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PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Proper attire for today's Crime Fighter.


Post 176 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
While it appears that small business was having a downturn leading up to the lockdown (commercial bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2020 ticked up 4%). More than 40 percent of the nation’s 30 million small businesses could close permanently in the next six months because of the coronavirus pandemic according to a poll by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The above is from a NYT article published May 1, 2020.
Post 177 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
Looks like Charlie sheen on the cover wild thing!
Post 178 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater not good...
Post 179 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I thought this was really helpful for both understanding how some models work and also understanding why places are taking certain steps to limit the virus. Also, how important it is to have testing and contact tracing if you want to (maybe) avoid lockdowns before a vaccine is available.
Post 180 IP   flag post

Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
This isn't good news, and is what I had been worried about myself...most coronaviruses do mutate and it had been stated this one wasn't mutating or was mutating slowly. Apparently it mutated quite rapidly when it first began spreading however....
Also helps nail down the idea the virus is natural, a man-made virus wouldnt likely have the ability to mutate as it spread ...that would require some rather heavy duty and recognizable engineering if done intentionally.
Post 181 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
This is good news and just what the Stay at Home doomers dread.

Israel and Netherlands studies claim progress in Covid-19 antibody trials

Both the Israeli and Dutch studies use monoclonal antibodies, which are lab-created proteins that resemble naturally occurring antibodies that make up the immune system. Antibodies work by binding with the virus, identifying it to be destroyed.

I'm looking forward to the start of human trials in the future.

BTW, I went out to the vet today. Picked up meds and food for our dogs. Also, the sun is shinning where I am.
Post 182 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Didn't they say SARS was natural and not man made?
Post 183 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Here's proof guys.

Coronavirus is Patented EP3172319A1
Click or Touch here.

Now lets look up the company that owns the patent: Pirbright Institute (circled in the pic above in purple)

Post 184 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@GanaSoth I know it will do literally nothing to convince you, but for others too lazy to read the parts of the page you didn't copy and circle: that's a six year old patent for a vaccine in birds. Because it's for a vaccine, it specifically states that it makes the virus weaker. Because it's a patent, it also describes the kinds and locations of genetic changes they made. We already have the COVID-19 genome, so you could see if it's anything like that.

For those wishing to know something about how COVID is actually put together, here's an article: . In particular, it emphasizes how COVID is different from others SARS viruses, and notably how it is different in ways that scientists haven't thought of. It would be pretty hard to engineer something you haven't thought of.
Post 185 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk vaccine for birds..... hahaha.... omg listen to yourself. Why would Gates care about birds.... Patent was granted November 20 2019. Great timing huh? He's always taking about a "great pandemic" since 2015... Get outta here.
Post 186 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
You tell @xkonk to listen to themselves, and to get outta here.

Has anyone ever said that to you and you got offended?

I understand you are passionate about your views but civility is something people need to maintain. EVEN IF they dont agree with ypu.
Post 187 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte that guy is always on my ass. I don't like him & he don't like me. Big deal.
And the term/saying "get outta here" is just that. You guys need to grow a backbone.

Hes also the one that gave a 3 smile vote to when I got suspended a week. So no, there is no love lost there.

I said nothing political, nothing offensive, nothing trolling.
Post 188 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
In the photo you posted it says application filed 2015. So it's five years old. The patent was granted last year, sure, but that doesn't mean anything aside from how long it took to be approved.

The whole patent is about birds.
Post 189 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Watching this is numbingly just like watching a Bengal tiger slide down a mile long chalkboard on its claws.

Nearly every virus out there that exists has a patent on it..normally by the CDC. Here is why...…Konk is correct in his assertions. That is the facts of it and can be verified with a simple check of the CDC website ...they have patents for most viruses. Now let me get back to carving my eyeballs out with a cold popsicle stick...its more fun
Post 190 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
You both can downplay it all you want. It doesn't hurt my feelings. Facts are facts. Gates has been taking about a pandemic forever. He owns the Coronavirus patent. He is working to make a vaccine...

If you guys can't connect the dots; even drawing a picture won't help.
Please continue to carve.
Post 191 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Facts are facts yes
Post 192 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town if you believe usatoday
Post 193 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
This is good news and just what the Stay at Home doomers dread.

@Towmater at times throughout human existence Liberty and Safety have been two opposite ends of the spectrum. You said "stay at home doomers" but I think it's more civil to just agree that they tend towards the "Safety" end of the spectrum, while you and I probably both lean quite far towards the "Liberty" end of the spectrum. When people get on the defensive they tend to run to their far end of the spectrum. Or worse, we insist that others only exist at their far opposite end of the spectrum. But it is a spectrum, it doesn't have to be completely one way or the other. I'm not overly resentful at those on the Safety end of the spectrum and I, like all of us, have even willingly complied with their requests for about 7 weeks now. What is really bothering me is the lack of respect or even empathy coming back our way. Surrendering Civil Liberties is not something that should be taken lightly and even if many disagree with the push-back, everyone should at least empathize with those who are pushing back at this stage. No one should want to set a precedent where Americans or citizens of any country show that if you scare them bad enough they will just fall in line without some amount of resistance or protest. It won't bode well for the future. I would have a lot easier time with further compliance if I were receiving more verbal reassurance from the authorities that my concerns about Liberty are valid and that I'm not just a mouth-breathing cave-man who has no place in modern society. Wish they wouldn't confuse me with my 13 year-old son like that,lol.
Post 194 IP   flag post
Suck it up, buttercup!! KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Soooo on a different note - kind of covid but also just a ramble cause I don't see people anymore!

