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Zack Snyder's Justice League (Official Trailer)13930

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus

As opposed to the majority of reviews that gave it positive remarks?

You haven't supported your view on Superman. In fact, I just re-watched Man of Steel yesterday, and Superman is not "whiny" nor "woe is me" in a single scene. There is no point in changing the subject to other movies. Can you also support this, "...ramble along providing glimpses into things that don't have anything to do with driving the story"?

If you don't understand Jonathan Kent's advice, I have explained some of it earlier in this thread.

To quote you I've explained my views on the whiney, oh woe is me alien Synder birthed and forced on the audience earlier in the thread.

I see you still choose to ignore Sucker Punch. Smart decision. One can't defend the indefensible. What a steamy mess that was directed, written, and produced by Synder turned out to be. I wonder if the final product caused the first seeds of doubt to form in the Warner Brothers about who they believed was a good choice to create the DC universe in film. Maybe that along with the record box office take that the people on the other side of the street got compared to the Synder box office help them reevaluate things?

Now that a few posts and days have gone by, I'll thank Miller for the 300 film and graphic novel. Smart man, forcing Synder to stay true to the source material. Hard to mess it up that way.
Post 151 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater I'm curious as to your point about bringing Sucker Punch and 300 up. Are you trying to suggest that because these films in your view are poor that all his films are poor? I'm not sure what one has to do with the other.

It's cool if you are not interested in ZSJL film...but for the people who are interested in it, this is a thread celebrating the release.
Post 152 IP   flag post
To answer your question, no, this is not where the comics go to die. MutantMania private msg quote post Address this user
I am looking forward to it I'm just thankful that they are putting the comic book / superhero movies out. I like some more than others of course, do not like some, and choose not to see some.
Loved Sucker Punch
I just like to have fun watching them and I don't really nit pick them to death....
Post 153 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@MutantMania I watch them all and of course like yourself, I like some and dislike some. The films I don't like, I try to understand the choices the creative people made and why. I'm happy they're getting made as we're in the goldenage comic book films and enjoying it greatly. Nobody ever sets out to make crap films.
Post 154 IP   flag post
If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Nobody ever sets out to make crap films.

I don't know. That Fantastic Four reboot makes me wonder.
Post 155 IP   flag post

I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Its good through the first hour and a half but it feels like slo mo was just invented and the director is crazy about using this new and never before seen effect.
Post 156 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
I guess I dont see the point in a discussion where noone else is allowed to form a differing view or opinion based on there own bias, likes and life experiences.
Isnt it possible that each one of us lives life differently, forms differing views, values and ideals based on their own merits and no two have to be alike?
If one could allow that possibility then its only one little tiny step more to realize that a differing view does not pose a threat to the view another might fact Einstein suggested once the most intelligent people are those who can hold as many differing views of the same issue as possible.


It happens often in our current environment, but there’s definitely a desire to be superior.

Having said that, when someone is really passionate about something, it’ll motivate me to give it another try.

I actually met a guy who thought Batman and Robin was the best of the Batman films.

I did and still think he’s out there, but because I listened, I understood his point and can see why he thinks that.

I don’t agree at all, but I can see where he’s coming from.
Post 157 IP   flag post
Captain Accident the420bandito private msg quote post Address this user
I watched 3 hours of it last night. It's ok...better than that piece of crap that came before it..but still nothing special.
Post 158 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
This goes through my head during every slow motion scene, which unfortunately seems like it's about 1/5 of the movie:

I really wanted to like this movie as there hasn't been much to watch lately. I've never read the comics, but I'll be giving those a shot instead of watching any possible sequel.
Post 159 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
This movie is super lame. 4 hours in slow motion...didn't notice anything new. 👎

and yes, I stayed for the 5 epilogues. ooooooo wanna be Heath Ledger Joker and Martian Manhunter ooooooooooooo

Post 160 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Watchmen is Snyder's greatest film. The rest well, not so much.
Post 161 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
...didn't notice anything new.

lol!! This film is literally twice as long as the theatrical release...I noticed 2 hours of new material.
Post 162 IP   flag post
Collector Frontier2Xterra private msg quote post Address this user
I'm 1/2 way through. Love it. So much better than the theatrical release.
Post 163 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
...didn't notice anything new.

lol!! This film is literally twice as long as the theatrical release...I noticed 2 hours of new material.

