Expensive signatures1316
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neku528 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I been thinking for some time on this and wanted to get everyone's opinion on this. So we the fan, collectors, etc. go to conventions and here and there they have comic book artist that will sign your books, here and there they will sign it for free some will charge for it but has anyone ever wondered what entitles someone like Stan Lee to charge $100+ for just his signature? Other artists are charging more and more as well, I believe Todd Mcfarlane i read some where was charging over $100 as well and its not just them its celebrities as well. Like these guys have so much money and he will be set for the rest of his life but if you think about it he has all his fame because of people like us. If we never bought comics or watched the movies he's been in he wouldn't be nearly as famous as he is. Do any of you think he should have a cheaper cost of signing or if anything free? Don't get me wrong i've met some great artist and writers and I don't mind paying like $5-10 bucks for their signature its cool but i think there should be a point where we the fans say maybe that's to much. Do we take a stand and tell them that no we wont pay your crazy prices or do we continue to pay and pay? | ||
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AznBane private msg quote post Address this user | |
You say that $100 a signature is a crazy price. Just to play devil's advocate, I don't think it is a crazy price. Why do I say that? because thousands of people still willingly pay that price for a Stan Lee signature. If it was $200 or $300 I bet there would still be enough people willing to pay that price. I don't think things truly get ridiculous until you hit $500+ and even then it could still be profitable for the celebrity. You would only need 1 in every 5 people buying one signature. Unfortunately I don't think you'll have enough fans organized enough to affect signature prices. | ||
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TyrantK private msg quote post Address this user | |
Chances are, the fans will keep paying the premium until that premium is too high. What makes it too high? Lack of market interest i.e people stop paying for it. However, with higher siginature cost, comes with it a higher end product cost (cost of signed book increases) so someone may get a return on their invest which then triggers more of a market place which will motivate others to pay crazy siginature costs. I do agree that the fans make these people what they are but I also get why they charge. The fans will either take that signed item and cherish it or have it signed with the intention of profiting. I do agree that there should be a limit but it's a free market.. If they charge too much, then the community will call them assholes and people may or may stop having things signed. |
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infinityG private msg quote post Address this user | |
Going down the rabbit hole my friend... It's tough. Would you want to sit hours on end for 3 days signing memorabilia for folks who probably will sell your sig for triple the amount? I mean the more famous, the more sigs, the more that person's hand hurts. I mean Stan Lee is in his 90s who probably has arthritis lol. I think it's ridiculous too, honestly. I don't even bother with that game. Only sig I would want is Kirby and he's long gone. It's a con for the con in my opinion. |
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ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user | |
The secondary market is what drives this. Most celebrities now realize that other people can make money off their signature. Thus, one reason for the new CA law being moved through the system. Money in the pocket that they don't "really" give away. They collect the fee up front, which gives you the license to use their name....sell it....etc..... |
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neku528 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Yeah people may make money of their signatures but don't they make money off of us as well in more ways then just signatures? They have product lines, books, movies? Why charge someone a ton of money to sign a $3.99 book? | ||
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TyrantK private msg quote post Address this user | |
For sure, they obviously make money off us but it's also another "service" they provide to a market where others could profit. It saying I agree with it but I get it. | ||
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comicsforme private msg quote post Address this user | |
The only ones profiting money is Stars and the people selling the signerture like you guys. The Real Fans are the ones who suffer. 20yrs ago i have signertures from Stan free and it was fun now its all about money. | ||
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HelmOhio private msg quote post Address this user | |
I paid Steranko $25 for signatures because they were being CBCS graded ... otherwise it would have been only $10. | ||
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comicsforme private msg quote post Address this user | |
They think you are profiting for money and thats the problem for fans. Not every body is in for money some are for the art and stores. | ||
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dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user | |
