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GoFundMe for our own Jesse_O! Please help!14747

I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Another month, another small donation. Go Team Jesse!
Post 126 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
My friend Brian, who does not know Jesse from a hole in the wall, donated $50! What a nice guy!
I love the people in our hobby!!!
Post 127 IP   flag post
Cover, 8 pages before the staples, 8 pages after, back cover. MrNotSoNice private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock
My friend Brian, who does not know Jesse from a hole in the wall, donated $50!

Is that a hole in the wall? No,'s Jesse! See, I know the difference.
Post 128 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Just passed $7800!
Great going all!
Post 129 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Another donation!
We are now passed $7900!
Post 130 IP   flag post

The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
We just hit $8K!
Fantastic job everyone!
Post 131 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Another month another small donation. I do what I can. Go Team Jesse!
Post 132 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Campaign is ending on the 15th. I want to thank everyone for all their support during this time!!! Words fail me to express how much gratitude I have for everyone here and in the extended comic book collecting community. Thanks to you all, the funds will make a HUGE dent in my bills and possibly will be able to pay it all. This will be a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. This would not have been possible without this great community of collectors!!!! We truly do have a brotherhood and sisterhood!!!!

Peace out,
Post 133 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Being a bit of news hound can sometimes be trying and can colour ones perception on society in general. Then there are moments like this that combat that perception. I'm proud to be a part of this CBCS community. Let's try and hit that goal!!!
Post 134 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC I appreciate your zeal!! But honestly, I'm floored this much has been raised!! These past few weeks and months, I have gotten MANY messages of encouragement and camaraderie!!! The show of support and caring has been tremendous!!

I really do thank you all!!
Post 135 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC we are the best community!!! This is family.
Post 136 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
HI Jesse,

I'm sorry for your situation, but at the very least it shows that we can set our differences aside and do better as a group. I'm glad to be part of a community that cares about a fellow human being that most of us don't know personally. Hang in there Jesse.
Post 137 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
We did so well! I am so proud to be part of this community! You folks are the best!
Post 138 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Just bumping because it is the last week.
Post 139 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Post 140 IP   flag post
Keep your $6.87 bro... not even saving tax with that. Cli4dR3D0g private msg quote post Address this user
Drop some dolla dolla bills yall! Starbucks will live without your crapachinos for a week.

The Ed McMahon rumor didn't pan out.
Post 141 IP   flag post
Cover, 8 pages before the staples, 8 pages after, back cover. MrNotSoNice private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xjagnew
Ed McMahon

The Johnny Carson Ed McMahon or another Ed McMahon?
Post 142 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
The campaign is at $8,245 as of yesterday!! The amount of financial and emotional support shown me these last weeks has been ... priceless!!!!
Post 143 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Post 144 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
I have been making a small donation each month (tight budget) since this started and I normally wouldn't make one now as I have already made one for this month. Since this campaign is coming to an end soon, I wanted to do what I could to help Jesse and make one final donation to the cause. and to bump this thread one more time as we are near the home stretch. Glad to be part of such a caring group. God bless all of you that donated financially and even those that wanted to but for whatever reason were unable to.
Post 145 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Post 146 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Ends at midnight tonight!! Again, thank you all for your support!!! You guys and gals rock!!!
Post 147 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
We are at $8300!!!!
Nice going everyone!
Post 148 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
I have an update for everyone.

The GoFundMe ended on August 15th with a grand total of $8,300 raised!!! As of right now, ALL of my medical bills have been paid except for one. That one actually arrived during the campaign. It was from 2020. I called them and they are running it through the state insurance which SHOULD cover it. If it doesn't get paid by the state, there is enough gofundme funds to cover it!!! So, at the end of the day, everything will be taken care of and I will have a few hundred left over for future medical bills. This money is in a separate checking account designated for just medical bills.

This actually all happened last week. To be honest, I wasn't sure how to react. It is such a load off my mind that I still haven't fully processed it yet.

The comic book collecting community, especially the CBCS Forum, really rallied around me and came through!!! I owe a debt of gratitude to Steve Borock for suggesting this to me when I ended up in the hospital in October, 2019. It took me until the spring of 2021 to take him up on his offer. Sometimes, a person needs to ask for help.

This was an incredible, humbling and reaffirming thing to go through. People that I only know virtually stepped up and offered financial and emotional support. I received many messages of encouragement and even a few phone calls. The impact all of this has had on me cannot be measured in just dollars and cents. All of you REALLY came through for me!!

I tried to keep track of everyone that helped out and failed miserably. Some people gave anonymously and some people on the forum I do not know their real names. I do want to thank those that sold comics or slabs and donated a portion or all of the proceeds to my campaign. I hope I get all of them and apologize if I miss anyone. I tried to keep track as the sales happened. Those members are; HeinzDad, Scifinator, EbayMafia and Bronte. Flanders not only sold some of his own comics, but he also sold comics for Steve Sibra and HotKeyComics and donated the proceeds. And of course, MANY members here gave money from their own pockets to help me!!! I can't THANK ALL of you enough!!!

I have always been proud to be a member of the CBCS community. I've been committed to helping this company grow and help in any little way I can since I first met Steve Borock online. He is a class act and wanted to make CBCS a class act also. He really and truly loves the comic book community!! And while things have never been perfect for CBCS, I know that it is not for a lack of dedication. So, helping to moderate the forum has been something that I take seriously. Doing that with Steve Ricketts, The_Watcher and others, has been great!!!

I could go on, but I'm a hunt and peck typer and have been at this for over a half hour. LOL!! Just know that I am thankful everyday for each and every one of you, even those I have occasionally had to moderate. I believe we have the best comic book forum as far as community and kinship goes. I have many brothers and sisters here.

Peace Out,


PS - I will be doing an update on the gofundme page later this week. I wanted to thank everyone here first because the VAST majority of the support came from this group!!!
Post 149 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
I'm very glad everything worked out and is working out for you. This is a great community and since I've joined it 7 years ago I've learned more here then I have in the last 20 years. We have an amazing group of people here!! Continue to get better and I look forward to seeing you when CBCS has CBCS EXPO 2.
Post 150 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Post 151 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O Cheers! You rock! 🍻
Post 152 IP   flag post
Cover, 8 pages before the staples, 8 pages after, back cover. MrNotSoNice private msg quote post Address this user
Many hands make light work.
Post 153 IP   flag post
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