Zack Snyder's Justice League (Official Trailer)13930
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
Reviews | ||
Post 126 IP flag post |
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DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GAC That certainly seems promising. Thanks. | ||
Post 127 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Towmater Snyder didn't create an "oh woe is me" alien. That - particularly - is not a matter of opinion. If you don't like the Superman that Snyder did create, then I agree our opinions differ. We also haven't seen the finale to Snyder's plan, so there's no correct way of asserting, "we get more and more darkness without the possibility that it will ever end". |
Post 128 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Maybe you don't like characters overcoming personal adversity, but I certainly do. It's part of the reason that Iron Man was my favorite character in the MCU. He fought his demons and won - as did Captain America. Also, Thor overcame more personal adversity than any other character, IMO. |
Post 129 IP flag post |
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Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Oh, no worries. I get where you’re coming from because I shared a lot of the same opinions. Either way, 3 more days and we can see if it was worth all the fuss. |
Post 131 IP flag post |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus hey, no!! I do like the overcoming personal adversity...the way in which the DCU tries to tell that story is not compelling or enjoyable for me to watch though...and that's fine (although disappointing).....just pointing out that my point of view is similar to many many folks out there and could be one reason the DC films are not as well received as other films. Not meant as a personal affront to those that do enjoy these DC films just saying that it doesn't appeal to me and that while the MCU isn't the only way there must be a better way for DC to move forward to enjoy greater success. |
Post 132 IP flag post |
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Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user | |
@KatKomics Not to derail things, but I think the MCU definitely showed how a coherent plan can make sequels more palatable. DC never seemed to have that singular focus. They tried, but when box office wasn’t what they expected, they lost focus. I really wish they could capture the JL better and use the GL Corps way more effectively. There’s so much good stuff there and it just needs to be used better. I actually liked Suicide Squad other than anything with Harley and Joker in it. There’s some salvageable stuff there and I’m hoping the ZSJL can do it, but I’ve been a little disappointed in it. I like Geoff Johns and love most of his work, but he hasn’t been able to be the guiding force for DC that Feige is for Marvel. My guess is it’s management at TW, but it might be more. |
Post 133 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Setting Zack Snyder's story as the example, even his "worst" film is well-received. The Theatrical Cut (which is 'meh') of BvS rakes in about 2/3 of people saying that it's "good". If WB would stop interfering with the creative decisions of their films' teams, then I doubt we'd even be having this conversation. Zack Snyder wanted a 5-film franchise. He didn't want to compete with the MCU. I'm not sure if you can say that you "want something different from the MCU", but then you don't like the thing that's different from the MCU. |
Post 134 IP flag post |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
It seems like each time we have a discussion about the Justice League and Zack Synder it reverts to a forum for "mansplaining" to others that they either fail to understand the films or are wrong for having a differing view. For my part I am excited to see the new version if only to get a better look at the new gods and their role in it all. In the oroginal version I felt they left far too much out of the backstory regarding "mother boxes" and who the new gods I have at least that to look forward to. Flip side I wasnt that impressed with Cyborg, and flash in the movie, nor particularly impressed with the protrayal of Steppenwolf, who himself is supposedly Darkseid's uncle and once pulled Darkseid himself out of battle with Doomsday to save his life. Hopefully the new cut will bring some much needed depth and backstory there. |
Post 135 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jabberwookie As I have mentioned before - and above - Zack Snyder wasn't interested in a franchise that competes with the MCU. He wanted to create 5 films. So, there was a cohesive plan from their EP, but Warner Bros tried to put the cart before the horse in trying to push quantity over quality. Even after Zack Snyder agreed to oversee all of these plans - with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, a Man of Steel sequel, Batman trilogy, The Flash movie, Cyborg, and Green Lantern Corps - WB botched it in many ways. By overreacting to not making $1b from BvS, to having no real plans of developing the other titles, to exploiting the death of Autumn, to forcing release for bonus checks, etc. Poor leadership at the top trickles down. It's why I can't single-handedly blame Joss Whedon. I mean, think about it if you're ZS. You produce 300 without a problem. You produce Watchmen without a problem. You produce Man of Steel without a problem. Then, when it comes time to produce BvS, you're forced to compete with the MCU? It was never a consideration in your earlier works. That can't be fun. |
