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Just made a deal on a Collection. Fingers crossed.13277

I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Today’s fun find:

A heroes con (not .com as I’d thought) Secret Wars 1 Variant SIGNED by Mike Zeck.

Saw it in the box but didn’t take it out & so, I completely missed the signature.

In other news, I’ll be grading & pricing the X-Men run today. Or, at least get started on it. Looks like 32 in all.
Post 126 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Post 127 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Here is the X-Men run.
32 issues in all. @starlord was the first to inquire specifically about the X-Men run, so he gets the first shot at them.

I priced these on the low end of their e-bay equivalents, or priced at the grade below my estimate for each. Then added $10 for shipping.

$112 SHIPPED in the U.S.

140 - Great color. Misaligned spine. Wear bottom-left corner (back). Back needs cleaning. Fine/Fine+.

181 - miswrap. Rounded/wear to corners. Spine ticks. Wear along top and bottom edges. Waves/non color breaking creases to cover (should press out). VG/Fine 5.0.

193 - Very sharp. Minimal stacking curl. Wear to corners along spine. VF+/NM-

201 - Stacking curl, wear at corners & cover. Fine/Fine-

212 - Very sharp, aside from Several color breaking spine ticks. F/VF 7.0

228 - Very sharp. Minimal wear to corners (at spine). NM-

229 - Decent stacking curl but otherwise super sharp. NM-

230 - stacking curl, curl to right-hand edge. Decent indentation to cover. Wear to bottom corners. 5.5

231 - Sharp corners. Stacking curl, wear to bottom edge (back cover) color breaking scratch to back cover. Fine

232 - Stacking curl, non color breaking creases (back). Back needs cleaning. VF-

233 - Minor miswrap. Non color breaking creases to cover. VF

234 - bottom-left corner bent/color rub. Minor stacking curl. Most should press out. Fine

235 - wear bottom-left corner. Long hairline crease to cover. Curl to right-hand edge.

236 - Super sharp. NM

237 - wear at staples & corners. Wear at top edge (back). Non color breaking crinkling to back. Fine/Fine+.

238 - Miswrap. Wear to bottom corners (back). VF-

239 - stacking curl. Minimal wear bottom-left corner. Color rub back cover. VF+/NM-.

242 - dings to corners (at spine). Hairline crease & waves/indentations to cover. VF

243 - miswrap. Ding to corner. Non color breaking indentation/crease back cover. Fine.

246 - Beautiful. Hairline stress lines under proper light. VF+/NM-

249 - Stacking curl. Blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at bottom staple. 9.0

250 - minimal wear at staples. Stacking curl.

251 - Stacking curl, staples sunk too deep. Spine ticks. Wear at bottom-left corner. Fine-/Fine

252 - non color breaking crease top left corner (back). Minor stacking curl. NM-VF+.

255 - Sharp. Wear at bottom corner (spine) front & back. Minimal non color breaking creases on back. VF-

256 - wear at corners (spine). One or two non color breaking spine ticks. NM-

277 - Blunted corners, color breaking spine ticks & wear at staples. Stacking curl. Fine+.

300 - wear at 2 corners. Beginning stacking curl. NM-

Annual #8 - wear to corners (spine). Curl to right-hand side. VF/VF+

Annual #9 - Spine ticks, wear at corners VF-

Uncanny X-Men (2016)

1 - Super sharp. Minimal wear, 2 corners. Unread. NM

2 - Super sharp. Minimal wear, 2 corners. Unread. NM

Post 128 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim Dude, thank you for first dibs, but I got itchy for pc book that I got from another forum member.
I owe ya.
Post 129 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, so, the X-Men run is up for grabs. (No worries @starlord).

There’s one more included, that I forgot about. It was set aside when I was initially sorting.

I’ll get a grade estimate for this one later this morning. In any case, it’s included at the same price.

Post 130 IP   flag post

Collector Terry88 private msg quote post Address this user
I love this thread.
Post 131 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Description & Grade for the X-Men 248 (1st Jim Lee Art in X-Men) is:

Minimal wear at corners (spine). Stacking curl. Minimal wear at staples. Speck of color loss below the corner box.


Again, this is included in the X-Men lot for the original asking price, I just forgot to include it the first time around.
Post 132 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Would anyone be interested in a run of New Mutants? To give a general idea: 30 issues staring at #30. No 98, unfortunately.

