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October 31

After reaching the age of nine, Tim Drake deduces the identities of Batman and Robin as Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson after witnessing a gymnastic move by Robin that Grayson displayed while performing with the Flying Graysons. Inspired by the heroes, Tim trains himself in martial arts, acrobatic, detective works, in addition excel in scholastic to better himself in both physically and intellectually. When Tim reaches the age of thirteen, he notes that Batman has grown reckless and violent following the murder of second Robin by the Joker, Drake decided to intervene and Batman eventually enlisted him as the third Robin. Tim Drake first appeared as Robin in Batman #442 (October 31, 1989). Before joining Batman as the third Robin, Tim Drake was given a modern redesign of the Robin costume and sent to train abroad with numerous masters, refining his already skilled martial arts. Robin would eventually go on to co-star with other teenage superheroes in Young Justice and Teen Titans. After the murder of his father at the hands of Captain Boomerang, Drake is formally adopted by Bruce Wayne.

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November 1

Aric of Dacia was a man in a barbarian society which was at war with the Romans. He first appeared in X-O Manowar #1 (November 1, 1991). While he was away from his village one night, Aric was abducted by a malevolent race known as the Spider-Aliens, a race which controlled a vast star empire. Aric encountered one man known as Map-Giver who showed Aric a way of escape via the Spider-Aliens’ most powerful weapon, the X-O Manowar armor, a sentient suit of armor which could decimate legions of its user’s enemies. The path to the armor was carved into Aric’s hand. When the Spider Aliens returned to Earth, Aric’s prison was disrupted by an attack from a being known as Solar. Aric quickly made his way to the X-O Manowar Armor and bonded with it, quickly escaping the ship. Upon returning to Earth, Aric learns that a thousand years has passed since his abduction, although it has merely seemed like months to him. From an early age Aric was skilled in combat both unarmed and with any weapon. Aric retains his barbaric fighting skills even after learning how to control the X-O. The armor enhances Aric’s strength, as well as gives him the ability to create lightening constructs, energy blasts, power absorption, regeneration and flight.

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November 2

27-year-old Alix Harrower is married to Lance, a research scientist who has developed a thin metal skin that can bond with collagen, turning tissue indestructibly hard. When this “smartskin” is applied to a living being the subject becomes endowed with superhuman strength. Lance dreams of using it on himself, modeling a superhero career after the WWII superheroes Bulletman and Bulletgirl. But upon testing it on himself, he begins to suffocate. When he touches Alix, the smartskin bonds to her. Rushed to the hospital, she is saved thanks to medics gaining access to bare skin covered by her wedding ring. Lance was not wearing his, and dies of asphyxiation. After using her newfound powers to saves passengers of a train wreck, she decides to live up to take the name Bulleteer. Bulleteer first appeared in Seven Soldiers: The Bulleteer #1 (November 2, 2005).

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November 3

An Irish mutant, Sean Cassidy possesses a “sonic scream”, capable of harming enemies’auditory systems and causing physical vibrations. He is named Banshee after a legendary ghost from Irish mythology, said to possess a powerful cry. A former Interpol agent and NYPD police officer, Banshee was always a decade older than most of the X-Men and had only a relatively short tenure as a full-time X-Man. He first appeared in X-Men #28 (November 3,1966) as an adversary to the X-Men under coercion, but soon befriended the team. Banshee is a mutant whose superhumanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords can produce a sonic scream for various effects, in concert with limited, reflexive psionic powers which direct his sonic vibrations. He can hover or fly at the speed of sound, and can carry at least one passenger.

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November 4

In early 1977, Frank Price, head of Universal Television, offered producer and writer Kenneth Johnson a deal to develop a TV show based on any of several characters they had licensed from the Marvel Comics library. Johnson turned down the offer at first, but then, while reading the Victor Hugo novel Les Misérables he became inspired and began working to develop the Hulk comic into a TV show. In the TV series, Dr. David Banner, a widowed physician and scientist, who is presumed dead, travels across America under assumed names, and finds himself in positions where he helps others in need despite his terrible secret: in times of extreme anger or stress, he transforms into a huge, incredibly strong green creature, who has been named “The Hulk”. The Incredible Hulk began with a two-hour pilot movie, establishing the Hulk’s origins, first airing on November 4, 1977. Since its debut, The Incredible Hulk series has garnered a worldwide fan base.

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November 5

Jinty was a weekly British comic for girls published by Fleetway in London starting on November 5, 1974. A typical weekly issue would publish six or seven serial stories, each consisting of around three or four pages of story ending in a cliff-hanger. The first page of the story included a text-box briefly summarizing the story so far, while the final page included a teaser line of text for the next week’s episode. Other features includes a letters page, horoscopes, occasional text stories, feature articles on pop or media stars, and various articles on creative things to make and do. While many of the stories published in Jinty were realistically based in everyday life, it differentiated itself from other comics in printing more stories with a science fictional or fantastical focus.

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November 6

Freeza is responsible for destroying Planet Vegeta out of both fear of a potential uprising by the Saiyans and the prophecy of the coming of the Super Saiyan. Freeza spares Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz, offering them wealth for their loyalty. However, when Raditz’s father made a final stand, Freeza did not notice the Saiyan’s second son being sent to Earth where he became known as Goku. Freeza makes his official appearance in Chapter #247: Dark Clouds Swirl Over Planet Namek, first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine (November 6, 1989), after Vegeta’s defeat on Earth at Goku’s hands, having traveled to Planet Namek to find the seven Namekian Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. Freeza is widely considered to be the most iconic antagonist from the series due to effectively serving as the catalyst of many of the events depicted in the story, such as Goku’s arrival on Earth, the Saiyans landing on Earth, and subsequently the main characters going to planet Namek. He is also directly responsible for the murder of Burdock, the genocide of the Saiyan race, and the second death of Kuririn, arguably making him Goku’s most personal and significant enemy.

