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Spectacular Spider-Man 64 mark jewler variant13367

Collector Wontizzl private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone, just a quick question i bought a copy of spectacular Spider-Man #64 from a random person online.. just got it in today and to my surprise when i opened it there was a mark jewler insert. Just wanted to know if it makes the book and more valuable? I tried to check for sales on ebay or just even one for sale in general but nothing. Gave $50 plus shipping for it just to give you an idea of what its going for without the insert. If you guys have any idea what its going for I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks!

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Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
Some say yes, some say no. The truth might be in between. There are insert collectors out there who pay premiums for high grade copies, but it really is condition and collector dependent. Others won't pay extra for something they don't care about or doesn't affect the story. Reach for the moon and settle somewhere in the troposhere.
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I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I think, on average, they go for 10-15% more than their non-jeweler counterparts.

Mega keys, like a Hulk 181, command more. A cool find.
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I’m not an ant. I’m a rootin tootin Hornet! Zombie_Head private msg quote post Address this user
Yes add like 10% to the value.
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Collector Wontizzl private msg quote post Address this user
@Studley_Dudley @00slim @Zombie_Head thanks really appreciate it!
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Collector vision6797 private msg quote post Address this user
Yes. They are considered a variant
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Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
I look for them; just different. I’m always impressed to see a high grade MJ. They were typically sold near military bases and at a PX. My spidey 141 is a MJ.

One of these days I will compile a list of MJ issues. It is unknown which issues of any particular series included MJ inserts.
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