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Just made a deal on a Collection. Fingers crossed.13277

Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Very much looks like an intact collection at what sounds like a 'too good to be true' price. Good to know this can still happen. Good for you!
Post 101 IP   flag post
Collector Ginosdad private msg quote post Address this user
Just curious. What part of the US, state or city did you find this. I’m finding out that the majority of collections come from the Midwest. I’m from the San Francisco Peninsula and it seems the dealers outweigh the collectors 2-1 out here. Great find!!!
Post 102 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@Ginosdad I’m in Stockton, California. Seller was from Modesto.
Post 103 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
@Tedsaid I just made the decision recently.

The Secret Wars 8 looks close, I’d have to double check. The ASM 300 is gonna get slabbed before I sell it.

One Gambit is available. A friend of mine locally expressed interest in the other. But I can get grade estimates together for the others.

Thanks! I'm in no hurry, so please, get your sea legs under you, and reach out at any time.
Post 104 IP   flag post
Collector Murm private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim Amazing pickup you inspired me to start a a new thread working on it now.
Post 105 IP   flag post

I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Guys, I’m meeting someone about another collection today.

5 long boxes.

Probably can’t go as well as this one . . . We’ll see.
Post 106 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Guys, I’m meeting someone about another collection today.

5 long boxes.

Probably can’t go as well as this one . . . We’ll see.

I didn’t buy them. 5 boxes of landfill.

Gave him $20 for driving over, though.
Post 107 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Here is the Captain America books from the collection. 28 issues in all.

I didn’t price any above Fine, though some are slightly higher in grade. Priced using the LOWEST sale price for each in completed e-bay listings.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the paper quality on these is generally in the Cream to off-white category. Some are more tanned than that.

For that reason, I’ll do $120 for the lot. SHIPPED within the U.S.

146: spine roll pressable (?) dings front & back.

147: blunted corners, wear at the staples.

148: Spine roll & spine wear. Back cover needs thorough cleaning. VG

152: More creasing/wear to back cover. Comic shop rubber stamp on back. Rounded corners. VG

153: UNVERIFIED STEVE ENGLEHART SIG on first page. Spine roll, general cover wear. Back cover needs cleaning.

158: Spine & corner wear. VG

159: General wear. VG

161: Many color breaks on cover.

162:Sharp cover. Soft corners. Ding to & dirty back cover.

163: wear to spine & back cover. VG

167: wear to corners. Back cover needs clean/press.

169: Spine roll, blunted corners. Back needs cleaning.

170: Very sharp. Mild spine wear.

171: Mild spine roll & cover wear.

183: slightly misaligned spine. Soft corners.

184: Spine ticks. Wear to corners. Presents well.

185: Wear to corners. Solid book.

186: Non-color breaking crease on back. Wear to corners.

187: Slight spine misalignment. Non-color breaking creases to cover.

188: misaligned spine. Wear at staples, spine ticks.

189: Spine roll. Non-color breaking creases to cover.

191: Wear at staples, slight mis-wrap, some tiny color breaks.

193: Wear at staples, spine ticks, non-color breaking creases.

357: Mia-wrap, non color breaking creases.

359: Stacking curl. Some corner wear.

360: Light wear to cover.

363: Wear to bottom corners, staples protrude slightly.

Annual #8: Wear to bottom left corner.

Post 108 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I’ll probably move the Cap & Spawn books over to e-bay in the next couple days if no one is interested. But they’re still available here for you guys at this price, until they sell over there.

I have some catching up to do with PMs I’ve received regarding specific books. I’m a little behind on that. I’ll be doing that today.

A lower/mid-grade Hulk lot will go up today as well.
Post 109 IP   flag post
Collector Murm private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim Had to give you 3 checks for your Captain America book lot.
The time it took to examine each book then write a detail of each I couldn't do it.
You must be blessed with patience or love for the hobby or a bit of both.
Post 110 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Murmonster
@00slim Had to give you 3 checks for your Captain America book lot.
The time it took to examine each book then write a detail of each I couldn't do it.
You must be blessed with patience or love for the hobby or a bit of both.

I appreciate it. I was home from work, put on Critters 1 & 2 in the background & just went one by one.