@neku528 I find it funny that you ask why certain personalities feel "entitled" to charge high prices for their signatures when your argument for why they shouldn't seems to amount to "I watch your show and buy your merchendise so you owe me." Yes, they make money in the sense that fans watching their show means the show may go on for another season or maybe they can negotiate a higher fee on their next contract but it's not like you're watching a show or buying their stuff is solely for their benefit. You're consuming their likeness because that's what interests you and that's what you want. Asking more from them beyond that, especially something you may, and certainly many others are, selling at a great profit, certainly sounds like entitlement. Yes, I greatly prefer it when they sign for free but I certainly don't feel that they owe it to me. As for why certain signatures command a higher price; that's simple supply and demand. Yes Stan Lee signs tons and tons of stuff but the man created many of the Marvel properties that are so incredibly popular today so there's still an incredible demand. Frank Miller wrote some of the most influential comic book stories back in the 80s and for a lot of time has been far less accessible than many other creators. Actors like Harrison Ford portrayed some of the most iconic and beloved film characters in the past 50 years and the man is infamously private and avoids fans and conventions so on the rare occassion that he does a signing, it's usually incredibly expensive. I'm certainly not saying that I'm happy to pay the premium and if they charge more thank I think it's worth then I'll certainly pass but it certainly seems that many people are still happy to do so. |
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HelmOhio private msg quote post Address this user | |
Graded signed books are a point of pride for me. I have no plans to sell ... at least not anytime soon. Lately I have been buying books with the intention to get them signed by creators that I adore. Evetually, I will get Stan Lee to sign my Silver Surfer #1 from 1969, just because I hold him in great importance ... my heirs can sell the book when the time comes. | ||
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comicsforme private msg quote post Address this user | |
I have over 300 signed comics and still no sell. I love to look and show of my comics. | ||
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Domogotcomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
The fees are up there but how many books does a person need signed? I get books that have additional meaning to me signed only if I have to pay. Free I'll admit I do random others. If you need a ton of books signed I definitely understand. I think part of the fee is the experience. And let's be honest. Not many of these creators are hot forever so they're taking advantage. | ||
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VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user | |
They can charge it because people pay it. | ||
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neku528 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I myself don't like to sell comics, I buy them to collect myself and i get signatures by the people I like. I don't feel that they owe us anything but I do feel that maybe they should think about the fees they are charging because ALOT of people can't afford to cough out hundreds just for one signature for a book they want to keep forever. | ||
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
What is more appreciated by a fan? A baseball signed by a pro player at a card show, that you paid him to sign? Or a baseball signed by a pro player that you got for free at a spring training game? A comic book that is guaranteed to have been signed by am artist, and that you purchased from the guy that got the artist to sign it? Or a comic book signed in your presence for free? I have many signed books, comic and hardback, in my collections. But the one signed item I treasure the most, is a baseball type cap (NBA ALL STAR GAME), that was purchased by and signed by David Robinson, for me. I was working a part time security job for the All Star Game in Cleveland many years ago. I was in uniform (police), and assigned to work the elevators that took many of the players to their rooms for the weekend. I met and interacted with many of the fifty greatest players of all time. Some were great guys and a few were jerks. One of the great guys was David Robinson. I met him, his wife, and his two small boys. I made it a point on the second day, to take some comic books with me to the job. To give to David Robinson's little boy. It was a few Disney character comics, and a complete set of a title called "Golden Legacy".. About great African-Americans in history. The Robinson's were very appreciative of my gift. I felt a slight connection with David Robinson in that we had both served in the military, and both in the Navy. Although most of my service was in the Marines. Anyway. On the last day of the weekend, the Robinson's came up to me and presented me with a cap signed by David, and with a bible verse written under his signature. It was in thanks for the comic books I had given his son. That is really the only signature that in any of my possessions that means something to me. Much more so than even the Iron Man #1 that Stan Lee personally signed for me, for free. Way back before signing fees and professional grading companies existed. I understand not everyone has these opportunities. But that's the point. Anyone can buy a signed book, or pay for a signature from someone who works the circuit. Whether it's Stan Lee, Barbara Eden or Pete Rose. |
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infinityG private msg quote post Address this user | |
beautiful story @conditionfreak ! and that's the absolute for collecting sigs... | ||
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ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user | |