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November 7

Terry Sloane was a rich man whose photographic memory, Olympic-level athletic skills, and mastery of the martial arts made him a virtual Renaissance man. Having accomplished all of his goals by the time he was in his early 20s, Terry felt there were no challenges left for him to pursue. He first appeared in Sensation Comics #1 (November 7, 1941). One day, Sloan saw a young woman jump from a bridge. Reacting quickly he saved her life. He learned that the woman’s brother has been caught up in a gang, and helped him after adopting the superhero identity Mister Terrific. He then created the “Fair Play Club” to stymie growing juvenile delinquency. Sometimes nicknamed “The Man of 1,000 Talents,” Terry Sloane turned to crimefighting after excelling at everything else. He wore a red suit with a green tunic. A golden emblem on his tunic proclaimed his motto, “Fair Play”. Mister Terrific became a reserve member of the Justice Society of America, and was a full-fledged member of the All-Star Squadron. Terry Sloane had no superhuman powers but he was a master martial artist and an Olympic-level athlete with a genius-level intellect. He also possessed photographic memory allowing him to remember important clues and information.

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November 8

Cordelia Frost is the younger sister of Emma and Adrienne Frost, as well as being the youngest of the four Frost siblings. She was regarded by her parents as being the “lost” one in the family, and as such she rebelled by dressing in black, having sullen, sulky moods and being argumentative. Cordelia first appeared in Generation X #3 (November 8, 1994) when she “discovered” Mondo, a mutant who saved her life on Samoa. The two became friends, but Cordelia later used Mondo to get herself probationary membership by turning Mondo over to the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle. Not much is known about Cordelia’s powers other than the fact that she is immune to Emma’s telepathy, which is a normal quirk of mutant physiology.

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November 9

Kitty Pryde once told a bedtime story to young Illyana Rasputin, who was living with the X-Men at the time. The story recast the X-Men, including the recently deceased Jean Grey, in the roles of fairy tale characters. One such character was a giant black dragon named “Lockheed”, who was based on the modified Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird jet aircraft used by the team. Not long thereafter, the X-Men were kidnapped into outer space by the alien race the Brood and taken to a Brood-colonized planet. Here, Kitty met a cat-sized purple dragon who resembled the creature from her fairy tale, which she named “Lockheed.” He first appeared in The Uncanny X-Men #166 (November 9, 1982). Lockheed is actually a member of a highly advanced dragon-like extraterrestrial race, who are capable of traveling through space via special astral ships which transport their essences. Their society is similar to insect hives, with the individual being only part of the “Flock”. Lockheed had been celebrated by his people as a brave fighter and hero against the Brood, but has demonstrated individual attitudes and wishes which were realized only when he encountered the X-Men. Lockheed saved Kitty from the Brood and then departed with her. The X-Men accepted his presence in the X-Mansion, and Lockheed has since been Kitty’s longtime companion.

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November 10

John L. Thunder is the seventh son of a seventh son, born at 7 a.m. on Saturday, July 7, the seventh day of the week, the seventh day of the seventh month in 1917. He is kidnapped and sold to a group of men from the country of Badhnesia who had been looking for someone born at this time on this day. As an infant, Johnny is given possession of the genie-like “Thunderbolt” named Yz during a mystic ritual on his seventh birthday, which was intended to allow the Badhnesians to use Johnny to rule the world, but the plan is aborted due to an attack from a neighboring country. Johnny underwent several adventures before finally learning of the Thunderbolt’s existence. He first appeared in Flash Comics #1 (November 10, 1940). Johnny’s appearances with the Justice Society and in his own solo adventures tended to be quite comedic, as Johnny’s main personality trait was being fairly dim-witted, which prompts his much-smarter Thunderbolt to possess a sarcastic attitude toward his “boss.”

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November 11

What If…? is a series of comic books published by Marvel Comics whose stories explore how the Marvel Universe might have unfolded if key moments in its history hadn’t occurred as they did in mainstream continuity. Most What If stories begin with Uatu the Watcher describing an event in the mainstream Marvel Universe, then introducing a point of divergence in that event and then describing the consequences of the divergence. The first of these stories was published on November 11, 1976. Some points of divergence in plot occur when a character’s action differs from the corresponding mainstream Marvel event. In some What if story lines, when the Marvel character receives his or her special powers, the superhero persona is abandoned for a life of crime. Major characters were often killed off in the alternate realities and many of the stories were humorous in nature.

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November 12

Doreen Allene Green is first seen as Squirrel Girl in Marvel Super-Heroes #8 (November 12, 1991), ambushing Iron Man in a forest, hoping to impress the veteran hero and become his sidekick. The 14-year-old introduces herself and her pet squirrel, Monkey Joe, and displays her abilities. After she rescues Iron Man from Doctor Doom with the help of a horde of squirrels, Iron Man states that while she is too young to fight crime, he will put in a good word for her to the Avengers when she is older. Years later, having relocated to New York City, Doreen encounters a Great Lakes Avengers membership drive, and joins that superhero team. Squirrel Girl a furry, prehensile tail roughly 3–4 feet in length, sizable buck teeth, which are strong enough to chew through wood, and superhuman strength and agility, enabling her to jump between trees with ease. Most importantly, she is capable of communicating with and understanding squirrels.

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November 13

The Maze Agency is an American mystery comic book series created by Mike W. Barr and first published by Comico Comics. It revolves around a pair of detectives and their adventures solving puzzling murders. The detectives, Jennifer Mays and Gabriel Webb, debuted in The Maze Agency #1 (November 13, 1988). Jennifer Mays is a smart, tough, and sexy ex-CIA agent who runs the private detective agency for which the comic is named. Gabriel Webb is a true-crime writer who longs to create more cerebral stories than his sensationalist editors like. The Maze Agency is notable for being one of the few mystery comic books to “play fair” with the reader - providing enough clues for the reader to solve the mystery.

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November 14

Cassie Sandsmark is the daughter of Dr. Helena Sandsmark, and the Greek god Zeus. During a fight with a Doomsday clone and another battle with Decay, she created a costume and the sandals of Hermes and the gauntlet of Atlas to help Wonder Woman. Cassandra later had the opportunity to ask Zeus for a boon, and requested real superpowers. Zeus granted her request, but gave Dr. Sandsmark the ability to deactivate them with the simple touch of her hand upon Cassie. Dr. Sandsmark, however, reluctantly accepted her daughter’s wish to be a superhero and rarely if ever uses this ability. Cassandra is the third person to be called Wonder Girl, and first appeared in Wonder Woman #105 (November 14, 1995). Cassie heavily idolized Donna Troy, the original Wonder Girl, and to that effect wore a black wig over her natural blonde hair. Cassie joined Young Justice due to her crush on Superboy and became close friends with Arrowette, Secret, and Empress. She later joined some former members of Young Justice in the newest incarnation of the Teen Titans.