My Uncle passed at the end of last October..and my parents were divorced and I stayed with my dad when I was a kid cause I didn't want to leave the town I grew up in. I ended up on my dads side as being the only grand kid, only son and only nephew. My dad passed 9ys ago, my grandmother 5yrs ago (in her 95th yr!!) and now my Uncle (73). My dad took care of my Grandmother and when he passed my Uncle came home to look after her and now there's just me

Now to the point of all this back story!! I have been emptying the house donating or putting in storage and now I have listed the house. Not sure about other markets but the house was been up for 5 days and I have had 4 offers - waiting for a 5th to come in - turned down 3 right away so with luck 1 of the last 2 can be signed this week!!

Also managed to sell his car this last weekend 2010 Corolla 104km so 65k miles with manual transmission and set of winters on rims!!

So far the Covid doesn't seem to be slowing things down!

I do acknowledge that I am in a lucky place in that both my wife and I are in essential businesses and have had no effects on our work (other than I now work at home - wife still goes in [public health but in admin]).

I feel for you who have had paychecks stop - hang in there. Not sure what they have in the US but the Govn't help here is at least enough to keep people afloat and by the sounds of it they got $$ in their hands in a week or two.

Post 195 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

My condolences on your losses. I lost my mom and that was almost more than I could bear. Not sure how I could handle the amount you have....

In regards to finances, there has to be folks with money doing better than most. I've sold quite a few books recently. Go figure where folks are pulling that kind of money from......
Post 196 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
My dad took care of my Grandmother and when he passed my Uncle came home to look after her and now there's just me

@KatKomics I remember a few months ago when you posted about this situation and it was obviously really stressing you out. Truly glad to hear it's coming to a conclusion for you.
Unfortunately with housing I've had the opposite experience. My home sale actually fell out of Escrow last week due to the effects of the lockdown on the buyers qualifications. The upside is that I don't have to stress about making a big move with everything else going on and such an unclear view of the future.
Post 197 IP   flag post
Suck it up, buttercup!! KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller sucks to have a deal fall apart - again I cross my fingers- this is a house I never expected to have to sell so I can sit on it if needed.

I know a couple where it's just bad...not sure about financially but the husband was transferred to Texas so the wife and 2 kids are here in Canada trying to sell their house and get the family back together. Can't imagine that stress!! The wife and I are at home and my kid is 12 so low maintenance and the Shining is still looking good!!

Months of stress - hope it ends soon - then just little stresses of dealing with final taxes and estate taxes etc. next year....I hate doing taxes
Post 198 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
You both can downplay it all you want. It doesn't hurt my feelings. Facts are facts. Gates has been taking about a pandemic forever. He owns the Coronavirus patent. He is working to make a vaccine...

If you guys can't connect the dots; even drawing a picture won't help.
Please continue to carve.

@GanaSoth This whole virus thing stinks to high heaven and there is definitely some shady shit going on. Keep up the good work!
Post 199 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller Yes, I lean towards freedom.

I'm tired of the stay at home doomers attempting to ram their beliefs on everyone. I'm tired of them implying that those that want to reopen their town, county, or state means that those people want to kill other people. I'm tired of them only focusing on the virus. As I have attempted to point out in my posts, people will die from the lockdowns if we continue them. Surgeries have been postponed, chemo has been missed, and, people are in food bank lines that go on for miles. People are going to die when we reopen and people are going to die if we don’t reopen. The question is about moving forward in the best way we can and not being shamed into a one size fits all solution.

I'm tired of the panic reporting that the press is doing. They have found out that panic sells, gets viewers, and generates clicks so they have continued to ramp up the volume on it. They aren't doing it to inform. They are doing it for a buck.
Post 200 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Im sure alot of people are pretty tired of your constant name calling, insults, rudeness, and selfishness honestly but we aren't here to discuss what makes us tired are we?

I tend to lean towards the concept of living and avoiding the largest loss of life possible.

