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If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PovRow
Because friends don't like to see friends getting on each other. Sorry, unlike Lucifer I *am* just human!

It's like Celebrity Deathmatch without the celebrities.
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector PovRow private msg quote post Address this user
It makes me a sad pony.
Post 52 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PovRow
This just in from across the street...
"Anybody else besides me decide to CALL Reed and ask them about it? Per the CSR I spoke with, at those two shows the exclusivity deal pertains to onsite grading only. They welcome all booths. Feel free to give them a ring if you'd like, but they are closed for today. 1.203.840.4800 "

So now we go round and round again. Does anyone know how to give a direct, straight answer first time out? This is becoming ridiculous.

Straight answer: CBCS will not have a booth on the convention floor at ECCC. They will not sell us a booth because of the deal with CGC.
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector PovRow private msg quote post Address this user
Indeed, so it seems Steve. Thanks again to Steve and Jesse.
Post 54 IP   flag post
If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PovRow
It makes me a sad pony.

Post 55 IP   flag post

Collector PovRow private msg quote post Address this user
Post 56 IP   flag post
Collector Chubbyfresh77 private msg quote post Address this user
I remember when conventions were a place where everyone in an industry would come together and present their products
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector OrbitCityComics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Loiselle313
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
Here is an "official" response about VA Comicon...

CBCS was headlined as the "Official Grading Company of the VA Comicon" but there was no exclusivity for us. CGC was on the vendor list until the last minute. A week or two before the show they pulled out and cancelled. I have no idea why; you'll have to ask them.

CBCS has been offered exclusive access to several shows since we've opened, but we've turned it down every time because we feel it hurts the hobby. We want to gain customers by doing our thing, not by eliminating choices for the collectors. We're here to add a choice. If you like us, send us some books.

And finally, we don't penalize anyone for sending books to CGC. Hell, when customers come to our booth with magazines, we've physically walked them to the CGC booth so they can get their books slabbed. Those happy customers come to CBCS again. It seems to be working for us.

Steve, I'm hope there is a plan in place, or are working on a plan for C2E2.

As it stands, RIGHT NOW, according to ReedPOP/C2E2/ECCC, CBCS Comics is barred from advertising at the shows, and barred from renting booth space.

A response I received from the people who run the C2E2 Facebook page states that "They (CBCS Comics) are still free to come to the show and Fans are still able to work with them if they choose. We do anticipate that CBCS will try to make their presence known in another way - so for that we would definitely recommend Fans reach out to CBCS to see what they are planning to do."

Sounds awfully tough to conduct business when you're barred from having a booth and advertising.

I hope CBCS has some sort of presence at the show. Someway, somehow.

Hmmmm, I think I have a solution to the no advertising problem. Maybe Steve can send out t-shirts that celebrate CBCS to anyone attending the convention.
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector JackJericho private msg quote post Address this user

Post 59 IP   flag post
Collector PovRow private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Chubbyfresh77
I remember when conventions were a place where everyone in an industry would come together and present their products

Yeah. Remember when they had MacWorld how that would have been if only Apple brands were allowed?
Post 60 IP   flag post
Collector Iceman399 private msg quote post Address this user
I remember chewbacca
Post 61 IP   flag post
CBCS broke up with me over Facebook. CFP_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Time will tell if this move will hurt or help CGC, it always does.
Post 62 IP   flag post
Collector TheLiamSturgess private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CFP_Comics
Time will tell if this move will hurt or help CGC, it always does.

I said it on the Facebook page and I'll say it here - good for CGC for securing a lucrative exclusive contract. It will only help them because the lines are already pretty much drawn. It's ReedPop who should be worried.
Post 63 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user
I'm wouldn't be too concerned about exclusive convention dealer against CBCS. But if somehow Heritage, Comiclink or any of the bigger auction houses went exclusive then that could be a problem. I'm not sure how the working relationship finished when Steve left Heritage but could you imagine if the next nice pedigree collection heritage brought to market was filtered through CBCS?
Post 64 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
well I wont be going to the convention. And the organizers probably could not care less.
The amount of people attending. If no comic fans attended. The amount of cosplay,anime,video gamers, fantasy ganers and pop culture fans they still would sell out the convention.
As for the auction houses.
im sure they dont care what case a book is in. They're in buisness to sell ans would not play favorites as this could cost them money.
Post 65 IP   flag post
CBCS broke up with me over Facebook. CFP_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TheLiamSturgess
Originally Posted by CFP_Comics
Time will tell if this move will hurt or help CGC, it always does.

