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-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Superman & Lois on the CW.
Post 76 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O I have it DVR'd, how is it?
Post 77 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@OGJackster I'm enjoying it. I only caught the last half hour of the pilot on Saturday (after Svengoolie) but it seems good. So far, I like the look of the actor playing Supes.
Post 78 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O I just started watching the 1st episode. I laughed out loud at all of the bulges on the first shots of Superman. That's a lot of padding in weird places. Really looks funny as he's walking!

Post 79 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
@Jesse_O I just started watching the 1st episode. I laughed out loud at all of the bulges on the first shots of Superman. That's a lot of padding in weird places. Really looks funny as he's walking!

LOL!! Yeah, they could work on the Superman costume!! But on the other hand, it could be something to help get female viewers. And, to be fair, I'm sure there have been many female actors over the years who have had to sport some weird padding!!
Post 80 IP   flag post

I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
I watched Superman & Lois last week, plus the hour long show that came afterwards.

I enjoyed it somewhat, but personally I would have found the show much more enjoyable without their two mentally dysfunctional brats.

My apologies to everyone,... I'm just old school. lol
Post 81 IP   flag post
Collector Donnied private msg quote post Address this user
I'm working diligently to get through The Flash on Netflix. I'm having a hard time on season 5. The effects are great, some characters are really good, but the writing is just terrible. It's just so incredibly sappy all the time. And why is it that the fastest man alive gets bitch-slapped so often?! Frustrating show to watch.
Post 82 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O Maybe it was a homage to the 1940s?

Either way, I got a laugh from the super-diaper and it was made by his mom after all. After watching the first episode, I'm diggin' it. The uniform looks cool and I'm looking forward to seeing where the storyline goes.

Post 83 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@OGJackster it could be an homage. That would make some sense. I'm just glad they didn't use the horrid suit from Superman vs. Batman!!
Post 84 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user

Post 85 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
I just finished watching Monster Hunter and damn, that was a fun movie!!! If you get a chance, watch it. I definitely recommend it.

Post 86 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Paradise Lost Part 2. West Memphis Three documentary.
Post 87 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Paradise Lost Part 3: Purgatory
Post 88 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
This morning I watched "All My Friends Are Dead" on Netflix. That was a fun movie. Never seen it before.
Post 89 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Over the weekend I watched Bloodshot and finished The Witcher. Bloodshot was fine but not amazing. The Witcher I enjoyed, but felt like the season ended on a bit too much of an obvious "season 2 is coming!" note.
Post 90 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
South Parq, Vaccination special in 30.
Post 91 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Not as great as the original, but when compared to everything else on cable TV on a Saturday afternoon, it's SPECTACULAR!!!!

Post 92 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I decided to pick back up with Agents of SHIELD, on Netflix. I'm back on season 5, watched about 5 episodes. It's good so far but I think I'm burning out on the full-hour, full-20+-episode season shows. Seasons 6 and 7 were half seasons (or at least are listed as such), so hopefully that will feel better to get through.

I took a break from it to watch episode 2 of Falcon and Winter Soldier last night, and the first drop of episodes of Invincible last night and tonight. They're very different but both are enjoyable. Falcon and Winter Soldier is leaning into the mismatched partners vibe but also has some thought behind it. Invincible is sort of Garth Ennis-ian in terms of combining comedy and ultra-violence but is doing a good job of keeping the plot chugging along.
Post 93 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Was going to watch American Psycho but decided the title was redundant....
Post 94 IP   flag post
Collector Frontier2Xterra private msg quote post Address this user
Gangs of London. Excellent show and a good replacement while waiting for more peaky blinders. Lots of violence and "who's the rat?".
Post 95 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk I'm enjoying Falcon & Winter Soldier and I also watched the 1st episode of Invincible tonight. I never read the comic, but I found the show to be very entertaining.

I've also been watching the Food That Built America on the history channel. I'm enjoying the 2nd season, but the 1st one was much more informative and entertaining.
Post 96 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
Rewatching Are you being served? The original series.
Post 97 IP   flag post
Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Frontier2Xterra
Gangs of London. Excellent show

agree really good show. Michelle Fairley certainly plays a different part than she did in GOT
Post 98 IP   flag post
Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by southerncross
Rewatching Are you being served? The original series.

OMG that's a blast from the past, very funny in it's day đź‘Ť
Post 99 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
Watching Falcon & Winter soldier as well as Invinsible.
Post 100 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
I am watching LOST again for the 4th time.
Post 101 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
Finally got around to watching Russian Doll on Netflix. Another "Groundhog Day" type show or movie, which there seems to be a bunch of lately. It was good. Short series of 8 episodes, which around 30 minutes an episode, so not a big time investment.
Post 102 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I still need to watch “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”.

My wife watches true crime stuff on a daily basis. It’s a little unsettling. Makes ya wonder if she’s plotting something.

That said, I’ve started watching “Fear Thy Neighbor” on Discovery+ with her. It’s fascinating to see where people choose to escalate instead of defuse a situation. To see where exactly things really go wrong.

I’m two episodes in & I find myself wondering why people don’t knock on their neighbor’s door and just ASK “what do we have to do to fix this”?

Man, there are Seven seasons of this show. Seven seasons of feuding neighbors deciding violence, if not straight up murder, is the solution. People be crazy.
Post 103 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim My wife and I love true crime! We watch Forensic Files and Unsolved Mysteries etc. all the time.

TFAWS is pretty great I must say...first two episodes I really enjoyed.

People ARE crazy unfortunately and crazy people stories are usually what's filmed, documented, broadcast, reported because it is fascinating but I have to believe they represent a minority because if not...God help us all!! lol!!!
Post 104 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC I do recommend “Joe Kenda: Homicide Hunter” on Prime.

The guy has solved hundreds of Murder cases & each episode focuses on one of his cases. He just has this calm, matter-of-fact way of talking about the cases. He has the look of a man who has seen everything & now, nothing shocks him.
Post 105 IP   flag post
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