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Ramos and Perez no longer in Trump states?1499

You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Go USA. Election time is fun. Not as fun as comics, but fun nonetheless.
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector bodmer71 private msg quote post Address this user
I think the idea of not doing cons in a "Red State" is silly. I don't disagree with the fact that every person should have the right to voice their discontent (peacefully). However, I don't think Ramos and Perez are hitting the mark. They are punishing their own fans here...

Also, the comic industry is full of creators who live in "Red States"... Wouldn't it be just as silly to say that, "I am not going to work with Robert Kirkman because he lives in Kentucky?

Just seems like the only people Ramos and Perez are punishing is their fans and themselves...
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by reggieb
I voted third party, so I have safely watched all of the insanity as a neutral, as I couldn't stomach either of the primary choices personally. But I have a lot of family and loved ones that voted for both candidates. Some of them while holding their noses, some proudly. None of them are hateful.

I kind of agree with GradeAUnderA from youtube, the hypocrisy right now is mind boggling.
"I voted third party." Translation: you basically voted for Trump. Talk about hypocrisy. SMH.

Unreal and you are showing as much bias as you assume those you seem to have issue with might have.

Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by Darkga
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by earthshaker01
One word for them. "Bye" There are plenty of real Americans that can take their convention apots.
"Real Americans?" So only when someone is in lockstep with YOUR thinking are they "real" Americans?

Real Americans are those who accept the results of a free and fair election. If Trump voters were protesting I'd be saying the same thing.

Real Americans are those who respect the legal rights of others. Including their right to protest something YOU don't have a problem with, or something you don't agree with.

Dude, noting all of your responses I have to ask is it your intention to get the thread locked? Wow.
Speaking of bias... are you saying that because you don't agree with any of what I said? I'm speaking my mind in a respectful way JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE. If anything I've posted is going to get this thread locked -- then so be it.

You need to read what I wrote. I never stated that I agreed nor disagreed with what you stated. I shined a light on your statement and the inherent bias your statements provides the reader. Your satement about voting for a third party candidate ISN'T respectful. It is your opinion but it isn't respectful of how that US Citizen exercised their voting privilege.
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by reggieb
I voted third party, so I have safely watched all of the insanity as a neutral, as I couldn't stomach either of the primary choices personally. But I have a lot of family and loved ones that voted for both candidates. Some of them while holding their noses, some proudly. None of them are hateful.

I kind of agree with GradeAUnderA from youtube, the hypocrisy right now is mind boggling.
"I voted third party." Translation: you basically voted for Trump. Talk about hypocrisy. SMH.

Unreal and you are showing as much bias as you assume those you seem to have issue with might have.

Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by Darkga
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by earthshaker01
One word for them. "Bye" There are plenty of real Americans that can take their convention apots.
"Real Americans?" So only when someone is in lockstep with YOUR thinking are they "real" Americans?

Real Americans are those who accept the results of a free and fair election. If Trump voters were protesting I'd be saying the same thing.

Real Americans are those who respect the legal rights of others. Including their right to protest something YOU don't have a problem with, or something you don't agree with.

Dude, noting all of your responses I have to ask is it your intention to get the thread locked? Wow.
Speaking of bias... are you saying that because you don't agree with any of what I said? I'm speaking my mind in a respectful way JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE. If anything I've posted is going to get this thread locked -- then so be it.

You need to read what I wrote. I never stated that I agreed nor disagreed with what you stated. I shined a light on your statement and the inherent bias your statements provides the reader. Your satement about voting for a third party candidate ISN'T respectful. It is your opinion but it isn't respectful of how that US Citizen exercised their voting privilege.
So why aren't you "shining a light" on the inherent bias being provided to readers by the pro Trump folks? There are plenty of people here that have made it clear they are pro Trump and that the rest of us can go "suck it" but I don't see you "shining a light" on the bias of their statements.
Post 54 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JLS_Comics
oh gawd I hope I dont regret this LOL

.... annnnd I do

(i posted a cat pic...someone didnt like it lol)
Post 55 IP   flag post

You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
They aren't that good anyhow. Plus for everyone of them there are a 1000 people willing to take their spots at cons. They should be careful. People can be easily forgotten.
Post 56 IP   flag post
Collector bodmer71 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by bodmer71
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by reggieb
I voted third party, so I have safely watched all of the insanity as a neutral, as I couldn't stomach either of the primary choices personally. But I have a lot of family and loved ones that voted for both candidates. Some of them while holding their noses, some proudly. None of them are hateful.

