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CITED: Reborn Wonder Woman is gay.1292

Collector reggieb private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
I'm talking to ANYONE who believes there is such a thing as "check box diversity."

Watch corporate training videos for an example of checkbox diversity. I mean, I have worked for a company where watching the corporate level training videos, it is very obvious that they created them with a checklist of groups that they had to get an example of each in to every video.

EDIT: To be clear, I have never heard the term "checkbox diversity" but that is the way that I would interpret it. And it definitely is a thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me that it exists, but it definitely exists.
Post 26 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
If you understand what it is, you won't be so quick to accuse people of hatred and bigotry.

On Checkbox Diversity:
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by reggieb
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
I'm talking to ANYONE who believes there is such a thing as "check box diversity."

Watch corporate training videos for an example of checkbox diversity. I mean, I have worked for a company where watching the corporate level training videos, it is very obvious that they created them with a checklist of groups that they had to get an example of each in to every video.

EDIT: To be clear, I have never heard the term "checkbox diversity" but that is the way that I would interpret it. And it definitely is a thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me that it exists, but it definitely exists.

And what is wrong with that? What is wrong with Black people, or Asian people, or Hispanics seeing THEMSELVES in media the way white people have ALWAYS been able to see themselves in media? Why should my TV screen, movie screen, and all the pages of ALL the books and magazines I read be filled ONLY with images of white people? And why would you have a problem with OTHERS wanting to see themselves and be treated as part of the fabric of this country? Why would you NOT want that to change to the point where it included the other kinds of people that live on this planet?
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector TyrantK private msg quote post Address this user
I know there's a serious conversation going on but I still can't get over the idea of Batman being gay. That would make sooooo much sense. haha
Post 29 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by reggieb
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
I'm talking to ANYONE who believes there is such a thing as "check box diversity."

Watch corporate training videos for an example of checkbox diversity. I mean, I have worked for a company where watching the corporate level training videos, it is very obvious that they created them with a checklist of groups that they had to get an example of each in to every video.

EDIT: To be clear, I have never heard the term "checkbox diversity" but that is the way that I would interpret it. And it definitely is a thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me that it exists, but it definitely exists.

And what is wrong with that? What is wrong with Black people, or Asian people, or Hispanics seeing THEMSELVES in media the way white people have ALWAYS been able to see them selve in media? Why should my TV screen, movie screen, and all the pages of ALL the books and magazines I read be filled ONLY with images of white people? And why would you have a problem with that and NOT want it to change to the point where it included the other kinds of people that live on this planet?

Nobody here (sorry to speak for everyone) disagrees with the notion of everyone being represented in media and entertainment. In fact that would be amazing if everyone has some form or representation or someone with whom they could identify. But the question here lies in the superficiality of that representation and just how meaningful it is and the intent of the Execs, corporation or individual putting it out. If their motives are truly superficial then just how progressive is it?
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
@JLS: I beg to differ. There are PLENTY that disagree: what happened when white people saw a Black stormtrooper being featured last fall in the latest Star Wars flick? How did white people react when Miles "Morales" was announced and the new Spider-man. And what about Riri Williams, the new Black girl Iron Man? I don't recall any of those INCLUSIVE changes being met with cheers. In fact it forced many so-called "fans" to show their true hateful colors.
Post 31 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
@JLS: I beg to differ. There are PLENTY that dissagree: what happened when white people saw a Black stormtrooper last fall? How did white people react when Miles Morales" was announced and the new Spider-man. And what about the Riri William, the new Black girl Iron Man. I don't recall any of those INCLUSIVE changes being met with cheers. In fact it forced many so-called "fans" to show their true hateful colors.

Ok and to that I can say how many people were excited about Sam Wilson in the Captain America mantle? How many people were excited about Kamala Kahn or what about Jane Foster becoming Thor? People weren't happy about RiRi not because she was black but because she's a new character and to take on an iconic, storied mantle such as Iron Man (this was before we knew she'd be called Iron Heart) because it seemed forced, it wasn't organic and there were other options for characters who could have taken up the mantle before this new character came along. Again, it had nothing to do with her being black.

Regarding Miles, I heard overwhelmingly good things about Miles. I myself was excited about it and he was in a different universe, different Spider-man so it made sense. Plus, his the story in his first volume and on touched on these points.

I'm leaving work now so I may not be able to reply for a while. But I didnt hear anything negative about John Boyega either. Not sure where you're picking these things up from man
Post 32 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
As a white guy, I didn't give flying crap about a black stormtrooper.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
I usually stay out of these kinds of conversations but i just had to point out to you Truck that at the moment, YOU are the one that is displaying bigotry and racial stereotyping...Quote:
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
@JLS: I beg to differ. There are PLENTY that disagree: what happened when white people saw a Black stormtrooper being featured last fall in the latest Star Wars flick? How did white people react when Miles "Morales" was announced and the new Spider-man. And what about Riri Williams, the new Black girl Iron Man? I don't recall any of those INCLUSIVE changes being met with cheers. In fact it forced many so-called "fans" to show their true hateful colors.

