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Help me help you!14694

Collector mediaslave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TellEmSteveDave
When’s cons start up again I’d like to see you guys at more shows.

To give credit where it's due, I've seen cbcs had a lot more cons up here in Canada than I ever expected them to be at. I found that particularly impressive.
Post 76 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Ploppy
Buffalo Stu?

No. He was asking if you were this guy Stu that adds nothing but crap to conversations.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MatterEaterLad
mistresses to keep happy,

Tell me about it! They're costing me an arm & a leg.
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector Ploppy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock
Originally Posted by Ploppy
Buffalo Stu?

No. He was asking if you were this guy Stu that adds nothing but crap to conversations.

Stu the Human?

Post 79 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock
Originally Posted by GAC
This is what I mean by slab only label vs. a graded label. I'd like the slab only label to contain all the same info as the graded label minus the grade.

The examples are #4 slab only and #5 graded book of Avengers/Invaders. I couldn't find a #4 graded.

The slab only option is just that, a way to protect and/or display your book at a lower price than grading.
We would have to charge more to hire someone to program the new label and hire someone to input information.
So, the question is, would you pay a lot more.
Anyway, thanks for the input!

I see. My apologies then. I thought all the label information for books was already in a database. I thought the only additional cost to CBCS was the additional ink used for the information.
Post 80 IP   flag post

Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Siggy
I loved how easy it was to open the older slabs (clips) I felt so much more at ease while cracking. I think my last attempt at a CBCS cracking was tougher, but honestly can't remember. Depending on one's point of view, this all has its ups and downs.

Originally Posted by Siggy
Too bad it [likely] isn't a simple process to have the design chosen by the submitter online with all past and present options available to mix like a PS3 Star Wars Lego character.

@Siggy If the slabs were easy to open and the labels could be many different options...I don't think I would have much confidence buying a CBCS graded book online anymore, or probably even in person.
Post 81 IP   flag post
Collector Slesko private msg quote post Address this user
Very new to grading comics, waiting on my first batch that’s getting graded now by CBCS.

Things I like
1. Verified signature program
2. The slabs and labels, i like that the labels don’t try to take your attention away from the book
3. Pricing and the free membership option

Things that could be improved
1. I know lots have said it but I’ll say it again, better updating on where my books are in the process and an expected shipping/delivery date
2. If there was some type of thing where you could choose from labels with different designs maybe that’d help people like me who like the label but give options to others who think it needs improvement. I could see that being costly for you potentially but just an idea!
Post 82 IP   flag post
Collector mattness private msg quote post Address this user
Things I enjoy about CBCS:

1-Accurate Grading
2-Free Graders Notes
3-Incredible new slab
4-Multiple slabbing options, Art, verified etc.
5-The hobby itself is important
6-Staff Participating on forums (HUGE bonus)
7-Signings available
8-Special deals, although I don't think they have to be monthly.
9-Safe forum
10-Awesome mods that are on top of their game

Concerns I have:

1-The label will constantly change. Please pick one and stand behind it.

2-CBCS label will end up looking like competitors label, just with a CBCS logo.
Example: stacking all the text in the middle with white behind the grade number. The stacked text looks extremely smashed and is difficult to read. CBCS is it's own entity and should have it's own distinct label, ie the current one. It is much easier to read and looks great!

3-Customer Service
Example: I submitted 24 books and asked for the imagining option. I received all my books slabbed, graded but none had been scanned. When I finally got a hold of customer service I was told that Yes, I paid for the service, it was on my invoice, I had been charged, however, nobody had any idea why my books weren't scanned. The answer I received was, "I don't know what happened? I was refunded for the imaging but obviously, this was very irritating.
Post 83 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by Siggy
I loved how easy it was to open the older slabs (clips) I felt so much more at ease while cracking. I think my last attempt at a CBCS cracking was tougher, but honestly can't remember. Depending on one's point of view, this all has its ups and downs.

Originally Posted by Siggy
Too bad it [likely] isn't a simple process to have the design chosen by the submitter online with all past and present options available to mix like a PS3 Star Wars Lego character.

