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I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
I tend to avoid anything on SyFy based on prior history.
But i'd seen some rumblings that Resident Alien was enjoyable and actually quite good. So i watched the 1st 1 hour pilot and i really liked it! Another show to watch every few days.
Anyone else watch?
Ill be keeping my 1 copy of DHP 4
Post 1 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
It definitely had it's good moments. I'm interested in where they are taking this. It could morph into dark comedy, horror, sit com, drama or romance. I can see it doing any of those.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Darthmauler private msg quote post Address this user
Honestly I the same worries going in but after watching the 1st episode twice I enjoy it more the 2nd time around lol I was lost when Z Nation ended then Killjoys. I haven't watched syfy since except for a movie here and there, but now I'm down for the night Resident Alien is on 100% 👍😎
Post 3 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Gave the pilot a view this past weekend. Enjoyed it. Quirky, dark and light at the same time. Looking forward to watching some more episodes.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Darthmauler - when it comes to SyFy, i have been so confused about their programming for the past several years. They get a good series build a consistent fan base then boom, cancelled.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator what you said reminds me of Deadly Class
Post 6 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Watched the pilot last night (caution: minor spoilers follow).

Definitely different, kinda like Twin Peaks filtered through Starman. Not sure whether I loved or hated it because I had both reactions at different points in the first episode. I like dramas & comedies that have some internal logic. Dark comedies are a tough sell as they're usually doing a high wire act without a net, relying on quirky or abstract behavior to distract while maintaining audience interest through characters in absence of comprehendible logic.

For instance, there are a couple of darkly comedic scenes which defy logic and shouldn't be given a pass just because they're used to get a laugh. The most obvious "huh?" scene that comes to my mind is the doctor's assistant sleeping at the crime scene and our alien resident mistaking her for the deceased (stopping there to avoid more spoilers). Sleeping there, ...really? I also think the racial humor with the Sheriff's character is forced and the drinking scene in the bar too predictable.

Nevertheless, the series has compelling elements ...mostly on the dramatic side of the equation... such as the abusive relationship backstory tied in with the doomsday motif. And some of the down to earth humor combined with the fish out of water elements do provide characters room to grow. Think I'd like this series better if taken in a more serious direction that doesn't rely quite so much on quirky (corny) comedy bits and stereotypical tropes that check boxes, but that's just my personal taste.

Will be giving episodes of this series another watch or two. My two and a half ale recommendation: 1/2
Post 7 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica
Nevertheless, the series has compelling elements ...mostly on the dramatic side of the equation... such as the abusive relationship backstory tied in with the doomsday motif. And some of the down to earth humor combined with the fish out of water elements do provide characters room to grow. Think I'd like this series better if taken in a more serious direction that doesn't rely quite so much on quirky (corny) comedy bits and stereotypical tropes that check boxes, but that's just my personal taste.

I agree with your personal taste assessment. If it keeps relying on comedy bits and stereotypical tropes, I think it will fail spectacularly!!!
Post 8 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
I enjoyed the first episode and I'm looking forward to the next one tonight...chung chung
Post 9 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Episode two was good. It setup some interesting stuff for future episodes. And it leaned into the Dramedy. Though, that aspect doesn’t interest me as much.
Post 10 IP   flag post
To answer your question, no, this is not where the comics go to die. MutantMania private msg quote post Address this user
Haven't watched it yet but will give it a shot.

SyFy has been my favorite channel since it was SciFi Channel. Wasn't to fond of the name change though.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Just watched the second episode. It's a very uneven series. One clever joke did make me laugh out loud and I was surprised the writers dared to go there with it. Unfortunately, that was the only funny bit that got a chuckle (no spoilers).

IMO, the dramatic elements need to be more logical to suspend disbelief even if this series veers more towards comedy.

For instance, Harry's quirky behavior doesn't creep folks out nearly enough. Max's reaction to him vacillating between fear and puppeteer aren't consistent. The native American diversity and dialogue interactions are solid and well done, but then Sheriff Mike comes across as a comic relief stereotype.

I'll probably give this one or two more shots (with tequila) in the hope that it doesn't turn into a forgettably bad sitcom and rocket off into the void. Still 1/2
Post 12 IP   flag post
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