I'm almost 2 hours in (literally watching it right now). So far, so good. Lots of new footage, especially having to do with Cyborg's story. Details added and scenes reworked to answer some questions that I had with the original. I'm hoping to finish it up tonight.
Post 164 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Just finished it...bravo!
Post 165 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Loved it!!!
Post 166 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Just finished it.

I liked it much better than the theatrical release. It's not an easy watch: it's obviously long and the viewer has to pay attention the entire time because there's a lot going on during the whole four hours. I'll probably watch it again this weekend to soak it in more.

All in all, it's a shame that this wasn't the original release, even if it would have needed to be split into separate two-hour chunks.

I'm hoping that we somehow get to see what comes next.
Post 167 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus

As opposed to the majority of reviews that gave it positive remarks?

You haven't supported your view on Superman. In fact, I just re-watched Man of Steel yesterday, and Superman is not "whiny" nor "woe is me" in a single scene. There is no point in changing the subject to other movies. Can you also support this, "...ramble along providing glimpses into things that don't have anything to do with driving the story"?

If you don't understand Jonathan Kent's advice, I have explained some of it earlier in this thread.

To quote you I've explained my views on the whiney, oh woe is me alien Synder birthed and forced on the audience earlier in the thread.

I see you still choose to ignore Sucker Punch. Smart decision. One can't defend the indefensible. What a steamy mess that was directed, written, and produced by Synder turned out to be. I wonder if the final product caused the first seeds of doubt to form in the Warner Brothers about who they believed was a good choice to create the DC universe in film. Maybe that along with the record box office take that the people on the other side of the street got compared to the Synder box office help them reevaluate things?

Now that a few posts and days have gone by, I'll thank Miller for the 300 film and graphic novel. Smart man, forcing Synder to stay true to the source material. Hard to mess it up that way.

You haven't. Just point me to 1 scene where he's "whiny". That shouldn't be too difficult a task if that's the basis of his character? I'm ignoring changing the subject because it has nothing to do with Worlds of DC.
Post 168 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
The skinny: I will give it a 4.5/5.

They could've cut this down to 3-1/2 hours without consequence. Some scenes are bloated, and slo-mo was overused. I'm not sure if you can outright remove any full scenes without impacting the overall story.

Superman, The Flash, and Cyborg have the best scenes. Each character has their moments to shine, though. It's basically everything that the fan-base wanted.
Post 169 IP   flag post
Collector KeepItClunky private msg quote post Address this user
It's a much better film overall. I wouldn't say great. The writing/dialogue/timing/pacing is still too weak, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It was good to see the film acknowledge a broader DC universe.
Post 170 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
So my thoughts on this are all still a little scattered after one viewing. Sorry in advance for the length. Some take away points for me:

The Good:

1- Far superior to theatrical cut. All the characters had more to do and were better developed - Cyborg, Flash, and Lois in particular; Cannot believe WB went with theatrical over this.

2- The Amazons were great; Strength and self-sacrifice seemed to be the focus. I wouldn't have been interested in an Amazons series before this, now I think there is a lot of potential.

3- Ray Fisher's performance was better than I expected. In theatrical not much for him to do, here we get to see the full performance. Zack was right that Cyborg is at the heart of the movie.

4- All the New Gods stuff was awesome. The visuals were night and day compared to theatrical. Darkseid is threatening and imposing. Parademons were better than expected and I like that in the Knightmare scenes there seems to be more of variety in the type of parademon.

5- Leto as Joker was awesome. I would love to see him be able to flesh the character out more to see where he goes with it.

6- All the Knightmare scenes were in general awesome. Look for Kilowog's corpse in one scene. It reminds me of a great Elseworlds storyline from '94 in Adv of Supeman Annual 6 and Superboy Annual 1. One of my favorite Elseworlds stories and I would love to see the Knightmare story completely fleshed out.

