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Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbaySeller
Originally Posted by DavidM
To many, in your area of the country it may be better. I hope so, but don’t discount what it’s like where I live

@DavidM I think you just said the magic words there, "in your area of the country". But it's a really, really big country and we don't all live in the same area.
of course the virus originated in China, is worldwide, on each and every continent, and did so in remarkably short time, but somehow, some people think that living in a different state is protection. I really struggle to understand the insidious lack of logic in it.
Wouldnt it seem prudent and likely that once everything is opened up again...and trains, planes, and trucks begin moving all over the country that states will mean precisely zero?
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
But that video is pretty damning.

You realize, she's not saying we want to infect more people, right? She's saying there hasn't been enough to ensure herd immunity. It's a statement of fact, not a goal to achieve.
Glad someone else got her meaning and understands the science, once more.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DavidM
To many, in your area of the country it may be better. I hope so, but don’t discount what it’s like where I live. My wife works in a hospital that has a lot of covid-19 patients. She comes home every night exhausted both mentally and physically. There are still over 100 patients on ventilators, and that doesn’t count the ones who are just positive and sick. The hospital is full of them. She can’t take much more of this.

There are many health care workers in her hospital that tested positive, got sick, and are called back into work. They are burned out, and short staffed.

I wish all the people complaining about this could work with her for one day to see what it’s like. You really can’t imagine it.
Thanks for joining the forum and welcome ! I see you already met our resident covid kids (since people think name calling is necessary)
Tell your wife thanks for her service to our country and its people when she was most needed. I am sorry for and apologize for those willing to extend or demean her work and make light of the struggle that the frontline workers are dealing with.She sounds like an amazing woman.
I could make some great claim to medical knowledge since my mother and grandmother were both nurses their entire lives as well or because I once dated a girl who was a candy striper, or because I watched some episodes of the walking dead, but at the end of the day I think we are all best served if people would let the experts, like Fauci and Birx make the best recommendations, implement those, and stop thinking that because we have had time to run through every episode of Mash we are all medical doctors
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Meantime while some make light of the virus in New York, here is the reality

a few quotes...."and others have used forklifts to transfer piles of corpses into makeshift mobile morgues. So many people have been dying at home that the medical examiner's office has turned to teams of soldiers working around the clock to pick them up."

"The scale of the problem was brought into sharp relief on Wednesday afternoon, when the police found dozens of decomposing bodies stashed inside two trucks outside a funeral home on Utica Avenue in Brooklyn."

"Anticipating the surge, officials in New York relaxed restrictions on city crematories in late March, allowing them to work around the clock. Each has recently been running at double its capacity. None, however, were accepting new appointments until well into May."

"In March and April, the recovery teams picked up 4,729 bodies, more than double the number for the same period last year. Some survivors have reported waiting hours in the presence of the dead for the units to arrive."
Post 54 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbaySeller
Yes, the original models with Social Distancing started at approx 2 million fatalities (US) before finally settling down around 75,000.

No, that's not true. The model that showed 2.2 million deaths in the US was the "unchecked" version: no social distancing, no testing and contract tracing, no vaccine or therapeutics. It was developed in the UK, the "Imperial College" model. And 2.2 million was the worst-case scenario, the one that finally convinced the US leadership to action.

From the study: "In the (unlikely) absence of any control measures or spontaneous changes in individual behaviour, we would expect a peak in mortality (daily deaths) to occur after approximately 3 months (Figure 1A). In such scenarios, given an estimated R0 of 2.4, we predict 81% of the GB and US populations would be infected over the course of the epidemic. Epidemic timings are approximate given the limitations of surveillance data in both countries: The epidemic is predicted to be broader in the US than in GB and to peak slightly later. This is due to the larger geographic scale of the US, resulting in more distinct localised epidemics across states (Figure 1B) than seen across GB. The higher peak in mortality in GB 16 March 2020 Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team is due to the smaller size of the country and its older population compared with the US. In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality."

No changes in behavior at all, no mitigation strategies, etc.

Honestly, I don't know why anyone who read about this study would think it was a prediction WITH social distancing. Seriously, what are you reading / watching that lies so blatantly to you? Whomever it is, they literally fictionalized the basis for this study. Did you not think to check for yourself?

