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HUGE Auction Mostly 9.8's & CBCS!13664

Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
So some of you probably figured that I was building up to this, but I now have 170 graded comics in the current SlabSmart store auction at MCS. This is my major offering and i will be giving you all a break after this. Marvel, Dc, Valiant, Image, Dark Horse, Spidey, Venom, Star Wars, Superman and much much more. All of the listings started at $1 and many are still there. Enjoy!

Here is the Link: clickable text
Post 1 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Good luck with the auction. I'm not expecting to win any but I am the current high bidder on 6 or 7 of them. Will be interested to see where your X-men 136 ends up. I didn't realize those 9.8's had gotten up in the $300 range.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller - Bid early bid often!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
1st & 2nd appearances of Lobo in this auction!

Link: clickable text

Post 4 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Pretty sure I'm still the high bidder on that Omega Man 3, which means it's going way to cheap currently. I'm not planning to win it, I already have a CBCS 9.8, but I'll make sure it at least goes for more than half of FMV.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller -Or, you will get a really great price! 👍
Post 6 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
I am the current leader in 4 Slabsmart auctions. But I certainly hope you get more.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Barry Windsor-Smith fans included is a Trio of Archer & Armstrong also featuring #8 w/1st Appearance of Ivar the Timewalker and Eternal Warrior #8 flipbook!

Post 8 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
IMO, one of the best SciFi tv series ever. If you haven’t watched, you should. Great work by J Michael Straczynski. In this auction i have the first two comic issues.

Post 9 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Of the 170 items in this SlabSmart auction, there are 48 issue 1st issues, a few of which are one shots.

Link: clickable text
Post 10 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Moving back to Valiant, here are the Bloodshots in this auction:

Post 11 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
How about a Cage match with the 1st 3 issues in 9.8 and currently priced between $7 - $20?

clickable text
Post 12 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
This is one of my earlier purchases & I am the original owner as it was purchased at my local comic shop when published. This HIGHEST Graded example (by CBCS or cgc) is encased in a new sonic weld and ends tonight!

Direct SlabSmart link: clickable text
Post 13 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Additionally ending tonight and a super steal with current bid of only $75 (2 sales last month at $204) - Inhumans #1 9.6 WHITE Pages! Featuring 1st Appearance of Iridia and 1st in own title!

Post 14 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
With the auctions that end tonight, it starts with an Alpha FLight #1 and ends with Lobo's Back #1. Here is the list, of which 39 are priced between $11 - $19:

Alpha Flight (1983 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.6

Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 265B CBCS 9.8 Second Printing
Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 354 CBCS 9.8
Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 374 CBCS 9.8

Archer and Armstrong (1992) 5 CBCS 9.8
Archer and Armstrong (1992) 6 CBCS 9.8
Archer and Armstrong (1992) 8 CBCS 9.8

Babylon 5 (1995) 1 CBCS 9.8
Babylon 5 (1995) 2 CBCS 9.8

Bloodshot (1993 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8
Bloodshot (1993 1st Series) 2 CBCS 9.8

Brigade (1992 1st Series) 1A CBCS 9.8

Cable Blood and Metal (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8

Cage (1992 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8
Cage (1992 1st Series) 2 CBCS 9.8
Cage (1992 1st Series) 3 CBCS 9.8

Camelot 3000 (1982) 7 CBCS 9.8
Camelot 3000 (1982) 10 CBCS 9.8

Captain America The Movie Special (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8

Conan the Barbarian (1970 Marvel) 110 CBCS 9.8

Cyberforce (1992 1st Series) 1A CBCS 9.8

Dark Horse Presents (1986) 36B CBCS 9.8
Chris Warner Variant.

Deathlok (1991 1st Series) 5 CBCS 9.8
Deathlok (1991 1st Series) 9 CBCS 9.8
Deathlok (1991 1st Series) 12 CBCS 9.8

Deathmate Black (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Blue (1993)1A CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Epilogue (1994) 1A CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Prologue (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Red (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Yellow (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8

Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) 5 CBCS 9.8

Demon (1990 3rd Series) 15 CBCS 9.8

Digitek (1992 Marvel) 1 CBCS 9.8

Eternal Warrior (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8
Eternal Warrior (1992) 5 CBCS 9.8
Eternal Warrior (1992) 6 CBCS 9.8
Eternal Warrior (1992) 10 CBCS 9.8

Feud (1993) 1 CBCS 9.8

Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 25 CBCS 9.8
Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 26 CBCS 9.8
Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 27 CBCS 9.8
Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 28U CBCS 9.6

Harbinger (1992) 0B CBCS 9.4
Harbinger (1992) 10 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 12 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 13 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 14 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 15 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 16 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 18 CBCS 9.8
Harbinger (1992) 25 CBCS 9.8