7- Even though he had few lines, Cavill's Superman was good. He seemed to be a character that had found his place and was at peace with his role in the world.

8- Visually this thing is beautiful. Watched it in 4k and was gob smacked at some scenes.

The OK to Questionable:

1 - Not as introspective as MOS and BVS. Those two movies attempted to address some rich questions and themes, but this one was more establishing new characters and lore, which is completely understandable given all that they had to fit in.

2- Still on the fence about Ezra Miller as Flash, but willing to give him a chance.

3- Would have preferred more focus on Superman, but the movie was packed full as is.

4- Some stuff that I thought was Joss ended up being Snyder. The Superman freeze breathing on Steppenwolfe's ax made me eye roll in the theater, and it made me eye roll here. The "not impressed" line was hokey. Steppenwolfe still gets thrown around like a rag doll by the league at the end. I would have liked to see him pose more of a challenge to Superman.

5- Bummed that Batman discovering the parademon nest with the cocoons didn't make it into the movie. I suspect WB stopped it before it was ever filmed in the first place. And, we didn't really get the bat-tank. What was in the trailer was what was in the movie.

6- The inclusion of Martian Manhunter seemed rushed. CGI could have used another once over and the conversation with Bruce at the end was odd. Still glad the character was introduced.

7- A little too melodramatic is some places. I could have gone without the Nordic villagers singing farewell to Aquaman.

8- Did Mera use a faux British accent in Aquaman? Her accent here threw me off and reminded me of Carrie Fisher's attempt at a British accent in a New Hope. Amber Heard is still crazy hot (crazy AND hot to be more specific).

9- The script could have used a review when it comes to the anti-life equation. Diana's history lesson states Darkseid found it here on earth 5,000 years ago. Did he just forget about earth? Why was Steppenwolfe's message that he had found the world again come as a surprise? I may have missed something on my first view.

That's it for now. Doing another viewing this weekend. My thoughts might change.

TLDR - I liked it a lot. Very happy it was released. Want to see the story continue on HBO Max. Would kill to have the Batman/Deathstroke movie that was teased. Not sure how to rank it against MOS and BVS, but would probably be third right now.
Post 171 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
@Themaxx35 My thoughts are about the same as yours. I may have liked some things a little more than you or some a little less, but my overall takeaway is about the same. It's in no way a perfect film, but I'm glad this finally got made.

Warner management needs to learn to trust their directors more.
Post 172 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Themaxx35
The OK to Questionable:

3- Would have preferred more focus on Superman, but the movie was packed full as is.

4- Some stuff that I thought was Joss ended up being Snyder. The Superman freeze breathing on Steppenwolfe's ax made me eye roll in the theater, and it made me eye roll here. The "not impressed" line was hokey. Steppenwolfe still gets thrown around like a rag doll by the league at the end. I would have liked to see him pose more of a challenge to Superman.

6- The inclusion of Martian Manhunter seemed rushed. CGI could have used another once over and the conversation with Bruce at the end was odd. Still glad the character was introduced.

7- A little too melodramatic is some places. I could have gone without the Nordic villagers singing farewell to Aquaman.

8- Did Mera use a faux British accent in Aquaman? Her accent here threw me off and reminded me of Carrie Fisher's attempt at a British accent in a New Hope. Amber Heard is still crazy hot (crazy AND hot to be more specific).

9- The script could have used a review when it comes to the anti-life equation. Diana's history lesson states Darkseid found it here on earth 5,000 years ago. Did he just forget about earth? Why was Steppenwolfe's message that he had found the world again come as a surprise? I may have missed something on my first view.

That's it for now. Doing another viewing this weekend. My thoughts might change.

TLDR - I liked it a lot. Very happy it was released. Want to see the story continue on HBO Max. Would kill to have the Batman/Deathstroke movie that was teased. Not sure how to rank it against MOS and BVS, but would probably be third right now.

I think that "Part 6" is exactly why there was less Superman.

