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DC dumping Diamond12084

-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Following is an article from comicsheatingup.

Originally Posted by comicsheatingup

DC Dumps Diamond: DC Comics is Separating from Diamond
Looks like DC is canning Diamond as their distributor and continuing solely with the two new ones they set up as of June 15.

Dear DC Direct Market Retailer,

First and foremost, we hope this finds you safe and well especially during what has been an incredibly challenging year. We are writing today to share with you that DC’s long-standing relationship with Diamond Comic Distributors is coming to a close effective following Diamond’s distribution of product offered on DC’s FOC list of June 1st. We want to thank Steve Geppi and the great people at Diamond for all the years of service.

We recognize that, to many of you, this may seem like a momentous decision. However, we can assure you that this change in DC’s distribution plans has not been made lightly and follows a long period of thought and consideration. The change of direction is in line with DC’s overall strategic vision intended to improve the health of, and strengthen, the Direct Market as well as grow the number of fans who read comics worldwide.

In the near term, Diamond will only be fulfilling orders placed through June 1 Final Order Cut-Off and will not solicit the sale of new DC titles further. To ensure a smooth transition for retailers, DC will suspend Final Order Cut-Off for June 8, making those books available to order on Final Order Cut-Off on June 15.

Moving forward, we will continue our distribution relationship with Lunar Distribution and UCS Comic Distributors for distribution of periodicals and graphic novels, and Penguin Random House for distribution of graphic novels, worldwide.

We believe this new distribution system will bring you world class service using top of the line and modern systems that will provide you the most efficient operational supply chain. DC will continue to look for ways, together with our new partners, to better serve you and the fans to the best of our ability. We remain committed to the Direct Market and look forward to partnering with you to grow your business and to get the best comic books and graphic novels to the fans in the most efficient and seamless manner.

All the best,


article link

Picture of the DC email.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Stantheman private msg quote post Address this user
I have heard LCS workers complain about Diamond for years!
This will be interesting to see how bad/good they really were with these new companies...
Post 2 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe my books won't show up damaged now.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector manfred_spain private msg quote post Address this user
Sounds like a lot of lost revenue for Diamond. Wonder how that affects their long-term health. Yikes!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector infinityG private msg quote post Address this user
Does Marvel/Disney need them as a distributor? I can see a lot small publishers doing their own distributing. Is this the beginning of the end for Diamond?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector manfred_spain private msg quote post Address this user
That really is the question. Does Marvel go all in to help leap them going or not? They've certainly done the self distribution thing before, but I think they saw how bad it hurt things back then and may want to keep Diamond afloat to have some distribution options and keep competition alive. It could go either way -- a good thing, or ultimately the end of Diamond.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
That’s a plus, pretty much a monopoly. Now Musk vs Bezos, someone needs to make a series about that, maybe Image?
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector starlord private msg quote post Address this user
Whoa, Diamond hasn't sent me notice if it's true.
Post 8 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Chuck Rozanski from Mile High just shared this on Facebook.

Originally Posted by Chuck Rozanski
This is an advance copy of my company newsletter, which typically reaches 100,000+ comics fans around the world.

DC SUCKS! 50% Off Codeword Sale Begins - Read why...


I was going to take this afternoon off, as I came in early this morning and spent four hours in 90 degree heat weed-wacking the Jason St. parking lot. My relaxation plans were all shot to hell, however, when DC Comics blindsided everyone at noon by sticking a shiv into the back of Diamond Comic Distributors, and Diamond founder, Steve Geppi.

To say that I am seething with rage right now, is a total understatement. I actually saw this coming a couple of weeks ago, but was hoping against my own common sense that the new owners of DC (AT&T) would come to the realization that keeping Diamond alive was critical to the revival of the 2,000+ Direct Market comic book retailers who serve the core of their most dedicated readers. Instead, my own predicted worst-case scenario is now unfolding, with DC announcing this afternoon that they are severing all ties with Diamond Distributing, effective in three weeks.

So, what do the new kingpins at DC think that they are doing? Well, first of all, they want to drive more business to their online channel. Second, they think that they can do just fine on their trade paperbacks and hardbacks selling them to traditional bookstores through their distribution relationship with Penguin/Random House. Third, their recent "experiment" of selling $9.95 pseudo comic books through Walmart and Target has shown them quite clearly that they can generate massive comic book sales without a single comics speciality shop remaining in existence.

