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The Walking Dead Deluxe13512

Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
I have a question! Okay, so I never collected comics. Never even read comics until my coworker let me read his entire collection of The Walking Dead last month. Which was an awesome series and I enjoyed it and the subject matter. So, now I decided to start buying the Deluxe and I put them away as soon as I buy them as an investment for the future. Now my Q is, would it be worth it to get them graded along the way and have all 193 issues Graded and in the future would someone really purchase an entire series of 193 Graded Issues?
Post 1 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, @WheatThiNZ. Welcome to the forum.

When you say that you've started buying "the Deluxe," can you be more specific?
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the forum!

So, here’s the deal: the Walking Dead Deluxe are basically colorized reprints.

Typically, reprints don’t have anywhere near the value of the original. My advice would be to start picking up the original series with some of the more cost friendly issues as a start.

Number 1 might be more than what you want to spend.

As far as grading each one, that would be about $15-$20 per issue to grade.

As I’m sure others will tell you, you can maximize your dollars more by just grading keys and bagging the others in Mylar.

Having said that, you would probably be the only person in the world to have all 193 slabbed so there could be some value there, but it might be diminished by the fact that your really limit your buyers.

Basically, you’d need someone who could afford 193 slabbed comics and be able to store them.

Just a few thoughts.

You will get a lot of good perspectives here, though.

Good luck on your collecting!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

It’s the colorized reprints that have recently come out.

I think it’s weekly, but not 100 percent certain.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Noblebeast315 private msg quote post Address this user
Welcome to the board and to the wonder of comic reading! That is an interesting proposition. I think honestly you would be better served collecting high grade Rawls of the original series if you wanted it as an investment. If you just want to reread Them and enjoy the color the the deluxe editions offer then I would just get them, but honestly don’t think it would be worth the effort and cost to have them all graded. Right know you can still find deals on high grade copies of the original series which are more likely to many Ian there value. Some issues will even go up (slightly most likely). If you wanted an investment I would go that route. BTW don’t be a strange in the comic world lots of great stories out there!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Miss Chanandler Bong jake private msg quote post Address this user
It depends on your personal goals. If you're grading it for re-sale, then do a cost / benefit analysis and see if you run in the black and if that is an acceptable margin. Here is one of many places to check value

Of course, the re-sale is not going to be nowhere near the original run

If your collecting for collecting's sake, then that is its own reward.

Welcome to the hobby!
Post 6 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks, @Jabberwookie. I learned something new today.

@WheatThiNZ, I agree with what @Jabberwookie wrote. If you're simply looking for a way to make your money grow, I think the safest bet would be buying high-grade issues from the original series and putting them away. I would put the "commons" in a mylar sleeve with an acid-free backing board and probably have the keys graded.

Good luck!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Noblebeast315 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jabberwookie
Welcome to the forum!

So, here’s the deal: the Walking Dead Deluxe are basically colorized reprints.

Typically, reprints don’t have anywhere near the value of the original. My advice would be to start picking up the original series with some of the more cost friendly issues as a start.

Number 1 might be more than what you want to spend.

As far as grading each one, that would be about $15-$20 per issue to grade.

As I’m sure others will tell you, you can maximize your dollars more by just grading keys and bagging the others in Mylar.

Having said that, you would probably be the only person in the world to have all 193 slabbed so there could be some value there, but it might be diminished by the fact that your really limit your buyers.

Basically, you’d need someone who could afford 193 slabbed comics and be able to store them.

Just a few thoughts.

You will get a lot of good perspectives here, though.

Good luck on your collecting!

193 slabs of just one series would take up a LOT of real estate in the ole closet haha.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DWeeB1967
Hi, @WheatThiNZ. Welcome to the forum.

When you say that you've started buying "the Deluxe," can you be more specific?

Yeah I started purchasing each re-released issue of The Walking Dead in color which is happily named "The Walking Dead Deluxe"
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@Jabberwookie wow thanks. I might just do that because I love the series. And who knows what might happen the future. And when I read "you might be the only person in the world with all 193 issues of The Deluxe slabbed. That kinda sealed my decision. <3
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector TellEmSteveDave private msg quote post Address this user
The only books of the TWDD I might consider slabbing are the foil variants. IMO none of the books will hold value like the original run. Keep them raw and hunt for raw or slabbed from the first run.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Okay. Thanks I will take that into consideration. Appreciate the feedback 🤘👍💙
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector vacaboca private msg quote post Address this user
I had a lot of fun building my full run of the original run... but am not buying the new color reprints... I'll look forward to reading them (again) when they're out in trade or complete in digital. I'll be interested to see how the value of the original run holds up after the TV series ends (I had to double-check that it was still in production!), and if the spin-off TV series pick up any steam. I'll sell my run at some point...
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by WheatThiNZ
@Jabberwookie wow thanks. I might just do that because I love the series. And who knows what might happen the future. And when I read "you might be the only person in the world with all 193 issues of The Deluxe slabbed. That kinda sealed my decision. <3

Ha ha ha! I always say do what makes you happy, but be glad you aren’t slabbing a whole run of Action Comics!