HARD Corps (1992) 1A CBCS 9.8
HARD Corps (1992) 8 CBCS 9.8
HARD Corps (1992) 14 CBCS 9.8

Incomplete Deaths Head (1993) 2 CBCS 9.8

Incredible Hulk (1962-1999 1st Series) 250 CBCS 9.6
Incredible Hulk (1962-1999 1st Series) 393 CBCS 9.8

Justice League Europe (1989) 34 CBCS 9.8

Knights of Pendragon (1992 2nd Series) 1 CBCS 9.8

Legion (1989 1st Series) 5 CBCS 9.8

Lobo Blazing Chain of Love (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8

Lobo's Back (1992 DC) 1 CBCS 9.8

Direct Link

And, My personal favorite cover from the above group:

Post 15 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
FYI, the one comic that ends tonight that is a screamin deal would be the Dark Horse Presents 36 B variant. I think there is about an hour left and it is at $52 right now.
Post 16 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
I am the proud owner of Incredible Hulk #250!
Post 17 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@HeinzDad congrats on that. That was one of those one offs that i bought as a kid cause i liked the cover. Enjoy!
Post 18 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
And tonight the Horn sounds for the final 105 of my 170 graded comic auction. Below is the list of available items and the current bids! Let me know whatcha won.

Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 0D CBCS 9.6 Current bid: $41.00
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 16 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 19 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 20 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 21A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 22 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $12.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 23 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 24 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 25A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $23.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 26 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 27 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 28 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 29 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Magnus Robot Fighter (1991 Valiant) 31 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $17.00,

Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 90 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $27.00,

Marvel Fanfare (1982 1st Series) 9 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

Motormouth (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,

Namor the Sub-Mariner (1990 1st Series) 27 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

Next Men (1992) John Byrne's 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,
Next Men (1992) John Byrne's 2 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $15.00,
Next Men (1992) John Byrne's 5 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Next Men (1992) John Byrne's 6 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,

Nexus the Liberator (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $12.00,

Night Thrasher Four Control (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

Nomad (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $27.00,

Omega Men (1983 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00,
Omega Men (1983 1st Series) 2 CBCS 9.6 Current bid: $18.00,
Omega Men (1983 1st Series) 3 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $166.00, 1st Lobo Appearance
Omega Men (1983 1st Series) 5 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00, 2nd Lobo Appearance

Predator Race War (1993) 2 CBCS 9.8Current bid: $22.00,

Predator vs. Magnus Robot Fighter (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $21.00,

Purgatori Prelude (1996) -1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00,

Rai (1992) 0 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $41.00,
Rai (1992) 8 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Rai (1992) 9A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Rai (1992) 10 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
Rai (1992) 14 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $11.00,
Rai (1992) 18 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $8.00,

Ravage 2099 (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Robocop Prime Suspect (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

Rom (1979-1986 Marvel) 44 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Sandman (1989 2nd Series) 50 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $52.00,

Savage She-Hulk (1980) 9 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $51.00,

Second Life of Doctor Mirage (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Shadowman (1992 1st Series) 10 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $15.00,
Shadowman (1992 1st Series) 12 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $15.00,

Silver Surfer (1982) 1-Shot 1 CBCS 9.6 Current bid: $66.00,
Silver Surfer (1982) 1-Shot 1 CBCS 9.4 Current bid: $50.00,

Silver Surfer (1987 2nd Series) 75 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $24.00,

Solar Man of the Atom (1991) 12 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00, 5 bids
Solar Man of the Atom (1991) 17 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00, 4 bids
Solar Man of the Atom (1991) 22 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $14.00,

Spawn (1992) 1D CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $125.00,

Spider-Man (1990) 17 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $24.00,
Spider-Man (1990) 18 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $28.00,
Spider-Man (1990) 24 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $28.00,

Spider-Man (1998) Wizard 1/2 1A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $36.00,

Spider-Man 2099 (1992 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $61.00,

Spider-Man Unlimited (1993 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $46.00,

Star Trek Deep Space Nine (1993) Ashcan 1GOLD CBCS 9.8 Gold Foil Edition Current bid: $22.00,

Star Wars Dark Empire (1991) 6A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $38.00,

Star Wars Dark Force Rising (1997) 3 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,
Star Wars Dark Force Rising (1997) 4 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Star Wars Empire's End (1995) 2 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (1996) 5 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $23.00,

Star Wars Tales of the Jedi Fall of the Sith Empire (1997) 2 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00,

Star Wars Tales of the Jedi Freedon Nadd Uprising (1994) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Starman (1988 1st Series) 43 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $12.00,

Superman (1987 2nd Series) 75D CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $51.00,
Superman (1987 2nd Series) 75U CBCS 9.8 Collector's Edition Current bid: $41.00,