I love stories like this. I too have collected signatures since the 90s, and there is nothing like scouring SDCC in the 90s to have all collaborators sign a book. I did manage to get Superman #75, the black bagged edition signed by 6 Of the team - in gold pen, Unfortunately, my ex-wife decided she wanted the Suos 's Fommsday series for herself and have never seen the collection again. So tjeoral if the story kiddies is, if you ever come across a Superman #75 signed by six people in gold....that would be the one I put together. I am always looking to buy it back if it is found. :o) |
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Wolverine private msg quote post Address this user | |
I think it all depends on what the artist and book your getting signed mean to you. I have dozens of books signed by artists that I got for free or paid 5-10 bucks for a signature that aren't slabbed or come with COA's. my favorite character is Wolverine (obviously)and my favorite wolverine artist will always be Adam Kubert. Few years ago I had the chance to meet him and got a few books that meant a lot to me signed and I got them for free. I would have gladly paid for them. Same with this year when I met Greg Capullo and got my Batman #1 signed which I did pay 15$ for and didn't mind at all because it was getting verified and graded. My problem is when an artist won't even give you one free autograph or charged crazy amounts of money to have Witnessed signatures. Klaus Janson was at FanExpo this year for the first time I believe and was charging 15$ per signature which I was ticked off a bit at. Like we fans have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on your work and you can't even give out 1 free signature? Very lame. |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
They charge what they believe their time is worth and what the fans will pay for the autograph. I don't find fault with what they are doing. It allows a brief interaction with someone that you otherwise would never meet in person. Some people are generous with their time, and others can be difficult or maybe they are having a bad day - who knows(?). While many have stated that the aftermarket drives the price (it does) you can still pick up deals on signed comics all the time on eBay. Frank Miller and Stan Lee signed, witnessed, slabbed, and graded comics can be found on eBay for prices under what they charge at conventions. Like any collectable you just have to be willing to wait for the right "grail" to come to market at the price you are willing to pay for it. Positive comic creators I have gotten to meet - George Perez is the nicest artist/creator I have interacted with. Just a wonderful person each time I have had something signed and drawn by him. Kevin Eastman was very nice the day I met him. Same for Mike Zeck. Billy Tucci is a good guy. Ed McGuinness and Skottie Young are super nice guys. I have interacted with creators that weren't nice but it isn't my place to write about that. We all have bad days and maybe I happened to meet them on one of theirs. |
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ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user | |
To go along with meeting Tucci...I agree, nice guy, even drew me a sketch. Did you know Shi's character and looks was based upon his ex-girlfriend? He showed me a picture, and it was true. I thought it was Angela Homie....but he corrected me. Last time I met him I showed him a Shi Fan Ed I found in a dollar bin, not a bad copy, bit that was because it had Palamotti's signature on it....or so I thought, having other Palamotti sigs. So I asked Tucci if he knew if that was authentic, and he turns up to me and says, "why don't you ask him yourself, he is right here", as he points to the booth next to him.....and sure enough, there pops out Palamotti saying, "sure, I'll take a look." and then he says, "Yep, that's mine." The intetecation was fantastic, and I really don't care what grade would ever be given...because the story, meeting these gents, and just the interaction was so cool. Collecting autographs can be so much fun, and is surely one of the reasons why I collect books. |
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1nOnly private msg quote post Address this user | |
I do not mind paying a premium for signatures from artists and creators. I think it adds to the value of your collection. For example if you could get a Stan Lee autograph for $5.00 it would then lower the value of all of his signed memorabilia. For those of us that have his signature we should hope he raises his price. Simple supply and demand. The more money the signature, the less of them are out there which in turn makes all of the memorabilia worth more. I also like what signatures bring to the collection. It adds a unique element. | ||
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Got a few like votes here about my David Robinson signed cap story, so I thought I would show the cap.![]() ![]() |
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Darkga private msg quote post Address this user | |
A couple months ago I was going to buy a Wonder Woman #1 (1987) graded 9.8 Signature Series by George Perez. However, once I heard he was coming to Dragon Con this year I decided to hold off and get the signature in person. That was the best decision I could have made. I lucked up and bought a near mint raw copy at the convention. I then waited in line to have him sign it for free. The thing is that he did not rush anyone who came up to him, even when almost all of them wanted a sketch. He did whatever they wanted for free. I still would have gotten it signed if he charged, but the book would have just been a commodity. Now it is a keepsake! I sent that book off to be graded, but I don't ever plan on selling it. The experience of talking with such a genuine guy was priceless. |
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Jeremy_K private msg quote post Address this user | |
A guy at the last comic con told me while waiting in line for a signature that a signature from Stan Lee adds a $100 onto the value of the book. I held it together pretty well. | ||
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