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Monthly (Comic) Book Club - August - Batman & Robin #1-1215357

If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@xkonk Are you sure that was Knight in the intro action sequence of issue 7 and not Dick?

You're right, it was Dick.

Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Am I wrong in thinking that this issue could be omitted almost entirely and just adda thought balloon at the start of the next issue saying something like “We found a long lost Lazarus pit. We put Bruce in it and I have some people with me to help me with him when he’s revived and crazed.”

Maybe they could have, and I don't know what might have been shown in other series like you mentioned, but I feel like the sudden turn from the previous issue would have felt even more like whiplash. It did afford some introduction to Knight and Squire and an opportunity to show Dick flipping around London. I didn't mind it.
Post 26 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
It did afford some introduction to Knight and Squire and an opportunity to show Dick flipping around London. I didn't mind it.

Fair enough, and reading Knight’s bio on Wikipedia kind of makes me want to read some of his stories

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

The second Knight first appears in a group shot of the Ultramarine Corps at the end of JLA #26 (Feb 1999). The subsequent appearance of the Corps in JLA Classified establishes that he is Cyril Sheldrake, who inherited both the title of Earl and that of the Knight when his father was killed by his arch-enemy, Springheeled Jack. Worrying he wouldn't live up to his father's formidable reputation as a hero Cyril turned to drink and gambling, even losing Sheldrake castle at one point due to his debts. It was then that a young girl named Beryl rescued him from the gutter (at the behest of her mother) and helped the knight clean up his act offering him a room and even use of her garage as his Superhero HQ. Cyril repaid her kindness by training her to be his squire. Cyril has since excelled at his task as Britain's primary defender of the innocent and joined several international hero groups (International Ultramarine Corp, Batman Inc., Etc.)
Post 27 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I also enjoyed Knight and Squire as part of my general British kick recently. Been watching a lot of Great British Baking Show.
Post 28 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Wk4 (8/23-8/29): Batman & Robin (2009) #10-12

Post 29 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I read 10 through 12 earlier in the week and was unimpressed, but I'm giving them another look.

10 is fine. It's more of the detective Batman story than the action Batman story. There's Sexton's mystery of rich people being killed, the mystery of why Damian would take a swing at Dick, and there's the mystery of where Bruce is. The idea of people who travel back in time leaving hints for the future is a bit of a trope at this point, but it makes sense. On the other hand, if Bruce had to leave clues instead of just being somewhere at the present time, that might not bode well for him actually being alive.

#11 has Oberon and Damien get into a fight with some cult-type weirdos in the Wayne graveyard. Mystery 2 is solved, as Talia included some kind of remote control in Damien's spine. Deathstroke takes it over to get revenge on Dick by killing him with Robin. There's a new mystery with Robin noticing that Oberon's accent is fake. And then a whole gang of people show up and Batman is beat up when he emerges from the tunnels.

#12 is where I think I lost the plot a bit. Who exactly are the 99 Fiends? Are they the same people that were part of the domino stuff? They got the box that Dick found and ran. And the Joker reveal at the end feels like it came out of left field. So maybe I lost track of something, but I felt like Morrison was just throwing everything at the wall.

I understand that Talia is a supervillain, but controlling your son via spinal implant and also cloning him is a bit much.

Dick fighting a giant bat had some Iron Fist energy for me.

Dick's clues about Oberon being the Joker because they were all jokes wasn't clear to me. They weren't any jokes that were familiar to me. I did the briefest of googling and found this, but these jokes still aren't familiar.

So I guess I didn't dislike the issues, although I feel like the Batman in the past stuff gets put off for the Joker to show up. It was kind of a poor place to end for our particular reading. On the whole, I liked issues 7-12 more than 1-6, and 7-9 was probably my favorite trio. Damien did get a bit of an arc, changing from a defiant brat to someone who seemed more invested in being Robin. This was fine to read but I don't feel compelled to keep going like I have for some other club selections.
Post 30 IP   flag post

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Starting Monday, New Month, New Reading, New Thread!

Michael Turner’s Fathom (1998) #0,1/2,1-14

Wk1 (8/30-9/5): Fathom (1998) #0,1/2,1-3

Wk2 (9/6-9/12): Fathom (1998) #4-6
Wk3 (9/13-9/19): Fathom (1998) #7-10
Wk4 (9/20-9/26): Fathom (1998) #11-14
Post 31 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, issue #10 definitely takes a detective story approach. I don’t mind the whole people in the past leaving messages for the future mystery story, it just feels strange doing it in a Batman story. Or maybe the mechanics of it just feel strange like, why did Darkseid send Batman traveling through time instead of just killing him? I know the answer is “because comics” but even then it feels weird.

A supernatural story about some long-lived evil or something and people in the past sending messages to the future to fight it (think the video game Eternal Darkness) would be great as Constantine story but turning to the last page in the issue to the next issue in the omnibus and seeing Bruce Wayne as a prehistoric Batman just makes feel all the more strange.