Superman The Death of Superman TPB (1993 DC) 1st Prnt Edition 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $37.00,

Superman The Man of Steel (1991) 18 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $47.00,
Superman The Man of Steel (1991) 19 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Terror Inc (1992 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00,

Thing (1983-1986 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $66.00,

Thor (1962-1996 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) 300 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $80.00,

Turok Dinosaur Hunter (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $16.00,

Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 136 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $205.00,
Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 281A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $27.00,
Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 294U CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,
Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) Annual 16 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,

Venom The Madness (1993) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $23.00,

Wildcats Covert Action Teams (1992) 1A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $43.00,

Wolverine (1988 1st Series) 54 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,
Wolverine (1988 1st Series) 55 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $21.00,

Wonder Man (1991 1st Series) 1 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $26.00,

Wonder Woman (1987 2nd Series) 60 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $21.00,

X-Force (1991 1st Series) 1U CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $36.00,
X-Force (1991 1st Series) 10 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,
X-Force (1991 1st Series) 15 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $27.00,

X-Men (1991 1st Series) 1C CBCS 9.8 Cover C. Current bid: $32.00,
X-Men (1991 1st Series) 3 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $28.00,
X-Men (1991 1st Series) 11A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $46.00,
X-Men (1991 1st Series) 12 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,

X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 8 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 10 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $22.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 11 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 14 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $18.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 16 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 17 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,
X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 20 CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $13.00,

Youngblood (1992 1st Series) 0A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $21.00,
Youngblood (1992 1st Series) 0B CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $12.00,
Youngblood (1992 1st Series) 1REP CBCS 9.8 Second Printing. Current bid: $13.00,
Youngblood (1992 1st Series) 2A CBCS 9.8 Current bid: $32.00,

Direct Link
Post 19 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone care to venture a guess as to my favorite cover from the remaining 105?
Post 20 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user

Post 21 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Ah, the chiseled Surfer. Galactus may have taken his wang, but not his pecks or abs!
Post 22 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller - hilarious
Post 23 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator Last night I checked at appears that 6 pages of the MCS 4 day auction were CBCS slabbed books. That's approximately 600 books. Yours were more than 25% of the total, but that was quite a showing for CBCS slabs in the Prime Auction this week.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller - yup i noticed the same thing at the start of the auction. I think it was appx equal thirds between raw, cgc, and CBCS
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
I bought your x-men 1. Needed to add a couple more books to save on shipping I was expecting my other 3 books to show up are your list.
Post 26 IP   flag post
KFC does haircuts now, Wooh Hoo. zdoes10 private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator I pick up your Alpha Flight #1.

Do you have any books that are in the auction starting 18 Jan?
Post 27 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry about not responding earlier. In the process of moving to my new digs.

@moodswing Whatcha looking for? I might have it in my other 1480 listings I swing ya a deal.

@zdoes10 - Only thing I have in Jan 18th is Alpha Flight # 1 grade 6.0. Same applies for you as I mentioned to Moodswing.

Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user

Hey here is my current long want list:
Comic Name Issue
Cable 21
Daredevil 115
Daredevil 238
Deadpool 2008 19
Ghost Rider 2011 1
GI Joe 21
GI Joe 25
Green Lantern Corps 2
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Immortal Hulk 2
Iron Man 55
Justice League 2011 31
Magik mini series 4
Marvel Comics Presents 72
Marvel Team-Up 65
Marvel Team-Up 100
Marvel Team-Up 141
Marvel Team-Up 103
Ms Marvel 16
MS Marvel 18
Nyx 3
Rom 31
Sandman 8
Sandman 10
Silver Surfer 45
Secret Wars II 3
Spawn 77
Star Wars Episode 1 Phantom Menace 3
Thor 134
Thor 229
Thor current 3
Totally Awesome Hulk 22
Transformers 1
Transformers 8
Venom vs Carnage 2
Weapon X 22
Wolverine 8
Wolverine 155
Wolverine 310
X-Factor 6
X-Men 10
X-Men 60
X-Men 61
X-Men 64
X-Men 94
X-Men 101
X-Men 107
X-Men 109
X-Men 115
X-Men 130
X-Men 133
X-Men 137
X-Men 141
X-Men 142
X-Men 145
X-Men 153
X-Men 166
X-Men 168
X-Men 171
X-Men 191
X-Men 193
X-Men 234
X-Men 239
X-Men 241
X-Men 252
X-Men 267
X-Men 282
X-Men 299
Post 29 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@moodswing u@moodswing Here is what i have thai will part with:

MCP 72 Direct - 9.8 CBCS
Marvel Team ip 65 - 7.5 CBCS
Silver Surfer 45 - 9.4 CBCS

Each are in mycomicshop. Here is the direct link: clickable link

Feel free to make offers through there.

Post 30 IP   flag post
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