Maybe you should wonder about the motives of a person who would do that to you? I wonder what on earth their agenda could be, given all that. Just to divide the country? Is it Russian trolls and Chinese bots? It's so annoying that people like that exist, and are widely listened to.
Post 55 IP   flag post

The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Post 56 IP   flag post
Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
Caution urged as first businesses open today in Ohio

Dental, veterinary, and medical offices open today. Non-essential manufacturing on Monday, with retail some time in mid-May. I don't have a mask, but I've been carrying a bandana with me. It comes in handy if there's a crowded space or I have to rob a train.
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

Texas opens up partially today, too.

It remains to be seen if this is the right move.

If you’re going to rob a train, you’re going to need a horse. I know a guy...
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
Related enough to Covid19 that I thought I’d ask here.

Do we have a list of forum members eBay stores?

Once things return to some normalcy, I’d like to support my forum friends who have small shops.

Does a list like that exist? Can it?
Post 59 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jabberwookie
Related enough to Covid19 that I thought I’d ask here.

Do we have a list of forum members eBay stores?

Once things return to some normalcy, I’d like to support my forum friends who have small shops.

Does a list like that exist? Can it?
Post 60 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user


I’ll need to save this somehow...
Post 61 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Best news I've read about the Covid-19 so far! Go Israel!

Click or Touch here.

And another great news report from Israel technology with 100% recovery rate, now being tested on a US citizen.

Click or Touch here.
Post 62 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

Off topic, but I really liked that Dr. Doom painting you did?

Would you ever do one for a fee?
Post 63 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Jabberwookie Sure. Believe it or not, I'm gonna paint one for @Darkseid_of_town (even though we go at it back & forth - I keep him young) we still can conduct ourselves as humans regardless of our beliefs in religion, politics, or facts/conspiracies.

Send me a PM. We can discuss if I need to buy the miniature as well or you will ship it to me etc.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user

Awesome! Yeah, I figured I’d ask because everyone has other jobs and the like.

I’ll send a pm soon.

Happy Friday!
Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
@EbaySeller What's interesting about the models is just how much they were off, and rigid they were. The models shaped public opinion and shut the country down.

Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand

If you go to the link you will find the March 16, 2020 Imperial College paper on their model you will find that for the UK and the USA the model provided it states:

In the most effective mitigation strategy examined, which leads to a single, relatively short epidemic (case isolation, household quarantine and social distancing of the elderly), the surge limits for both general ward and ICU beds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario for ccritical care requirements that we examined. In addition, even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.

Also, the model provided detailed charts and graphs in their appendix showing suppression strategy scenarios for US showing ICU bed requirements. They provided projections on an unmitigated epidemic, a suppression strategy incorporating closure of schools and universities, case isolation and population-wide social distancing beginning in late March 2020.

The model did provide the information on social distancing and it got it wrong. Even Bill Gates pointed it out in his Q&A on Riddit:

"Fortunately it appears the parameters used in that model were too negative. The experience in China is the most critical data we have. They did their "shut down" and were able to reduce the number of cases. They are testing widely so they see rebounds immediately and so far there have not been a lot. They avoided widespread infection. The Imperial model does not match this experience. Models are only as good as the assumptions put into them."

Now that hospitals aren't overrun the doomers still want us locked down for "our protection" as the sky is falling and will never stop falling. The doomers never seem to understand that people can change their behavior and take steps to reenter society safely.

Our mantra should be - Wash your hands, don't touch your face, wear a mask, and protect those that are at the most danger by keeping society away from them.

Do the above and follow the steps that are provided to reenter society and the hope is we can all do it safely. Will different areas see hot spots? Sure, the data from other areas around the world indicate it will happen. Adjustments in those locations will happen to counter it.
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Jabberwookie I had an emergency call on Monday with HP. One of our customers that are "essential" had an issue with their LX3600 dual-support transmissions gears. I ended up having to replace the entire unit then had to adjust & laser calibrate it to their specific specifications. I'm not sure when we will be back at full working capacity, but in the mean time, I can paint. 😁
Post 67 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Death total today while people argue about semantics is around 250,000 people dead....