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November 15

Halakhak Komiks was a regular weekly funny pages comic book that was established after the Second World War through the suggestion of Isaac Tolentino to Jaime Lucas, the owner of a newly established bookstore in the Philippines. At the time, Tolentino, a former cartoonist, was looking for a job. Lucas, an admirer of Tolentino’s talent, agreed and accepted Tolentino’s idea because publishing a regularly issued comics-magazine had never been done before in the Philippines. Lucas funded the initial publication of the comics by utilizing his own money and bank loans. Halakhak Komiks (literally, “Guffaw Comics” or “Laughter Comics”) had its first publication was on November 15, 1946. Halakhak was published with 42 pages that were half the size of a regular bond paper due to shortage of paper after World War II priced at 25 centavos per copy. Later on, it was published as a regular-sized comic book at 40 centavos per copy. Halakhak Komiks published ten issues before the company closed due to the naiveté of the managers in the comic book business, financial difficulties, ineffective distribution and advertising strategies, and non-paying comic book agents and distributors.

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November 16

Rex is a white German Shepherd who spent his early years in the U.S. Army’s K-9 Corps, alongside his brother, Pooch. He first appeared in Rex the Wonder Dog #1 (November 16, 1951). Early in his training it became apparent that Rex had great potential, which resulted in Dr. Anabolus selecting him as a test subject for a super-soldier serum. After receiving an injection of the serum, Rex found himself endowed with great strength, speed, stamina, and intelligence. Dr. Anabolus was killed by a Nazi spy soon after, and as Anabolus left no records, this led to Rex being the only dog of his kind. Rex served during World War II, acting during the Italian campaign and earning an unspecified medal for saving his handler Lieutenant Dennis from a German patrol, and later receiving a Silver Star for saving POWs. After his army career, Rex was adopted by Major Dennis and his family. He went on to master a variety of fantastic careers.

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TURNING POINTS by Maggie Thompson

Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for November 12-18, 2021...

105 years ago November 15, 1916 Animator, director, voice artist, and producer Bill Melendez is born. He works for Disney, Warner Bros., and UPA and founds his own studio, Bill Melendez Productions. He’s especially known for his participation in production of the Peanuts TV episodes.

105 years ago November 16, 1916 Voice artist Daws Butler is born. He provides vocals for a wide variety of characters, from Chilly Willy and Huckleberry Hound to Yogi Bear and Cap’n Crunch.

100 years ago November 13, 1921 In the Australian strip Us Fellers by Jimmy Bancks, Ginger Meggs is introduced. Wiki says the series (eventually renamed for him) becomes the longest running Australian comics series of all time.

100 years ago November 14, 1921 Artist John Tartaglione is born.

95 years ago November 13, 1926 Award-winning New Yorker cartoonist George Booth is born.

95 years ago November 15, 1926 François Craenhals is born. The Belgian artist creates Rémy et Ghislaine and Le Chevalier Ardent.

95 years ago November 16, 1926 Czech pioneering comics artist Karel Klíč dies at age 85. One of the inventors of the photogravure technique, he was primarily a political cartoonist and founded the Austrian magazine Humoristische Blätter.

95 years ago November 17, 1926 Artist Rudy Lapick is born. The staff inker at Timely also inks for Dan DeCarlo at Archie.

90 years ago November 16, 1931 Luciano Bottaro is born. He draws Italian Disney comics and co-founds the Bierreci studios. He creates Pon Pon, among other features.

80 years ago November 12, 1941 Writer Jack Butterworth is born.

75 years ago November 12, 1946 Walt Disney’s Song of the South, the first Disney feature film to combine animation and live action, has its premiere. After seven decades, the company has yet to supply the complete film in America for home video release.

75 years ago November 15, 1946 Halakhak Komiks becomes the first regularly published comic book in the Philippines, founded by Isaac Tolentino and Jaime Lucas.

70 years ago November 15, 1951 Writer Michael Gallagher is born. He works on Mad, Sonic the Hedgehog, and ALF comics.

65 years ago November 17, 1956 Artist Frank Frazetta marries Ellie Kelly.

55 years ago November 12, 1966 Writer-artist Kelley Jarvis is born.

55 years ago November 17, 1966 Writer Ed Brubaker is born. He works for publishers ranging from Slave Labor and Caliber to DC and Marvel, and his projects include co-creating Criminal with Sean Phillips for Marvel’s Icon imprint.

55 years ago November 17, 1966 Hungarian teacher and artist Lóránd Andor dies at age 60.

50 years ago November 17, 1971 Mort Walker introduces Miss Buxley to his Beetle Bailey strip.

40 years ago November 12, 1981 Animator and artist Ralph Heimdahl dies at age 72. He worked for the Disney studio in the 1930s and 1940s and drew the Bugs Bunny daily strip from its beginning in 1948, when it was written by Jack Taylor.

40 years ago November 18, 1981 Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham dies at age 86. He was the author of the comics bashing Seduction of the Innocent, switched his target to TV after the Comics Code, and eventually wrote a book on fanzines.

35 years ago November 18, 1986 Police buy 15 comics in the Lansing, IL, Friendly Frank’s comics shop. Events will eventually lead to the founding of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

30 years ago November 13, 1991 Disney’s Beauty and the Beast has its world premiere, prior to opening in wide release November 22. It is the first animated film to reach $100 million in North America sales.

30 years ago November 18, 1991 Prolific British writer-artist-animator Reginald Parlett dies at age 87.

15 years ago November 15, 2006 Belgian artist René Sterne dies at age 54. He created the Adler series.

15 years ago November 18, 2006 Belgian writer Karel Verleyen dies of cancer at age 68.