@Siggy If the slabs were easy to open and the labels could be many different options...I don't think I would have much confidence buying a CBCS graded book online anymore, or probably even in person.

If I recall, they were easy to open, but quite tamper proof, meaning if they're opened, there's no mistaking it- Unless someone figured a way around that.
Post 84 IP   flag post
Collector Triplecdad private msg quote post Address this user
I have only had one "batch" of books graded by CBCS, or any other service, and that was over a year ago. I chose CBCS over the CGC folks based on in-person contact with folks at the Phoenix Comic-con (which now has dropped the word Comic by the way) Frankly, I just liked the CBCS staff better. They told me about some signing opportunities at the con and witnessed some sigs. They took a great deal of time with me. The other folks, not so much. So, I sent in my books to CBCS, including GSX1 and FF 49. Then, a few weeks later, I got a call from Steve to inform me that there had been a slight problem with unpacking the GSX 1, but that it had not affected the grade. I was sure surprised to get a call. That was great customer service. So now you have more of my books, with more coming. First impressions are lasting impressions.
Post 85 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
@sborock First off, like so many others, let me thank you for starting this thread in the first place. I've read alot of good suggestions from other forum members.

To be honest, I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. As far as things that I like about CBCS, I do like the new cases, I like the labels (more on that below), I like the consistency of the grading, I like the forum and it's participants and I like the fact that the president of the company would start a thread like this.

As for things that could be improved, while as I stated I like the label, for those of us in the over-50 crowd, the information about the artists, writers, etc. along with the information about first appearances, etc. could be a little larger so that it is easier to read. Obviously it can't be made too large but maybe just a little larger.

I'd also like the invoice to be 100% transparent, breaking out each option that I paid for (pressing, fast press, fast pass, VSP, etc.) so that I can go back to an invoice months or even years after the order is completed and see what services I bought. I sometimes get asked whether I've had a book pressed and it can be difficult to remember what I had done to a particular book.

Thanks, again, for the opportunity to contribute.

EDIT: And anything you can offer for the Hero Initiative would be welcome. I think that's a worthy cause. Right now, I literally have a copy of the HI version of the 50th Overstreet Price Guide on the floor in front of me.
Post 86 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Since you asked….

1) The TAT’s need to be brought down. Waiting months to see books doesn’t do CBCS, CBCS’s reputation, or your customer any good. If that means hiring and training more people then bite the bullet. If it means not accepting new submissions for 2 months then be brave and do it. People will respect what you are attempting to do.
2) Attempt to provide customer service that provides a follow-up to your customer in 24 to 48 hours of them seeking an answer to their situation.
3) Hire several people to update the dashboard so people can watch their order in real time and what stage it is in.
4) If it is occurring, then stop providing signings if CBCS is going to bump people who have been waiting months behind the group seeking autograph verification and grading from a creator who is doing a promo with CBCS. That’s not fair to those who submitted their books ahead of those in that promo.
5) Go to the auction houses and make sure that the discount that your competition is providing is matched by CBCS.
6) Squash rumors on the boards about new products or services or provide updates and an established timeline when they will be available. For example, how long has the “rumor” of magazine size holders been floating on the boards?
7) This is a pie in the sky hope, provide what the grading standards are for CBCS graded books. Explain your standards in a similar fashion as Overstreet provided grading definitions.

I appreciate you being brave and seeking feedback from the hobbyist. That's very refreshing.
Post 87 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@sborock about 15 years ago I did this very same exercise with a group of 25 Retail Franchise owners (I was the representative from the Corporate Office). By time they were finished brain-storming they had accumulated a laundry list of about 57 items. I wrote it all down and when I read the list back to them they realized that many of the ideas were contradictory or just expressions of personal preferences rather than important business practices. I asked them to narrow it down to exactly 3 items that I could take back to the corporate office and rally resources around. By time they drilled down to Brass Tacks they had eliminated almost everything that was intangible or subjective. The final list they came up with was objective and tangible, which made it measurable and demonstrably achievable. If those franchisees had done this today for CBCS the final list might have looked something like this:

1) Keep TAT's under XX business days
2) Have a dedicated Customer Service Email address with a meaningful format for submission and all requests on a path to resolution within X days of initial submission.
3) Reorganize the Membership Levels incentives. Offer more useful loyalty incentives to better reward higher levels of commitment and loyalty. (this one is a little more subjective but the results of the efforts can still be measured by how successful you are at getting people to sign up for higher levels of membership).
Post 88 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Slesko
Very new to grading comics, waiting on my first batch that’s getting graded now by CBCS.

