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Is the market over-valuing the future of X-men and Wolverine?14861

Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
I've been having this debate with myself. Given all the exposure they've had, does the MCU really make the future of X-men and Wolverine that much bigger than the past? Half of me says no way, there has already been so many movies, cartoons, comic books etc, there's no reason why values should be shooting up like this. The other half says that if the X-men comic collecting audience doubles because of the MCU, then the runup in prices is justified. I tend to fall in the camp of the market currently over-valuing the future. What do you all say? No need for this discussion to get heated or personal.
Post 1 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Nothing worthwhile to contribute, but I have a vested interest in Wolverine so,I hope it sky rockets.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
I believe it’s mostly hype and people seeing the high dollar investment buys. Get em while you can! They’re gonna be huge!

I honestly thought my 90s X-men #1 (or any of them excluding Gambit) would never be worth more than cover price; good thing I got most of them for $1.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
Nothing worthwhile to contribute, but I have a vested interest in Wolverine so,I hope it sky rockets.

@Bronte I'm not nearly as vested as you, my X-men/Wolverine books are probably worth 10% of your Hulk 181's...but I'm certainly enjoying the run-up in value. I'm trying to figure out though what audience the MCU will bring to the X-men that wasn't already there. I might be getting some indication of that by watching how well Disney is manipulating my 11 year old into loving the MCU.
Post 4 IP   flag post
CBCS Boomhauer HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Gambit looks like my dad, Bob. How can't I get personal?
Post 5 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
In my opinion, the Fox movies xmen run was kinda weak. If the MCU does a better job of conveying the mutants as an interesting topic, it could gather a bigger following. Plus you have Marvel fan boys / girls that watch anything Marvel. With that kind of base, it's kinda hard to see it fail.

There have been some shitty MCU movies that racked in tons of cash, just because it's marvel. It certainly wasn't from a compelling story line....
Post 6 IP   flag post
It was a one trick pony show but always hilarious. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
the comic collecting audience doesn't have to doesn't even have to necessarily increase...what the MCU X-men promise to the existing collectors is the most comic accurate interpretations....hence intensifying demand if not increasing/expanding it.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Let me pose another question for those on the "not over-valued" camp: For the 3 Bronze keys of Hulk 181, GSX 1 and X-men there a price they could reach that would cause you to feel they were over-valued? Or is it like ocean front real estate...each new high is just a stepping stone to the next high?
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector cesidio private msg quote post Address this user
Just about every collectable sub market is way over valued along with the stock market homes cars food ect. Dollar is losing value so it takes more dollars to buy any good or service. What I find curious is that baseball cards and memorabilia seems to be spinning it's wheels. Basketball rookie cards for millions hockey rookies for millions, but you can still pick up say a Nolan ryan rookie for a relatively reasonable amount. Sometimes a particular market makes no sense. This is the first time in my memory (60 years) where just about everything is jaw dropping in price. The 90s ended poorly for comics, hope I'm wrong but when comics crash this time I believe it's going to be much worse.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector cesidio private msg quote post Address this user
This is off topic, but personally I'd like to see a wolverine trilogy after back story is developed. Wolverine: weapon x the death of wolverine and return of wolverine. Between death and return a movie based on death of wolverine captian America and Deadpool. Just being selfish.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cesidio
Just about every collectable sub market is way over valued along with the stock market homes cars food ect. Dollar is losing value so it takes more dollars to buy any good or service

@cesidio I'm trying to follow but it seems like there are conflicting statements here. If the dollar is losing value, then everything of value should be increasing in price relative to the dollar, correct? The one thing that is really surprising me is that precious metals like Gold and Silver have not had the price run-up that one would expect in a situation where currency is devaluing.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Mmanick private msg quote post Address this user
Eventually everything will take a slight dip. I hate the speculation though as I was getting back into collecting but these ridiculous prices are forcing me out.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector cesidio private msg quote post Address this user
@EbayMafia you are right. I don't know what the ingots for gold and silver are doing, but if you check the precious metal sites the first strike(equivalent to a first issue in comics or rookie card) 2021 1 ounce gold buffalo graded a 70(9.8 in comics 10 in sports cards) are selling for around 2500. Last I checked gold spot was right around 1900 per ounce. Roughly a 27 percent premium.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector cesidio private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Let me pose another question for those on the "not over-valued" camp: For the 3 Bronze keys of Hulk 181, GSX 1 and X-men there a price they could reach that would cause you to feel they were over-valued? Or is it like ocean front real estate...each new high is just a stepping stone to the next high?

