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Newsstand marks on older books1288

Collector jmh722 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm looking at purchasing a bunch of uncirculated silver/bronze age books, but some of them have the price blocked out entirely with what looks to have been a marker.
I assume that this was the doing of the newsstand owner, but how badly can this affect a book's grade? I want to make sure that the money is well-spent obviously.
Post 1 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Was this a price remark? If so, it was a fairly common practice back in the 60's and 70's. I believe it only hurts the grade when they are in the nm condition. If it is just a huge marker that scribbled out the price, that could be an issue. Hopefully someone will come along that knows for sure. But honestly, most silver/bronze age collectors will not be deterred by price remarked books.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector jmh722 private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, it's completely blacked out. I assume that this was a lesser version of tearing the front cover to return to the distributor or something.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jmh722
I'm looking at purchasing a bunch of uncirculated silver/bronze age books, but some of them have the price blocked out entirely with what looks to have been a marker.
I assume that this was the doing of the newsstand owner, but how badly can this affect a book's grade? I want to make sure that the money is well-spent obviously.

Uncirculated is always a bonus. One thing you know for sure, they will be possibly 8.0+. And you know what that means for SA as well as some key Bronze.

Sounds like a good find no matter how you look at it.

Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector jmh722 private msg quote post Address this user
But do you think that an 8.0 book with a mark on it can still get an 8.0, or would it get bumped down a grade?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
With "common" defects that I think both CGC and CBCS would take into in "original tape/residue", it sometimes really doesn't affect it too much. Okay....7.0....for an un-circulated book is still pretty good for a SA.

From the CGC which I do believe CBCS reflects the same consideration. They would have to comment themselves, as I have not read anything by them as of yet.....due to I am just beginning to understand CBCS and their methods.

Posted on 4/30/2013
Books submitted for grading that are postmarked after May 3, 2013 will be subject to new standards regarding cellophane tape.

Certified Guaranty Company (CGC), the only independent comic certification and grading company, announced today that it is modifying the standard by which it will assess and grade submissions with cellophane tape.

Cellophane tape (a.k.a., Scotch tape) has been used by collectors for decades as a means to easily and inexpensively keep comics in one piece. The practice was historically performed by children who sought to preserve the condition of their comics to prolong readability. While this practice has never been viewed as restoration in the eyes of the hobby, it is also not condoned or recommended by collectors particularly due to the destructive nature of the tape.

Currently, CGC’s stance on tape allows for its presence to fix a detached cover, a tear or to re-attach a piece of the comic. This would still allow the book to receive a Universal Label and even a possible grade increase from what the book would have been had tape not been present.

After consideration of the expressed views of the community and assessment of the practice, beginning with submissions postmarked after May 3, 2013, CGC will modify its grading standard and ignore the presence of tape if it serves a function (such as fixing a tear or spine split) and instead grade the book as if it was not present. Therefore, any existing defect will be graded accordingly. If the tape does not serve a function, the tape will be treated as a defect and the book will be downgraded. By doing this, books will still receive a Universal Label but the grade will better reflect the actual condition of the comic book.

“As the trusted grading authority in the hobby of comic collecting we feel this new policy better serves collectors and protects the integrity of the books,” said Paul Litch, CGC’s primary grader and restoration detection specialist. “We’re grateful to the collectors and dealers who have come to depend on us. Most importantly, we value their trust and opinion and are constantly striving to serve the best interests of the community.”

Books with tape that have already been graded by CGC will retain their grade, but any books that are resubmitted will fall under the new criteria and be graded accordingly. CGC will continue to note tape on the label, as it has always done, whenever and wherever it is found on a book.

Anyone with questions can contact CGC customer service at 877-662-6642.
Post 6 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Hmmm can you post a photo?
What I have seen - and what I think @jesse_o was referring to - was the line through the barcode which was a very common thing to do
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector jmh722 private msg quote post Address this user
Attaching an image of one of the books. Beautiful right? You can see where the price got blacked out to the upper-left of GL's head.

Post 8 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
i have seen arrival dates marked on covers in grease pencil or markers, I have seen owners names or their numbering systems inked on covers or interior pages, but I have never seen that before.
If only the cover is marked, I would think that there could be a slight downgrade. However, I would think that the marker would run through the cover and even potentially mark the interior side of the cover and one or more wraps. Then it could warrant more of a downgrade for interior staining.
Overall, that is still a very good looking copy of a desirable comic. If the price was right, I would probably take a chance. You can always submit one book and see what happens.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector jmh722 private msg quote post Address this user
Good point, it's true. However I don't think that the color bleeds, so maybe I'm alright. The seller has said I can return whatever I'm not satisfied with, so I'm not too worried, but I'd rather have a clean transaction out the gate.
Post 10 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
If you look at the CBCS grading guidelines, a comic in Fine/Very Fine condition can have one fairly obvious defect if the rest of the book is okay. So it's entirely possible that the books could at least grade at 7.0. If you can obtain them at the cost of a lower grade than that, like a 5.0 or 6.0, it should be worth it.
Post 11 IP   flag post
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