I enjoy it to an extent. It’s more about trying to be as upfront as possible.
Post 111 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Here is the next lot I’m letting go raw, 13 issues of The Incredible Hulk

I’m asking $60, shipped.

#147: wear at staples. Owner’s name printed with rubber stamp on the first page. Dings to cover. 4.5

#148: Spine roll. Dings to cover, wear at staples. 5.0

#150: spine ticks, wear at staples. Color break bottom-right corner. Owner’s name rubber stamped on first page. 4.0-4.5

#151 Spine ticks, wear at staples. Wear at corners, color break bottom-left corner. Owner’s name rubber stamped on interior. 4.0

#153: Spine roll, wear at staples. Soft corners, color break too-center of cover. 4.0

#154: Multiple spine ticks, wear at staples. Rubber stamp of owner’s name on inside cover & first page. Wear to back cover. 3.5

#155: Spine ticks, wear at staples & corners. Small “20” written in pencil on first page. 4.0

#159: Spine ticks, creasing to cover. Owner’s name rubber stamped on inside cover & first page. 4.0

#160: Spine ticks, color breaking creases to corners. Extensive creasing to back cover. 3.5

191: Slightly misaligned spine. Spine ticks, blunted corner. 7.0

#193: wear to corners, color break bottom-right corner. Non-color breaking dings/creases to cover. 6.0

#359: Very sharp, unread. 9.2

Incredible Hulk (2011) #1 Frayed corners, blunted too-left corner with color breaks. Dings. 8.0

Post 112 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
Any chance you can link your ebay page? I'm itching for a few books and would like to peak at them.
Post 113 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I don’t have too many books on e-bay, but I can do that. The stuff from this collection will get posted here, first.

Is there a specific book you’re looking for?
Post 114 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
I'ts a longshot, but I'm in the hunt for tomb of dracula books anything horror really. I'm also interested in the x-men/secretwar books. But my budget isn't huge due to trying to keep my biz afloat during a shutdown.
Post 115 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
I’ll do $120 for the [28 Caps] lot. SHIPPED within the U.S.

I'll take the Captain America lot.
Post 116 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Siggy
Originally Posted by 00slim
I’ll do $120 for the [28 Caps] lot. SHIPPED within the U.S.

I'll take the Captain America lot.

You sir, are a gentleman & a scholar. Thank you. I’ll try to get them out tomorrow. I’ll send you my PayPal info via PM.
Post 117 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by starlord
I'ts a longshot, but I'm in the hunt for tomb of dracula books anything horror really. I'm also interested in the x-men/secretwar books. But my budget isn't huge due to trying to keep my biz afloat during a shutdown.

I have quite a few X-Men that I’ll be listing, but it’ll be a while before I have them up. I’ll keep you in mind. 👍🏼
Post 118 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Originally Posted by Siggy
Originally Posted by 00slim
I’ll do $120 for the [28 Caps] lot. SHIPPED within the U.S.

I'll take the Captain America lot.

You sir, are a gentleman & a scholar. Thank you. I’ll try to get them out tomorrow. I’ll send you my PayPal info via PM.

Thanks! Only a few of these are duplicates, the rest fill gaps- Glad they were in the group.
Post 119 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Up next is what I’d call a Wolverine starter kit.

19 issues in all. $120 SHIPPED within the U.S. Each issue was priced on the low-end of recent e-bay sales.

Wolverine ongoing series (Vol. 2)

1 - A few spine stress lines, lightly blunted corners (spine). Very minor miswrap. Good ding at bottom left (at Spidey’s head). Very nice. VF easy.