Something anything is only worth what someone will pay for it. Book or fair market value is irelavent. Right now most sellers (especially on ebay) are asking 30+ percent premiums on key and hot books. Don't get me wrong I'd really like to have a return of wolverine #1 McFarlane remastered sketch but I'm not going to pay 300 for a raw or 500+ for a slabed 9.6. But this is coming from someone who could have bought a TMNT#1 1ST print for 400 dollars 35 years ago but opted for the 75 dollar second print.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
For my two cents, I think Wolverine was already done to exhaustion and none of the movies ever fell in the top 50 all time for sales, once you allow for inflation. The only possible avenue I see to do anything wolverine and make a big splash would be to create the original story from 180-181 but told in a more sensical method.

The flip side of that coin is the x men....multiple movies that were mediocre but decent for the most half the fun they create the original team...the x men of Giant size x men 1 fame, or a more modern team using members like Gambit, Emma Frost and Jubilee.......of course everyone has their own take or want in that regard too.
I think they start at the beginning with X and his original team and begin building an overarching storyline that would eventually encompass several teams of x men. Within that storyline they could probably even build a Power pack spin off, or a feasible New Mutants series , etc. With the x men, there are so many possible characters, villains and teams doesnt rely on one badly overused character.

For me the outcome for comics is precisely what it has been...a leveling of the playing field between hulk 181 and Giant size x men 1 for the most part. About a year ago I suggested that was coming and I can still hear the anguished screams and declarations how hulk 181 is the best buy, all day everyday and even twice on most sundays. ...but it happened.
As far as the x men books themselves and the explosion in prices I myself felt they were vastly under-priced for far too long and I think they still have plenty of walking room.
A few years back I bought an x men 50 for 265 or 8.5 steranko witnessed signed copy. Most i have paid for a comic since the was an auction on MCS and I just got the attitude I was getting it period....I was a bit surprised I did it and questioned buying it for that price several times in hindsight....but now, today by GPA an unsigned 50 in 8.5 is moving between 6-7 hundred. I see more of that coming, and its also a bit staggering that since we have no idea what teams or villains they will use, and given how chock full the x men run is with character intros, who knows which books will break out and how many?

For a better idea go look at various books with Scarlet witch...x men 4, and her eighties mini series etc....about anything with her in or on it has exploded ....with more to come. Mostly thanks to Wandavision....but everyone knows she has more storyline coming
Post 15 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
Nothing worthwhile to contribute, but I have a vested interest in Wolverine so,I hope it sky rockets.

Same here, although I will make a slight contribution in pointing out what happened to Spider-Man going from Sony to Marvel. I don't follow the book values closely so someone else can chime in there, but the Marvel Spideys made notably more than the previous Mark Webb-directed movies. Assuming that the comics made a similar bump, there's reason to assume that the MCU will do something for the X-Men.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cesidio
This is the first time in my memory (60 years) where just about everything is jaw dropping in price. The 90s ended poorly for comics, hope I'm wrong but when comics crash this time I believe it's going to be much worse.


People are looking for safe places to park their money to hedge inflation. The old ones aren't looking that great due to things we aren't allowed to chat about on the forum. So, I won't touch on them. Once the grass becomes greener in another location, "investors" will flock to that area and pull their capital out of the markets they current have it parked in.

We have had a perfect storm of events occur to drive prices higher in the comic market over the last 10+ years. However, the true explosion in pricing has taken place in a much shorter period of time. Due to that, last year I started dumping my collection. Why? Because books I bought for under $100.00 suddenly were in price ranges that the "true" comic collector could no longer afford. That spells doom for any collectables market. I'm not talking about rare books. I'm talking about books like Giant Size X-Men 1, Spider-Man 129, and Hulk 181.