5 years ago November 12, 2016 Award-winning writer-artist Jerry Dumas dies of neuroendocrine cancer at age 86. When he worked with Mort Walker, they came up with the innovative Sam’s Strip, which was eventually modified into Sam and Solo.
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November 17

In a story arc titled “Krisis of Krimson Kryptonite”, Clark proposes to Lois; she accepts. Although the road was set for the marriage of Lois and Clark, an unforeseen event would change these plans. Warner Bros. began developing Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, a new series for ABC which was premised upon a romantic relationship between Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Superman. One of the ideas that arose during production was the wedding of Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Superman. Warner Bros. learned that DC Comics was planning a similar plot line in the Superman comic books, and as a result DC, Warner Bros., and the Superman writing staff came together and reached an agreement: the Lois and Clark wedding arc in the comic book would be put on hold, to resume once the Lois & Clark TV show reached its wedding episode. The Superman writing team members were miffed at having a year’s worth of story planning put aside, and flustered for ideas. At the end of one meeting, Adventures of Supermanwriter Jerry Ordway suggested, jokingly, “Let’s just kill ‘im.” The joke became a running gag in story meetings, but eventually gained traction with Superman group editor Mike Carlin. Carlin states: “the world was taking Superman for granted, so we literally said 'let’s show what the world would be like without Superman’.” After much build-up, Doomsday appeared in Metropolis and was opposed by Superman. Superman and Doomsday lay into each other with everything they have. They strike each other with so much force that the shockwaves from their punches shatter windows. At the struggle’s culminating moment in front of the Daily Planet building, each fighter lands a massive blow upon his opponent. The two titans collapse and moments later, in the arms of a frantic Lois Lane, Superman succumbs to his wounds and seemingly dies. The climactic event happened in Superman #75 (November 17, 1992). The Death and Return of Superman storyline sold exceptionally well and, since it was intertwined through numerous different comic series, brought in millions of readers to DC Comics. Superman’s creator, Jerry Siegel himself, met with then Superman editor Mike Carlin to tell him that he was very impressed by his version of it. This became the best-selling comic book issue of all time.

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November 18

Calvin and Hobbes follows the humorous antics of Calvin, a precocious, mischievous, and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. From Calvin’s point of view, Hobbes is an anthropomorphic tiger, much larger than Calvin and full of independent attitudes and ideas. When the perspective shifts to any other character, readers again see merely a stuffed animal, usually seated at an off-kilter angle and blankly staring into space. Set in the contemporary, suburban United States, the strip depicts Calvin’s frequent flights of fancy and his friendship with Hobbes. It also examines Calvin’s relationships with family and classmates, especially the love/hate relationship between him and his classmate, Susie Derkins. The first strip was published on November 18, 1985, and the series quickly became a hit. Within a year of syndication, the strip was published in roughly 250 newspapers. Before long the strip was in wide circulation outside the United States.

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November 19

Black Jack is a Japanese manga dealing with the medical adventures of doctor Black Jack. The manga consists of hundreds of short, self-contained stories that are typically about 20 pages long. Most of the stories involve Black Jack doing some good deed, for which he rarely gets recognition—often curing the poor and destitute for free, or teaching the arrogant a lesson in humility. They sometimes end with a good, humane person enduring hardship, often unavoidable death, to save others. It first began serialization on November 19, 1973 with the first episode was called “I Need a Doctor!”

Little is known about the past of Arkady Rossovich except that he was a serial killer born in Russia. He was captured by the Interpol agent Sean Cassidy and turned over to the KGB, which wanted to experiment and attempt to create a supersoldier similar to Captain America. Omega Red is the end result. He is a mutant with superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes, and the ability to secrete pheromones from his body typically referred to as Death Spores. The Soviet government implanted a retractable carbonadium tentacle within each of Omega Red’s arms. Carbonadium was the Soviets’ attempt to recreate adamantium. He uses them as weapons and as grappling appendages. He is able to a wrap a victim in his coils to literally drain them of their “life” energy. This vampiric tendency is essential to Omega Red’s survival; the carbonadium implants, while great offensive weapons, slowly poisoned him and he was required to regularly drain the life energy of a person in order to temporarily sustain his immune system. He first appeared in X-Men #4 (November 19, 1991).

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TURNING POINTS by Maggie Thompson

Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for November 19-23, 2021...

130 years ago November 20, 1891 Toots and Casper creator Jimmy Murphy is born.

125 years ago November 21, 1896 New Yorker cartoonist Garrett Price is born.

120 years ago November 22, 1901 Award-winning adventure strip writer-artist Roy Crane is born. He creates Wash Tubbs, Captain Easy, and Buz Sawyer.

105 years ago November 23, 1916 Charles Grigg is born. The British artist contributes features to The Dandy.

90 years ago November 23, 1931 Belgian cartoonist Karel Boumans is born.

85 years ago November 23, 1936 The Big Chief Wahoo strip by Allen Saunders and Elmer Woggon begins. Later, it will be titled Steve Roper. Later still, it will be titled Steve Roper and Mike Nomad.

80 years ago November 20, 1941 Jos Looman is born. He is the Dutch artist of Dzjengis Khan, De Strijd om het Bestaan in the late 1960s.

75 years ago November 20, 1946 Kitchen Sink and Will Eisner writer-editor Dave Schreiner is born.

70 years ago November 23, 1951 Superman and the Mole Men opens, starring George Reeves and Phyllis Coates.

65 years ago November 22, 1956 Ron Randall is born. The writer-artist of Trekker, he draws for Marvel, Dark Horse, and Image.

60 years ago November 19, 1961 The Little Red-Haired Girl is introduced in Charles Schulz’ Peanuts.

55 years ago November 20, 1966 Writer-artist Guy Davis is born. He draws such series as Sandman Mystery Theatre and creates The Marquis for Oni.

55 years ago November 20, 1966 Artist David Gatzmer is born. He draws for Caliber, NBM, Rip Off, and Dark Horse.

55 years ago November 20, 1966 Writer-artist Jill Thompson is born. She creates Scary Godmother, works with characters in the Sandman mythos, and draws projects for a variety of publishers including DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse.

40 years ago November 21, 1981 The last issue of Fleetway’s Jinty precedes the comics series’ merging with the company’s Tammy.

35 years ago November 19, 1986 Golden Age artist Klaus Nordling dies at age 76. He drew Lady Luck and The Barker and was part of Will Eisner’s Spirit team.

35 years ago November 20, 1986 Marvel announces New World Pictures Ltd.’s agreement to acquire Marvel Entertainment Group from Cadence Industries Corporation.

35 years ago November 21, 1986 Writer and actor Ian Marter dies of a diabetes-related heart attack on his 42nd birthday. He starred in the BBC-TV series Doctor Who as Harry Sullivan and wrote Who-associated books.

35 years ago November 23, 1986 Comic book writer and artist Norman Maurer dies of cancer at age 60. A movie and cartoon producer and director, he co-created 3-D comics with Joe Kubert.