I'm a "white" person and you don't have ANY idea what my thoughts or reactions to those events but feel free to condemn me and pigeon hole me based upon the color of my skin. BUT shame on KaptainMyke if he makes a generalization.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
@JLS: You heard nothing negative about John Boyega? (in your defense, white privilege can also be blinding.) Nevertheless, allow me to enlighten you:

Google is your friend.
Post 35 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
@JLS: I beg to differ. There are PLENTY that disagree: what happened when white people saw a Black stormtrooper being featured last fall in the latest Star Wars flick? How did white people react when Miles "Morales" was announced and the new Spider-man. And what about Riri Williams, the new Black girl Iron Man? I don't recall any of those INCLUSIVE changes being met with cheers. In fact it forced many so-called "fans" to show their true hateful colors.

I'd like to weigh in on THAT. Nick Fury has always been white. Until now. Mary Jane Watson has always been white with red hair...until now. The skin color change to me is unnecessary. Why mess with a 50 year old IP? Female Thor? Female Wolverine? Female Ghost Rider? Asian Hulk? Asian Superman?

For God's sake, come up with a new IP. Stop screwing with 50-75 year old characters.

Purist, not racist. That's all.

They added a black stormtropper. Great! I loved it. I did not have any negative feelings towards it at all. Some of my favorite films are blaxploitation films. My favorite actors from the 60s and 70s are Pam Grier, Fred Williamson, Jeanie Bell (1st black playmate!), Rudy Ray Moore, etc..list goes on and on! Candice Patton, Jesse Martin, Richard T Jones, Samuel L Jackson, Michael B Jordan are my current favorites.
Post 36 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
As a white guy, I didn't give flying crap about a black stormtrooper.

You do realize that can be taken two different ways, right?
Post 37 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
Only if you intend to take it a different way.
Post 38 IP   flag post
Collector Darkga private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Why would Batman being gay be a problem?

It's not so much about him being gay than it would be about him being a child molester if he and Robin had a thing going on.

Are we still allowed to hate child molesters by the way? Just checking.
Post 39 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
Only if you intend to take it a different way.

Once you release it to the universe, it's in the hands of the reader to decide. YOUR opportunity to make your meaning clear from the onset is now gone.
Post 40 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
There was no meaning to it other than what was typed.
Post 41 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
There was no meaning to it other than what was typed.
Again, what you wrote could be taken two different ways. That's part of the problem with trying to have this kind of conversation in this kind of forum.
Post 42 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by Studley_Dudley
Only if you intend to take it a different way.

Once you release it to the universe, it's in the hands of the reader to decide. YOUR opportunity to make your meaning clear from the onset is now gone.


We are all here because we share a common hobby. I think I made a huge mistake posting this news article. I didn't realize there would be such hostility and backlash when others share their opinions on a public message board that is intended for everyone to do as such.

I am very curious old are you, @TruckJohnson ?
Post 43 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
She lives on an island with only women what did you expect? Come on, it is freaking obvious that she would be homosexual.

Do you think Rucka was told make the character gay by some LBGT community? I think Greg wanted to explore what some may have thought about in WW's long history. He wasn't going to just rejig what he wrote before in volume 2.

People seriously have to start getting used to characters changing or passing the mantle because that is the route of the future. Or should a character keep being the same person or carry the mantle until the end of time? Isn't that what everyone hates about Superman?
Post 44 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
@Kaptain Mike: you know what we don't share? The belief that this country and this world CAN and SHOULD do do better when it comes to treating non-whites fairly and equally. And treating women equally. And treating homosexuals equally. You've made that pretty clear at this point.
Post 45 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
@JLS: I beg to differ. There are PLENTY that disagree: what happened when white people saw a Black stormtrooper being featured last fall in the latest Star Wars flick? How did white people react when Miles "Morales" was announced and the new Spider-man. And what about Riri Williams, the new Black girl Iron Man? I don't recall any of those INCLUSIVE changes being met with cheers. In fact it forced many so-called "fans" to show their true hateful colors.

I'd like to weigh in on THAT. Nick Fury has always been white. Until now. Mary Jane Watson has always been white with red hair...until now. The skin color change to me is unnecessary. Why mess with a 50 year old IP? Female Thor? Female Wolverine? Female Ghost Rider? Asian Hulk? Asian Superman?

For God's sake, come up with a new IP. Stop screwing with 50-75 year old characters.

Purist, not racist. That's all.