I ask because I can skip ahead to another portion of the collection if no one is keenly interested in these.
Post 133 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim if there are any 2nd or 3rd series I could see what I'm missing. I'm stocked on 1st series New Mutants.
Post 134 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk These are all first series. 👍🏼
Post 135 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
We’ll try something smaller to start things off. 9 issues of Fantastic Four.

$50 shipped.

146 - Blunted/rounded corners. Spine ticks, back cover needs cleaning. Light creasing in several spots. VG/VG+

148 - color break bottom-right corner, spine ticks, rounded corners. Light wear at staples. Back needs cleaning. Fine/Fine+.

149 - miswrap. Spine tick. Rounded corners, color break at bottom-right corner. Fine.

156 - Small rear center-top edge, light wear right-hand corners, spine ticks. Light cover rub to cover. Fine+, VF-

165 - wear to edges, color breaks & wear to cover. Spine ticks, wear to staples. VG/VG+.

166 - Presents beautifully (6.0) BUT Marvel value stamp is clipped out. .5, INCOMPLETE. I’m including this one for free.

250 - Stacking curl & curl to right-hand side. VF+/NM-

368 - Newsstand edition with UNVERIFIED Joe Rubinstein signature on cover. Spine tick, wear to top edge. Creasing to back cover. Bottom-right corner was folded over. (Creases with color break). VG

King Size #10 - miswrap, spine wear, wear to bottom edge, non color breaking creases to cover. Non color breaking creases to back cover. Fine tear at spine. VG/VG+.
Post 136 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Working on the ASM books today, guys. This is gonna take a while. I’ll probably have to put these in 2-3 lots. There’s almost a full short box of Spidey.
Post 137 IP   flag post
Collector Huntergreene2 private msg quote post Address this user
Gotta say I'm really hoping you are my secret santa.
Post 138 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
I can't recall- Are these Bronze Spidey's?
Post 139 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Siggy
I can't recall- Are these Bronze Spidey's?

Late 70s-current.
Post 140 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I just finished grading & pricing the raw ASM run. Details will be posted once I take pics after dinner.

Because this is a large lot, I’m listing it two ways. Two separate lots (50/50) & a price for everything. Looks like 64 issues in all.

@HulkSmash was the first to inquire about Spidey, so, He’ll have first dibs. If he passes on one lot, or all, they will be available to the first person to “claim” them in the thread.

I also have a lot of Spectacular & Web of Spider-Man that I’ll work on tomorrow.
Post 141 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
If the Spec Spidey's are copies I don't have, I'm definitely interested.
Maybe the Webs too.
Post 142 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
in that case dibs on the hulk and zatanna books
Post 143 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town The Hulk books are already listed. Take a look a page or two back. 👍🏼
Post 144 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
A second group is on the way with a package deal for both.


128 - General wear to cover & corners. Rounded corners. VG

185 - Misaligned spine. Wear at staples. Creasing at corners. Non color breaking creases (back).

201 - Rounded/blunted corners, color breaking crease bottom-left corner. Spine ticks. VG

227 - Rounded corners, spine ticks. Fine

228 - Wear at all 4 corners, some spine ticks, light creases bottom-right corner. Color rub. Fine/Fine-

233 - Very nice. A few spine ticks. VF

236 - Light wear to corners, spine ticks. VF

242 - Blunted bottom-left corner, wear at staples, some color rub. VF-/VF

244 - Slight miswrap. Non crease on back. VF

245 - Slight miswrap. Slight wear bottom-left corner. Very nice. VF+/NM

247 - Small Wear to top edge front & back. VF

248 - Ding to bottom-left corner. Curl to right-hand edge. VF+/NM-

249 - Light wear to corners (spine). Stacking curl. VF/VF+

250 - Some spine ticks. Beautiful book. VF+/NM-

254 - wear at corners (spine).wear at staples, hairline crease along right-hand side of cover. Color breaking spine tick & non color breaking creases (back). Fine-/Fine

254 - Miswrap. Wear to top edge (back). Wear to top-left corner. Ticks to spine/back cover.
Fine/Fine +

255 - Wear along top edge, top left & bottom-right corner. Non color breaking crease top-left corner ((back). Fine/Fine+