I'm not sure if you recall, but the way that Superman uses his freeze breath is way different. I was 'meh' about the way it was done in Josstice League, but I particularly liked it in this one (probably because he didn't do it while the axe was in motion).

I thought that he looked good in his 'surprise' appearance. The re-shoot (Epilogue) did need some refinement, though.

Yeah, the Icelandic villagers part is one of those extended scenes that bloats the runtime.

In Aquaman? No, she didn't.

"I have turned 100,000 worlds to dust looking for those who robbed me of my glory." He did get messed up by Ares. It seems that they can't outright find Earth if it isn't for the Mother Boxes.
Post 173 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
lol!! This film is literally twice as long as the theatrical release...I noticed 2 hours of new material.

Yeah. Slow motion effects tend to drag out a 2 hour film, brah
Post 174 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus

As opposed to the majority of reviews that gave it positive remarks?

You haven't supported your view on Superman. In fact, I just re-watched Man of Steel yesterday, and Superman is not "whiny" nor "woe is me" in a single scene. There is no point in changing the subject to other movies. Can you also support this, "...ramble along providing glimpses into things that don't have anything to do with driving the story"?

If you don't understand Jonathan Kent's advice, I have explained some of it earlier in this thread.

To quote you I've explained my views on the whiney, oh woe is me alien Synder birthed and forced on the audience earlier in the thread.

I see you still choose to ignore Sucker Punch. Smart decision. One can't defend the indefensible. What a steamy mess that was directed, written, and produced by Synder turned out to be. I wonder if the final product caused the first seeds of doubt to form in the Warner Brothers about who they believed was a good choice to create the DC universe in film. Maybe that along with the record box office take that the people on the other side of the street got compared to the Synder box office help them reevaluate things?

Now that a few posts and days have gone by, I'll thank Miller for the 300 film and graphic novel. Smart man, forcing Synder to stay true to the source material. Hard to mess it up that way.

You haven't. Just point me to 1 scene where he's "whiny". That shouldn't be too difficult a task if that's the basis of his character? I'm ignoring changing the subject because it has nothing to do with Worlds of DC.

On the World of DC comment, I don't follow? You brought the 300 up in post 136 and point to it as being produced without a problem. The 300 was published under Dark Horse. It was produced without an issue because Miller sold it without a chance of the source material being changed. You can't point to the 300 and then pull out the it isn't a part of the DC whatever when someone points to another movie. You have to sidestep Sucker Punch because there isn't anything that can be defended in the directed by, written by, produced by Zack project.

The whiney alien has been covered but I'll provide another point on it. Clark in Alaska and what he does to the truck. That's what a spoiled whiney backbiter does to get vengeance. That isn't what a hero does to get justice. That isn't what Martha and Jonathan would have taught nor the actions that they would have seen come to pass in the comics. That's what you get when Synder gets his hands on a character and follows along with his views that everyone is as bent as Rorschach and his band of pals from the Watchmen.
Post 175 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
I have turned 100,000 worlds to dust looking for those who robbed me of my glory." He did get messed up by Ares. It seems that they can't outright find Earth if it isn't for the Mother Boxes.

Yeah I’ve been thinking about that too. They reference the multi-verse and universes so maybe it’s not as simple to navigate back to an old planet among trillions in existence and with alternate realities and if the mother boxes were asleep maybe they couldn’t pinpoint the location. That’s a simple enough exclamation for me it was just a minor quibble.

Overall still loved it. My “complaints” are more just observations.

As for freeze breath, I’m in the camp thinking it’s a silly silver age power that should be left in the silver age. I wouldn’t have liked it being used no matter how it was done. But it was for sure better here than in the theatrical and they thankfully dropped the silly line about being a “fan of justice”

Over all, about a 9/10 for me or thereabouts. Now give me Deathstroke v Batman!
Post 176 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
On the World of DC comment, I don't follow? You brought the 300 up in post 136 and point to it as being produced without a problem. The 300 was published under Dark Horse. It was produced without an issue because Miller sold it without a chance of the source material being changed. You can't point to the 300 and then pull out the it isn't a part of the DC whatever when someone points to another movie. You have to sidestep Sucker Punch because there isn't anything that can be defended in the directed by, written by, produced by Zack project.