They added a black stormtropper. Great! I loved it. I did not have any negative feelings towards it at all. Some of my favorite films are blaxploitation films. My favorite actors from the 60s and 70s are Pam Grier, Fred Williamson, Jeanie Bell (1st black playmate!), Rudy Ray Moore, etc..list goes on and on! Candice Patton, Jesse Martin, Richard T Jones, Samuel L Jackson, Michael B Jordan are my current favorites.

Kaptainmyke, I agree with you 100%!! LEAVE 50-75 year old characters along and cut out the POLITICALLY CORRECT crap out of comic books!! If they want to make a NEW character then go ahead. Who cares it might work but leave the old characters alone. I too am a purist, not a racist.
Post 46 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
@Kaptain Mike: you know what we don't share? The belief that this country and this world CAN and SHOULD do do better when it comes to treating non-whites fairly and equally. And treating women equally. And treating homosexuals equally.You've made that pretty clear at this point.

But I thought I did make it clear that I consider all equal? If I have shown otherwise again I apologize. We are all equal. For some reason that isn't getting through, however.

Originally Posted by Oxbladder
She lives on an island with only women what did you expect? Come on, it is freaking obvious that she would be homosexual.

Do you think Rucka was told make the character gay by some LBGT community? I think Greg wanted to explore what some may have thought about in WW's long history. He wasn't going to just rejig what he wrote before in volume 2.

People seriously have to start getting used to characters changing or passing the mantle because that is the route of the future. Or should a character keep being the same person or carry the mantle until the end of time? Isn't that what everyone hates about Superman?

I don't know. Maybe the studio execs at DC did ask Rucka to do so, I don't know. None of us do. However, I think OxBladder gave an excellent argument on the flip side that made me raise an eyebrow without having to use all caps and words such as "hate" and "bigotry". Thank you for that. I agree everything changes over time. Even when we don't want it to.
Post 47 IP   flag post
Collector FrankCastle129 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TyrantK
I know there's a serious conversation going on but I still can't get over the idea of Batman being gay. That would make sooooo much sense. haha

Are you saying batman isn't gay? I've been reading these books the wrong way all these years. I thought he was using the playboy lifestyle as a coverup. In goin have to reread all these books from the other viewpoint now.
Post 48 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
I didn't realize there would be such hostility and backlash when others share their opinions on a public message board that is intended for everyone to do as such.

I am very curious old are you, @TruckJohnson ?

I stopped reading after the "white privilege" comments and the other smarta$$ remarks. Clearly he is either trolling. The irony here I find is this person trying to quell hatred and bigotry is carrying out that very act themselves. I don't need to be accused of racism and bigotry by someone who clearly knows nothing about me.
I think this thread should be closed by a mod.
Post 49 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
I don't need to be accused of racism and bigotry by someone who clearly knows nothing about me.
I think this thread should be closed by a mod.
Post 50 IP   flag post
Collector reggieb private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
Originally Posted by reggieb
Originally Posted by TruckJohnson
I'm talking to ANYONE who believes there is such a thing as "check box diversity."

Watch corporate training videos for an example of checkbox diversity. I mean, I have worked for a company where watching the corporate level training videos, it is very obvious that they created them with a checklist of groups that they had to get an example of each in to every video.

EDIT: To be clear, I have never heard the term "checkbox diversity" but that is the way that I would interpret it. And it definitely is a thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me that it exists, but it definitely exists.

And what is wrong with that? What is wrong with Black people, or Asian people, or Hispanics seeing THEMSELVES in media the way white people have ALWAYS been able to see themselves in media? Why should my TV screen, movie screen, and all the pages of ALL the books and magazines I read be filled ONLY with images of white people? And why would you have a problem with OTHERS wanting to see themselves and be treated as part of the fabric of this country? Why would you NOT want that to change to the point where it included the other kinds of people that live on this planet?

Yeah, not sure you read what I said. It doesn't bother me. I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I specifically said the opposite, but you said it doesn't exist. Definitely exists.
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector TruckJohnson private msg quote post Address this user
@JLA: I don't need to know someone to know their words are filled with hate. So yes, run from an uncomfortable conversation. Attempt to discredit me, and belittle me as a common troll. Try to flip the script on me for calling out YOUR racism and bigotry. Run to the "authorities" and ask them to shut down free speech because you don't like and can't handle an opposing opinion. LMAO! The truth is, your actions and reactions are the epitome of racist, bigoted, and homophobic behavior and beliefs. What you are too ignorant to see is that your white privilege isn't necessarily the problem. The problem is that you refuse to acknowledge that your white privilege is real, that it benefits you greatly, and that you have no desire to let it go and allow the scales of society and justice to become equal. How's that for trolling?
Post 52 IP   flag post
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