Things I like
1. Verified signature program
2. The slabs and labels, i like that the labels don’t try to take your attention away from the book
3. Pricing and the free membership option

Things that could be improved
1. I know lots have said it but I’ll say it again, better updating on where my books are in the process and an expected shipping/delivery date
2. If there was some type of thing where you could choose from labels with different designs maybe that’d help people like me who like the label but give options to others who think it needs improvement. I could see that being costly for you potentially but just an idea!

Thanks for the response! These are all good points!
Post 89 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Since you asked….

1) The TAT’s need to be brought down. Waiting months to see books doesn’t do CBCS, CBCS’s reputation, or your customer any good. If that means hiring and training more people then bite the bullet. If it means not accepting new submissions for 2 months then be brave and do it. People will respect what you are attempting to do.
2) Attempt to provide customer service that provides a follow-up to your customer in 24 to 48 hours of them seeking an answer to their situation.
3) Hire several people to update the dashboard so people can watch their order in real time and what stage it is in.
4) If it is occurring, then stop providing signings if CBCS is going to bump people who have been waiting months behind the group seeking autograph verification and grading from a creator who is doing a promo with CBCS. That’s not fair to those who submitted their books ahead of those in that promo.
5) Go to the auction houses and make sure that the discount that your competition is providing is matched by CBCS.
6) Squash rumors on the boards about new products or services or provide updates and an established timeline when they will be available. For example, how long has the “rumor” of magazine size holders been floating on the boards?
7) This is a pie in the sky hope, provide what the grading standards are for CBCS graded books. Explain your standards in a similar fashion as Overstreet provided grading definitions.

I appreciate you being brave and seeking feedback from the hobbyist. That's very refreshing.

You are quite welcome and thanks for a well thought out response!
Post 90 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
@sborock about 15 years ago I did this very same exercise with a group of 25 Retail Franchise owners (I was the representative from the Corporate Office). By time they were finished brain-storming they had accumulated a laundry list of about 57 items. I wrote it all down and when I read the list back to them they realized that many of the ideas were contradictory or just expressions of personal preferences rather than important business practices. I asked them to narrow it down to exactly 3 items that I could take back to the corporate office and rally resources around. By time they drilled down to Brass Tacks they had eliminated almost everything that was intangible or subjective. The final list they came up with was objective and tangible, which made it measurable and demonstrably achievable. If those franchisees had done this today for CBCS the final list might have looked something like this:

1) Keep TAT's under XX business days
2) Have a dedicated Customer Service Email address with a meaningful format for submission and all requests on a path to resolution within X days of initial submission.
3) Reorganize the Membership Levels incentives. Offer more useful loyalty incentives to better reward higher levels of commitment and loyalty. (this one is a little more subjective but the results of the efforts can still be measured by how successful you are at getting people to sign up for higher levels of membership).

Love it! Thanks! I have a feeling that once this thread has been around long enough, I will be able to figure out what people want that are reasonable and those that are not as well as narrowing down to the most important and reasonable suggestions.
Post 91 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by mediaslave
Originally Posted by TellEmSteveDave
When’s cons start up again I’d like to see you guys at more shows.

