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You damaged my comic book ! .. YOU DAMAGED MY COMIC BOOK !!15419

Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Sebastsk8
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
And possibly the most important overlooked question...what happened to Mrtimely1?

Sure doesn't seem he's being...very timely with his response. 🤭

Or maybe he's going to be so timely that our heads are gonna spin like a top!!


lol, my joke fell flat. The member is Mrtimely2...I was asking about Mrtimely1.
Post 51 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Sebastsk8
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
And possibly the most important overlooked question...what happened to Mrtimely1?

Sure doesn't seem he's being...very timely with his response. 🤭

Or maybe he's going to be so timely that our heads are gonna spin like a top!!


lol, my joke fell flat. The member is Mrtimely2...I was asking about Mrtimely1.

lol!!!! Damn it! I missed that!! #1 is over on the CGC boards....we're #2 so we get #2.
Post 52 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Peacemaker: This forum cant' afford MrTimely1
Post 53 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Wouldn't MrTimely1 just be MrTimely?
Post 54 IP   flag post
Grumpy Old Man Mrtimely2 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
Ouch, that's a shame. I must say if I got that book back safe and sound amidst the current state of things, I wouldn't have sent it back, much less a third time.

I know you said you cracked it but I'm curious, did the 3rd label say Schomburg or Shores?

Haha, interesting question, it stated " cover, Alex Schomburg and Syd Shores"..
Post 55 IP   flag post

Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Mrtimely2
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
Ouch, that's a shame. I must say if I got that book back safe and sound amidst the current state of things, I wouldn't have sent it back, much less a third time.

I know you said you cracked it but I'm curious, did the 3rd label say Schomburg or Shores?

Haha, interesting question, it stated " cover, Alex Schomburg and Syd Shores"..

I suppose it doesn’t matter now; It’s trashed anyway😶
Post 56 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user

Just show the damn pics!
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector Dawnstar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Just show the damn pics!

Why should he? So he can bicker with you guys? He said he already sent the pics to CBCS, so let them sort it out. Quit pestering the poor guy already.
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector Sebastsk8 private msg quote post Address this user
@Dawnstar to be fair, coming to the forum making a claim and then not providing evidence kinda just seems shady. Its very possible it was damaged, but you'd think he'd at least provide some kind of proof of that and not just make an accusation and then disappear. If he has the pics already its easy enough to post them..
Post 59 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Just saw this post from Mrtiemly2 in another thread

“ I just posted here, that I received a comics book that was damaged by CBCS, and returned to me..

Total idiots..

Does any one have any legal experience to recommend a recourse ?1 day ago Post 7 • IP “

With the apparent contradiction of his initial posts in this thread, I suspect that this is a timely hatchet job as opposed to a legitimate customer complaint.
Post 60 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Just show the damn pics!

Why should he? So he can bicker with you guys? He said he already sent the pics to CBCS, so let them sort it out. Quit pestering the poor guy already.

@Dawnstar That ain't how it works when you bring your issues to a public forum. He had that option before brining the issue to us.
Post 61 IP   flag post
Collector Hexigore private msg quote post Address this user
I do not understand why he would refuse to pursue an insurance claim unless he under-insured the book and is now looking to litigate for a bigger settlement. In which case, he would lose because he himself determined the value of the book and is therefore only entitled to the amount he dictated when he submitted the book.

Damn! I think I’ve been watching too much Judge Judy!! 😎
Post 62 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Just show the damn pics!

Why should he? So he can bicker with you guys? He said he already sent the pics to CBCS, so let them sort it out. Quit pestering the poor guy already.

Well because he initiated the thread here.

If he already sent the pics to CBCS, then obviously he has the pics available to post here on the forum. If he is not going to post the evidence, then he should not have initiated the thread.
Post 63 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Hexigore
I do not understand why he would refuse to pursue an insurance claim unless he under-insured the book and is now looking to litigate for a bigger settlement

A piece of the cover came off. The cover already has 5 pieces of tape on it. Nobody's going to pay an insurance claim. It would be like filing an insurance claim because the bumper fell of when you shipped your 1944 automobile across the country. And also, the book has the same grade that it always had so technically it has the same value.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
I asked to see the before pics prior to the book being allegedly damaged by cbcs.