Post 136 IP flag post |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
@theCapraAegagrus.....I love your passion and I'm not saying these aren't successful films, however it doesn't take away that others have an equally real but opposite outlook on the same films and comparative ROI, box office and viewer ratings kind of reflect that ....and it's AOK to have varying viewpoints just saying many of the public see things differently. I may be into comics but really I don't pay much attention to movies and what the producers goals were. The MCU comparisons come in because when you make a Bat film, a Sup film...a Bat v Sup with WW...introduce more characters and have a team a lay person (most people) it seems like an attempt at a cohesive the MCU. We can say DC never meant to do this vs that and MCU vs DCU is apples to oranges....but again...lay person...they see Super Hero films A vs Super Hero Films B..... and hey...I love Watchmen, V for Vendetta, have watched Green Lantern and the Losers more than once But the style and substance that is being portrayed in many DCU films just don't work for me...or it seems many others comparatively say 2/3 of people who saw it thought it was good is to ignore the millions of potential viewers who chose not to see it at all...and on what scale....'good' means I liked it but I probably won't watch it again or see the next film in the DCU that we didn't really mean to be a DCU and certainly not MCU ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Post 137 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus All I’ve attempted to do is point out why I don’t like Synder’s movies. I’ve backed that up by pointing out large plot holes in the movies and provided examples of why I think the movies portray Clark, Jonathan, and Martha in ways that make no sense. I get it, you think Zack Synder is the greatest filmmaker. You want to point to the 300 and say look here is proof. You forget or want us to forget that Miller wouldn’t sell the project unless it wasn’t changed and that Synder’s hand is forced to film it the exact way that Miller drew it. Also, you never bring up, dare I type it, Sucker Punch. Oh, man, I typed it. ![]() |
Post 138 IP flag post |
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Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user | |
@KatKomics I think you just hit the big point: The average moviegoer doesn’t see visions, goals or whatever. They see Coke versus Pepsi, Yankees/ Red Sox or Marvel versus DC. Whether it’s explicit competition is irrelevant because the perception among the public is there are competing franchises. I think what our friend is doing is to show there’s more to it than just the alternate comic book movie. I’ll admit: his passion has made me give them a closer look. I don’t think they are great, but better movies than I originally gave them credit for. Man of Steel has especially aged pretty well in my opinion. These are all great discussions over a pint! |
Post 139 IP flag post |
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DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Wow. A GREAT review. I'm really stoked for Thursday (although I may not get to watch it until Friday). |
Post 140 IP flag post |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
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Post 141 IP flag post |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
Lots of positive reviews are coming in. | ||
Post 142 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Sure. You can also say that X people didn't like Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Avengers: Age of Ultron, etc etc etc. That doesn't express the opinion of the masses who saw them, though. There is a lot of perpetual misinformation spread about Worlds of DC that somehow the "majority" don't like their films. That obviously isn't the case. So - again - I don't think that you can say "I want something different from the MCU" if you don't actually want something different from the MCU. The entire idea of comparing another movie franchise kinda proves this point. Why are you comparing it? If you want something different, why is the MCU a litmus test...? Why care who didn't see it? That's like saying, "people who use Maybelline concealer don't use Olay face wash as much!" When you do things differently, or have a different product, the results will be different. P.S. All of those "top" Box Office performers are late-franchise. The MCU had a 5-year head-start, if you're going to compare. Maybe compare the MCU's first 6 films to Worlds of DC's first 6 films. IIRC, they performed pretty close. ![]() |
Post 143 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Towmater The only "large plot holes" that I have seen pointed out are from Josstice League. I think that we have to withhold judgment on their validity until the real movie comes out in 2 days. You haven't supported the mischaracterization that you have of Superman. Do you care to do so? The bold is a blatant misrepresentation. |