35 years ago November 23, 1986 Animator and artist Frank Smith dies at age 78. He was the third artist on the Donald Duck newspaper strip.

30 years ago November 21, 1991 The Chintoo comic strip begins in the Marathi-language newspaper Sakal in India.

30 years ago November 22, 1991 Mort Walker’s Hi and Lois strip features The X-Men.

20 years ago November 21, 2001 Golden Age writer-artist Seymour Reit dies at age 83. The co-creator of Casper the Friendly Ghost with Joe Oriolo contributed to Fiction House titles.

15 years ago November 23, 2006 Researcher and Alter Ego (1961) founder Jerry Bails dies of a heart attack at age 73. The comics fan pioneer called the “Father of Comics Fandom” published 1960s fanzines, set up annual comics awards, published research on comic book creators, and in 1964 organized the first comics amateur publishing association (CAPA-alpha).

5 years ago November 19, 2016 Italian animator and comics artist Gino Gavioli dies at age 93. He was co-founder and leading animator of the Gamma Film studio.
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November 20

Starting on November 20, 1984, Dragon Ball begins with a monkey-tailed boy named Goku befriending a teenage girl named Bulma, whom he accompanies to find the seven Dragon Balls, which summon the dragon Shenlong to grant the user one wish. The journey leads them to the desert bandit Yamcha, who later becomes an ally; Chi-Chi, whom Goku unknowingly agrees to marry; and Pilaf, an impish man who seeks the Dragon Balls to fulfill his desire to rule the world. Goku then undergoes rigorous training regimes under the martial arts master Kame-Sen'nin in order to fight in the Tenkaichi Budōkai. A monk named Kuririn becomes his training partner and rival, but they soon become best friends. After the tournament, Goku searches for the Dragon Ball his grandfather left him and almost single-handedly defeats the Red Ribbon Army and their hired assassin Taopaipai. Thereafter Goku reunites with his friends to defeat the fortuneteller Baba Uranai’s fighters and have her locate the last Dragon Ball to revive a friend killed by Taopaipai.

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November 21

Michael Jon Carter was born poor in 25th century Gotham City. He was a gifted athlete, attending Gotham University on a football scholarship. Michael was a star quarterback until his lecherous father reentered his life and convinced him to deliberately lose games for gambling purposes. He was exposed, disgraced and expelled. Later he took a job as a night watchman at the Metropolis Space Museum, where he studied superheroes and villains from the past, particularly the 20th century. With the help of a security robot named Skeets, Michael stole devices from the museum displays. He used Rip Hunter’s Time Sphere to travel to the 20th century, intent on becoming a superhero and forming a corporation based around himself to make a comfortable living. He is a shameless self-promoter whose obsession with fame and wealth irritates other heroes. Carter’s nickname as a football player was “Booster”, but his chosen 20th century superhero name was “Goldstar”. After saving the president, Carter mangled the two names, causing US President Ronald Reagan to introduce him as “Booster Gold”. The name stuck. He first appeared in Booster Gold #1 (November 21, 1985).

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November 22

Jenna Raleigh takes up the mantle of the Red Bee from her great-uncle in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5 (November 22, 2006). She uses a mechanized battle suit and two robotic bees that can fire electricity. She assists the group in fighting S.H.A.D.E., an evil governmental organization. She soon learns that the leader of the Freedom Fighters, Uncle Sam, has assisted with the development of her technology. She decides to stay and fight with the group. Moments after this, she sees the death of the Invisible Hood, another ally, killed by a S.H.A.D.E.-influenced Ray. Jenna is mutated by an alien insect colony into a human/insect hybrid, with enhanced physical abilities, pheromone production capabilities, and antennae on her head. However, her mind is later completely circumvented by the mutation. After trying to colonize the entire Earth, she is cured of her affliction when Lanford Terrill uses his new Neon powers to destroy the insect influence. By the series’ end, Jenna feels guilt over her actions, and she eschews the superhero life to continue her work in the research field.

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November 23

Kyle Rayner was a struggling-but-gifted freelance graphic artist who was raised in North Hollywood and lived and worked in Los Angeles. After Hal Jordan, grief-stricken over the destruction of his home town of Coast City, went on a mad rampage killing various members of the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe, Rayner was found by the last surviving Guardian of the Universe, Ganthet. Rayner became the next Green Lantern in Green Lantern #48 (November 23, 1993). Ganthet gave Kyle the last working Green Lantern power ring that would allow him to conjure any form of matter or energy through sheer force of will. Kyle Rayner was not chosen because he was fearless but because he was able to feel and overcome fear, thus making him, and all the future Lanterns, less susceptible to Parallax’s influence. Rayner grew up enamored with Superman and Batman, though he had only a passing knowledge of Earth’s various Green Lanterns. This soon changed, and he found that the Green Lantern ring was the ultimate expression of his fertile imagination. While other members of the Green Lantern Corps questioned the practicality of those constructs, they often made Rayner an unpredictable and formidable opponent.

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November 24

Horatio Valdemar Hellpop received powers from an alien entity called the Merk who turned him into Nexus. These powers, fusionkasting, are the ability to psionically draw energy from the cores of stars. As payment, the Merk required Nexus to seek out and kill a certain quantity of human mass murderers per “cycle”. When the Merk selected a target, Nexus would receive strong headaches and maddeningly anguishing dreams of his target’s victims until he did his duty. Horatio was reluctant to act as the Merk’s tool, but continued seeking out mass murderers to maintain his power and his sanity so that he could defend his homeworld, a lunar refuge named Ylum. Nexus debuted in Capital Comics’ premier publication Nexus #1 (November 24, 1981).

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Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for November 24 through December 2, 2021...

135 years ago November 28, 1886 Artist Violet Moore Higgins is born. She draws Drowsy Dick and provides art for Treasure Chest.

120 years ago December 1, 1901 Muggsy by Frank Crane begins.

120 years ago December 1, 1901 British writer-artist for Provincial Comics and Target Publications Albert Hill is born. His creations include Sammy Spry, Tommy Trot, and Willie Scribble, and he contributes to the Denis Gifford-edited Comic Cuts newsletter of The Association of Enthusiasts.

115 years ago November 28, 1906 Oskar Emil Andersson commits suicide at age 29. “OA” was an influential Swedish artist, creator of the pantomime strip Mannen Som Gor Vad Som Faller Honom In and of a strip about prehistoric characters.