No pics have been posted.
Maybe they exist so just post them.

Until they are posted.

Meme time sorry if this gives me a vacation. My first vacation mind you.

Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Just show the damn pics!

Why should he? So he can bicker with you guys? He said he already sent the pics to CBCS, so let them sort it out. Quit pestering the poor guy already.

@Dawnstar That ain't how it works when you bring your issues to a public forum. He had that option before brining the issue to us.

This, in a nutshell!
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Graders notes don’t mention a piece missing…so it’s either a detail that wasn’t a major contributor to the final grade, or it indeed happened after grading.
Post 67 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
Post 68 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Gaard
Is it just me that thinks when douchebags make intentionally false accusations against a company, they should be banned from that company?

Who decides if/when they're false? That kind of oppositional oppression is dangerous. If a company wants to silence their detractors, then that makes them sus.
Post 69 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
I see your point. I retract my statement.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector Dawnstar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Gaard
Is it just me that thinks when douchebags make intentionally false accusations against a company, they should be banned from that company?

Who decides if/when they're false? That kind of oppositional oppression is dangerous. If a company wants to silence their detractors, then that makes them sus.

It's not the company though, is it? Unless some of these guys are shills? I sure hope not. Just thought it was company fanboys, the self-appointed forum police. It's the same story on other complaint threads. This place is like a reddit echo chamber.
Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector Triplecdad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Gaard
Is it just me that thinks when douchebags make intentionally false accusations against a company, they should be banned from that company?

Who decides if/when they're false? That kind of oppositional oppression is dangerous. If a company wants to silence their detractors, then that makes them sus.

"Oppositional oppression"???
What is actually dangerous is stating that someone/company who stands up themselves/itself after being accused of negligence is "dangerous." Companies are made up of people. Those people do not have to take falsehoods lying down just because they are part of a business. Actually, there are laws against making such false claims against persons or businesses such as defamation, tortious interference and various others. Heck, some states have statutes against defaming specific products. (See the Alar-apple history regarding such laws) What is "sus" (to use an Among Us term of art!) is using terms like "oppositional oppression" to try and cancel any efforts by anyone who disagrees. That is classic cancel culture. All opposition is by nature "oppressive" like all evidence is prejudicial to someone.
Post 72 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Dawnstar
It's not the company though, is it? Unless some of these guys are shills? I sure hope not. Just thought it was company fanboys, the self-appointed forum police. It's the same story on other complaint threads. This place is like a reddit echo chamber.

I was asking who would decide what accusations are false in the case of handing out bans. Right now, to my knowledge, CBCS does not ban people for posting about alleged submission issues.
Post 73 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Triplecdad
"Oppositional oppression"???
What is actually dangerous is stating that someone/company who stands up themselves/itself after being accused of negligence is "dangerous." Companies are made up of people. Those people do not have to take falsehoods lying down just because they are part of a business. Actually, there are laws against making such false claims against persons or businesses such as defamation, tortious interference and various others. Heck, some states have statutes against defaming specific products. (See the Alar-apple history regarding such laws) What is "sus" (to use an Among Us term of art!) is using terms like "oppositional oppression" to try and cancel any efforts by anyone who disagrees. That is classic cancel culture. All opposition is by nature "oppressive" like all evidence is prejudicial to someone.

Banning someone is not standing up for yourself.
Post 74 IP   flag post
Collector Dawnstar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
I was asking who would decide what accusations are false

Oh, that's easy, just some random dudes on the company message board lol. Justice served!
Post 75 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Dawnstar - Come on now, one does not have to be a fanboy, to read and observe that the OP's posts don't add up. And why, oh why, would the OP decide to bring forth grievance on the forum and not post pics which he/she says are in hand?

No thinking person can reasonably read those posts and not surmise that there may be some relevant omissions.

The OP joined the forum a month ago and posted about labels. Seems that that didn't generate enough traction, so the ante is upped with this new inflammatory thread, and oddly enough, seems the OP's biggest beef is disagreement with who is listed as the artist.

Again, I would ask, why not show the full pics of slabs, before and after, when such was alluded to?
Post 76 IP   flag post
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