In 1918 the country was hit with a similar epidemic. They went into lockdown, did the distancing and masks bit and when they felt it was safe, just like now, they reopened far too soon. The rebounding virus killed hundreds of they repeated the process and with it the mistake...the third wave killed MILLIONS.
That isn't some abstract whiny story about why I am tired's what happened in the last massive epidemic the country suffered.
We know that is how a virus works now...we know what happens. It isn't guesswork anymore....that is how we know the country should not open till the virus case count is lowering, for at least two weeks. It is how we know we need tracing and the ability to track exposed people and their contacts. Its how we know testing at a level to know if the virus has resurged is necessary . We have none of that in's a recipe for disaster.
You may not like the implication that wanting to reopen means you want to kill people-but you have been told the facts. You do not spite of the risks you demand your right to exercise that gamble....and the chips you are gambling with are lives.

You may be tired of people focusing on the virus, but ask some of those people in New York who just went through a living hell as the virus killed 30,000 people there, what they are tired of. I bet your comments would figure high on their list of things they really dont want to hear ….ask the crematorium owners who are operating night and day weeks on end trying to keep up, or the grave diggers who cannot keep up with the pace of the graves needed...or the people digging those mass graves to bury all the dead...I wonder what they are tired of or how they would feel about what you are "tired" of. Ask that young nurse in Arizona last week that calmly stood there in a middle of a demonstration, to represent the health workers despite hundreds of people around her calling her names, and threatening her..ask her what she is tired of. Ask the more than forty grocery workers in this country who died over the last month what they were tired of.Get over yourself....people are dying.
People are in food bank lines for miles...people were starving to death all over this great country long before this virus , where was concern then? People who couldn't afford it were needing chemo or surgery before all this happened...but nope, we cant do anything to help people with agonizing medical issues and bills cause that would make you tired right?
It is a one size fits all answer , sorry. Opening one part of the country while working to control the virus in another is similar to making a no peeing zone in a swimming pool. Sure its a big country but being clueless enough not to realize this virus made it here from China, means you sure are not safe anywhere here .
It isn't a question..the ANSWER moving forward is what saves the most lives and keeps the most people from contracting a raging viral threat. Anything else can wait , sorry.
I am tired of the denial some folks live in...they aren't doing it for anyone's well being, they are doing it so they can make a buck.
Everyone keeps whining about their rights...but what about peoples right to live? If I have to choose between your "being tired"and burying my mother or father, you aren't coming out on top....sorry
Post 201 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
My in-laws live near Amarillo (fortunately not working in the plants) otherwise I probably wouldn't have come across this tidbit: Amarillo processes 25% of America's meat, and meat packing plants are a hotbed of COVID infections. 40% of the infections in the two counties in/around Amarillo are related to the plants. The infection rate in the counties overall, per capita, is higher than New York City.
Post 202 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Glad your in laws are not in harms way there...what's happening in the meat packing places is frightening as well. I read the article online today about the federal meat inspectors that have died so far.
Post 203 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user

Next thing you know you'll be writing that are you "speaking for the various members of the forum" that we have lost over the last month due to the the posts I make. Just like you did with GonaSoth in post 39 of this thread

Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
I am speaking for the various members of the forum we have lost over the last month due to the insidious accusations and wildly tortured conspiracy theories you continue trying to breathe twisted life into.

You made an accusation about people fleeing the forum due to GonaSoth's posts. Are privy to information about members that fled the boards and CBCS that the rest of us aren't aware?

On your loss of life "point" I guess you missed the NBC News report on the UN Warns of "hunger pandemic" amid threats of the coronavirus, economic downturn

The article posted on NBC News has the following in it..."The resulting death toll could outpace that of the coronavirus with 300,000 people dying due to starvation every day over a three-month period, the agency reported."

If correct, that is 27,000,000 people who will die of starvation in that 90 day period.
Post 204 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I am aware of a few people who did depart due to the constant bombardment of silly conspiracy themes. As for the "rest of us" since I have no idea who that includes or what each person might have had the attention span to notice, I cannot speak to what I might have noticed or seen in messages compared to what they have. I also have no idea who Gonasoth is ...but I will assume you meant Ganasoth...
That being said, I am unsure how any of it whatsoever is any of your name calling business, thanks
I also made no suggestion anyone has left yet, due to your posts, so please do not put words in my isn't attractive and only makes you look more childish than you had already.

Regarding the starvation issue ...weren't you the one talking about putting a whole cow or something along those lines in your freezer? Since you are so obsessed with world hunger, I will quietly wait while you find a charity and donate that beef to the cause..

But consider the issue another way...a few years back quite a few scientists wrote a paper about global weather change that suggested the polar ice would melt, raise the sea level and flood quite a bit of the worlds land. As the population grows and the land mass disappears there is less land to feed more mouths...meaning the studies all suggested we are heading for a hunger pandemic beyond belief even without the virus itself . Regardless if you are working , or isolating at home , that disaster is also oncoming and been known about for awhile.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue, prevent the hunger coming and please explain how that is altered by the current issue?

Put another way, some of us have been concerned with hunger far before you stumbled across it as a justification for your ideals about this virus and the lockdown.
Incidentally I am curious why you do not post the sources for your comments like most do and exceprt from them instead...perhaps you should share the entire article rather than mining inflammatory quotes .
Post 205 IP   flag post
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