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Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
So, many of you know that I am in the process of encapsulating 100% of my collection. A portion is going to be retained and I am selling off a larger portion to offset the cost. Now that I have gone through each issue and title, I have decided to fill in some holes for some complete runs for my permanent collection. So, here are the comics I am looking for in High grades (raw or slabbed and if slabbed, I prefer CBCS):

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Silver Surfer Vol 3 #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 #13, 20, 22, 25 thru 42, 45 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 #16 thru 38
John Byrnes Next Men #22,23, 25 thru 30
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 1-4 (raw only)
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 # 1, 11, & 14
King Conan # 9 thru 16, 18, & 19
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41

So for trade, I have available 400 listings on ebay, clickable text plus I have non-Marvel & DC spreadsheets for about 1,000 comics such as Dark Horse, Topps, Malibu, Image, etc. in this dropbox link clickable text

I haven't had a chance to edit, as there are some in those lists that are not available but the majority is available. So, as an example, when you see Next Men in the list, duplicates would be available, but singles would not as I am looking for the whole run for permanent collection. But again, even most of the other titles with singles are available.

And, I have recently received back, but have not listed yet:

Marvel Universe 1 & 6
Moon Knight 2,3,7,11,12,13,15,16
Marvel Two in One 84, 100
Marvel Premiere, 44
Marvel Comics Presents 90, 92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,104,106,107,108
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #34
Marvel Age 6
Marvel Classic Comics #4 & 11

Post 1 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator - Pics sent of ROM and King Conan (also have Conan the King if you need any of them).
Post 2 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here are pics from some of the items above that are not yet listed in my ebay store.

Post 3 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Before anyone asks, reason some are upside down in the slabs, is because Marvel Comics Presents are "Flip Books" with a cover and storu flipped on the on the opposite end.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Just edited the original post and added a dropbox link so you can view my non-marvel/dc at anytime. Eventually I will add an available Marvel/DC file which will edit out my permanent collection other than having to go to my ebay store.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated want list in high grade raw or certified:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Silver Surfer Vol 3 #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 #13, 22, 25 thru 42, 45 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 #16 thru 38
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 1-4 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - 14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 # 1, 11, & 14
King Conan # 11 thru 16, 18, & 19
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41
Cry for Dawn 1 thru 6, 8, 9
Crypt of Dawn 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - 0.5, 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess 3, 4
Post 6 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
A lot of nice looking books Rich, I wish I could help you with your want list.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Newly Here is my updated want list in high grade raw or certified:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Silver Surfer Vol 3 #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 #13, 22, 25 thru 42, 45 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 #16 thru 38
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 1-4 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - 14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 # 1, 11, & 14
King Conan # 11 thru 16, 18, & 19
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41
Cry for Dawn 1 thru 6, 8, 9
Crypt of Dawn 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - 0.5, 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Below is my updated want list for my permanent collection. But first, I want to give a heads up - Due to time constraints, I am going to be sending most of my comics list on ebay clickable text to Lone Star/MCS for consignment. I will of course be keeping my permanent collection, and will retain certain sets and some miscellaneous comics on ebay. Plus, for the time being, most of the Dark Horse, Topps, and other independents in this dropbox link clickable text will still be available for trade. But this part of the hobby is pulling too much time for me.

So, if there are any comics you want discounted through this forum from me, the gavel is about to tap.

Now, for my updated want list:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Silver Surfer Vol 3 #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 #16 thru 38
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 1-4 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - 14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41
Cry for Dawn 1 thru 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - 0.5, 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Update to the list of my want items for my permanent collection:


Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Deathmate Preview Orange - in Raw or Graded
Marvel Comics Presents #103- In CBCS 9.8
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Spawn - #'s 2, 3, 9

Updated original list below:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only (Still need 5 more....Yes, my other ebay moniker is Cardinalsfly and I will not bug you anymore for direct contact)
Silver Surfer Vol 3 - #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1-4 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 10 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
There are a couple NM98's on mycomicshop, including one in the current auction. Also looks like comiclink will have four of them in the auction that starts next week.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk cool, thanks for the heads up.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
FYI - just some of the Omega Men you want, but pretty cheap

Actually, I just had a look, and he has a couple different Omega Men lots. Looks like you can get all but a handful.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@Tedsaid Cool, thanks
Post 14 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Update to the list of my want items for my permanent collection:


Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)

Kinda specific on those two.