Ps please dont be caught in a "hot spot" where an "adjustment" has to be made
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
I personally feel that it's not safe for us to resume everyday life like nothing happened. I know that a lot of you feel that the Government is taking away our freedom etc. But, I'm just gonna hate to hear the news about 2-3 weeks from now about it spiking back up with the number of cases.
Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
well as the covid kids said, you will just have to be part of "an adjustment" apparently. Be safe, Gana, both you and your family.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector classicaaron private msg quote post Address this user
they keep saying 70% of us will get it no matter what. well if we get it no matter what why not just get it over with. get back to normal. no sense ruining everyones careers, savings and possible retirement when in the long run we will still all get sick. you cant keep this mentality for two years. just isn't going to happen with people already going crazy after 2 months. the fallout either way will be bad, but only one way gets things back to normal quicker.
Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
We really wont have a choice but to keep this mentality possibly indefinitely. This virus isn't going anywhere anytime soon unless an actual vaccine is found. The goal from the onset has been to spread it out and slow it down to prevent overwhelming the system. In many places that has happened anyways and they are struggling to contain the problem...see posts about new York moving bodies with forklifts and the issues morticians and creamtoriums are fighting with.
Meantime states are forcing the issue and making people move right back into the exposed zone. Lets hope for everyones sakes that the virus doesn't rebound and the cost in lives is minimal, because you can bet there will be a cost with doing so without the required steps needed to mitigate the virus as suggested by the experts.
Post 72 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
I don't see everything going back to the "Old Normal" anytime soon. But that's a good thing, at least for now, and possibly the future. As states start to loosen their stay at home orders and allow the opening of some businesses in stages, we should all have hopefully learned a few things and proceed slowly and with caution. First one toe into the water, then all of them, then the foot, etc. Now some people just want to jump right in, especially the young and healthy, and the ones who need the money to pay their bills and support their families. There might be a few increase in cases in some areas, but it is imperative that we protect the elderly and physically challenged members of society. Every day I hear the numbers and the ages of who died on the news, and based on that, it really sucks to be old and/or in a nursing home or other community housing right now in my area. I fear for my 92-year old mother, who has been living in my house for the last 5 weeks, and who desperately wants to return to her apartment (her "safe" place in her mind) now as the restrictions start to loosen.

So I hope we all have learned about better hygiene habits and are practicing them, and that we are mindful of the impact we have on the personal space of others. We have hopefully "bought" just enough time, and learned just enough survival skills, that we can keep the curves flat enough until vaccines and technology provide us with some more protection.

Live long and prosper, my friends.
Post 73 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
I've already started to go stir crazy this and the doctor who thing all happened relatively close to each other, i just hope my favorite comic shops don't go out of business I am glad we are bending the curve though im a lot louder then i used to be especially with doctor who being ruined for me got to get rid of my dvds may be give them to a uncle.
Post 74 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
No, that's not true. The model that showed 2.2 million deaths in the US was the "unchecked" version: no social distancing, no testing and contract tracing, no vaccine or therapeutics. It was developed in the UK, the "Imperial College" model. And 2.2 million was the worst-case scenario, the one that finally convinced the US leadership to action.

Originally Posted by Towmater
In the most effective mitigation strategy examined, which leads to a single, relatively short epidemic (case isolation, household quarantine and social distancing of the elderly), the surge limits for both general ward and ICU beds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario for ccritical care requirements that we examined. In addition, even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.

Thank you guys, between the two of you I stand corrected. I had said the Social Distancing models were off by 25X but it probably is more like 15X

I'm not throwing shade on the modelers or impugning their integrity. It is altogether possible that Social Distancing had a far greater effect than expected. But I honestly believe that they had the origin dates wrong for the virus and the numbers they saw were 60-90 days more mature than they thought they were. I'm hearing more and more anecdotal stories of people in the US who are finding out they likely contracted this virus before February and just didn't know it.

Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Meantime while some make light of the virus in New York, here is the reality

That's a disappointing statement. It's a Straw Man and it's troll bait. Just because people in other parts of the country want their right to pursue life, liberty and happiness does not imply that they are making light of the situation in the New York area.
Post 75 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
The death tolls made me have more meltdowns too so I don't look at that anymore
Post 76 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town you stay safe too. Everyone for that matter!

Everyone should practice their mask, gloves, distance, and use disinfectant wipes/sprays more than you did the first time around.

This round might be worse then before.... I don't want you guys or any of your families to fall victim to this plague.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
It freaks me out just thinking about it I have already had five meltdowns this month I do the masks hand washing like crazy
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
Plus hand sanitizer
Post 79 IP   flag post
Collector David_Kent private msg quote post Address this user
Like i said im more vocal then I used to be need to give away those doctor who to uncle rick that is a triggure too.
Post 80 IP   flag post
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