To give credit where it's due, I've seen cbcs had a lot more cons up here in Canada than I ever expected them to be at. I found that particularly impressive.

that's the main reason I started using CBCS...they were at the 'smaller' conventions and it was way more convenient to hand over at the event
Post 92 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Triplecdad
I have only had one "batch" of books graded by CBCS, or any other service, and that was over a year ago. I chose CBCS over the CGC folks based on in-person contact with folks at the Phoenix Comic-con (which now has dropped the word Comic by the way) Frankly, I just liked the CBCS staff better. They told me about some signing opportunities at the con and witnessed some sigs. They took a great deal of time with me. The other folks, not so much. So, I sent in my books to CBCS, including GSX1 and FF 49. Then, a few weeks later, I got a call from Steve to inform me that there had been a slight problem with unpacking the GSX 1, but that it had not affected the grade. I was sure surprised to get a call. That was great customer service. So now you have more of my books, with more coming. First impressions are lasting impressions.

Thanks so much! I really believe that our staff is "Hobby Friendly".
Also, like you stated, if there is a problem with a book, that we know of, we always reach out the the submitter.
Post 93 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by mattness
Things I enjoy about CBCS:

1-Accurate Grading
2-Free Graders Notes
3-Incredible new slab
4-Multiple slabbing options, Art, verified etc.
5-The hobby itself is important
6-Staff Participating on forums (HUGE bonus)
7-Signings available
8-Special deals, although I don't think they have to be monthly.
9-Safe forum
10-Awesome mods that are on top of their game

Concerns I have:

1-The label will constantly change. Please pick one and stand behind it.

2-CBCS label will end up looking like competitors label, just with a CBCS logo.
Example: stacking all the text in the middle with white behind the grade number. The stacked text looks extremely smashed and is difficult to read. CBCS is it's own entity and should have it's own distinct label, ie the current one. It is much easier to read and looks great!

3-Customer Service
Example: I submitted 24 books and asked for the imagining option. I received all my books slabbed, graded but none had been scanned. When I finally got a hold of customer service I was told that Yes, I paid for the service, it was on my invoice, I had been charged, however, nobody had any idea why my books weren't scanned. The answer I received was, "I don't know what happened? I was refunded for the imaging but obviously, this was very irritating.

Thanks so very much for the comments and suggestions!
Post 94 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@sborock - Thank you for this thread. I was working on some projects with my son on his house, so I am late to the party.

I think there is a lot of good feedback from most of the posters. Some of my comments may be redundant to what others have said.

I had used cgc back in the days of the old label with the microscopic certification numbers. Money was real tight for me, so i only encased a few at a time sporadically over the years. As time went on just found the service and attitude to be more of a my being here to serve them than vice versa and stopped grading for a short time till the beginning of Jan 2019 when I first tested CBCS services.

Since moving over to CBCS, I have been very pleased with the product I receive back. When I have had a question or an issue, CBCS response is that of concern and understanding and I feel the CBCS legitimately wants to assist. That said, I learned real quick not to use the call center for anything other than the most mundane of inquiry and frankly, the CBCS forum is a much better resource.

About the forum. In no uncertain terms the CBCS forum is a great resource and tool and an all around much friendlier and helpful environment than that of cgc. I find that with few exceptions, the members are not on it to stir the pot and sling excrement. The low tolerance for such is appreciated.

If you looked at my anecdotal evidence from yesterday’s post, there is no secret as to why believe CBCS to be more strict and accurate in its grading. Further, my own experiences reflect that CBCS press service to be superior in the end result.

Here are my prioritized requirements when sending comics in for certification:
1- be a good steward & custodian in the care and handling of my comics (of the more than 3,000 comics that i have sent to CBCS, I have only had one comic book that didn’t meet that expectation. Keep up the good work)

2- accurately grade my comics with consistency and if pressing, don’t half@$$ it and again treat them like they were yours (No complaints from me on the grading accuracy for my comics and @stevericketts has been imPRESSive to say the least)

3- have an encasement that provides an archival protection with minimal distortion for viewing of the comic within. (Another mission accomplished for CBCS. Furthermore, the new sonicweld cases are an even greater achievement as there they are more secure and there no more clip cracks to deal with which was my only real disappointment with the previous cases)

4- Cost is important and it is my hope that a sweet spot is in play for CBCS with increased market share and volume efficiencies to be obtained due to consolidation of operations TX and influx of submissions due to speculation surge, further market acceptance of CBCS, and price increases by competitors. (I know that you made it very clear that CBCS will not increase prices during a pandemic. And yes, I do read between the lines, and hopefully enhanced revenue from magazine submissions and maybe things like upcharge for affinity and character labels can offset the need to otherwise increase prices after the pandemic.)