I wrote the following 2 months ago and have updated the prices based upon GoCollect's free pricing info...

Originally Posted by Towmater
I'm glad I started collecting before all of this nonsense started. I came into the hobby and built a collection when it was possible to do so. Do most new collectors only have 10 to 20 books in their collection now? I can't imagine trying to put the following books into a collection now in 8.0 or better

1) Giant Size X-Men 1 (7500.00)
2) X-Men 94 (3100.00)
3) Daredevil 1 (13000.00)
4) TMNT 1 first printing ($20,000.00)
5) ASM 129 (2050.00)
6) Incredible Hulk 181 (9000.00)
7) Marvel Spotlight 5 (4300.00)
8) Fantastic Four 52 (3700.00)
9) X-Men 12 (5250.00)
10) Avengers 4 (7000.00)

The capital to do it would be a nice nest egg. Take TMNT 1 out and you out $54,900.00 for the other 9 books in 8.0.

When ASM 129 in 8.0 at $2000.00+ starts to look like a bargain, compared to other keys, that should be telling people within the hobby something.

If the market goes where I think it will go, maybe I'll start buying some keys again to add to my son's collection. If it doesn't, then I'm a very satisfied collector who cashed out his chips. The hobby was very good to my family over the last year.

BTW, was the X-Men 12 cgc 4.0 that sold in the Comic Link auction, that ended on 5-13-21, for $988.00 well bought or has the market for that book started to cool off? I ask as GoCollect shows the price at $1450.00 in that grade. Also, in the same auction the 7.0 copy of that book went for $2329.99. GoCollect shows it at $3000.00. Again, is it cooling off or just well bought?

Both GoCollect prices are for last sales in April 2021.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector ProdigalSon private msg quote post Address this user
I personally think the market has over valued almost EVERYTHING lately.. I'm waiting for the bubble to burst so I can buy the books I want at better prices again!!!
Post 18 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
Interesting reading.

Which I'm doing on vacation for a week at Olympic national park.

Last year no vacation.

Year before I traveled to France, Ireland, Iceland, Canada and back to Australia.

With the world changing again I'm hoping for more vacations.

That's the key here.

Nothing to do the last 12 months there, this was a time for hobbies that you could do alone or online.

Interesting to see what happens in the future
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
I think of the 90's comic crash and can't help but feel the books values have grown to fast to be sustainable.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by southerncross
With the world changing again I'm hoping for more vacations.

That's the key here.

Nothing to do the last 12 months there, this was a time for hobbies that you could do alone or online.

Interesting to see what happens in the future

@southerncross young people working 20 hours a week have gone from making $300 a week to receiving $900 a week to stay home. Paying rent has been optional. 18 year old students are giving speeches on buying stocks and citing Robin Hood as their information source. No travel, no large group entertainment. It's been a perfect storm for sure.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Along with Dogecoin and GameStop, AMC has been one of the big meme stock winners this year. The entertainment stock has jumped as much as 3,000% this year, thanks largely to the pumping of the stock across social media platforms including Twitter, TikTok, and Reddit, where AMC holders have posted with hashtags like #AMCArmy and #AMC500k and call themselves apes. The memes have helped encourage a wave of new investors into the stock, and given the stock an identity separate from the business.
During Wednesday's surge, which lifted the stock as much as 127%, AMC's market cap topped $30 billion. Prior to the pandemic, its market cap had never even eclipsed $4 billion. It's fair to say then that the company's market value has become grossly separated from the intrinsic value of the business.

However, fundamentals don't really matter to the stock at this point, and Aron gets that. What's more important is pleasing AMC's horde of retail investors, and convincing them to continue holding and pumping the stock. That's why the investor rewards program, which is unique in the business world, is such a shrewd move. It creates another incentive for investors to buy and hold the stock and to persuade others to do so, as those who have held the stock since the beginning of the year have been handsomely rewarded.