259 - wear at corners, wear at staples. Spine ticks. Fine

264 - Very sharp. Small spine tick or two. NM-

267 - Miswrap. Light wear at corners. Multiple non color breaking ticks back cover. Fine -

268 - Wear at staples, Light curl right-hand edge. Decent non color breaking crease top-left corner (back). Blunted bottom-right corner (back). Fine

271 - Minimal miswrap. Spine ticks. Non color breaking crease bottom-right corner. Several ticks back cover near spine. Fine -

273 - Miswrap. spine ticks. Wear at corners. Fine

280 - Light creasing front & back. Light curl right-hand edge. Light spine ticks. Fine

283 - Stacking curl, spine ticks. Discoloration bottom-left corner (back). Fine +

290 - discoloration to edges. Blunted bottom-left corner. Stress at staples and spine ticks. Fine

294 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Light wear bottom edge (back). Spine tick. VF

295 - Spine ticks, blunted bottom-left corner. Wear/color breaks top edge (back) Fine

296 - Mild miswrap. Spine tick. Mild wear at corners. VF+/NM-

297 - Non color breaking crease too-right corner. Beautiful copy. NM-

299 - Light wear at 2 corners. Spine ticks & spine wear. VF

302 - Mild Miswrap. Stacking curl. Slight wear bottom-left corner. NM-

304 - Slight wear at corners. Stacking curl. Light non color breaking creases to cover. NM-

33 issues in all. $168 SHIPPED in the U.S.
Post 145 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user


306 - Spine tick. Beautiful copy. NM

307 - Spine ticks, stacking curl. Ding bottom corner (spine) front & back. VF+

309 - Wear at edges. Ding bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. Stress indentations back cover. VF-

312 - Wear at corners (spine). VF+/NM-

313 - Non color breaking stress lines front & back. Wear at staples. VF

314 - Oddly placed staples. Otherwise beautiful condition. NM

315 - Slight miswrap. Slight wear at corners (spine). NM-

317 - Slight miswrap. Lightly blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. Color breaking stress line above top staple (back). VF-

319 - Significant curl Right-hand edge. Light wear corners (spine). Fine +

320 - Stacking curl, spine ticks. Light blunting at corners (spine). Non color breaking creases/indentations back cover. Fine

321 - Slight miswrap. Non color breaking crease along right edge. VF+

322 - Slight miswrap. Stacking curl. Very sharp.

323 - Slight miswrap, spine ticks, wear at staples. NM-

324 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. 9.0

325 - Stacking curl. Color breaking ticks (back cover). VF+

327 - Stacking curl, spine ticks, light wear to corners (spine). VF/NM

345 - Miswrap. Stacking curl. Minimal wear corners (spine). NM-/NM

346 - Slight miswrap. NM

347 - Wear at staples. A few spine ticks to back cover. NM-

360 - Bend at bottom-right corner, goes through full book. Wear at bottom staple. Fine

378 - wear at corners (spine). Creasing to back cover. Fine +

534 - Wear bottom-left corner. NM-

535 - Wear to corners (spine). NM-

697 - Minimal wear to corners. NM-

798 - (Ramos Variant) - Very crisp. NM/NM+

799 - (Ramos Variant) - Minimal wear top-right corner. NM

800 - (Ramos Variant) Blunting at corners (spine). 9.0

801 - (Ramos cover) Wear bottom-left corner. Color rub back cover.

(4rh Series)

15 - Minimal wear at corners (spine). NM

16 - Minimal wear at corners (spine). NM

17 - Super sharp. Unread. NM

18 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Slightly rounded too-left corner. NM-

19 - Light wear corners (spine). Indentation along spine, front and back. NM-

33 issues in all, $145 SHIPPED in the U.S.

OR BOTH LOTS, 66 issues, $250 SHIPPED within the U.S.
Post 146 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I’ll be working on the Spectacular Spider-Man run today. Turns out, there’s only 4 issues of Web of Spider-Man, so, I’ll make this one lot.

Found this in there, too.

Post 147 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Web of/Spectacular Spider-Man Lot

$70 SHIPPED in the U.S.

On top of what’s listed below, I’m also including (for free) a solid Near Mint Stan Lee Box variant of Generations: The Soiders #1

17 issues in all. $70 SHIPPED in the U.S.