110 years ago November 24, 1911 The German-British artist Walter Goetz is born. He’s known for Colonel Up and Mr. Down, Dab and Flounder, and cartoons for Punch.

110 years ago November 25, 1911 Paul Murry is born. The Disney animator becomes a Disney comics artist, especially on Mickey Mouse. The first to draw Super Goof, he also draws such other Dell comics as Woody Woodpecker.

105 years ago November 24, 1916 Forrest J. Ackerman is born. A pioneering science fiction fan, he becomes influential as editor-in-chief of Warren’s Famous Monsters of Filmland, where he popularizes his term “sci-fi.” Also for Warren, he develops the comics character Vampirella.

105 years ago November 30, 1916 Disney animator and ACG, Standard, DC, and Fawcett artist Owen Fitzgerald is born.

105 years ago December 2, 1916 Hart Amos is born. The Australian artist draws for K.G. Murray Publishing Company and Climax Comics.

95 years ago December 1, 1926 Belgian artist Jules Renard (who worked as “Draner”) dies at age 93.

90 years ago November 26, 1931 Dick Tracy kills for the first time in Chester Gould’s strip.

90 years ago November 27, 1931 The Spanish comics magazine Pinocho ends.

85 years ago November 30, 1936 “Island in the Sky” by Floyd Gottfredson and Ted Osborne begins, introducing Doctor Einmug to the Mickey Mouse comic strip.

85 years ago December 2, 1936 Croatian artist and animator Zarko Beker is born.

85 years ago December 2, 1936 Cartoonist Dick Guindon is born.

80 years ago November 24, 1941 Gus Arriola’s Gordo comic strip begins from United Features.

80 years ago November 25, 1941 French Charlie Hebdo staff cartoonist Philippe Honoré is born.

80 years ago November 26, 1941 Dutch artist Patrick Kroon dies at age 79.

80 years ago November 28, 1941 Bob Davis dies at age 31 in an auto accident. Born Robert Bishop Sedgwick Davis, the artist was known for creating Dick Cole (with a debut in Blue Bolt #1) and drew Philo Vance.

70 years ago November 30, 1951 Artist Jean-Claude St. Aubin is born. He works for such companies as Marvel, DC, and Valiant.

70 years ago December 2, 1951 Artist J. Paul Arnot dies at age 64. His “Helpful Henry” character for King Features was reported to be an influence on Oliver Hardy’s “Ollie” character.

60 years ago November 30, 1961 Brian Pulido is born. The president of Chaos! Comics writes and co-creates a variety of comics, including Lady Death and Evil Ernie.

60 years ago December 1, 1961 Horse racing editorial cartoonist Remi Bellocq is born.

55 years ago December 2, 1966 Entertainment writer and editor and DVD documentary director Andy Mangels is born.

50 years ago November 26, 1971 This is the first day of the first Creation Convention, organized by Adam Malin and Gary Berman in New York City. The event runs for three days at the New Yorker Hotel.

50 years ago November 28, 1971 Bulgarian artist Vasil Zahariev dies at age 76.

50 years ago November 29, 1971 Writer-creator Marc Bernardin is born. He works on such titles as Genius, Static Shock, and The Highwaymen.

45 years ago December 1, 1976 The twin sister of Captain Britain, Psylocke, is introduced in Captain Britain #8. Mind you, she’s just Betsy Braddock for the time being (and doesn’t even get a cover mention), but Things Will Happen. “Riot on Regent Street” is by Chris Claremont, Herb Trimpe, and Fred Kida.

40 years ago November 26, 1981 Dutch artist Lou Visser dies at age 70. He developed the Fred Penner comics series.

40 years ago December 1, 1981 Artist Russ Manning dies of cancer at age 52. He was especially known for stories featuring Tarzan, The Aliens, and Magnus Robot Fighter. The Russ Manning Award was established in 1982 to pay tribute to each year’s most promising comics industry newcomer.

35 years ago November 24, 1986 Al Smith dies at age 84. The syndicate owner, art editor, National Cartoonists Society president, and cartoonist drew Mutt and Jeff for 48 years.

35 years ago November 27, 1986 Writer Colin Dawkins dies at age 64. The J. Walter Thompson ad agency vice president wrote ads and comics and in comics may be best known for his EC scripts. He co-created Prize Comics Western’s “American Eagle” stories and Two-Fisted Tales’ “Ruby Ed Coffee” stories with John Severin.

30 years ago November 25, 1991 Oscar winning 1989 Batman movie designer Anton Furst commits suicide at age 47.

20 years ago November 25, 2001 Artist Harry Devlin dies at age 83. The Collier’s magazine editorial cartoonist co-created the Fullhouse (later renamed Raggmopp) comic strip with his wife, Wende.

20 years ago November 28, 2001 Writer-artist Bob Gustafson dies at age 81. The Mort Walker staffer also contributed to Dell comic books.

20 years ago December 2, 2001 Chase Craig dies of complications after surgery at age 91. The writer, animator, artist, and West Coast Dell and Gold Key editor created Mary Jane (of Mary Jane and Sniffles). He also co-created Odd Bodkins with Fred Fox.

15 years ago November 25, 2006 Luciano Bottaro dies at age 75. The artist of Italian Disney comics and co-founder of the Bierreci studios created Pon Pon, among other features.

15 years ago November 25, 2006 Italian artist Gianluca Lerici dies of cardiac arrest at age 43.

15 years ago November 26, 2006 Artist and character designer Dave Cockrum dies of diabetes at age 63.

15 years ago November 29, 2006 Writer-artist Jean Dulieu dies at age 85. Born as Jan van Oort, he created Paulus the Woodgnome.

15 years ago November 30, 2006 Award-winning Brazilian cartoonist Hélio Lage dies at age 60. He was the house artist of Tribuna de Bahia.

15 years ago December 2, 2006 Director, publisher, and artist Don Dohler dies of cancer at age 60. He created Pro Junior.

10 years ago November 30, 2011 Argentine artist Carlos A. Killian dies at age 64. He created Perloto.

10 years ago December 2, 2011 French animator, director, producer, and artist Bruno Bianchi dies of cancer at age 56. The co-creator of Inspector Gadget founded his own studio, Gingko Animation.

5 years ago November 27, 2016 Spanish artist Juan Enrique Bosch Quevedo (who worked as “Micharmut”) dies at age 63.