Post 144 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@theCapraAegagrus In the reviews that I've read I don't think that I want to waste 4+ hours of my life on a movie that was described by one reviewer as "an oversized mess", by another reviewer as "supersized, super hopeless", or as another reviewer wrote..."director's cut isn't worth the three-year wait or the four-hour slog". Somehow I think I'd rather spend time with my family doing something positive like play soccer or go hiking. That way I won't force myself to sit through something that sounds like a newer Stephen King book. You know, the ones that aren't edited and ramble along providing glimpses into things that don't have anything to do with driving the story. I believe I have supported my views on a whiney, oh woe is me Clark. Maybe you can share with me how Sucker Pounch is a great movie or why I shouldn't be thanking Frank Miller for sticking to his guns and forcing Synder to provide us with a 300 that couldn't change the source material. You know, like the ending of the Watchmen or showing that Jonathan tells Clark "I don't know" when confronted with a question from Clark about letting school children die. The Jonathan in the comics would never do that. |
Post 145 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Towmater As opposed to the majority of reviews that gave it positive remarks? You haven't supported your view on Superman. In fact, I just re-watched Man of Steel yesterday, and Superman is not "whiny" nor "woe is me" in a single scene. There is no point in changing the subject to other movies. Can you also support this, "...ramble along providing glimpses into things that don't have anything to do with driving the story"? If you don't understand Jonathan Kent's advice, I have explained some of it earlier in this thread. |
Post 146 IP flag post |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
I guess I dont see the point in a discussion where noone else is allowed to form a differing view or opinion based on there own bias, likes and life experiences. Isnt it possible that each one of us lives life differently, forms differing views, values and ideals based on their own merits and no two have to be alike? If one could allow that possibility then its only one little tiny step more to realize that a differing view does not pose a threat to the view another might fact Einstein suggested once the most intelligent people are those who can hold as many differing views of the same issue as possible. |
Post 147 IP flag post |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town I for instance...can't stand Georges Seurat or the whole pointillism movement....does that make me wrong? No!....does it make those who do right? No!!! they are obviously deficient!!!! (choose how...factually, morally, ethically, intellectually etc.etc.!!) it is inconceivable that anyone with a differing outlook on something as obvious as the eye numbing blight on the world as pointillism to have views of their own in contradiction to that obviousness!! p.s. I have it on good authority that those who do like pointillism beat their spouses and children and kick their dogs!! they also engage in 'un-natural' activities with the dead!! |
Post 148 IP flag post |
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flanders private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm looking forward to watching this over the course of 2 days. No matter how good a movie is I'm unable to watch anything past around the 2:15 mark without starting to lose interest. If I had watched the first movie I'd probably pass but fortunately I avoided it like the plague do to so many poor reviews. I still haven't watched Suicide Squad for the same reason. | ||
Post 149 IP flag post |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
This is a friday evening viewing for me. Drinks and snacks are at the ready. | ||
Post 150 IP flag post |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus To quote you I've explained my views on the whiney, oh woe is me alien Synder birthed and forced on the audience earlier in the thread. I see you still choose to ignore Sucker Punch. Smart decision. One can't defend the indefensible. What a steamy mess that was directed, written, and produced by Synder turned out to be. I wonder if the final product caused the first seeds of doubt to form in the Warner Brothers about who they believed was a good choice to create the DC universe in film. Maybe that along with the record box office take that the people on the other side of the street got compared to the Synder box office help them reevaluate things? Now that a few posts and days have gone by, I'll thank Miller for the 300 film and graphic novel. Smart man, forcing Synder to stay true to the source material. Hard to mess it up that way. |
Post 151 IP flag post |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater I'm curious as to your point about bringing Sucker Punch and 300 up. Are you trying to suggest that because these films in your view are poor that all his films are poor? I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. It's cool if you are not interested in ZSJL film...but for the people who are interested in it, this is a thread celebrating the release. |
Post 152 IP flag post |
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MutantMania private msg quote post Address this user | |
I am looking forward to it ![]() Loved Sucker Punch ![]() ![]() I just like to have fun watching them and I don't really nit pick them to death.... |
Post 153 IP flag post |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
@MutantMania I watch them all and of course like yourself, I like some and dislike some. The films I don't like, I try to understand the choices the creative people made and why. I'm happy they're getting made as we're in the goldenage comic book films and enjoying it greatly. Nobody ever sets out to make crap films. | ||
Post 154 IP flag post |
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DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by GAC I don't know. That Fantastic Four reboot makes me wonder. |
Post 155 IP flag post |
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