Web of Spider-Man

30 - Minor miswrap. Non color breaking creases to cover. Minor wear at staples. Ticks and non color breaking creases back cover. Fine/Fine+

43 - Very solid. Minor wear too-left corner. NM-/NM

44 - Minor stacking curl/wear at edges. Sharp. NM-

49 - Stacking curl, smudge at spine. Minor wear to edges. NM-

Pepper Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man

1 - Multiple dings/creases back cover may break color (hard to tell with the white background). Fine.

107 - slight wear at staples & bottom-left corner. 2 indentations top-right of cover. Back cover suggests a slight miscut cover. VF+/NM-

108 - Wear at bottom corners. Non color breaking creases to cover. VF

109 - wear to corners. Light indentation/creasing back cover. VF-

110 - Indentation/creasing carries through the book. VG

111 - Stacking curl. Light wear bottom-left corner. Non color braking ding bottom-left hand side. VF-

112 - Non color breaking crease top-right corner, goes through book. Waves/non color breaking creasing back cover. VG+

113 - Stacking curl, wear at corners. VF-

114 - Miswrap & blunted/worn corners. VG

200 - Blunted corners, spine ticks (back). Wear at edges. VG $49

Spider-Man (2016, Bendis series)

1 - Minimal wear corners (spine). Very sharp/unread. NM/NM+.

2 - Stacking curl, minimal wear at corners (spine) NM-

Post 148 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, guys, I’m open to offers on these lots:

Post 149 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
How about 18 assorted issues of Deadpool?

I’m asking $70 SHIPPED for the lot.

I haven’t seen the Spider-Man/Deadpool GameStop variant sell for less than $50.

Included are the following:

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Prestige format Trade
Creased (folded over at one time) bottom corner back cover.

True Believers reprint of New Mutants 98
Solid NM, Included for free.

True Believers: Deadpool The Variants #1
Typical wear at bottom edge of spine NM

Baby’s First Deadpool Book #1
Wear at bottom-left corner. NM-

Deadpool (vol. 1) #2
Wear bottom-left corner. NM-

Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #1 (Stan Lee Collectibles variant)

Blunted bottom-left corner. Slight wear top-left corner VF/NM

4th Series

1A - Minor wear, bottom-left corner. Sharp/unread. NM

1 (Newbury Variant) - Wear at corners (spine). Spine ticks. 9.0

2 - Sharp/unread. NM

3.1 - Slight wear bottom-left corner. NM

42 - Light wear at corners (spine) 9.0

Deadpool Vs. Thanos

1 (Diamond Retailer Summit 2015 Variant) Wear at corners (spine) 9.0

2 (Diamond Retailer Summit 2015 Variant)
Minor wear bottom left corner. Ding/spine tick. Minor creasing to back cover. VF

Cable & Deadpool

46 - Sharp/Unread. NM

Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan #2 - Slight wear at corners (spine). NM-/NM


1 (Rare Game Stop Variant) Wear bottom-left corner. Color rub to back cover. 9.0

2 - Slight wear bottom-left corner. Light non color breaking crease too-right corner. NM-

3 - Stacking curl. Wear at corners (spine). Color rub to back cover. 9.0

Post 150 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
The Amazing Spider-Man books are now up for grabs for anyone on the forum.

I priced these at the low end of their grade on e-bay (not including the Seller’s shipping charge). And often used the prices for the grade below my estimate just to be safe.

For the separate lots, I added $15 for shipping. For the package deal, I rounded down and eliminated the shipping charge entirely.

Originally Posted by 00slim [img[/img]


128 - General wear to cover & corners. Rounded corners. VG

185 - Misaligned spine. Wear at staples. Creasing at corners. Non color breaking creases (back).

