Ben Affleck to return as Batman in The Flash movie12670
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CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user | |
.![]() Batfleck 2022 |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
Thus is great news to me....I always liked Affleck's Batman. | ||
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Terry88 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I feel he makes are pretty great Batman. Glad he's playing the part again. | ||
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
I think I'm done with DC Movies...maybe comics too (sad since I'm mostly a DC comics person) Flash still gonna be the same kid as in the JLA movie? still same 'personality' traits? same very odd costume? No issue with Ben as Bat..except my perennial issue with all bat players and the over the top stupid "I'm Bruce" a few pack of smokes later "I'm Batman" (just have to imagine the gravely voice) |
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Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I’m very glad to hear this. Sadly I think is just a one and done. Probably be more like a cameo appearance to pass torch to who ever will be the new Batman after the Flash movie essentially pulls a Flashpoint and reboots the DCEU. | ||
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doog private msg quote post Address this user | |
Just watched the Birds of Prey movie, painful. DC makes it seem way too hard to do a comic book movie. They have great characters, but too often strike the wrong tone. I did like Joaquin’s Joker though. | ||
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Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by doog As much of a fan as I am of DC, I have to admit birds of Prey was rough. They wasted Huntress, Casandra Cain, Zaz, and Black Mask. The only good thing I can say about it is that Margot Robbie is good as Harley Quinn. I normally hate Harley as a character but Margot makes it work. |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by doogOddly enough my wife wanted to go see the Joker movie and for a change I was the one who said no thanks, not interested. Still not sure about it... apparently a good film but I think DC has poisoned the well and I for one will not be drinking from it! |
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brysb private msg quote post Address this user | |
The Flashpoint storyline...really!?? Here we go again, with so many Flash stories to tell they have to go with that big convoluted mess and shoot for EPICNESS!! They should have stuck with a simple villain or 2 and spent time on fleshing out the character of Flash. And Ben Affleck...OH PLEASE JUST MAKE HIM GO AWAY FOR GOOD!!!!! | ||
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
As much as I love the Nolan trilogy, Affleck is the best on-screen Batman we have ever gotten. I know that Ben feels mentally strong again, is in great physical shape, and wants to continue the role. I think the Flashpoint adaptation will see him out of the film universe, though. He's just wishy-washy. I'd like to see a young, prime Batman, team up with Superman and the Justice League. TDKR was always an end-of-the-line character. |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by doog You are being way too nice with "painful". |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by brysb Flash has sooooo many good villains!! like you say, have a film with 1 or 2 baddies (freeze and heatwave!!) and setup another movie with either a different baddie and of course slowly build up to the ultimate bad guy - Reverse Flash!! Again though...the DCU is apparently not for mid 40 people....and by the box office not for under 40 or over 40 either!! |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics I mean, all of my family and friends are either older than 40 or younger than 40, and most of us literally love Worlds of DC. Movies like Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman were very successful at the box office. The real Justice League project is also expected to be a financial hit for HBO Max. I would have preferred more building into Flashpoint, too. Add Doomsday to that sentiment. After doing TDKR, and you try to part ways with your only franchise visionary, and your Batman actor has real-world problems, and you can't figure out how to keep continuity in your 'shared' multiverse', etc... Flashpoint is one of the only stories you can adapt to make sense of it all. I say we withhold judgment until we see what unfolds. The idea of adapting Flashpoint in and of itself is exciting to me. |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
@theCapraAegagrus lol! maybe it's a geographic thing! none of my friends or family like the DCU other than Aquaman and Shazam (Aquaman was not my cup of tea though) nor do I hear anything good at my LCS either from the owner (who bless his heart watches the movies to be able to engage with customers - I wonder if he expenses that!) or other regular customers. Oh well....c'est la vie |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics You bring up something I've never really considered before. Everyone I know in the Mid-West seems to love WODC. My Atlantic friends seem very neutral. My Western friends all seem to tip in the "less-favorable" group. I wonder if these trends are close to universally accurate? I should preface that with: People who aren't Marvel vs DC. I can't trust the "opinion" of someone who just wants to bash by brand. I love both the MCU and Worlds of DC. They both offer something great. Each movie deserves individual judgment. |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
