i sent in from home and press.before the pandemic i was dropping off at the cons and got no press so wait time wasn't so bad to where i was pacing the room. So now i guess my 2nd order 21-25A2E2E won't see until next year and I went with press screen for this batch which will make my wait time longer. Question, what would make a book come back a 9.6 if the press screen comes back saying book does'nt need a press ( I'm pretty sure there's no spine ticks that can't be press out). Again thanks, I'm not complaining, just learning so i can complain. LOL
Post 363 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Reelgee does it say Al Ewing because it's for a signing? My impression (I don't know) is that they try to move signings through the system in a more timely fashion. But even still, you have to wait for the actual signing to happen. Do you know when/if it did?
Post 364 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Reelgee
ok thanks guys. but in my case i had paid for fast press and this is the first time i sent in from home and press.before the pandemic i was dropping off at the cons and got no press so wait time wasn't so bad to where i was pacing the room. So now i guess my 2nd order 21-25A2E2E won't see until next year and I went with press screen for this batch which will make my wait time longer. Question, what would make a book come back a 9.6 if the press screen comes back saying book does'nt need a press ( I'm pretty sure there's no spine ticks that can't be press out). Again thanks, I'm not complaining, just learning so i can complain. LOL

@Reelgee@xkonk made a good point that i missed addressing. If your comic was being signed that will add an inkown amount of time since the signer is in control not CBCS.

As far as press screen, if the screener does not feel a press will help, they will pass on pressing, if for instance, there was something like a color break,
Post 365 IP   flag post
Collector waynemel private msg quote post Address this user
@Reelgee That is odd you have not gotten your book back. I recall others posting pics of their slab from that event. Quick search in forum shows it from August, look for topic Mail Call (Ewing signed the back of the book). Based on the slab, the signing occurred/witnessed on 6/15. Looks like it is stuck in Pressing? If so, go to the pressing topic and ask Steve.
Post 366 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
Hopefully posting this in the right place.
It's been literally 8 months since I sent in 5 books for pressing and grading. I have emailed customer service numerous times for status with no response. This company truly needs a responsive customer service team. I have no idea where my books are as everything, since 02/06/21, shows as In processing. No information beyond that. I'm thinking this is the last time I use CBCS as their support is non-existent. Anyone else have issues with this type of delay/non-response?
Post 367 IP   flag post
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
@Reelgee does it say Al Ewing because it's for a signing? My impression (I don't know) is that they try to move signings through the system in a more timely fashion. But even still, you have to wait for the actual signing to happen. Do you know when/if it did?

The Al Ewing signing was in April (I sent books in as well). No press. Still not received them back yet.... I have enquired as enquiring minds want to and no replies on status. Dashboard invoice has shown grading for over a month I think.... Back to the 70's Heinz commercial... Anticipation, is making wait...
Post 368 IP   flag post
Collector Reelgee private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk I don't know what order it goes but steve said it clear press awhile back,but goes back of the line for grading. if i understand right. And yes it was al ewing signing and yes @waynemel i notice others from that signing had got theirs back in aug.
Post 369 IP   flag post
Collector EvolutionOfEvil private msg quote post Address this user
@jwhite2737 click on your invoice and download it. Your invoice, once downloaded, has the most updated stage. It’s on the right hand side right above the pricing breakdowns. For example, mine says “labels”.
Post 370 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Reelgee - So, with the fast press of a modern being estimated at 1/2 the 19 weeks for a modern, and most of the Ewing signings being returned in August, I would guess that puts your order coming back in October to early Nov.
Post 371 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EvolutionOfEvil
@jwhite2737 click on your invoice and download it. Your invoice, once downloaded, has the most updated stage. It’s on the right hand side right above the pricing breakdowns. For example, mine says “labels”.
Post 372 IP   flag post
Collector jwhite2737 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the info. My invoice also says Labels. Not sure what that exactly means, but it beats "In processing". This company still really needs to step up it's game in the customer service department. I expect the 12-16 weeks for the services I order as that what is stated, but 8 months is way too long and I still don't have the books back.
Post 373 IP   flag post
Collector Reelgee private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks everyone for all the input, it was all helpful. I do see pressing at the top right on invoice. but one of my concerns that I talk to Steve about was I had mess my address up on invoice which he said was corrected.Now I do see it was corrected on the account page but not on the invoice page. This is what I'm really worried about (my mess up) Just don't want my babies going to the wrong place and not be able to find them
Post 374 IP   flag post
Collector xtraplayer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
@xtraplayer doesn't the email have your order number in it?

Yes. Yes it does. It’s my March order. The February is pressed order so I think it’ll take a while yet.
Post 375 IP   flag post
Collector bennyb86 private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone else who dropped their books off at Megacon have them moved into processing yet? My only concern (since i know they have them and I have a signed invoice if worse comes to worse from dropping them off) is that I wrote a check and it has not cleared yet and I was a bit worried since it's been a couple of months now and didn't want any issues with the check going through. I know they normally don't hit my CC until it moves to processing but wasn't sure about checks.
Post 376 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@bennyb86 I had one book that should’ve been dropped off at Megacon by a AW but it hasn’t shown up as received yet.

Going by my last received order, I am pretty sure that CBCS is not updating dashboards until the books go into pressing or grading so it will still be a while before they show up
Post 377 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Post 378 IP   flag post
Collector PhantomStranger271 private msg quote post Address this user
So, I haven't gotten any response from any emails I've sent. My order is 21-11F72CB.

I just want to know if/when my pressed order will move to grading.

This the right email for contact?
Post 379 IP   flag post
Collector TheMadTitan private msg quote post Address this user
35 books received May 5th status Grading - I’m sure I’m getting close. Not sure if I’ll keep the pick-up/drop-off going til turn times get back in the teens. Everyone have a great day!
Post 380 IP   flag post
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