I had a few of the original series and with a few exceptions, they are pretty reasonable.

Walking Dead is one of those rare birds that got Uber popular and early issues had low print runs.

Check me on this, but I think it was issue 10 before they sold 10,000 copies.

I’ve got #6 graded and there were only 7,000 of those.

It’s a fun series and a great lead in to the hobby!

If I can help in anyway, let me know.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

Can you imagine if it was a full slabbed run of detective or action comics?

That’s got to be a couple of rooms full!
Post 15 IP   flag post
Captain Accident the420bandito private msg quote post Address this user
man Image just keeping rolling WD in a barrel and making $$ from it.

I guess next we will get the collected hardcover colorized versions....

For me part of the appeal was the b&w...
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector Noblebeast315 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jabberwookie

Can you imagine if it was a full slabbed run of detective or action comics?

That’s got to be a couple of rooms full!

You have to charge them rent, because those slabs would be taking up the whole house!
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by the420bandito
man Image just keeping rolling WD in a barrel and making $$ from it.

I guess next we will get the collected hardcover colorized versions....

For me part of the appeal was the b&w...

I just read the whole original TWD series in October. My coworker told me he had the whole series and I binged read it. Like 35 comics a day. I couldn't put it down at all. The black and white version is dope. I enjoyed it. But hey I was also thinking of holding onto them so I can re-read it again in a binge session. But I love the content and the story of TWD and DAMMIT! I NEVER READ COMICS MY WHOLE LIFE AND NOW I MIGHT ADMIT I ENJOY IT MORE THAN WATCHING TV AND IT'S ALL MY COWORKERS FAULT! 💙🤪🙃😂
And at my lunch break today I'm a go to the store to get Home Sick Pilots because I want to get into another series and I'll probably end up buying a bunch of used comics. 😳🤭😊
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jabberwookie
Originally Posted by WheatThiNZ
@Jabberwookie wow thanks. I might just do that because I love the series. And who knows what might happen the future. And when I read "you might be the only person in the world with all 193 issues of The Deluxe slabbed. That kinda sealed my decision. <3

Ha ha ha! I always say do what makes you happy, but be glad you aren’t slabbing a whole run of Action Comics!

I had a few of the original series and with a few exceptions, they are pretty reasonable.

Walking Dead is one of those rare birds that got Uber popular and early issues had low print runs.

Check me on this, but I think it was issue 10 before they sold 10,000 copies.

I’ve got #6 graded and there were only 7,000 of those.

It’s a fun series and a great lead in to the hobby!

If I can help in anyway, let me know.

I was told issue #2 of TWDD is going fast because of the special content it has of the original version of issue #1 that was drafted. Maybe I might get that slabbed. My co-worker thinks that would be a good one to do.
Post 19 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by WheatThiNZ

Yep, that's how it starts.😄

For me, it was a guy in my dorm in college (instead of a coworker) and "The Dark Knight Returns" instead of "The Walking Dead."
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

Ah! Good tip. I didn’t know that 2 had original content.

I grabbed the 1st just for giggles.

You might try “We only find them when they are dead.”

I’ve heard ice cream man is good, too.

You might like Y:The Last Man.

There might be some trades out there.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Man! I walked into my comic store at my lunch break today and was completely sold out of Home Sick Pilots which is a new series I the thought I would get into and ended up buying 8 used comics to read and next paycheck I'm a just buy like 100 of them at 4 for $1 and just read.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector WheatThiNZ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DWeeB1967
Originally Posted by WheatThiNZ

Yep, that's how it starts.😄

For me, it was a guy in my dorm in college (instead of a coworker) and "The Dark Knight Returns" instead of "The Walking Dead."

Yeah it just spiders out from there man. I bought 8 used comics today and they have a couple boxes of them and next time I get paid I'm just thinking of grabbing them all up to 100 of them and just see what's good. I'm like an addict in real life so anything I get into and like my dopamine releases to much of itself and I just want more COMICS!
Post 23 IP   flag post
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