It's odd....I've always been more of a DC comics person than Marvel and for the most part I enjoyed the DC tv offerings, but lately I go for non spandex and capes rather than DC or Marvel and I've been enjoying the Marvel movies and their small screen shows too, more so than what DC has been able to provide. For the most part I've dropped DC and Marvel from my pull lists except a few titles - Hulk, Hill House books and the Question (thinking of dropping Green Lantern although I usually enjoy Morrison scripts) so I guess it follows that I am drifting away from their large and small screen counterparts - though Marvel still has the lead in the movie department in our house hold - as driven by my 12yr old son. |
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Except for the SHazam and Wonder Woman movies, the DCU isn't the place for for people who have children. It really isn't the place for families that want their children to understand that heroes can stand for more than how messed up they are in the head. That doesn't make for a fun car ride home after the movie. |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Towmater I get what you're saying there but it is nice to have options. DC is darker than Marvel and I think that has its place. From a creative standpoint, when writing these super being characters, I think many of them might get messed up in the head. It makes for less family friendly viewing for sure but maybe that's ok? | ||
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GAC it is just means i dont see their films nor does my kid and my kid isn't drawn to read the books the movies are based the MCU (son actually asked to read the infinity gauntlet storyline!)...cant bode well for the future, might be part of why we see DC firing staff and dropping titles? | ||
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Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GAC My post was a response to KatKomics and his point on DCU not being a place for people in their mid-40's and under. I was attempting to provide a reason why it isn't. As far as your question on it being OK for it to be less than family friendly? I guess it depends on what the studio and the director are looking for as their target audience, the size of that audience, and the size of return on their investment. If Warner/AT&T is looking for more money then they might want to move in another direction or start putting together movies that aren't patched together, stale, and lack direction. ![]() |
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Batworldfan private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm on the DC side in general, (so biased) but do feel WB gets way to much hate and criticism from all sides. WB's/DC body of TV & Film work is as a whole second only to Disney, and yet Sony and now sold out Fox, would seem to get judged by a different standard, after another mediocre film or TV show comes out. Disney's creative teams deserve credit for raising the bar, and recently at least avoiding the clear bombs, other studios roll out, damaging their brand. "Birds of Prey" makes you scratch your head, how could anyone with a brain look at the production design/costumes, and not stop this thing, fire people, and salvage this project. Lack of quality control! But then you watch "Justice League Dark Apokolips War" or "Harley Quin" and you feel better about things. |
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Wraith private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomicsjoker is nothing like typical DC fare |
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Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user | |
I liked Affleck as an older Batman, but I'm tired of how badly Warner Bros handle DC movies. They just don't get superheroes ... still, after all this time. They think all it is is a guy in a certain costume, with a certain set of powers. They think plot or characterization just doesn't matter. That's why they are fine with Batman being, like, two decades older than Flash for some damn reason. It's more important to have a popular actor than to be true to the source material. Flash as an introverted loner kid, instead of a (blonde) forensic police detective? WTAF. Here's how these asshats think: Green Lantern is a test pilot? OH, I know! Let's make him a hot shot maverick who breaks the rules and flies by the seat of his pants! He's sloppy and cool: a slacker who bucks authority, but gets the job done! And ... wait a minute! What if, at first, he's really afraid of screwing up? But then he LEARNS to use the ring, and gains courage? Now that's an arc, eh?!? Oh, I know! We'll make "Black" Canary a black lounge singer! Get it? Sing, Canary, sing! Hey, you know that Green Arrow guy? What if he goes around shooting all the bad guys? A really anti-hero, that one. Like the Punisher, but with arrows! Kill, kill, kill! What if Aquaman were some super-hippy dude, with tattoos and long hair? That's cool, right? And his love-interest - I have the perfect actress in mind. But we'll have to dye her hair fake-red first. Because hair dye totally makes sense for a woman who's underwater all the time, right? Screw logic ... these are just dumb comic books - they don't have to make sense! Meh. DC either don't know or don't care, that's the exact opposite of Green Lantern, and Arrow would never kill anyone, and Aquaman feels the weight of the crown as King of Atlantis. GL's a successful test pilot because he DOESN'T take chances. He's up at dawn and the first in the office, and he checks, double-checks, and triple-checks every detail. He has discipline and training, and he follows all the rules. (And he was born without fear.) That's why the old Green Lantern / Green Arrow comics worked so well, back in the day ... the interplay between the "straight" Green lantern and the "woke" Green Arrow. But screw that, says DC ... Green Lantern is just some guy with a magic ring! They don't care a whit about the source material. That's why DC movies suck. And the opposite of that is exactly why most Marvel Universe movies are great. Marvel knows that superhero movies aren't about the powers; they are about the people who happen to have those powers. |
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