5- TAT I get anomalies like mergers, moving grading from FL to TX, having several thousand comics submitted at one time by one customer, pandemics, moving pressing from FL to TX, border shutdowns and euphoric speculation driving increased submissions. Frankly, I don’t have a problem with the norms being exceeded as long as timely/regular status updates are provided and quality of product is not negatively impacted. (Communications can be enhanced in this area)

6- Free Graders notes (Fantastic job and with qr code access)

7- Population report great! (Now get GoCollect, MCS, Comiclink, etc to regularly cite).

8- Magazine & 1/4” + cases, just make great like the new standard size comic sonicweld cases and your good. Nuff said.

9- Customer Service interface is the weak spot for CBCS. A call center that is disengaged from and remote to the operations is not efficient nor worthwhile. Preferably, when someone calls in, the CSA has knowledge of the product and operations and can access the necessary information to accurately relay such information to the customer. There will likely be gaps and if so, there needs to be timely followup to address the inquiry.

10- Photo of internal signature. This I would pay for. Perhaps displayed on the back of label but at the very least, part of the qr code lookup.

11- Labels, quite simply, i want a labe that does not detract attention from the comic. Further, I am happy with the existing color coding and fonts. For those who want character and affinity labels, ok, while not for me, maybe CBCS adds for additional to enhance revenue.

12- Registry i just don’t get it. Looked at the cgc registry years ago and just haven’t figured out how it helps me.

Cheers and Go CBCS Go!
Post 95 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
9- Customer Service interface is the weak spot for CBCS. A call center that is disengaged from and remote to the operations is not efficient nor worthwhile. Preferably, when someone calls in, the CSA has knowledge of the product and operations and can access the necessary information to accurately relay such information to the customer. There will likely be gaps and if so, there needs to be timely followup to address the inquiry.

@Scifinator If they really want to get their arms around Customer Service issues, my opinion is that phone conversations should be the last resort when things can't get resolved by written email. The initial email should have a required format to it that provides all necessary information to customer service without having to go back and forth 3-4 times with the customer. A required format would limit the customer service requests to those that are serious enough to provide the necessary information. Nobody should be wasting time responding to an Email or phone call that says "where my books at?". Also, keeping the inquiries and responses in writing and time-stamped can really help with the resolution, review and improvement process. In my opinion the phone calls should be outgoing calls from the customer service department if they can't get a path to resolution within X number of days of the initial inquiry.
Post 96 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@sborock - Thank you for this thread. I was working on some projects with my son on his house, so I am late to the party.

I think there is a lot of good feedback from most of the posters. Some of my comments may be redundant to what others have said.

I had used cgc back in the days of the old label with the microscopic certification numbers. Money was real tight for me, so i only encased a few at a time sporadically over the years. As time went on just found the service and attitude to be more of a my being here to serve them than vice versa and stopped grading for a short time till the beginning of Jan 2019 when I first tested CBCS services.

Since moving over to CBCS, I have been very pleased with the product I receive back. When I have had a question or an issue, CBCS response is that of concern and understanding and I feel the CBCS legitimately wants to assist. That said, I learned real quick not to use the call center for anything other than the most mundane of inquiry and frankly, the CBCS forum is a much better resource.

About the forum. In no uncertain terms the CBCS forum is a great resource and tool and an all around much friendlier and helpful environment than that of cgc. I find that with few exceptions, the members are not on it to stir the pot and sling excrement. The low tolerance for such is appreciated.

If you looked at my anecdotal evidence from yesterday’s post, there is no secret as to why believe CBCS to be more strict and accurate in its grading. Further, my own experiences reflect that CBCS press service to be superior in the end result.

