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Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated WTB/Trade for list:
Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 5 & 6
Dark Horse Presents #'s 54 & 55
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantastic Four # 48 & 49, 55, 57, 58, 72
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 11
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 4 in 9.8 only), 6, 7, 11, 15 thru 17, 20, 24, 25
Green Lantern Vol 2 - #'s 141-144
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, & 10 to CBCS 9.8
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Pitt Vol 1 - #1
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 71, & 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1 & 3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Silver Surfer Vol 1 - 2 thru 5, 9, 10, 12 thru 16, & 18
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Spawn - #4
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron Wizard 1/2
Tales to Astonish 93
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Take a look at my current listings over 1,300 at MCS. I am happy to trade from there for the items above. Link to Trade from List
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Bobashek private msg quote post Address this user
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)

Is one named Cable and one Stryfe? Just kidding.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Pictures? We don't need no stinking pictures. brysb private msg quote post Address this user
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only

I have 2 copies...I love both 9.8 copies!
Post 3 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
I have the following books listed on My Comic Shop:

Not looking for trades.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@drchaos - thanks. Those are great looking pieces. I pretty much want to stick with raw or blue labels. The exception to this is the Star Wars Action Figure Variants. Here is where I am at on that:

Can anyone find the four that I want to upgrade?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@brysb - do you love to much to part with?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@drchaos - thanks. Those are great looking pieces. I pretty much want to stick with raw or blue labels. The exception to this is the Star Wars Action Figure Variants. Here is where I am at on that:

Can anyone find the four that I want to upgrade?

I can’t even find how you get up the stairs.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@drchaos - thanks. Those are great looking pieces. I pretty much want to stick with raw or blue labels. The exception to this is the Star Wars Action Figure Variants. Here is where I am at on that:

Can anyone find the four that I want to upgrade?

I can’t even find how you get up the stairs.

@EbayMafia - i nimbly dance around like Fred Astaire
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector xvipah private msg quote post Address this user
So, of that list here's what I have. One thing to note, most of these I haven't seen in quite a while, I put them in a box and left them . I don't know the condition of them really. If I have 2 copies of older issues I'd imagine I read one before I knew "how" to read a comic w/out causing stress lines, etc.. to it and the other is untouched. I'd need to go and find them to be certain:

- Pitt #1 - I have 2 of these.
- Rom #'s 68 & 70
- Silver Surfer/Warlock resurrection #3 and #4 (I also have #1 and #2, not sure I want to break the set up. I'd imagine I'd just sell them anyway, but as a set would be easier, but who knows)
- Star Wars R2D2 action figure variant. I have this raw, not signed. It's definitely a 9.8 candidate, it looks pristine and I haven't touched it.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Secret Moderator MatterEaterLad private msg quote post Address this user
I have a graded FF48. 3.5. Or are you looking for a high grade copy?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MatterEaterLad
I have a graded FF48. 3.5. Or are you looking for a high grade copy?
@MatterEaterLad - While I would love to get a high grade FF48, my budget and tradable assets dictate otherwise. So, Yes, I would be interested.Quote:
Originally Posted by xvipah
So, of that list here's what I have. One thing to note, most of these I haven't seen in quite a while, I put them in a box and left them . I don't know the condition of them really. If I have 2 copies of older issues I'd imagine I read one before I knew "how" to read a comic w/out causing stress lines, etc.. to it and the other is untouched. I'd need to go and find them to be certain:

- Pitt #1 - I have 2 of these.
- Rom #'s 68 & 70
- Silver Surfer/Warlock resurrection #3 and #4 (I also have #1 and #2, not sure I want to break the set up. I'd imagine I'd just sell them anyway, but as a set would be easier, but who knows)
- Star Wars R2D2 action figure variant. I have this raw, not signed. It's definitely a 9.8 candidate, it looks pristine and I haven't touched it.
@xvipah - I actually do have SS/W Res 3 & 4 into CBCS for grading now. Probably won't get those back till Dec or 1st qtr 2022. So, while I think they may garner a 9.8, one cannot be certain, so if you are willing to let your 9.8's go, I would be interested. Same goes for a Pitt #1 and the other 3.

Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector xvipah private msg quote post Address this user
Just to clarify, all of these are raw. I'll get those pulled out and see if they are 9.8 candidates or not then DM you.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Pictures? We don't need no stinking pictures. brysb private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@brysb - do you love to much to part with?

I have a hard time getting rid of doubles, I know I only need 1 copy, but my OCD tells me differently.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated WTB/Trade for list (most I am fine with Raw unless otherwise specified):

Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 5 & 6
Dark Horse Presents #'s 54 & 55
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantastic Four # 48 & 49, 55, 57, 72
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 #11
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 4 in 9.8 only), 6, 7, 11, 15 thru 17, 20, 24, 25
Green Lantern Vol 2 - #'s 141-144
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, & 10 to CBCS 9.8
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Pitt Vol 1 - #1
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 71, & 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1 & 3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Silver Surfer Vol 1 - 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12 thru 16, & 18
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Spawn - #4
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron Wizard 1/2
Tales to Astonish 93
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Take a look at my current listings over 1,300 at MCS. I am happy to trade from there for the items above

Available Trade away list
Post 14 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I have an FF 48, CBCS 4.0 with white pages for sale, if you’re interested.

Link to thread:

FF 48 FS
Post 15 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim - Yup, I know. I have been contemplating it.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Updating! Down to only needing 13 comics to complete my first 39 appearances of the Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four 48 through Silver Surfer 18 Vol 1. Those comics are listed below in Bold should anyone be able to assist.

Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 5 & 6
Dark Horse Presents #'s 54 & 55
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantastic Four #'s 55, 57, 72
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 #11
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 4 in 9.8 only), 6, 7, 11, 15 thru 17, 20, 24, 25
Green Lantern Vol 2 - #'s 141-144
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Incredible Hulk 102
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, & 10 to CBCS 9.8
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Pitt Vol 1 - #1
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 71, & 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1 & 3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Silver Surfer Vol 1 - 2, 5, 9, 10, 12 thru 16, & 18
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Spawn - #4
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron Wizard 1/2
Tales to Astonish 93
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Take a look at my current listings over 1,300 at MCS. I am happy to trade from there for the items above
Post 17 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Updating! My the items I am looking for are below

Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 5 & 6
Dark Horse Presents #'s 54 & 55
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 #11
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1 & 4 (Both in CBCS 9.8 only), 7, 11, 15 thru 17, 20, & 24
Green Lantern Vol 2 - #'s 141(in CBCS 9.8 only), 142 & 144
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, & 10 to CBCS 9.8
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Pitt Vol 1 - #1
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66, 68 thru 71, & 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1 & 3
Silver Surfer Vol 1 - 16 & 18
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Spawn - #4 in CBCS 9.8 only
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP or VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP or VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP or VSP JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP or VSP by JTC - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Tales to Astonish 93
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Take a look at my current listings over 1,25o at MCS. I am happy to trade from there for the items above.
Direct Link Also, I have well over 500 additional Dark Horse, Topps, and other Pre-1997 Independent comics that are not listed, so feel free to ask.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
I think I can find a CGC 9.6 A&A Gold 0
Post 19 IP   flag post
634342 19 19
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