All of those factors are serious, but I think that DC's real issue is money. AT&T paid one hundred and eight billion dollars ($108,000,000,000.00) to buy Time/Warner just 18 months ago. The exact amount that they paid in cash is unknown, but some portion of that purchase amount was an assumption of existing Time/Warner debt. Nonetheless, the debt service on those loans/bonds is easily six billion a year, and quite possibly more. Sadly, they won the bidding war on this incredible deal just in time for the pandemic to slam Time/Warner's business into the ground, and thus reduce revenues drastically. Simply put, the managers at AT&T are now in a horrible bind. They need immense amounts of cash flow to service their debt, and they need it immediately.

Meanwhile, while everyone at DC is freaking out because their entire ship is in danger of sinking in their self-created ocean of debt, Diamond Distributing sends out a letter to all of their vendors telling them that, instead of being paid on time for all of their products that were long-since shipped by Diamond, they will receive small incremental payments on the monies owed to them, over a period of 13 weeks.

As I am sure that you can well imagine, that letter from Diamond really was the death knell for their relationship with DC. Management in the past would have had fewer options, and far more loyalty to the long-term Diamond relationship, but these new guys are terrified that they are all going to be fired, so they want out. Now. Immediately. And they could care less about who is going to wind up as collateral damage. They are only concerned about saving their own sorry asses, and no one else matters. Absolutely typical self-serving NY financier/Wall Street BS.

So, what does this all mean? Honestly, I do not think that anyone knows for sure. DC is trying to force all Direct Market comics shops to now order their weekly publications from a couple of lame-ass pseudo-distributors that they have self-anointed. We saw Marvel try this exact same stupidity with their Heroes World debacle, in 1998. They lost millions in short term revenue, and even more from the debilitating effect that it had on their market share and their brand.

Of greater importance to me is the future of periodic comic books, and the retailers who can only cover their operating costs by selling those new issues. Frankly, my first instinct is to say that they are all dead, and that the party is totally over for new comics. Diamond Distributing is certainly at immediate risk, as losing their #2 product line (in an already depressed market) is a catastrophic loss. To use the phraseology of Wall Street, their ability to continue as a going concern is now in great doubt.

The same is true of every comic book store in America, as the horrors of our Heroes World experience showed us all what an unmitigated disaster results from trying to coordinate multiple shipments from multiple distributors. It is an absolute nightmare. Not impossible by any means, but still an exercise in raw misery.

Truth be told, my greatest concern with the future of the Direct Market retailers revolves around money and/or credit. With so many stores having been shuttered for eight weeks, or longer, who has the means remaining to establish credit lines with these new "distributors," while simultaneously meeting their existing obligations to Diamond? Truthfully, this is a perfect storm of disasters for Direct Market retailers. Some stores will most definitely survive, but thanks to the unilateral decision today by DC Comics, I think that number of surviving entities was just reduced drastically. It is a sad, sad day in the history of comic books.

As regards Mile High Comics, I believe that we are going to be just fine. I was nearly four million dollars in debt nine years ago (including a million dollars (!) in outstanding Diamond invoices), and deduced that my operating losses were mostly resulting from unsold new issues that we ordered for our clients, but which they then failed to purchase from us. Simply put, I started reducing new comics as a key element of our company product mix, and immediately saw things turn around for us. We paid off most of our company debt through the sale of our 56th Ave. building three years ago, and (finally) paid Diamond totally off last week. I will never again (ever) go in debt for new comics.

So you know, we are doing reasonably well right now selling back issues and books online, and operating our awesome Jason St. Mega-Store with a focus on families and pop culture products. I plan to still be around to serve you for many years to come, and we are actively buying collections every day with that future prosperity in mind. Meanwhile, however, I feel very badly for Steve Geppi, as he is my dear friend, and he also generously helped us in so many ways to stay in business during those years when we were down and out. I wish that there was something that I could do to help him right now, but the new guys at DC have come for him with their heartless knives, and all I can do is to watch the resulting carnage in dismay and horror. The cruelty of his fate is very hard to bear.