I said it on the Facebook page and I'll say it here - good for CGC for securing a lucrative exclusive contract. It will only help them because the lines are already pretty much drawn. It's ReedPop who should be worried.

Time will also tell what domino effect this will cause. Will each show now be looking for exclusivity for certain graders, dealers, etc? If it can generate additional revenue it may be the way promoters will look to do business moving forward.
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector DarthKribs private msg quote post Address this user
This is starting down a a crasy road. I see this turnning into apple vs samsung type of thing. a few CBC going with CGC and a few going with CBCS. the crazy thing will be who will win the Wizard World shows or even SDCC
Post 67 IP   flag post
"Forum Overlord" bah ha ha ha... JustThatGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthKribs
This is starting down a a crasy road. I see this turnning into apple vs samsung type of thing. a few CBC going with CGC and a few going with CBCS. the crazy thing will be who will win the Wizard World shows or even SDCC

Don't be ridiculous. CBCS slabs don't explode. Aside from that, the whole exclusivity deal with CGC is childish. The only reason why they are doing what they are doing is: fear. I think we need to look at it a different way with CBCS. CBCS should celebrate this because they are doing something right and that CGC is feeling the decrease in their, once dominant, pie(translation: money). If, correct me if I am wrong, CGC cares more about collecting vs making money then: they wouldn't squeeze the people out of every dime they can, they wouldn't block CBCS out of REED, and they let people pick what they pick for grading company. If I had a business, then I wouldn't try to bash on the competition. I will spend the money on advertisement on why my service/product is better.
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector cloudcloddie private msg quote post Address this user
I feel more and more that every decision CGC makes is about money. They've had, IMO, piss poor customer service for years, and the way they handled the frankenslab fiasco just exacerbated it. This exclusivity is just another way for them to get business without actually getting better as a company. I understand that they're a business and their end goal is money - and that worked for them when there was no valid competition. But at this point it's just them doing everything they can to stay top dog without improving service. It's lame.
Post 69 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cloudcloddie
I feel more and more that every decision CGC makes is about money. They've had, IMO, piss poor customer service for years, and the way they handled the frankenslab fiasco just exacerbated it. This exclusivity is just another way for them to get business without actually getting better as a company. I understand that they're a business and their end goal is money - and that worked for them when there was no valid competition. But at this point it's just them doing everything they can to stay top dog without improving service. It's lame.
CGC has made changes. First thing they did was roll back the modern teir to 1975 probably so they wouldn't lose that five year block from 1975 to 1980 to CBCS. They have also cut the pre-screen number of books from 50 to 25. To say CGC isn't competing on the service side of things is really not true. I'm not saying they aren't trying to buy their way out of this but they are offering their customer base a couple of new things also.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector cloudcloddie private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JWKyle
Originally Posted by cloudcloddie
I feel more and more that every decision CGC makes is about money. They've had, IMO, piss poor customer service for years, and the way they handled the frankenslab fiasco just exacerbated it. This exclusivity is just another way for them to get business without actually getting better as a company. I understand that they're a business and their end goal is money - and that worked for them when there was no valid competition. But at this point it's just them doing everything they can to stay top dog without improving service. It's lame.
CGC has made changes. First thing they did was roll back the modern teir to 1975 probably so they wouldn't lose that five year block from 1975 to 1980 to CBCS. They have also cut the pre-screen number of books from 50 to 25. To say CGC isn't competing on the service side of things is really not true. I'm not saying they aren't trying to buy their way out of this but they are offering their customer base a couple of new things also.

Wasn't their modern tier service '75 back in the day? They could have easily kept it as such over the years, but... money. And the pre-screen 50 number was never a hard and fast rule. I get that they've made a few changes, but I'd take it more seriously if it was to benefit the customers, and not solely as a response to losing business to CBCS.
Post 71 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cloudcloddie
Originally Posted by JWKyle
Originally Posted by cloudcloddie
I feel more and more that every decision CGC makes is about money. They've had, IMO, piss poor customer service for years, and the way they handled the frankenslab fiasco just exacerbated it. This exclusivity is just another way for them to get business without actually getting better as a company. I understand that they're a business and their end goal is money - and that worked for them when there was no valid competition. But at this point it's just them doing everything they can to stay top dog without improving service. It's lame.
CGC has made changes. First thing they did was roll back the modern teir to 1975 probably so they wouldn't lose that five year block from 1975 to 1980 to CBCS. They have also cut the pre-screen number of books from 50 to 25. To say CGC isn't competing on the service side of things is really not true. I'm not saying they aren't trying to buy their way out of this but they are offering their customer base a couple of new things also.