2 - Nasty miswrap, dings along spine. Otherwise very sharp. Fine

2 - Very slight miswrap, slight wear to bottom left corner. Otherwise very sharp/unread. NM-

4 - Tiny bit of wear to corners (spine). Tiny spine ticks & minimal wear at staples. Non color-breaking crease back cover at bottom corner. 8.0

5 - Light wear at corners (spine). Minimal wear along spine. Light creasing/dings back cover (should press out). 8.5

6 - Minimal wear to corners (spine) and along spine. Very sharp/unread NM-

7 - Decent blunting to bottom-left corner. Wear to other corners. Bottom staple sunk in too deep. Light dings/creasing to back cover (should press out). 7.5

8 - Classic cover. Scratch on cover. Some blunting bottom left & too-right corners. Very sharp. 9.0

9 - Light wear to corners (spine). Beautiful book. NM-

12 - Light stacking curl. Decent blunting bottom left corner. Wear to top-left corner. Curl to bottom-right corner (goes through the book). 7.0

13 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Super sharp. NM

17 - Stacking curl. Blunted bottom-left corner. Beautiful book. 9.2

131 - I didn’t want to handle this one. It’s in a Mylite 2 with a sticker that claims “recalled version for racial slur, 9.6”. I’ll say 9.4 cuz the corners look rougher than that to me. $

Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine - 2

Wear to corners (spine). Non color breaking crease bottom-right corner. 8.0

Wolverine (3rd series)

2 - Super sharp. 9.4+

65 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Scratch on back cover. Very sharp. 9.2

Wolverine Weapon X #1 General wear w/ multiple non color breaking creases to front and back cover. Spine ticks. Fine -.

All New Wolverine - 1

Light wear to corners (spine) very sharp. 9.2/9.4

Incredible Hulk and Wolverine - 1 (reprints Hulk 180 & 181).

Stacking curl. Wear to corners (spine). Very top of bottom-right corner was folded over, but went back into place without color break. Back bottom-left corner color breaking crease. 7.0/7.5.

Post 120 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
My comics arrived today from slim. Speedy delivery and great packaging received them safe. Great seller to deal with. 👍
Post 121 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@southerncross Glad to hear. 👍🏼
Post 122 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user

We should use this image in a caption writing contest.
Post 123 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbaySeller

We should use this image in a caption writing contest.

I didn’t even focus on the panel when I took the pic. Out of context, it certainly could have multiple interpretations.
Post 124 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Up next is what I’d call a Wolverine starter kit.

19 issues in all. $120 SHIPPED within the U.S. Each issue was priced on the low-end of recent e-bay sales.

Wolverine ongoing series (Vol. 2)

1 - A few spine stress lines, lightly blunted corners (spine). Very minor miswrap. Good ding at bottom left (at Spidey’s head). Very nice. VF easy.

2 - Nasty miswrap, dings along spine. Otherwise very sharp. Fine

2 - Very slight miswrap, slight wear to bottom left corner. Otherwise very sharp/unread. NM-

4 - Tiny bit of wear to corners (spine). Tiny spine ticks & minimal wear at staples. Non color-breaking crease back cover at bottom corner. 8.0

5 - Light wear at corners (spine). Minimal wear along spine. Light creasing/dings back cover (should press out). 8.5

6 - Minimal wear to corners (spine) and along spine. Very sharp/unread NM-

7 - Decent blunting to bottom-left corner. Wear to other corners. Bottom staple sunk in too deep. Light dings/creasing to back cover (should press out). 7.5

8 - Classic cover. Scratch on cover. Some blunting bottom left & too-right corners. Very sharp. 9.0

9 - Light wear to corners (spine). Beautiful book. NM-

12 - Light stacking curl. Decent blunting bottom left corner. Wear to top-left corner. Curl to bottom-right corner (goes through the book). 7.0

13 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Super sharp. NM

17 - Stacking curl. Blunted bottom-left corner. Beautiful book. 9.2

131 - I didn’t want to handle this one. It’s in a Mylite 2 with a sticker that claims “recalled version for racial slur, 9.6”. I’ll say 9.4 cuz the corners look rougher than that to me. $

Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine - 2

Wear to corners (spine). Non color breaking crease bottom-right corner. 8.0

Wolverine (3rd series)

2 - Super sharp. 9.4+

65 - Tiny bit of wear bottom-left corner. Scratch on back cover. Very sharp. 9.2

Wolverine Weapon X #1 General wear w/ multiple non color breaking creases to front and back cover. Spine ticks. Fine -.

All New Wolverine - 1

Light wear to corners (spine) very sharp. 9.2/9.4

Incredible Hulk and Wolverine - 1 (reprints Hulk 180 & 181).