Your friend,

Chuck Rozanski/Bettie Pages,
President - Mile High Comics, Inc.

P.S. I am beginning a 50% off back issues sale today with the codeword DCSUCKS! I make no apologies for the forthrightness of my codeword choice, as I am rightfully and truly pissed off. The 50% off DCSUCKS! Codeword applies to all ten million of our back issue comics and magazines, including an awesome collection that Pam purchased this morning. Only new issues, a few variants, and our professionally-graded comics are excluded. The key issues from Pam’s new collection will be in our Premium New-In-Stock link at about 10 AM tomorrow morning. Please stay safe, and have a great weekend. We will all survive, because, love is love...❤️

Remember, the codeword will be good once the newsletter goes out. Chuck made this a shareable post, so I'm assuming it's okay to share.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
...and Diamond’s reply to DC’s action

Post 10 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
If Chuck is against it, then I am all for it.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Donnied private msg quote post Address this user
That was a pretty self-serving and biased letter from Mr. Rozanski. Seeing a monopoly broken up doesn't bother me a bit. I'd be curious to hear from some of the independent distributors that were put out of business by Diamond getting the monopoly originally. I'll ask a friend of mine who was one of those people, but I'm pretty sure I know what he'll say.

DC doesn't owe anything to Diamond, and if they can become more profitable then that means they keep producing product to sell to the LCS, that we can buy and enjoy. AT&T could easily shut them down if they are a burden on the bottom line.
Post 12 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user 2x the shipping/distribution costs for my LCS to cover...yeah...we'll see if I have a place to buy new comics in a little while - what a cluster f@ck!!
Post 13 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
This is the part of Chuck's letter than I'm concerned about. Especially the last sentence.

I'm curious what MCS is going to say.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Donnied private msg quote post Address this user
@KatKomics - I'm not in the business but I'd think it would be twice the paperwork but the same shipping/distribution costs. I would hope the new distributors would see the need to not overburden the retailers with too much additional overhead.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Donnied
@KatKomics - I'm not in the business but I'd think it would be twice the paperwork but 1/2 the shipping/distribution costs. I would hope the new distributors would see the need to not overburden the retailers with too much additional overhead.

There will be higher shipping cost for sure
Post 16 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
I always thought comics shops felt Diamond was a burden....a monopoly with a stranglehold on them. Was this not the case? If it was the case shouldn't this be good news to them?
Post 17 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
Originally Posted by Chuck Rozanski
This is an advance copy of my company newsletter, which typically reaches 100,000 comics fans around the world.

DC SUCKS! 50% Off Codeword Sale Begins - Read why...

And if history is any indicator I still won't find a single book that I want anywhere close to FMV.
Post 18 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
So, DC dropping Diamond is official. Wow. It’ll be interesting to see what this means in the long run.

Competition is good, that said, I don’t envy anyone in the LCS business right now. I hope this helps & doesn’t hurt them.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
I've no pity for Diamond.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
My son has a comic book store, he is not worried in the least. New comics bring in a lot of foot traffic, and increase the gross, but are not profitable enough.
He long ago diversified into all sorts of collectibles, and on line sales. The few storefronts that are left doing mainly new will have a hard time, but due to the low margins, have been shrinking anyway.
With the modern distancing issues, those that used gaming to survive may be in trouble too.
Don’t like seeing folks go out of business though, if that is the result, we will know soon. If you have a store, I hope you are well diversified.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Donnied
That was a pretty self-serving and biased letter from Mr. Rozanski. Seeing a monopoly broken up doesn't bother me a bit. I'd be curious to hear from some of the independent distributors that were put out of business by Diamond getting the monopoly originally. I'll ask a friend of mine who was one of those people, but I'm pretty sure I know what he'll say.

DC doesn't owe anything to Diamond, and if they can become more profitable then that means they keep producing product to sell to the LCS, that we can buy and enjoy. AT&T could easily shut them down if they are a burden on the bottom line.

Distribution isn't the problem for DC. While sales are decent it is mostly just Batman titles that are selling. Nothing else. I DC's letter they clearly put the "blame" on sales on Diamond (and probably the retailers to) which is really not right. If only Batman is selling then that could mean that the other titles need improvement or they, DC, aren't promoting them well enough. You could dump the blame on Diamond and retailers but they can only make suggestions on what to read and, from experience, that isn't going to happen.