Updated original list below:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Spawn - #'s 2, 3, 9Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Silver Surfer Vol 3 - #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1-4 (raw only)
Marvel Comics Presents #103- In CBCS 9.8John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1-3, 5, 11, 24, 26-41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Deathmate Preview Orange - in Raw or Graded
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Newly added to want list:

X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - # 3 & 4
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)

Updated previous list:

Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Spawn - #'s 2, 3, 9Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Silver Surfer Vol 3 - #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1-4 (raw only)
Marvel Comics Presents #103- In CBCS 9.8John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 11, 24, 26-41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Deathmate Preview Orange - in Raw or Graded
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Updated previous list:

X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - # 3 & 4
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Silver Surfer Vol 3 - #'s 100-146
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1-4 (raw only)
Marvel Comics Presents #91 & 103 (In CBCS 9.8)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 11, 24, 26-41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
I have some CBCS & CGC Graded comics that I am willing to trade away. They are:

Deathmate Blue Gold CBCS 9.6 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
Magnus Robot Fighter 21 Gold CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
Second Life of Dr. Mirage 1 Gold CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
Turok 1 Gold CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
Unity 1 Gold CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
Unity 1 Platinum CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)
X-O Manowar 0 Gold CGC 9.6 (Must get CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 as part of return)
X-0 Manowar 0 White CGC 9.8 (Must get CBCS 9.8 as part of return)

Updated list of what I am looking for:

X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - #'s 3 & 4, 0 Gold, & 1/2 (Both)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1-4 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 11, 24, 26-41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Chaos Effect Omega Gold
Chaos Effect 1 -3
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
PSI Lords - #1 Gold
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1-3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 non-chromium cover
Turok Valiant Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Unity Vol 1 - 0 Red
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
I have a bunch of Dawn stuff but it never seems to be the ones anyone wants ...let me take a look this wknd and see if it's any of these...just remind me if you dont hear from me by tomorrow night. oh..and if we've already had this conversation at some point and you've seen my Dawn's, let me know so I dont go searching ..thnx
Post 19 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
If you're interested, I think I have:

Surfer/Warlock Resurrection 3,4 (raw, but very nice)
A bunch of the later issues of Harbinger you mention
A few of the Marvel Masterpieces (Joe Jusko) issues
Solar 6 - 9 (I think)

They've been bagged (only) since I purchased them when they came out.
They're yours for free. Just pay shipping.
Happy to give these away to a fellow board member.

PM me if interested.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated want list:

X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - #'s 3 & 4, 0 Gold, & 1/2 (Both)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 4,5,9,12,15,16, 23 thru 31
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1 & 2 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 11, 24, 41 Plus 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only.
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Chaos Effect Omega Gold
Chaos Effect 1 -3
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
PSI Lords - #1 Gold
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1-3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 non-chromium cover
Turok Valiant Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Unity Vol 1 - 0 Red
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Below are pieces that I have that I am willing to trade away:

Deathmate Blue Gold CBCS 9.6
Magnus Robot Fighter 21 Gold CGC 9.8
Second Life of Dr. Mirage 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Turok 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Platinum CGC 9.8
X-O Manowar 0 Gold CGC 9.6
X-0 Manowar 0 White CGC 9.8

Also, I have well over 500 CBCS graded early 90's Image, Topps, Dark Horse, and other independents that I have not sent in to MCS for consignment yet so let me know if you are looking for something in that genre.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated want list:

X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - #'s 3 & 4, 0 Gold, & 1/2 (Both)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Han Solo Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 73
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons).
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1 & 2 (raw only)
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 31 thru 35, 41, 44, 45, 62 thru 148.
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 41 (Also, 6 & 7 in CBCS 9.8 only).
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Chaos Effect Omega Gold
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
PSI Lords - #1 Gold
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1-3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 non-chromium cover
Turok Valiant Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Unity Vol 1 - 0 Red
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only

Below are pieces that I have that I am willing to trade away:

Deathmate Blue Gold CBCS 9.6
Magnus Robot Fighter 21 Gold CGC 9.8
Second Life of Dr. Mirage 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Turok 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Platinum CGC 9.8
X-O Manowar 0 Gold CGC 9.6
X-0 Manowar 0 White CGC 9.8

PLUS, I have well over 500 CBCS graded early 90's Image, Topps, Dark Horse, and other independents that I have not sent in to MCS for consignment yet so let me know if you are looking for something in that genre.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated want list:

Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Chaos Effect Omega Gold
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11, & 14
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 18, 20 thru 22, 24 thru 26, 149, 154, & 155
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, 10 & 11 to CBCS 9.8)
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1 & 2 (raw only)
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
PSI Lords - #1 Gold
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1-3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 non-chromium cover
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Han Solo Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Turok Valiant Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Unity Vol 1 - 0 Red
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only
X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - #'s 3 & 4, 0 Gold, & 1/2 (Both)

Below are pieces that I have that I am willing to trade away:

I have well over 500 CBCS graded early 90's Image, Topps, Dark Horse, and other independents that I have not sent in to MCS for consignment yet so let me know if you are looking for something in that genre.

Also, i have these to trade towards CBCS 9.8’s:

Death at Blue Gold CBCS 9.6
Magnus Robot Fighter 21 Gold CGC 9.8
Second Life of Dr. Mirage 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Turok 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Platinum CGC 9.8
X-O Manowar 0 Gold CGC 9.6
X-0 Manowar 0 White CGC 9.8
Post 23 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Here is my updated want list:

Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold
Chaos Effect Alpha Red
Chaos Effect Omega Gold
Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6
Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3
Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4
Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed
Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat
Fantastic Four # 48, 49, & 50.
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol 2 - # 1, 11
G.I. Joe ARAH # 1, 3, (4 in 9.8 only),5 thru 7, 9, 11 thru 13, 15 thru 17, 20, 22, 24 thru 26, & 154
Harbinger Vol 1 - # 1, 5, 6, & 7 (All in CBCS 9.8 only).
HARD Corps Vol 1 - #1 Gold
John Byrne's Next Men Vol 1 - #14 & 21
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant) Vol 1 - #1 CBCS 9.8, #4 CBCS 9.6 or 9.8 w/coupon, #8 CBCS 9.8
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 - # 5 + (looking to upgrade 2,3,4,6, 10 & 11 to CBCS 9.8)
Marvel Masterpieces Collection Vol 1 - #'s 1 & 2 (raw only)
New Mutants #98 (9.8 only) - (On this, I am actually looking for 2 copies, 1 for each of my twin sons)
Ninjak Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Omega Men Vol 1 - #16 thru 38
Predator v Magnus TPB
Predator v Magnus #1 Platinum
PSI Lords - #1 Gold
Rai & the Future Force #9 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Rom Vol 1 - #13, 25, 30 thru 32, 34, 47, 58 thru 64, 66 thru 73
Second Life of Dr. Mirage - #1 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Secrets of the Valiant Universe - Gold & #'s 1-3
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 Gold (CBCS 9.8 only)
Shadowman Vol 1 - 0 non-chromium cover
Silver Surfer Vol 1 - 2 thru 6, 8 thru 16, & 18
Silver Surfer Vol 2 - One shot 9.8 only
Silver Surfer / Warlock Resurrection - #'s 3 & 4 - in CBCS 9.8
Solar, Man of the Atom Valiant Vol 1 - #'s 6 - 10 (1st Print)
Spawn - #'s 2 & 3
Star Wars (2015) - Luke Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Han Solo Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Jawa Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - R2-D2 Action Figure Variant / ASP/VSP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.8 only)
Star Wars (2015) - Darth Vader Action Figure Variant / ASP John Tyler Christopher - CBCS (9.0 or higher & actually prefer at least 9.6)
Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron 23 thru 27
Turok Valiant Vol 1 - #1 Gold
Unity Vol 1 - 0 Red (CBCS 9.8 only)
Unity Vol 1 - #1 Gold & Platinum both CBCS 9.8 only
X-0 Manowar Vol 1 - #'s 3 & 4, 0 Gold, & 1/2 (Both)

Below are pieces that I have that I am willing to trade away:

I have well over 500 CBCS graded early 90's Image, Topps, Dark Horse, and other independents that I have not sent in to MCS for consignment yet so let me know if you are looking for something in that genre.

Also, i have these to trade towards CBCS 9.8’s:

Death at Blue Gold CBCS 9.6
Magnus Robot Fighter 21 Gold CGC 9.8
Second Life of Dr. Mirage 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Turok 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 0 Red CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Gold CGC 9.8
Unity 1 Platinum CGC 9.8
X-O Manowar 0 Gold CGC 9.6
X-0 Manowar 0 White CGC 9.8
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