Here are my prioritized requirements when sending comics in for certification:
1- be a good steward & custodian in the care and handling of my comics (of the more than 3,000 comics that i have sent to CBCS, I have only had one comic book that didn’t meet that expectation. Keep up the good work)

2- accurately grade my comics with consistency and if pressing, don’t half@$$ it and again treat them like they were yours (No complaints from me on the grading accuracy for my comics and @stevericketts has been imPRESSive to say the least)

3- have an encasement that provides an archival protection with minimal distortion for viewing of the comic within. (Another mission accomplished for CBCS. Furthermore, the new sonicweld cases are an even greater achievement as there they are more secure and there no more clip cracks to deal with which was my only real disappointment with the previous cases)

4- Cost is important and it is my hope that a sweet spot is in play for CBCS with increased market share and volume efficiencies to be obtained due to consolidation of operations TX and influx of submissions due to speculation surge, further market acceptance of CBCS, and price increases by competitors. (I know that you made it very clear that CBCS will not increase prices during a pandemic. And yes, I do read between the lines, and hopefully enhanced revenue from magazine submissions and maybe things like upcharge for affinity and character labels can offset the need to otherwise increase prices after the pandemic.)

5- TAT I get anomalies like mergers, moving grading from FL to TX, having several thousand comics submitted at one time by one customer, pandemics, moving pressing from FL to TX, border shutdowns and euphoric speculation driving increased submissions. Frankly, I don’t have a problem with the norms being exceeded as long as timely/regular status updates are provided and quality of product is not negatively impacted. (Communications can be enhanced in this area)

6- Free Graders notes (Fantastic job and with qr code access)

7- Population report great! (Now get GoCollect, MCS, Comiclink, etc to regularly cite).

8- Magazine & 1/4” + cases, just make great like the new standard size comic sonicweld cases and your good. Nuff said.

9- Customer Service interface is the weak spot for CBCS. A call center that is disengaged from and remote to the operations is not efficient nor worthwhile. Preferably, when someone calls in, the CSA has knowledge of the product and operations and can access the necessary information to accurately relay such information to the customer. There will likely be gaps and if so, there needs to be timely followup to address the inquiry.

10- Photo of internal signature. This I would pay for. Perhaps displayed on the back of label but at the very least, part of the qr code lookup.

11- Labels, quite simply, i want a labe that does not detract attention from the comic. Further, I am happy with the existing color coding and fonts. For those who want character and affinity labels, ok, while not for me, maybe CBCS adds for additional to enhance revenue.

12- Registry i just don’t get it. Looked at the cgc registry years ago and just haven’t figured out how it helps me.

Cheers and Go CBCS Go!

Never too late to the party here!

Such good stuff! A registry is just fun competition among fellow collectors. It can be fun! Thanks for all the kind words as well!
Post 97 IP   flag post
Collector Ryan4421 private msg quote post Address this user
Really like: CBCS doesn't make me flush half of my money spent on shipping and handling - they actually are able to track my books submitted internay and hold /group them together to return to me in one package. Waiting isn't always fun but it's certainly cost effective! Also like the fair prices across the does make it competitive in comparison to others.

Suggestion: Fast pass could be a fixed amount of time as opposed to "half". This hasn't enticed me because it is advertised as a way to "cut turnaround time in half", but turnaround time is only an approximation which is usually half of an unknown is also unknown and how can you tell if it really did cut time in half. If a fast pass was a guarantee of 3 weeks (just as an example) I think you would see more interest. The problem it will introduce is how to fulfill that promise. It also wouldn't sound so enticing unless you update your turnaround times to reflect more accurately (instead of saying 3-5 weeks, call it 10-12 if it's true) and try to offer a fast pass of 4 weeks based on date of receiving.

Thanks for listening and for all that you and your team do for our hobby!
Post 98 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Ryan4421
Really like: CBCS doesn't make me flush half of my money spent on shipping and handling - they actually are able to track my books submitted internay and hold /group them together to return to me in one package. Waiting isn't always fun but it's certainly cost effective! Also like the fair prices across the does make it competitive in comparison to others.