AT&T absorbed a massive debt from the purchase of Time/Warner and just having more control over the distribution isn't going to improve sales. It is also going to stress retailers that are already stress financially because of the pandemic. They are being forced to absorb more cost, not offer DC, or fold up shop. Of course DC couldn't care less they want to collapse the physical copy market as the ultimate goal is to have it all digital anyway.

I don't have an issue with DC wanting to ditch Diamond. That's their choice but they could have done the responsible thing and eased the change by honouring the June orders to Diamond as they had agreed. That gives retailers the opportunity to talk with DC's "distributors" and make up their mind what to do. Instead they chose the toxic move of telling retailers and Diamond F-U do it our way or nothing. Right at a time when many store are financially stress after two or more months of lockdown.

Then there is the move they made of dumping a bunch of titles but having the last few issues online. This is a toxic move as well because, while I understand the move, it shows that they don't understand their market very well. Lots of people don't want digital, don't want to buy/read trades, and don't like having holes in their collection. In the case of DC I don't even trust them to do as they and put the missing issues in a trade because they have the wonderful habit of regularly leaving issues out of trades. You also have to consider that if they just keep canning titles that don't have huge numbers willy-nilly that those of who do like to pick up these titles may now opt to skip ordering them in the future just because we know that DC will yank it at some point.

Due to DC's moves in the last month I see no reason to support them. I have made the decision that if they want to force everyone to do their bidding whether or not they can afford it and possibly cause a contraction in the market then I will not support them. I can put those dollars on either back issues or more material from other publishers. To me applauding or shrugging off the lost of retailers is very sad when we all know that the hobby isn't growing the way it needs to to continue. We need the new market to sustain or create interest in the back issue market. Once the new stuff is gone how far behind will the interest and value remain in back issues? Granted it wouldn't be a sudden death rather a slow painful attrition as those that are just starting out collecting get older and older and eventually there are few left to carry the torch into the future.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by doog
My son has a comic book store, he is not worried in the least. New comics bring in a lot of foot traffic, and increase the gross, but are not profitable enough.
He long ago diversified into all sorts of collectibles, and on line sales. The few storefronts that are left doing mainly new will have a hard time, but due to the low margins, have been shrinking anyway.
With the modern distancing issues, those that used gaming to survive may be in trouble too.
Don’t like seeing folks go out of business though, if that is the result, we will know soon. If you have a store, I hope you are well diversified.

He should be a bit concerned because now, to stock DC, he will have to incure more cost which will decrease his margins overall. I agree that diversification is required because surviving on comics alone isn't terribly profitable in a brick and mortar establishment.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Oxbladder
Originally Posted by Donnied
That was a pretty self-serving and biased letter from Mr. Rozanski. Seeing a monopoly broken up doesn't bother me a bit. I'd be curious to hear from some of the independent distributors that were put out of business by Diamond getting the monopoly originally. I'll ask a friend of mine who was one of those people, but I'm pretty sure I know what he'll say.

DC doesn't owe anything to Diamond, and if they can become more profitable then that means they keep producing product to sell to the LCS, that we can buy and enjoy. AT&T could easily shut them down if they are a burden on the bottom line.

Distribution isn't the problem for DC. While sales are decent it is mostly just Batman titles that are selling. Nothing else. I DC's letter they clearly put the "blame" on sales on Diamond (and probably the retailers to) which is really not right. If only Batman is selling then that could mean that the other titles need improvement or they, DC, aren't promoting them well enough. You could dump the blame on Diamond and retailers but they can only make suggestions on what to read and, from experience, that isn't going to happen.

AT&T absorbed a massive debt from the purchase of Time/Warner and just having more control over the distribution isn't going to improve sales. It is also going to stress retailers that are already stress financially because of the pandemic. They are being forced to absorb more cost, not offer DC, or fold up shop. Of course DC couldn't care less they want to collapse the physical copy market as the ultimate goal is to have it all digital anyway.