The Investor Connect announcement doubled the value of the stock in one day, adding $15 billion to the company's market value. No news about the underlying business would have done the same.

The unsophisticated money has entered many investment markets in the last 12 months. The problem with unsophisticated money is that it's easy to lure from one shiny object to the next. In this case, free popcorn for shareholders was one of the main lures used.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
The crash in the nineties less some might forget was brought on mostly by the comic companies printing multiple first issues, gimmicks and bagged first editions, holofoil cutout, coupon sendoff and saturating the market so heavily with products the entire mess collapsed under its own weight

The modern market is a different situation entirely with the exception of variant covers. An x men 1 selling for 22k just isnt the same situation as the collapse in the nineties...
Post 23 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Sold a Wolverine 10 CBCS 9.8 Wolverine Newsstand signed by Tom DeFalco a couple days ago.

Bought a raw copy at a con the following day.

So far this year my ebay store got cleaned out on X-Men 266, 244, and 213.

There is a feeding frenzy but if you search every nook and cranny you can still find a few bargains out there.
Post 24 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by southerncross
Interesting reading.

Which I'm doing on vacation for a week at Olympic national park.

Last year no vacation.

Year before I traveled to France, Ireland, Iceland, Canada and back to Australia.

With the world changing again I'm hoping for more vacations.

That's the key here.

Nothing to do the last 12 months there, this was a time for hobbies that you could do alone or online.

Interesting to see what happens in the future

After a con this afternoon I am spending a couple days at the Jersey shore.
Post 25 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
I flip back and forth on this topic, weekly.

There are days I think X-Men/Wolverine books have been undervalued; and they're just getting to where they should be after years of not much significant growth. (I'm leaving 181 out of this, as it's a unique book)

Then there are days that I just can't believe this growth on X-Men/Wolverine blue chips can continue. It's insanity and it doesn't seem right.

I just hope the hobby/industry (speaking generally now) continues to grow; not exponentially as it's been. That worries me. I'd rather see continuous incremental growth.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
The big clue most people just aren't getting here is obvious but most are missing it. When Disney bought Marvel they got rights to only certain characters and the began their efforts with the various Avengers....Cap, Iron Man, Ant Man, Widow, Thor etc.

All of those books and related went up just like the x titles and wolverine are now.....but it happened over several each new character or villain or title got its movie and exposure.

Then one day, Disney ponys up the coin and buys in so they own the rights to the x men, fantastic four, and Wolverine. The minute those rights were secured, everything related to these characters went poof....and will continue doing so. It took them what...15 years to work through the entire Thanos storyline? So if they do create a storyline that is overarching for the x men and spend the next 15 years painting that tapestry, those books arent dropping....they are going to climb even more. Todays prices will seem morbidly cheap and those selling at current price levels are in for a surprise as the books continue climbing and prices reach much higher levels.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
- edit and deleted by me
Post 28 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
Originally Posted by southerncross
Interesting reading.

Which I'm doing on vacation for a week at Olympic national park.

Last year no vacation.

Year before I traveled to France, Ireland, Iceland, Canada and back to Australia.

With the world changing again I'm hoping for more vacations.

That's the key here.

Nothing to do the last 12 months there, this was a time for hobbies that you could do alone or online.

Interesting to see what happens in the future

After a con this afternoon I am spending a couple days at the Jersey shore.

Nice to hear about people taking vacations again.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by drchaos
Originally Posted by southerncross
Interesting reading.

Which I'm doing on vacation for a week at Olympic national park.

Last year no vacation.

Year before I traveled to France, Ireland, Iceland, Canada and back to Australia.

With the world changing again I'm hoping for more vacations.

That's the key here.

Nothing to do the last 12 months there, this was a time for hobbies that you could do alone or online.

Interesting to see what happens in the future

After a con this afternoon I am spending a couple days at the Jersey shore.

Nice to hear about people taking vacations again.

I'm having lunch ATM in Forks

Place twilight books are based in.

I hated being tricked by my sister in watching the first movie years ago.

Looking at this town, well it's slightly better than the movie 🤣😜
Post 30 IP   flag post
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