I kind of agree with GradeAUnderA from youtube, the hypocrisy right now is mind boggling.
"I voted third party." Translation: you basically voted for Trump. Talk about hypocrisy. SMH.

Actually, this is wrong. Libertarians [the largest "third party"] are mostly comprised of socially liberal minded people who would otherwise vote Republican. It's (mostly) accepted that Libertarians take votes from the Republican party... i.e. Trump would have won by a wider margin but for the Libertarian party.

That being said, the Green Party [2nd largest "third party"] tends to take votes from the Democratic Party... However, the Green Party received far fewer votes than the Libertarian Party.

This, of course, has nothing to do with comics...
The simple math of this election is that while conservatives were casting all their votes for one candidate, liberals were splitting their votes among three. And while Hillary won the popular vote, all the vote splitting in all the wrong places doomed her. And yeah, none of this has anything to do with comics.

I guess you misunderstood what I was saying. The truth is that there was more "vote splitting" amongst Republicans. This is evidenced by the fact that the Libertarian party received the most votes among the "third parties."

Also, there were numerous notable Republicans (some still in office) who refused to endorse Trump. Of course, there weren't many (or any) Democrats who did not endorse Clinton.
Post 57 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Aw, perhaps Ramos and Perez just need a hug, and a safe space to pet puppies. Poor little snowflakes. Life sucks when you don't get everything your way.
So lemme get this straight: when white people feel "threatened" and rush to the polls to get there way because they are "afraid" of where the country might be headed, THOSE feelings are valid. But when Black, gays, hispanics and other minorities express the same fear for where the country might be headed with the election of Trump, THOSE feeling are to be ignored, belittled, and mocked? SMH. Isn't that attitude of marginalizing certain people's feelings EXACTLY how we ended up with Trump?

Actually, Trump would have lost big time, if not for the minority votes he got. And the woman vote he got.

See, the thing is. Losers don't like losing. I didn't like it eight years ago. But I pulled my boots up by the straps and marched forward. Doing the best I could despite how things didn't go my way. Even though I hated it more than you can imagine.

Others basked in the glory of their victory and said things like "you lost, we won, deal with it".

Well dear little snowflakes. Deal with it. You will have your turn, and when you do. I promise not to burn down your business and beat those wearing a cap with your gals name on it.

If Ramos and Perez are perfectly within their rights to avoid signings in red sates. Why isn't the public at large perfectly within their rights to vote for whomever they want, for whatever reason they have? Even if you don't like it?

I admit the election was not fair and square. But Trump won DESPITE the unfairness. Like Muhammad Ali. He took on the world by himself, and beat it.
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector reggieb private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
The simple math of this election is that while conservatives were casting all their votes for one candidate, liberals were splitting their votes among three. And while Hillary won the popular vote, all the vote splitting in all the wrong places doomed her. And yeah, none of this has anything to do with comics.

Well, firstly, the "simple math," is wrong. HRC lost because a whole bunch of voters stayed home in a lot of the swing states that she lost. People didn't like either of these candidates.

You win in the US by winning the electoral college, and the states that carried the election were states like Wisconsin, where Romney and Trump received roughly the same number of votes, and Hillary carried many fewer than Obama. She carried around 200k fewer votes in Michigan than did Obama as well.

Sure, he carried more in some states (like PA and Florida), but your narrative isn't correct.

Also, trust me, Hillary didn't lose a vote from me. I wouldn't vote for Hillary ever. I wouldn't vote for Trump either, but that's another story.

You are both uninformed, and very hypocritical (as the two posts I last quoted from you prove). You were the first person to come in and start stirring the pot, so that's why you've gotten a backlash.
Post 59 IP   flag post
Moderator The_Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
And we're done
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