201 - Rounded/blunted corners, color breaking crease bottom-left corner. Spine ticks. VG

227 - Rounded corners, spine ticks. Fine

228 - Wear at all 4 corners, some spine ticks, light creases bottom-right corner. Color rub. Fine/Fine-

233 - Very nice. A few spine ticks. VF

236 - Light wear to corners, spine ticks. VF

242 - Blunted bottom-left corner, wear at staples, some color rub. VF-/VF

244 - Slight miswrap. Non crease on back. VF

245 - Slight miswrap. Slight wear bottom-left corner. Very nice. VF+/NM

247 - Small Wear to top edge front & back. VF

248 - Ding to bottom-left corner. Curl to right-hand edge. VF+/NM-

249 - Light wear to corners (spine). Stacking curl. VF/VF+

250 - Some spine ticks. Beautiful book. VF+/NM-

254 - wear at corners (spine).wear at staples, hairline crease along right-hand side of cover. Color breaking spine tick & non color breaking creases (back). Fine-/Fine

254 - Miswrap. Wear to top edge (back). Wear to top-left corner. Ticks to spine/back cover.
Fine/Fine +

255 - Wear along top edge, top left & bottom-right corner. Non color breaking crease top-left corner ((back). Fine/Fine+

259 - wear at corners, wear at staples. Spine ticks. Fine

264 - Very sharp. Small spine tick or two. NM-

267 - Miswrap. Light wear at corners. Multiple non color breaking ticks back cover. Fine -

268 - Wear at staples, Light curl right-hand edge. Decent non color breaking crease top-left corner (back). Blunted bottom-right corner (back). Fine

271 - Minimal miswrap. Spine ticks. Non color breaking crease bottom-right corner. Several ticks back cover near spine. Fine -

273 - Miswrap. spine ticks. Wear at corners. Fine

280 - Light creasing front & back. Light curl right-hand edge. Light spine ticks. Fine

283 - Stacking curl, spine ticks. Discoloration bottom-left corner (back). Fine +

290 - discoloration to edges. Blunted bottom-left corner. Stress at staples and spine ticks. Fine

294 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Light wear bottom edge (back). Spine tick. VF

295 - Spine ticks, blunted bottom-left corner. Wear/color breaks top edge (back) Fine

296 - Mild miswrap. Spine tick. Mild wear at corners. VF+/NM-

297 - Non color breaking crease too-right corner. Beautiful copy. NM-

299 - Light wear at 2 corners. Spine ticks & spine wear. VF

302 - Mild Miswrap. Stacking curl. Slight wear bottom-left corner. NM-

304 - Slight wear at corners. Stacking curl. Light non color breaking creases to cover. NM-

33 issues in all. $168 SHIPPED in the U.S.

Originally Posted by 00slim


306 - Spine tick. Beautiful copy. NM

307 - Spine ticks, stacking curl. Ding bottom corner (spine) front & back. VF+

309 - Wear at edges. Ding bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. Stress indentations back cover. VF-

312 - Wear at corners (spine). VF+/NM-

313 - Non color breaking stress lines front & back. Wear at staples. VF

314 - Oddly placed staples. Otherwise beautiful condition. NM

315 - Slight miswrap. Slight wear at corners (spine). NM-

317 - Slight miswrap. Lightly blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. Color breaking stress line above top staple (back). VF-

319 - Significant curl Right-hand edge. Light wear corners (spine). Fine +

320 - Stacking curl, spine ticks. Light blunting at corners (spine). Non color breaking creases/indentations back cover. Fine

321 - Slight miswrap. Non color breaking crease along right edge. VF+

322 - Slight miswrap. Stacking curl. Very sharp.

323 - Slight miswrap, spine ticks, wear at staples. NM-

324 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at staples. 9.0

325 - Stacking curl. Color breaking ticks (back cover). VF+

327 - Stacking curl, spine ticks, light wear to corners (spine). VF/NM

345 - Miswrap. Stacking curl. Minimal wear corners (spine). NM-/NM

346 - Slight miswrap. NM

347 - Wear at staples. A few spine ticks to back cover. NM-

360 - Bend at bottom-right corner, goes through full book. Wear at bottom staple. Fine

378 - wear at corners (spine). Creasing to back cover. Fine +

534 - Wear bottom-left corner. NM-

535 - Wear to corners (spine). NM-

697 - Minimal wear to corners. NM-

798 - (Ramos Variant) - Very crisp. NM/NM+

799 - (Ramos Variant) - Minimal wear top-right corner. NM

800 - (Ramos Variant) Blunting at corners (spine). 9.0

801 - (Ramos cover) Wear bottom-left corner. Color rub back cover.

(4rh Series)

15 - Minimal wear at corners (spine). NM

16 - Minimal wear at corners (spine). NM

17 - Super sharp. Unread. NM

18 - Blunted bottom-left corner. Slightly rounded too-left corner. NM-

19 - Light wear corners (spine). Indentation along spine, front and back. NM-

33 issues in all, $145 SHIPPED in the U.S.

