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CBCS Signature VSPSignatures

Verified Signature11564

Collector jpoffenberger103 private msg quote post Address this user
Is there a way to get signatures verified if you're not sure who the signatures are?
Post 1 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
I've submitted books I had no idea there were even signatures in the books and CBCS identified and verified them. Although I'd imagine a heads up is better than a blind send.

(A PGX book didnt have notes on a signature and a random Spider-man book had a mcfarlane signature)
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
good question and good to know. This has kept me from having a few books as submission options.
Post 3 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector cyrano0521 private msg quote post Address this user
If you send in a book for VSP, at least mark Where the signature is. If you think you know, that helps, but if you don’t, they can still TRY to figure it out. They start by passing pictures around “anyone know this one?” And go from there.
Post 5 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Just be sure to wait to ship anything until CBCS announces their office in open once again.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
@jpoffenberger103 you could also post pics of the book and signature here and see if we can help. Most people here like a little challenge. Especially these days being shuttered in...
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector jpoffenberger103 private msg quote post Address this user
@drogio I haven't received it yet, but here's a picture of it from the video... no promise on the quality

Post 8 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Keep in mind it costs $25 to verify the first signature and another $15 for each additional signature in addition to the cost of grading. It might cost you more than $200 for everything not including shipping.
Post 9 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
You may want to get confirmation on this but my understanding is, if CBCS/Beckett can not verify every signature on the book, you don't get the red label. All sigs have to pass.

I'd like others to volunteer their opinions on this.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector Darryl_H private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
You may want to get confirmation on this but my understanding is, if CBCS/Beckett can not verify every signature on the book, you don't get the red label. All sigs have to pass.

I'd like others to volunteer their opinions on this.

To my understanding, this has changed, and any unverified signatures would be noted as such on the label.

So if the book has verified and unverified signatures, you could get a Red Label with the unverified signatures noted as unverifiable by Beckett, but let me double-check for you.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector jpoffenberger103 private msg quote post Address this user
@flanders I was not aware of that... good to know, it's for my personal collection so I MIGHT still do it

Anyone have any ideas on signatures besides Campbell, Lee?
Post 12 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by flanders
Just be sure to wait to ship anything until CBCS announces their office in open once again.

I got this email from CBCS a couple of days ago saying that they are open for receiving and will extend the VSP March special

Post 13 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Post scans of the signatures on this forum.

There is a lot of collective knowledge here.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jpoffenberger103
@flanders I was not aware of that... good to know, it's for my personal collection so I MIGHT still do it

Anyone have any ideas on signatures besides Campbell, Lee?

At first glance. I'm fairly sure the one right under the title name is marc silvestri. I swear I recognize two of them (as in I'm sure I've seen them), but it's not coming to me who they are...and could just be similar to others. The Lee signature looks a little different from his current; as does the campbell.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Apparently, there's a "mini-story" inside as well as several art fold-outs. Here's the list of associated creators. Maybe be able to help find them with google searches for sigs, or may jog people's memories.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
Looks like sigs form
Joe Chiodo
Ryan Benjamin
Maybe Alex Garner
Maybe Sal Regla
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector timberghost private msg quote post Address this user
What about books that come with a COA on the signatures
Post 18 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jpoffenberger103
@flanders I was not aware of that... good to know, it's for my personal collection so I MIGHT still do it

Anyone have any ideas on signatures besides Campbell, Lee?

Brandon Choi?
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector cyrano0521 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by timberghost
What about books that come with a COA on the signatures

Red label is CBCS’ COA. You either trust the issuer or you do not.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by timberghost
What about books that come with a COA on the signatures

If you're asking if CBCS accepts that, the answer is no. CBCS was bought out by Beckett; one of the foremost authorities on sig verification in collectibles. COAs are great, but in the secondary market can be ominous. Obvious exceptions are things like the COA made by J. Scott Campbell. They come numbered even. I'm not certain how you look that up on a database. Any big names (as in Kirby, Lee, N. Adams, Sinnott etc...) particularly for people that have passed away I'd always be VERY skeptical of with just an old-school plain paper COA that I could design and print in under 30 minutes using basic software like word.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector timberghost private msg quote post Address this user

Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
COA's are a lot of fun for sure...and most are fairly legit and all. The problem is and comes down to..what if it isn't? First how do you prove without any percentage of doubt that a signature is not valid?
The verification process doesn't work that can either state that it is able to determine the signature holds enough points of similarity or doesn't. If it doesn't match enough it might still be a legitimate signtuare, just one that does fall within accepted parameters. About the only way to rigidly determine if a signature is real is ask the signee...but memories get fuzzy, and people often forget things.

Most COA's by the time they are challenged have no recourse legally, often the business is already gone, or there is no stated remedy if the signature isn't proven real. (A stated policy or return amount, or set of actions that will be provided upon verification the signature is not established as true.)

All that aside, the type of signatures on the item above are all recent, rather common, and for the most part readily available and not that ...difficult to get buy so there is little point in spoofing them for profit.

The real forgers generally stick to the Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Simon, and other legendary creator type signatures.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by timberghost

I like it, I bought something nearly identical from dynamic forces when this book first came came with a COA that didn't list the signees. By the time it got delivered to me, the book had been pulled from their inventory and I could no longer see the people they claimed signed... I think I can use your to help id at least the Greg Rucka on mine. Still don't know the one that starts with a J or the giant K.

Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector timberghost private msg quote post Address this user
My question is, with that many signatures, is it worth getting graded?
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by timberghost
My question is, with that many signatures, is it worth getting graded?

From an economic standpoint I can't see any way that grading would enhance value. It would be way too costly. Even 20 years from now I think you'd be hard pressed to get back what you put in.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by etapi65
Still don't know the one that starts with a J or the giant K.

looks like Keith Giffen to me.

Post 27 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
And the cover artist is J. G. Jones, so that would be my guess.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @Siggy I was inspired now that it was narrowed down to find the last one. It is J. G. Jones. That definitely looks like Keith Giffen. He was the inker, so I'm gonna call it.
Got Morrison, Jones, Giffen, Waid and Rucka on this thing.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector ggovel private msg quote post Address this user

I'm submitting three books for Signature Verification that Joe Sinnott signed for me in 1978. His signature in more recent years differs from how he signed these books back back then (see pic for example). Will the change in his signature over the 40+ years since he signed these for me cause any problems in the verification process?
Post 30 IP   flag post
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