I don't have an issue with DC wanting to ditch Diamond. That's their choice but they could have done the responsible thing and eased the change by honouring the June orders to Diamond as they had agreed. That gives retailers the opportunity to talk with DC's "distributors" and make up their mind what to do. Instead they chose the toxic move of telling retailers and Diamond F-U do it our way or nothing. Right at a time when many store are financially stress after two or more months of lockdown.

Then there is the move they made of dumping a bunch of titles but having the last few issues online. This is a toxic move as well because, while I understand the move, it shows that they don't understand their market very well. Lots of people don't want digital, don't want to buy/read trades, and don't like having holes in their collection. In the case of DC I don't even trust them to do as they and put the missing issues in a trade because they have the wonderful habit of regularly leaving issues out of trades. You also have to consider that if they just keep canning titles that don't have huge numbers willy-nilly that those of who do like to pick up these titles may now opt to skip ordering them in the future just because we know that DC will yank it at some point.

Due to DC's moves in the last month I see no reason to support them. I have made the decision that if they want to force everyone to do their bidding whether or not they can afford it and possibly cause a contraction in the market then I will not support them. I can put those dollars on either back issues or more material from other publishers. To me applauding or shrugging off the lost of retailers is very sad when we all know that the hobby isn't growing the way it needs to to continue. We need the new market to sustain or create interest in the back issue market. Once the new stuff is gone how far behind will the interest and value remain in back issues? Granted it wouldn't be a sudden death rather a slow painful attrition as those that are just starting out collecting get older and older and eventually there are few left to carry the torch into the future.

Splendid overview, I think that all points are salient.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics 2x the shipping/distribution costs for my LCS to cover...yeah...we'll see if I have a place to buy new comics in a little while - what a cluster f@ck!!

It's certainly a kick in the teeth. It will be interesting to see what some retailers will offer since right now it's pretty much just the Batman titles selling above subscription orders. Before the lockdowns my retailer had cut the majority of DC titles down to just what he need to fill subscriber's orders as they weren't selling. he also is now being asked to absorb more cost at a time where he is still looking for a new location as his old location was demolished after the roof caved in during a snowstorm back in October of last year. He's been scrabbling to figure out what this is all going to mean for him cost-wise. He has no idea what discounts, shipping and customs costs (for thing like statues) will be. Depending on margins he may not be able to offer discounts on DC product. Imagine how that would go over in a tightwad region?
Post 25 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Oxbladder
Of course DC couldn't care less they want to collapse the physical copy market as the ultimate goal is to have it all digital anyway.

Sooner than later.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
Originally Posted by Oxbladder
Of course DC couldn't care less they want to collapse the physical copy market as the ultimate goal is to have it all digital anyway.

Sooner than later.

Very true. I read digital but I sure wouldn't want to spend what I am now for online books. They'll need to have a very good and affordable system set up to have people buy digital the way they do hard copies. IMHO Marvel has the best framework right now to go strictly digital. All they really would need to do is increase their annual Unlimited charge a bit, have a per month option that would add up to more than the annual fee, and add new stuff as it comes out not six or more months down the road. With single issues, if someone wished to go that way, they should be less than hard copy prices and after a month they should be half the price. ComiXology-wise they would need to have their Unlimited service available outside the USA set up a similar tiered system and for the Unlimited subscribers they would be able to read new issues as they come out.

The big task is getting people to accept reading digitally, which isn't so easy from what I have seen from comments online.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, I had a Kindle, vastly prefer books.
The greatest thing about comics is keeping them, Hoarding them, etc, digital is far less cool, IMO.
Business has dreams how we are all gonna change, in a way more profitable to their plans, they guess wrong a lot.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
You got to figure someone will talk them out of going all digital. I'm not paying for a digital comic; not a penny. If they do it, I'll just borrow the digital copies from my library.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatCovers
You got to figure someone will talk them out of going all digital. I'm not paying for a digital comic; not a penny. If they do it, I'll just borrow the digital copies from my library.

You would think so. Back in the 90's when Marvel was talking about their pending move to exclusive distribution they had meetings in various cities to discuss the move virtually everyone at our meeting told them that it was a bad move for various reasons. They didn't care. The session was really just to tell us it was happening, period. So, I'm not optimistic that they would listen to us. Maybe smaller press might but Marvel and DC really don't care because, ultimately, it's up to their parent companies and they are too rich to care what their customers think.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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