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Pertinent and important statement12848

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BrashSmurf
Are you using get the media as fact


Sure let's use a one sidea argument by idiots who screech orange man bad

Calling other people on the boards an idiot is the kind of escalation that gets you banned. So just keep it up, if that's what you want. Otherwise, no need to compound stupidity with rudeness.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Tedsaid i don’t believe @BrashSmurf referred to any “people on the boards” as idiots. I believe he was referring to the blanket of media articles/commentary that was posted by another member.
Post 27 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by BrashSmurf
Are you using get the media as fact


Sure let's use a one sidea argument by idiots who screech orange man bad

Calling other people on the boards an idiot is the kind of escalation that gets you banned. So just keep it up, if that's what you want. Otherwise, no need to compound stupidity with rudeness.

I don't think he was calling anyone in the forum an idiot...I think he meant the leftist media...but even if I'm wrong about that what would you call your post..."You are wrong, of course. I provided citations, while you post only opinion. I win. Cheers" ? ... it's a pretty smug, in your face, provacative post wouldn't you say? This is the type of back and forth posts that get people suspended and threads locked. There appears to be no genuine interest in exploring or even entertaining debate. This is, "I'm right, you're wrong and here's a bunch of links I subscribe to that support my position". It's been done to death here and it's old and tiresome. The moment one knows (or believes they know) the others political slant, it's already been decided they're an adversary or an allie. No one tries to understand the other person's side of the arguement....and by the way most people are not 100% left thinking on everything or 100% right thinking on everything...most people have left and right thinking on different issues.

@Tedsaid LOL!!! WOW've got issues.
Post 28 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by BrashSmurf
Are you using get the media as fact


Sure let's use a one sidea argument by idiots who screech orange man bad

Calling other people on the boards an idiot is the kind of escalation that gets you banned. So just keep it up, if that's what you want. Otherwise, no need to compound stupidity with rudeness.

I don't think he was calling anyone in the forum an idiot...I think he meant the leftist media...but even if I'm wrong about that what would you call your post..."You are wrong, of course. I provided citations, while you post only opinion. I win. Cheers" ? ... it's a pretty smug, in your face, provacative post wouldn't you say? This is the type of back and forth posts that get people suspended and threads locked. There appears to be no genuine interest in exploring or even entertaining debate. This is, "I'm right, you're wrong and here's a bunch of links I subscribe to that support my position". It's been done to death here and it's old and tiresome. The moment one knows (or believes they know) the others political slant, it's already been decided they're an adversary or an allie. No one tries to understand the other person's side of the arguement....and by the way most people are not 100% left thinking on everything or 100% right thinking on everything...most people have left and right thinking on different issues.

Post 29 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
Just to set the historical record straight, Nazis were NOT socialists. And 1930's Germany is no where near the 21st century United States. Hitler was a fascist. He orchestrated the murder of socialists in his party. Politically, economically and culturally, post WWI Germany was ripe for a man like him. Here is a good article on it.

@Jesse_O Are you saying that the Nazi’s were not the National Socialist party? Or are you saying that all that centralized power in the hands of a madman morphed them into something far more disturbing? I agree that Facist and Holocaust references should not be used lightly as comparisons. But my point was not about Socialism per se. My point was that the road to hell is often paved by those who are most insistent that their intentions are for the best. I believe @GAC was making a similar point.
Post 30 IP   flag post

-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller I would suggest you read the linked article, the author states the pertinent facts better than I can. Here are a few paragraphs to help explain. Take notice of the dates.

Post 31 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@Tedsaid i don’t believe @BrashSmurf referred to any “people on the boards” as idiots. I believe he was referring to the blanket of media articles/commentary by that was posted by another member.

If that's what you think, then you weren't paying attention. "Oh, he didn't call you an idiot ... just everything you said and wrote, and then he laughed at you for being so stupid. But he didn't actually SAY you were stupid."

Please. That's the kind of twisted rationalizations that all those moron Trump supporters do. And I'm not calling anyone on the boards a moron here; just everyone else in the world that supports the corrupt orange imbecile.

Originally Posted by GAC
I don't think he was calling anyone in the forum an idiot...I think he meant the leftist media

Leftist media? I quoted CNN, The Washington Post, Reuters, and Forbes, among others. That's not "leftist" media. That's just "the media." If you think those guys are leftist, then you must also believe reality is leftist.

Those news sources have thousands of employees who are doing their damnedest to discover and report things that are true and relevant. And you just dismiss them all as liars so casually? You don't like what they have to say, so you assume it's some sort of vast conspiracy to misrepresent the truth? Please.

Originally Posted by GAC
but even if I'm wrong about that what would you call your post..."You are wrong, of course. I provided citations, while you post only opinion. I win. Cheers" ? ... it's a pretty smug, in your face, provacative post wouldn't you say?

It's called giving back what you get. Did you not read @Scifinator's post? Here are the pertinent parts:

"I hope that you didn't infer that I was espousing an alt right fringe view. [...] Quite to the contrary, I viewed Caviezel comments as [...] a reasoned commentary."

Translation: The viewpoint wasn't fringe and I agree with it.

"Your unreasoned and negative response is exactly why I didn't post in the TV Happenings thread."

Translation: Your response is not only wrong, it's unreasonable, and I don't like your tone.

"Now, i have more important things to do than continue this banter with you."

Translation: You and this whole discussion is beneath me.

@GAC Did you not think that was "smug and provocative?" Why was it just mine you pretend to have a problem with?

Originally Posted by GAC
This is the type of back and forth posts that get people suspended and threads locked. There appears to be no genuine interest in exploring or even entertaining debate. This is, "I'm right, you're wrong and here's a bunch of links I subscribe to that support my position". It's been done to death here and it's old and tiresome.

So first, you complain that one post is too short. And then you complain that the previous one is too long and full of citations and evidence. You don't like pure opinion posts with no evidence, and you don't like the ones that are logical and reasoned and thorough. Also, you don't like "smug" posts, but only by me and not anyone you agree with.

GAC, why don't you just go ahead and admit, it's not the style of any of these posts you disagree with; it's the content? Your complaints about the style is just a lie, isn't it? I guess so you don't have to debate the actual facts themselves?

That's pretty weak tea.
Post 32 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Ok. With that, I'm locking this before it gets truly ugly.
Post 33 IP   flag post
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