OR BOTH LOTS, 66 issues, $250 SHIPPED within the U.S.
Post 151 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Graded 2 of the 3 Punisher lots so far today (Limited series & War Journal). I’ll do the 18 issues of the on-going series & call it a day.
Post 152 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
All the Punisher books are graded & priced. Sent a PM to the person who first asked about Punisher books. If they pass, I’ll make them available to everyone.

I’m trying to give a good deal on these books, guys. If you want to make an offer on anything that has been listed, please feel free.

This isn’t about making a mint. Honestly, if there were more books in this collection that I didn’t already have, or fit into my collection? I’d be keeping them.

I’d rather pass these on to someone who needs them to fit gaps in their collection.

I want you guys to get a deal. This group has helped me tremendously & I really do appreciate it.
Post 153 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Spidey books have been moved to e-bay, but of course, they’re available here for less until they sell.
Post 154 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Ok guys, how about a little incentive?

I’ll include these two in the Wolverine lot for the same price. They’re lower grade, but still worth $40-$50. I’ve even seen a #1 in this kind of shape go for $75.

Here are the flaws.

Top-Left spine color break & lightly frayed. Spine ticks, decent wear at staples. Bottom-Right corner crease carries through the book(breaks color on cover).

Stains on back cover. Light wear to back cover. Low paper quality, closer to tan. Without the stains, this one would probably be Fine. I’m guessing about a 4.0.

Wolverine 2 (Limited) is not in the box. There is a #3, though. Just in case, that one appears as follows:

Light wear to corners. Several spine ticks. TINY piece missing Top-Right of cover. Hairline indentations to cover. Crease bottom-Left corner of back cover. Printer ink run to back cover. Maybe


Originally Posted by 00slim
Up next is what I’d call a Wolverine starter kit.

19 issues in all. $120 SHIPPED within the U.S. Each issue was priced on the low-end of recent e-bay sales.

Wolverine ongoing series (Vol. 2)

1 - A few spine stress lines, lightly blunted corners (spine). Very minor miswrap. Good ding at bottom left (at Spidey’s head). Very nice. VF easy.

2 - Nasty miswrap, dings along spine. Otherwise very sharp. Fine

2 - Very slight miswrap, slight wear to bottom left corner. Otherwise very sharp/unread. NM-

4 - Tiny bit of wear to corners (spine). Tiny spine ticks & minimal wear at staples. Non color-breaking crease back cover at bottom corner. 8.0

5 - Light wear at corners (spine). Minimal wear along spine. Light creasing/dings back cover (should press out). 8.5

6 - Minimal wear to corners (spine) and along spine. Very sharp/unread NM-

7 - Decent blunting to bottom-left corner. Wear to other corners. Bottom staple sunk in too deep. Light dings/creasing to back cover (should press out). 7.5

8 - Classic cover. Scratch on cover. Some blunting bottom left & too-right corners. Very sharp. 9.0

9 - Light wear to corners (spine). Beautiful book. NM-

12 - Light stacking curl. Decent blunting bottom left corner. Wear to top-left corner. Curl to bottom-right corner (goes through the book). 7.0

13 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Super sharp. NM

17 - Stacking curl. Blunted bottom-left corner. Beautiful book. 9.2

131 - I didn’t want to handle this one. It’s in a Mylite 2 with a sticker that claims “recalled version for racial slur, 9.6”. I’ll say 9.4 cuz the corners look rougher than that to me. $

Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine - 2

Wear to corners (spine). Non color breaking crease bottom-right corner. 8.0

Wolverine (3rd series)

2 - Super sharp. 9.4+

65 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Scratch on back cover. Very sharp. 9.2

Wolverine Weapon X #1 General wear w/ multiple non color breaking creases to front and back cover. Spine ticks. Fine -.

All New Wolverine - 1

Light wear to corners (spine) very sharp. 9.2/9.4

Incredible Hulk and Wolverine - 1 (reprints Hulk 180 & 181).

Stacking curl. Wear to corners (spine). Very top of bottom-right corner was folded over, but went back into place without color break. Back bottom-left corner color breaking crease. 7.0/7.5.

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