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Grading Help NeededQuestions

Sent stuff on in February. Still no update.12180

Collector Andr00 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey all,

I sent some comics away to get graded and signatures authenticated back in February from Fan Expo in Vancouver. I see them in my account still under "billing". But no update to what they were graded at or anything. I made sure to put in my credit card and it looks like it is in there correctly and was charged in May, just in limbo under Billing.

I know things got all muffed up with this whole world situation. But these comics are my babies and I am worried they'll got lost. It is also my first time having things sent away so not sure the usual timelines for these.
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The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
@Andr00 Please send me a PM with the invoice # and information. I will have someone look into this.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Andr00 There are a couple of things that immediately come to mind so check to see if any of these apply to your order.

If you sent the books in for CBCS’ pressing service, they are extremely backed up at the moment. People are still waiting for books from September. If you submitted books for pressing then you won’t see any update on the website until AFTER the books have been pressed and have entered grading.

If you submitted books via the CBCS Canada service, that office has been closed until further notice due to the virus situation and specifically the border closure between the US and Canada.

If neither of those apply then @sborock should be able to see where the books are in the process. It is highly unlikely that your books have been lost.
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Collector Andr00 private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah not sent for pressing, was told by the guys at the booth about the backup. I'll hang tight and send a message to sborock for sure.
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Collector Andr00 private msg quote post Address this user
So my stuff got moved to "Processing" after talking with @Sborock, but haven't moved from there, and emailing Steve Paulus gets no replies at all. I had an email from him saying there would be exciting news from him, but that was a month ago, with no update after that or any exciting news at all.

This is really souring my experience with CBCS as a whole just due to lack of communication from the guy we are supposed to talk to about Canadian orders.
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past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Once graded your books will be direct shipped back to you rather than to the Canadian office (can't remember what thread that was reported on) as there are no staff at that office (staff is from US and border is closed).

Status changes are not really updated in a timely manner on your dash. Also, have you clicked to download the invoice - sometimes updates are on the invoice before they show on the dash.
Also,also...sometimes since updates are not always timely your order will get like 3 status changes in a few days (even a few hours for me once!)
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