The whiney alien has been covered but I'll provide another point on it. Clark in Alaska and what he does to the truck. That's what a spoiled whiney backbiter does to get vengeance. That isn't what a hero does to get justice. That isn't what Martha and Jonathan would have taught nor the actions that they would have seen come to pass in the comics. That's what you get when Synder gets his hands on a character and follows along with his views that everyone is as bent as Rorschach and his band of pals from the Watchmen.

Of course not...

He doesn't whine or act spoiled, though. He's also not Superman at that point, sooooo.... A lot of problems with these kinds of criticisms is; These are not comic books. Does "not my Superman" sound like a valid criticism for the origin story of Superman?
Post 177 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Themaxx35
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
I have turned 100,000 worlds to dust looking for those who robbed me of my glory." He did get messed up by Ares. It seems that they can't outright find Earth if it isn't for the Mother Boxes.

Yeah I’ve been thinking about that too. They reference the multi-verse and universes so maybe it’s not as simple to navigate back to an old planet among trillions in existence and with alternate realities and if the mother boxes were asleep maybe they couldn’t pinpoint the location. That’s a simple enough exclamation for me it was just a minor quibble.

Overall still loved it. My “complaints” are more just observations.

As for freeze breath, I’m in the camp thinking it’s a silly silver age power that should be left in the silver age. I wouldn’t have liked it being used no matter how it was done. But it was for sure better here than in the theatrical and they thankfully dropped silly line about being a “fan of justice”

Over all, about a 9/10 for me or thereabouts. Now give me Deathstroke v Batman!

I know. I'm not dismissing them. Just trying to have a conversation to see what makes sense.

One thing that isn't entirely clear, is that DeSaad says, "now that the Mother Boxes are destroyed". If that's the case, is the Knightmare even still a possibility? I know that The Unity and Anti-Life are 2 different things, but isn't The Unity required to turn Earth into Apokolips?
Post 178 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Themaxx35
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
I have turned 100,000 worlds to dust looking for those who robbed me of my glory." He did get messed up by Ares. It seems that they can't outright find Earth if it isn't for the Mother Boxes.

Yeah I’ve been thinking about that too. They reference the multi-verse and universes so maybe it’s not as simple to navigate back to an old planet among trillions in existence and with alternate realities and if the mother boxes were asleep maybe they couldn’t pinpoint the location. That’s a simple enough exclamation for me it was just a minor quibble.

Overall still loved it. My “complaints” are more just observations.

As for freeze breath, I’m in the camp thinking it’s a silly silver age power that should be left in the silver age. I wouldn’t have liked it being used no matter how it was done. But it was for sure better here than in the theatrical and they thankfully dropped silly line about being a “fan of justice”

Over all, about a 9/10 for me or thereabouts. Now give me Deathstroke v Batman!

I know. I'm not dismissing them. Just trying to have a conversation to see what makes sense.

One thing that isn't entirely clear, is that DeSaad says, "now that the Mother Boxes are destroyed". If that's the case, is the Knightmare even still a possibility? I know that The Unity and Anti-Life are 2 different things, but isn't The Unity required to turn Earth into Apokolips?

Yeah, I don't know. The anti-life equation and mother boxes are all still a little obscure. I assume they were just going to work that out in future script drafts that never occurred. On a side note, I love that the core of the three mother boxes were visualized like witches or something mythological. Nice creepy addition.
Post 179 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
Originally Posted by GAC
lol!! This film is literally twice as long as the theatrical release...I noticed 2 hours of new material.

Yeah. Slow motion effects tend to drag out a 2 hour film, brah

I'm not really sure if we can take your opinion at face value, when more than 3 hours of new footage was presented, and you somehow "didn't notice anything new".

I'm not sure if you're just trying to stir the pot, or using hyperbole, but I don't think it's useful.
Post 180 IP   flag post
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