Stacking curl. Wear to corners (spine). Very top of bottom-right corner was folded over, but went back into place without color break. Back bottom-left corner color breaking crease. 7.0/7.5.

I forgot to mention that the Wolverine #8 is a newsstand edition (barcode is on the back cover).
Post 125 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Today’s fun find:

A heroes con (not .com as I’d thought) Secret Wars 1 Variant SIGNED by Mike Zeck.

Saw it in the box but didn’t take it out & so, I completely missed the signature.

In other news, I’ll be grading & pricing the X-Men run today. Or, at least get started on it. Looks like 32 in all.
Post 126 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Post 127 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Here is the X-Men run.
32 issues in all. @starlord was the first to inquire specifically about the X-Men run, so he gets the first shot at them.

I priced these on the low end of their e-bay equivalents, or priced at the grade below my estimate for each. Then added $10 for shipping.

$112 SHIPPED in the U.S.

140 - Great color. Misaligned spine. Wear bottom-left corner (back). Back needs cleaning. Fine/Fine+.

181 - miswrap. Rounded/wear to corners. Spine ticks. Wear along top and bottom edges. Waves/non color breaking creases to cover (should press out). VG/Fine 5.0.

193 - Very sharp. Minimal stacking curl. Wear to corners along spine. VF+/NM-

201 - Stacking curl, wear at corners & cover. Fine/Fine-

212 - Very sharp, aside from Several color breaking spine ticks. F/VF 7.0

228 - Very sharp. Minimal wear to corners (at spine). NM-

229 - Decent stacking curl but otherwise super sharp. NM-

230 - stacking curl, curl to right-hand edge. Decent indentation to cover. Wear to bottom corners. 5.5

231 - Sharp corners. Stacking curl, wear to bottom edge (back cover) color breaking scratch to back cover. Fine

232 - Stacking curl, non color breaking creases (back). Back needs cleaning. VF-

233 - Minor miswrap. Non color breaking creases to cover. VF

234 - bottom-left corner bent/color rub. Minor stacking curl. Most should press out. Fine

235 - wear bottom-left corner. Long hairline crease to cover. Curl to right-hand edge.

236 - Super sharp. NM

237 - wear at staples & corners. Wear at top edge (back). Non color breaking crinkling to back. Fine/Fine+.

238 - Miswrap. Wear to bottom corners (back). VF-

239 - stacking curl. Minimal wear bottom-left corner. Color rub back cover. VF+/NM-.

242 - dings to corners (at spine). Hairline crease & waves/indentations to cover. VF

243 - miswrap. Ding to corner. Non color breaking indentation/crease back cover. Fine.

246 - Beautiful. Hairline stress lines under proper light. VF+/NM-

249 - Stacking curl. Blunted bottom-left corner. Wear at bottom staple. 9.0

250 - minimal wear at staples. Stacking curl.

251 - Stacking curl, staples sunk too deep. Spine ticks. Wear at bottom-left corner. Fine-/Fine

252 - non color breaking crease top left corner (back). Minor stacking curl. NM-VF+.

255 - Sharp. Wear at bottom corner (spine) front & back. Minimal non color breaking creases on back. VF-

256 - wear at corners (spine). One or two non color breaking spine ticks. NM-

277 - Blunted corners, color breaking spine ticks & wear at staples. Stacking curl. Fine+.

300 - wear at 2 corners. Beginning stacking curl. NM-

Annual #8 - wear to corners (spine). Curl to right-hand side. VF/VF+

Annual #9 - Spine ticks, wear at corners VF-

Uncanny X-Men (2016)

1 - Super sharp. Minimal wear, 2 corners. Unread. NM

2 - Super sharp. Minimal wear, 2 corners. Unread. NM

Post 128 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
@00slim Dude, thank you for first dibs, but I got itchy for pc book that I got from another forum member.
I owe ya.
Post 129 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, so, the X-Men run is up for grabs. (No worries @starlord).

There’s one more included, that I forgot about. It was set aside when I was initially sorting.

I’ll get a grade estimate for this one later this morning. In any case, it’s included at the same price.

Post 130 IP   flag post
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