ALSO! I had to look it up because some things started sounding familiar but it is quite the coincidence that Final Crisis and Marvel’s Civil War, both happened in the same year, ended with a major character’s (Batman and Captain America) supposed death, and they both happen to not be dead and apparently thrown through time instead? That they would come back wasn’t really in question but that last part seems too strange to have been coincidence.

The story is throwing major hints that Sexton is Bruce Wayne and that Talia Al Ghul has implanted some sort of programming in Damien to eliminate Grayson, I’md imagine so he can take some place of honor in his stead.

I did like Damien showing some attachment to Dick and their team. I’m not sure how much that will be developed, especially in the last few issues that we’re reading but it is an interesting wrinkle for the character.
Post 32 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Issue #11 is mostly the fight with Sexton, Robin, and the goons. I think it’s strange that Sexton says they (the goons) chose the Wayne graveyard when it looked like they came after Sexton in his apartment and he lead them to the graveyard

Damian has the same suspicion about Sexton that I did. If he does turn out to be Bruce then it reminds me a little of Xorn in Morrison’s New X-Men, in that it was an ostensibly new character that ended up being an old one in disguise.

We don’t get to see more of that Damian/Dick relationship develop in the issue since Dick spends the issue exploring the caves below the graveyard.
Post 33 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Issue #12 was a bit strange, I agree. The whole neural connection with Damian ended up being rather easy to take care of. Not sure who thought having the wearer feel the injuries was a good idea.

I’ve never been the biggest of of Ra’s Al Ghul, specifically Batman’s relationship towards him and his organization. Seems like it’s this big entity that Batman isn’t fully committed to putting an end to. I mean, I know it’s a major organization but a call to the Justice League should make short work of it.

The omnibus intertwines these last three issues with issues showing Wayne’s adventures through time. I skipped them over but I wonder what they would add to the developing mystery they are uncovering.

I also felt the location jumping felt a little unnecessary at the end. We’re at Wayne manor where this mystery is developing, but we hop (overseas?) to Talia Al Ghul’s “secret” hideout for what seems like a 10 minute conversation only to jump back to Wayne Manor, not reveal a whole lot more, then jump to Sexton’s apartment.

The fact that Sexton was not Bruce Wayne actually makes my comparison to Xorn even more apt because Xorn turned out to be the X-Men’s main adversary, Magneto, and now we have Sexton turning out to be Batman’s main adversary, the Joker. One weird thing though is that Sexton has a very different face shape than the Joker. The Joker has a very distinct chin that should’ve made things pretty obvious.

Overall, I enjoyed these twelve issues but I feel like the story was too quickly interrupted by DC’s next big event that we didn’t get a great feel for how Dick feels about having to replace Bruce or even how they all felt having lost Bruce.

I’m not saying we need another 2-year long Nightfall event but it certainly allowed the new Batman’s presence to be felt, not just by the audience but the world in the story, and Bruce’s absence was similarly felt.

I would like to see how the Joker thing ends. It seems like they might be throwing him Dick’s way as a sort of final challenge as Batman before Bruce Wayne returns.
Post 34 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
why did Darkseid send Batman traveling through time instead of just killing him? I know the answer is “because comics” but even then it feels weird.

I don't know much about Darkseid's power, but I felt like this was weird when I heard about it. Like, doesn't the omega effect kill people? That's what I thought it did. Why did it suddenly send someone through time? Or did it always send people through time but people thought it killed them? If that, there's probably a whole lot of people lost in time! What happened to them? I wonder if this was ever addressed, but I'm also too lazy to google it.
Post 35 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Final Crisis and Marvel’s Civil War, both happened in the same year, ended with a major character’s (Batman and Captain America) supposed death, and they both happen to not be dead and apparently thrown through time instead? That they would come back wasn’t really in question but that last part seems too strange to have been coincidence.

I haven't been a steady Cap reader, so I had no idea he went through time after his death also. "because comics" indeed.
Post 36 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Not sure who thought having the wearer feel the injuries was a good idea.

I don't think it was supposed to happen, but was a result of them strengthening the connection so that Slade could talk through Robin (and maybe also because of Slade's enhanced senses). He was warned, though. Always listen to the engineers!
Post 37 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
why did Darkseid send Batman traveling through time instead of just killing him? I know the answer is “because comics” but even then it feels weird.

I don't know much about Darkseid's power, but I felt like this was weird when I heard about it. Like, doesn't the omega effect kill people? That's what I thought it did. Why did it suddenly send someone through time? Or did it always send people through time but people thought it killed them? If that, there's probably a whole lot of people lost in time! What happened to them? I wonder if this was ever addressed, but I'm also too lazy to google it.

lol that made me think of Rick and Morty when Rick has a laser that turns people into snakes

But that wasn’t exactly the case..

I guess Darkseid really just has time travel beams and just clones a corpse to complete his illusion
Post 38 IP   flag post
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