5 years ago December 2, 2016 Italian artist Liliana Fantoni dies at age 96.

And here are the anniversaries spanning the month of December…

85 years ago December 1936 Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine #1 (and only) is a dime pulp magazine from Harold Hersey offering “a full length novel,” “The Master of Mars,” by James Edison Northford. The cover is by Fred Meagher.

85 years ago December 1936 Detective Picture Stories #1 from Comics Magazine Company features an early story by Bert Christman.

80 years ago December 1941 Fawcett’s Master Comics #21 introduces Albrecht Krieger – Captain Nazi – in a Bulletman story by Bill Woolfolk and Mac Raboy. Hitler sends Krieger to America to fight U.S. heroes.

80 years ago December 1941 And Fawcett’s Whiz Comics #25 picks up the tale in a story by Ed Herron, Woolfolk, C.C. Beck, and Raboy. To save the life of a newspaper boy injured by Captain Nazi, Billy Batson passes on some of his powers to Freddy Freeman, creating Captain Marvel, Jr. (who can’t say his own name because: origin).

80 years ago December 1941 She’s not even mentioned on the cover of DC’s All-Star Comics #8, which is gloating about two new members of The Justice Society of America. (They’re Dr. Mid-Nite and Starman, in case you were curious. Even Hooty is cover-featured.) Nevertheless, the reason this issue is considered a key is that it contains a story by William Marston and Harry G. Peter introducing Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, and that whole storyline.

70 years ago December 1951 Flippity and Flop get their own comic book title in DC’s Flippity & Flop #1 in stories by Hubie Karp and Jim Davis. (No, not that Jim Davis.) (The cat and canary appeared in Screen Gems cartoons starting in 1945.)

70 years ago December 1951 Mind you, the bigger Screen Gems cartoon stars are The Fox and the Crow, who first appeared on-screen in the 1941 Frank Tashlin cartoon “The Fox and the Grapes.” In any case, after featuring them for quite some time in Real Screen Comics, DC gives them their own title with The Fox and the Crow #1.

70 years ago December 1951 The first issue of DC’s House of Mystery features “Wanda Was a Werewolf,” “I Fell in Love with a Witch,” “The Curse of Seabury Manor,” and “Man – or Monster?”

65 years ago December 1956 Quality Comics folds, selling its characters and trademarks to DC. The December issues of the four titles DC picks up are the last to carry the Quality logo: Blackhawk #107, G.I. Combat #43, Heart Throbs #46, and Robin Hood Tales #6.

60 years ago December 1961 Marvel renames Amazing Adventure as Amazing Adult Fantasy with #7 and announces that it is “the magazine that respects your intelligence” and contains “fantastic thrillers for the more mature reader.” It’s not the last time the series will change its title. Just saying.

60 years ago December 1961 In Top Cat #1, Dell introduces the Hanna-Barbara character (drawn by Phil de Lara) to comic books.

55 years ago December 1966 “She’s Hip! She’s Mod! She’s Boss!” She’s Bunny Ball – who gets her own title in Harvey’s Bunny #1 in stories by Warren Harvey and Hy Eisman.

55 years ago December 1966 Dell’s Werewolf #1 says it’s a “Collectors Issue” and features “the only super hero … super spy in the world.” Werewolf is introduced in stories by D.J. Arneson, Bill Fraccio, and Tony Tallarico.

55 years ago December 1966 The first of four DC villains named Spellbinder is introduced in Detective Comics #358. The forger of pop art (Comic books strike back?) sports an outfit that seems to include the “DC go-go checks” theme in “The Circle of Terror!” It’s by John Broome, Sheldon Moldoff, and Joe Giella.

55 years ago December 1966 Yikes! It’s a Super-Beast! A maddening menace, no less! Man-Beast and the mutated New Men are introduced in Marvel’s Thor #135 in a story by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Vince Colletta.

50 years ago December 1971 Oh, hey, remember how Marvel raised its cover price to 25¢ in November? Marvel reduces its price to 20¢, along with its page count. Whew! Who’d pay more than that for a comic book? That’s crazy talk!

50 years ago December 1971 In Marvel’s The Avengers #94, Mandroid armor is introduced. Thanks, Tony Stark! What could go wrong? “More than Inhuman!” is by Roy Thomas, Neal Adams, and Tom Palmer.

50 years ago December 1971 “This is it! The awesome origin of The Defenders the most fabulous fighting team of all!” In Marvel Feature #1, the team of Roy Thomas, Ross Andru, and Bill Everett brings together the team of The Hulk, Dr. Strange, and The Sub-Mariner.

50 years ago December 1971 “They whipped the Green Lantern – Now let ’em try me!” Green Lantern #87 introduces “an unforgettable new character who really means it when he warns … ‘Beware My Power!’” The story by Denny O’Neil, Neal Adams, and Dick Giordano introduces John Stewart.

45 years ago December 1976 “First issue! Collector’s Edition! By popular demand Spidey stars in an all-new action series!” Marvel launches its third ongoing Spider-Man series: The Spectacular Spider-Man.

45 years ago December 1976 In a spinoff from the Stanley Kubrick movie, Marvel’s 2001: A Space Odyssey begins. As in the film, “Beast-Killer!” by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer starts in prehistory.

45 years ago December 1976 Superhuman Captain Ultra is introduced in Fantastic Four #177, yearning to join the villainous Frightful Four. But he has problems. “Look Out for the Frightful Four!” is by Roy Thomas, Mike Friedrich, George Pérez, and Joe Sinnott.

40 years ago December 1981 DC’s The New Teen Titans #14 introduces Plasmus, Houngan, and Phobia of The Brotherhood of Evil in “Revolution!” by George Pérez, Marv Wolfman, and Romeo Tanghal.

35 years ago December 1986 Marvel’s The ’Nam #1 begins. “’Nam: First Patrol” is by Doug Murray, Michael Golden, and Armando Gil.

35 years ago December 1986 The Dreamery #1 from Eclipse introduces Stinz, created by Donna Barr. The centaur is a war hero in the valley of Gieselthal.

35 years ago December 1986 DC ends Blue Devil with #31, a “special giant-sized final issue.”

35 years ago December 1986 Comico ends Mage with #15. (Matt Wagner’s story of Kevin Matchstick will continue in 1988 in Comico’s Grendel.)