Wasn't their modern tier service '75 back in the day? They could have easily kept it as such over the years, but... money. And the pre-screen 50 number was never a hard and fast rule. I get that they've made a few changes, but I'd take it more seriously if it was to benefit the customers, and not solely as a response to losing business to CBCS.
Yes it was back in the day. And don't get me wrong I think CGC is what CGC is. I made my mind up that CBCS still has a lot of room to grow and I want my CBCS collection to grow along with them.
Post 72 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CFP_Comics
Originally Posted by TheLiamSturgess
Originally Posted by CFP_Comics
Time will tell if this move will hurt or help CGC, it always does.

I said it on the Facebook page and I'll say it here - good for CGC for securing a lucrative exclusive contract. It will only help them because the lines are already pretty much drawn. It's ReedPop who should be worried.

Time will also tell what domino effect this will cause. Will each show now be looking for exclusivity for certain graders, dealers, etc? If it can generate additional revenue it may be the way promoters will look to do business moving forward.

I don't see exclusitivity with dealers being possible, as a revenue generating avenue for show promoters.There are hindreds of dealers who exhibit at shows, all of which have ate selling tangible goods that are not unique and can be purchased from Dealer A through Dealer Z.

OTOH, there are is a grand total of 2 3rd party grading firms that a consumer can pay for what is a unique service that is only offered by (at the most) 2 exhibitors.

CGC and CBCS exhibit at shows for two reasons; increase revenue by in person subs at any given con.Second reason being to draw in consumers who may not have subbed books in for 3rd party grading before.Them, or their competion.Ultimately, the end goal for both CGC snd CBCS is to increase their brands' visibility and standing in the marketplace.

I believe that both CBCS and CGC are on equal footing WRT putting forth excellent product.IMO, there really is no difference between the competency of CBCS and CGC.I regularly sub books to both companies and have no preference.

I will say that I certainly am not a fan of the idea of any con selling exclusive rights to either CGC or CBCS to act as the sole provider of their services at a con.

From a business stand point, CGC is now doing what is best in terms of increasing their brand visibility/market presence at C2E2/ECCC by buying up exclusive rights at these 2 cons.

I do hope this does not become a trend in the future with other cons.
Post 73 IP   flag post
Collector Resurrection private msg quote post Address this user
This just continues to show how petty CGC is. IF they put out a consistent product with competitive pricing, acceptable turn around times, and even decent customer service. We wouldnt be talking about this. But they see no reason to improve at all, so it's easier to just throw money at getting rid of their competition. That company is swirling the toilet faster and faster.
Post 74 IP   flag post
I'm sure whatever it was you got me was perfect. PhantomEwan private msg quote post Address this user
I'm just sad. Already got my tickets to ECCC and was looking forward to subbing some comics. I don't sub many comics and I really like doing it in person a little old fashioned of me I guess. I also like that it saves me some money on shipping my comics to CBCS. It helps me rationalize the expense of going to the con. This takes some of the luster off my hometown con and leaves it feeling kind of dirty.
Post 75 IP   flag post
Collector Archie10cents private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PhantomEwan
I'm just sad. Already got my tickets to ECCC and was looking forward to subbing some comics. I don't sub many comics and I really like doing it in person a little old fashioned of me I guess. I also like that it saves me some money on shipping my comics to CBCS. It helps me rationalize the expense of going to the con. This takes some of the luster off my hometown con and leaves it feeling kind of dirty.

I also had got my tickets brought online (waiting for them in mail) to ECCC. When I found out CGC will be setting a booth, I thought "Hey, that is good as it is close to me. I can submit few of my books straight there". I like to do that in person ... I am same as you are, old fashioned.

But now with all the swirling storm between CGC and CBCS by agurments. It do make my upcoming trip to ECCC a tad bit less thrilling. This is my 1st time going there, you know?

I have no preferences between these two companies. Only reason is that it is set up close to where I live is why I go there. I already subbed my comics to CBCS last week at Fan Expo Vancouver.
Post 76 IP   flag post
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