Suggestion: Fast pass could be a fixed amount of time as opposed to "half". This hasn't enticed me because it is advertised as a way to "cut turnaround time in half", but turnaround time is only an approximation which is usually half of an unknown is also unknown and how can you tell if it really did cut time in half. If a fast pass was a guarantee of 3 weeks (just as an example) I think you would see more interest. The problem it will introduce is how to fulfill that promise. It also wouldn't sound so enticing unless you update your turnaround times to reflect more accurately (instead of saying 3-5 weeks, call it 10-12 if it's true) and try to offer a fast pass of 4 weeks based on date of receiving.

Thanks for listening and for all that you and your team do for our hobby!

Thank you for the suggestions and kind words. I will look into your suggestion.
OH....and welcome to the forum!
Post 99 IP   flag post
Collector xvipah private msg quote post Address this user
It's been said before, but man magazine grading would be awesome. Unlike comic books, if I'm grading a magazine it's almost always for me. And if it's for me I would love to use the CBCS slabs rather than CGC.

I'm ok with the current TaT's and the impact FastPass has on them personally. Just would like to make sure that that doesn't get "worse" as time goes on. I get the feeling demand for CBCS services is going to keep growing, hopefully you guys can keep up unlike your competitors and unlike some of the card grading companies *cough* PSA *cough*.

Things I love:
The signature verification service is the absolute best thing I think you guys do. I love the idea of getting to stand in line, get a sig/drawing on a book, and not have to "settle" for a purple label or a lower grade.

I'm a fan of the raw grading as well. I know there's debate around it, but I like it. Means that if I DO want to sell something raw, I can at least have a professional opinion to go with my personal one. Also a great way to get things graded for the PC without the space restrictions of a slab.
Post 100 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@xvipah Good call on the VSP! An absolute gamechanger!
Post 101 IP   flag post
Collector Mmanick private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet so I'll go ahead an say it. I was close to buying to buying a membership with cbcs over cgc but when I called to ask questions the customer service was terrible. No disrespect but I couldn't understand the 1st guy so I told him I'd call back and when I did the next person also couldn't really explain anything about the services, tiers, costs or grading turn around times. They all told me to refer to the website but unfortunately I had questions I felt I didnt see. I was thinking of sending in golden age and magazine size, signature verification books. The customer service couldn't answer not one of my questions. Just my 2 cents.
Post 102 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
On the label issue: I do think a special “Cool book” label might be neat.

It could be rare and maybe even reach out to the submitter before just putting it on there.

By Cool book, I mean books you point out on your Cool books thread.

I’d dig it, but I can see this being a really small group.
Post 103 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xvipah
It's been said before, but man magazine grading would be awesome. Unlike comic books, if I'm grading a magazine it's almost always for me. And if it's for me I would love to use the CBCS slabs rather than CGC.

I'm ok with the current TaT's and the impact FastPass has on them personally. Just would like to make sure that that doesn't get "worse" as time goes on. I get the feeling demand for CBCS services is going to keep growing, hopefully you guys can keep up unlike your competitors and unlike some of the card grading companies *cough* PSA *cough*.

Things I love:
The signature verification service is the absolute best thing I think you guys do. I love the idea of getting to stand in line, get a sig/drawing on a book, and not have to "settle" for a purple label or a lower grade.

I'm a fan of the raw grading as well. I know there's debate around it, but I like it. Means that if I DO want to sell something raw, I can at least have a professional opinion to go with my personal one. Also a great way to get things graded for the PC without the space restrictions of a slab.

Thanks for the response! I think the Raw Grade is a cool buying and selling tool as well!
Post 104 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Mmanick
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet so I'll go ahead an say it. I was close to buying to buying a membership with cbcs over cgc but when I called to ask questions the customer service was terrible. No disrespect but I couldn't understand the 1st guy so I told him I'd call back and when I did the next person also couldn't really explain anything about the services, tiers, costs or grading turn around times. They all told me to refer to the website but unfortunately I had questions I felt I didnt see. I was thinking of sending in golden age and magazine size, signature verification books. The customer service couldn't answer not one of my questions. Just my 2 cents.

Your 2 cents makes perfect sense. Thanks for posting! We are looking into the CS problems and will find a way to make it better.
Post 105 IP   flag post
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