35 years ago December 1986 Marvel ends Amazing High Adventure with #5.

35 years ago December 1986 Vortex picks up what had been Chester Brown’s self-published Yummy Fur series, starting again with #1.

35 years ago December 1986 “We who are about to die”: Marvel introduces the team in Strikeforce: Morituri by Peter B. Gillis, Brent Anderson, Whilce Portacio, and Scott Williams.

30 years ago December 1991 Eternity’s Evil Ernie #1, “created and written by Brian Pulido, illustrated by Steven Hughes,” introduces Lady Death and (yes) Evil Ernie.

25 years ago December 1996 DC’s cover proclaims the one-shot “the event of the century.” It’s Superman: The Wedding Album “by Superman writers and artists past and present.”

25 years ago December 1996 DC’s Batman: The Long Halloween #1 kicks off “A Dark Knight Halloween Special in Thirteen Parts” following three earlier Halloween specials. As was the case with those, “Crime” is by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale.

25 years ago December 1996 Wynonna Earp #1 from Image introduces (you guessed it) Beau Smith’s Wynonna Earp in “Violent Territory” by Smith, Joyce Chin, and Mark Irwin. A three-page character profile provides the background of the Wyatt Earp descendant who works as a U.S. Marshal who fights monsters.

20 years ago December 2001 “Marvel Comics Presents The 100 Greatest Marvels of All Time” in 10 December issues. It kicks off with X-Men, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and Daredevil.

20 years ago December 2001 “This one’ll really kill you!” Joker: Last Laugh #1 begins a DC-wide storyline. “Stir Crazy” is by Chuck Dixon, Scott Beatty, Pete Woods, and Andrew Pepoy.

15 years ago December 2006 In Vertigo/DC’s one-shot Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall, “A Frog’s Eye View” is by Bill Willingham and James Jean. It wins the Eisner Award for Best Short Story of the year.

15 years ago December 2006 “Revealed at last! Everything you need to know about Spider-Girl!” Amazing Spider-Girl #0 and #1 star May Parker in a feature by Tom DeFalco (with illustrations by Pat Olliffe, Ron Frenz, John Romita, J. Scott Campbell, Al Williamson, Sal Buscema, Bill Sienkiewicz, Scott Koblish, and Tim Townsend) and a story by DeFalco, Frenz, and Buscama.

15 years ago December 2006 Yep, that’s the title. Marvel’s Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures begins. The adaptation by Stacie Ritchie and Brett Booth is based on the Laurell K. Hamilton fantasy.

15 years ago December 2006 Deathblow appeared from Image in 1993-1996. Now, DC kicks off Deathblow with “And Then You Live!” by Brian Azzarello and Carlos D’Anda and includes a commentary by Jim Lee regarding the revival of his creation.

10 years ago December 2011 “The hunt is on!” Marvel’s Fear Itself: The Fearless #1 is by Cullen Bunn, Matt Fraction, Chris Yost, Paul Pelletier, Mark Bagley, Danny Miki, and Andy Lanning.

10 years ago December 2011 Marvel has had more than one The Incredible Hulk series. This one begins with “Hulk: Asunder Part One” by Jason Aaron, Marc Silvestri, Michael Broussard, Joe Weems V, Rick Basaldua, and Sal Regla.

5 years ago December 2016 Hey! We thought he was famous. But Marvel’s Infamous Iron Man kicks off with – well – not Tony Stark. “The Rise of Doom” is by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev.

5 years ago December 2016 Merlin gets a bunch o’ sorcerers together in Marvel’s Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1 in a story by Robbie Thompson, Javier Rodriguez, and Alvaro Lopez. Lotsa variant covers. Just saying.

5 years ago December 2016 You want variants? Marvel gives you variants. Jessica Jones #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos begins with Jessica’s return to her private detective business.

5 years ago December 2016 Oh, you wanted variants and those others weren’t enough for you? Just saying. The first issue of this run of Champions is by Mark Waid, Humberto Ramos, and Victor Olazaba. And it has lots of different covers. Lots. Collect them all!
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November 25

Lilandra was born on the Aerie, native world of the Shi'ar. She first appeared in The X-Men #97 (November 25, 1975). She is the sibling of D'Ken, Deathbird, and an unnamed older sister. Deathbird, the oldest of the surviving three, was denied the throne for “unspeakable” crimes and was exiled. Instead the throne went to D'Ken, who turned out to be a power mad dictator. Lilandra became a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Guard, in the Shi'ar fleet, but turned against D'Ken, when she found out about his plans involving the M'Kraan Crystal. Branded a traitor, Lilandra fled to Earth, hoping to find allies among its large population of superheroes and found them in Charles Xavier and his X-Men. She began sending visions of herself to Xavier as she traveled to Earth. Finally meeting Xavier in person, she was captured by Davan Shakari. She was held captive by D'Ken, and revealed D'Ken’s plot to gain ultimate power. She was saved by the space pirates known as the Starjammers and the X-Men, and reunited on Earth with Xavier. She ultimately invited Xavier to accompany her to the Shi'ar throne-world. She and the X-Men managed to stop D'Ken’s plan, who ultimately was banished after being driven mad. Lilandra took the throne as Majestrix-Shi'ar with Xavier as her official consort.

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November 26

Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 26, 1922, Charles Schulz grew up in Saint Paul. Schulz loved drawing and sometimes drew his family dog, Spike, who ate unusual things, such as pins and tacks. Schulz attended Richards Gordon Elementary School in Saint Paul, where he skipped two half-grades. He became a shy, timid teenager, perhaps as a result of being the youngest in his class at Central High School. Schulz’s first group of regular cartoons, a weekly series of one-panel jokes entitled Li'l Folks, was published in 1947. It was in Li'l Folks that Schulz first used the name Charlie Brown for a character, although he applied the name in four gags to three different boys as well as one buried in sand. The series also had a dog that looked much like Snoopy. Later that year, Schulz approached the United Feature Syndicate with the one-panel series Li'l Folks, and the syndicate became interested. However, by that time Schulz had also developed a comic strip, using normally four panels rather than one, and reportedly to Schulz’s delight, the syndicate preferred this version. After a somewhat slow beginning, Peanuts became one of the most popular comic strips of all time, as well as one of the most influential. Over the nearly 50 years that Peanuts was published, Schulz drew nearly 18,000 strips.

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