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New to your Collection #1013224

We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Helric1
New statue finally arrived!
aaaand , that’s cool!!!
Post 376 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
My last mail call from 2020!! This all arrived today!!

So, I got some money for Christmas, and these are the things I bought. We'll start out with the Ziploc "Happy Birthday Bugs" cups. They are small, about 3 1/2" tall. Here are the fronts and backs.

Next up is a Casper window doll. It's made of fake leather and has a 20+ year old suction cup. That is a smudge that I am cleaning off right now. I may need some white shoe polish.

Finally ... the comics!!! I found a nice lot of Red Sonja comics. The Seller graded (conservatively) that the 1975 Red Sonja #1 was an 8.0 and the rest 9.2. I'm thinking the Red Sonja #1 (1975) would grade in the 9's!!! It's beautiful!!! But I watched the lot on eBay and the next day, the seller sent me an offer. The price was decent to begin with, but the offer was great!!! He didn't ship them in bags and boards, but he did package them VERY well!! I'm definitely excited about Red Sonja #25 Graham Cracker variant also!!

Post 377 IP   flag post
Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
My Christmas gift for me finally arrived today! Feeding my ridiculous obsession with Fiction House (which I'm thinking about referring to as Addiction House in the future!)

I didn't realize until I was holding it in my hands that the Jumbo is from the Lost Valley collection! I don't remember that even being mentioned in the listing!

Post 378 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
20.61KJesse_O private msg quote post Address this user plus 1plus 1plus 118My last mail call from 2020!! This all arrived today!!

So, I got some money for Christmas, and these are the things I bought. We'll start out with the Ziploc "Happy Birthday Bugs" cups. They are small, about 3 1/2" tall. Here are the fronts and backs.

@Jesse_O My mom has those cups πŸ™‚. Are you a big Looney Tunes fan?
Post 379 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@DWeeB1967 no, I'm not a big collector of Looney Tunes. I was actually looking at Welch's jelly jars, Pizza Hut and Hardee's glasses. That got me thinking about comic characters and I tried "Looney Tunes cups". I found these, they were the size I wanted, price range I wanted and looked interesting. I've heard that Elmer is no longer being shown with his gun in the cartoons and the "wabbit season" toons were my second favorite beaten out only by the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote toons. So, everything being factored in, I bought them.
Post 380 IP   flag post

If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
The USPS finally came through with Christmas presents from my dad, and he including the few comics he bought as a kid. They aren't in great condition but check this out!

The Ivy and FF55 are cool, of course, but now I also have a couple of those ridiculous 60s Superman covers and a family connection to boot.
Post 381 IP   flag post
Moderators handing out titles: Boom. Roasted. Hcanes private msg quote post Address this user
Added some new Copra comics to my collection:

2nd printing since the 1st print version is signed and graded

The latest two from Fiffe's Etsy store. Disappointed about the damage to issue 38 and the sketch I received.

Post 382 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O yep. Elmer no longer carries a rifle due to concerns of gun violence in America. Supposedly, Speedy Gonzales cartoons are still in rotation on Boomerang, but I've yet to see any.
Post 383 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
@Jesse_O yep. Elmer no longer carries a rifle due to concerns of gun violence in America. Supposedly, Speedy Gonzales cartoons are still in rotation on Boomerang, but I've yet to see any.

Oh no!! What about Slowpoke Rodriguez?.....'cause "he pack a gun" too! lol! 🍻

Post 384 IP   flag post
Collector Murm private msg quote post Address this user
Continued from another thread where I improperly posted here are some Grips and Faust all signed by Tim Vigil.

Post 385 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
@Jesse_O yep. Elmer no longer carries a rifle due to concerns of gun violence in America. Supposedly, Speedy Gonzales cartoons are still in rotation on Boomerang, but I've yet to see any.

Appears we have another CCA in effect,... Cartoon Code Authority.
Post 386 IP   flag post
Collector obrie2tm private msg quote post Address this user

Post 387 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Post 388 IP   flag post
Collector KeepItClunky private msg quote post Address this user
Not new to the collection, but the sig is. Sent it to cgc for the recent Neal Adams signing.
Post 389 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Delayed thanks to a printing error and then... everything... but finally got a Peach-y delivery.

Post 390 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Won a couple auctions. I would've paid what I did for #63 anyway, but now I also have my first Stan Lee sig.

Post 391 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user

Bought these books off Batman66

Easy person to deal with and the books were sent very secured so they reached me safely.
Post 392 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
This was up for auction & I negotiated a Buy it Now price with the seller. Could have probably saved myself $50 by waiting out the auction. But I also could have lost out if someone wanted it more. Either way, I’m happy to have it. This is the nicest one I’ve seen go up for sale. Seller claims an 8.5 but no way. Not with the damage to the back cover.

Still, a nice copy. A big upgrade from my G/VG copy. Definitely getting this one slabbed in the future.

Post 393 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user

Post 394 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user

Post 395 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Shared in other threads but last purchases for 2020 arrived

Post 396 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
This was such a great value that I couldn’t pass it up
9.0 Ghost Rider #6

Post 397 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
I agree @sportshort!
Post 398 IP   flag post
Collector obrie2tm private msg quote post Address this user

Post 399 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
My first MAIL CALL of 2021!
They were packed very well!!!
πŸ”₯Darth Maul #1
πŸ”₯Darth Maul #1 variant
πŸ”₯Darth Maul #2
πŸ”₯Darth Maul Son of Dathomir #1
1 of 500 sketch variant!

Post 400 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
I hit the jackpot on a Star Wars collection again! He had the whole list of what he had. It said $100, but I double checked, and he said $100. I said yeah, I’ll take em’! So I ended up with like 400 issues in this last collection! So I paid .25Β’ each!

Post 401 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
Here are some of the highlights from the Star Wars haul!
Star Wars Boba Fett Enemy of the State #1-4πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯Boba Fett #1 Bounty on
πŸ”₯Boba Fett #2 When the Fat Lady Swings
πŸ”₯Boba Fett #3 Murder Most Foul

πŸ”₯Boba Fett Agent of Doom
πŸ”₯Boba Fett Twin Engines of Destruction

Post 402 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
More goodness from the Star Wars haul!
πŸ”₯Star Wars Jedi Quest #1-4

πŸ”₯Star Wars Jedi vs Sith #1-6

πŸ”₯Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron
The Rebel Opposition #1-4

Post 403 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
More Star Wars haul goodness!
πŸ”₯Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron
In The Empire’s Service #1-4

πŸ”₯Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron The Making of Baron Fel

πŸ”₯Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook Vol. 1

πŸ”₯Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron Mail-away Special still in poly bag

Post 404 IP   flag post
Collector daywalker private msg quote post Address this user
More Star Wars haul goodness!
πŸ”₯Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace #1-4 set of photo variants and set of art variants

πŸ”₯Star Wars Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika #1-5 a set of photo variants and a set of art variants.

πŸ”₯Star Wars Jedi Academy Leviathan #1-4
Post 405 IP   flag post
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