Just a heads up11346
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mattness private msg quote post Address this user | |
Wow, this is getting ridiculous | ||
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by mattness It's making me truly sad to see Corona Virus accomplishing something that terrorists dream of accomplishing. It's eerie watching the global society systematically shut down it's component parts, like lights being turned off around the world. |
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TML_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
And unfortunately, it's only getting started | ||
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
I am glad the intelligence exists to understand steps need taken to save lives ...lives matter more than comic books . Terrorists accomplish things out of fear and terror not respect for human lives. being cautious and keeping people alive to collect another season is far more important than a show or con ….anyone who thinks its as simple as the flu or is missing the point...this is new ground we have never covered and this particular virus is mutating , with two known strains so far. | ||
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Rafel private msg quote post Address this user | |
That sucks!!!! | ||
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
I agree Darkseid...it's also just enough of a beast to do some damage to my son and I. I Never worry about colds or flu...no big deal, but this one would blow. My lungs have been at 56% capacity for 20 yrs (not sure why, dont smoke, but probably scar tissue) and my son has poor lung capacity as well (hospitalized with RSV for 2 weeks back in the day), so after talking with my brother ( a physician ), I realized this is just the type of thing I dont want to have to fend off. My wife's colleague was sent home to quarantine on Monday because his kid was on that trip to Italy with 3 cases AND my son has been falling asleep at 5pm last couple days with chills and some major breathing issues (as experienced in yesterday's basketball practice - enough so that he commented on it). So, now my paranoia is getting the best of me and Im one second from taking him in for testing. Most likely just a common cold, but first time I'm actually worried. I'd rather they shut stuff down until we get a better understanding of this virus cuz Id be pretty pissed off if he and I dont walk away from this one ![]() my brother also has a strong suspicion that this is more like a 5 or 6% mortality rate instead of the 2 they keep insisting on and I dont even want to get into engineered virus. ![]() |
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SpiderTim private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Watcher question is why are you waiting to have him tested if someone in your household could potentially have had contact with a person who is in quarantine? Don't you think it would be safer to have him tested right away? |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
yeah, I have little concern for myself due to underlying good health. But I'd be destroyed if I transmitted to a person who was elderly or compromised somehow leading to them battling for their very life. That's actually my concern. if we do get an outbreak here, staying away from old/ill people in FL is going to be...tricky. | ||
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by WatcherIsnt the first comment Ive seen @ engineered, especially now that they have established the virus mutated into a more virulent strain during its incubation. My thoughts are with you , and I hope all is well. I agree that testing yourselves would be worth its weight in gold to if nothing else, get it out of your mind. I also agree with your brother, many of the scientists and doctors that I have seen commenting suspect the death count in China isn't as …..accurate as it could be.It has been fairly well established that some of the early ones were recorded as respiratory illness instead of the virus itself. Whatever you do, ignore the people encouraging you to run right out to the con and ignore your best instincts....protect yourself and your family even if that means missing a show or two. |
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SpiderTim I agree...and I tried...I called the Department of Health AND his pediatrician and both said the same thing: "it's very unlikely, the hysteria has everyone over-reacting and if he gets worse you can make an appointment and the pediatrician will decide if he warrants a test- we doubt the quarantined individual is positive" I was like..um...ok...I'm irritated, but I understand everyone and their brother is probably calling these people thinking they're dying so I get it. I just didnt want to go into a wknd (like it always does) when he needs attention, because my options are limited and the ER is the last place I want to be if he's negative. I heard rumors from an ER nurse that they have a handful of "likely" cases they're keeping close to the vest so as to not feed the hysteria. I dont know if I believe her because someone's going to lose their job if they're hiding stuff, but either way, sitting in ER with a non life threatening ailment is going to most certainly introduce us to every virus under the sun as we wait for 12 hrs on a Friday night. We'd probably end up with the virus if we didnt have it before we went in ![]() |
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kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by TML_Comics |
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
Thanks DArkseid...I'd pay whatever the cost to get tested..definitely worth the peace of mind. But it seems there aren't enough tests and everyone's waiting on CDC test kits so they rent using them unless its very clear the virus is present in an individual. The problem is (aside from what ive read, not including the rapid mutation)that by the time the subject presents with an obvious set of symptoms, that the lungs have already reached 50% distress. Dont know if that's true, but its a problem if pre-existing conditions already tax the lung capacity as they do with both of us. They say 5 day after being symptomatic is when the breathing becomes an issue. he's on day 3 of not feeling well and clearly is having a hard time. I asked him to hold his breath for 10 seconds to see if he felt any burning or discomfort and he couldn't get past 7 seconds. but he's walking around fine otherwise and had no discomfort in holding his breath, he just lacked the capacity to do so..or so he said. I do agree that most likely he just has a cold and its nothing, but christ! what's the harm in checking? the consequences are too drastic to minimize and Id rather over react every time than put him through that if it could've been managed earlier. the symptoms ive found say: Symptoms include: sneezing runny nose fatigue cough fever in rare cases sore throat exacerbated asthma as of today, he has every single symptom except sneezing and cough and he's asthmatic to begin with. But these symptoms can also be a million other things. Anyway, ive taken up enough space worrying myself ![]() ![]() |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
<jots note for those who argue we were prepared and that nothing could have been done differently....More tests that actually work, in place next time please and thanks! | ||
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CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user | |
This was the opening post of the “Conventions and conventional wisdom” thread I started recently on this topic (in bold face). Unfortunately that thread was understandably locked after two pages because it started veering off topic and the messaging was getting muddled. After closure the thread scrolled off the first page and disappeared, but the initial points under discussion are still valid. My original post has been revised slightly and continues below... In a manner of speaking the risks associated with the prospect of a corona virus pandemic is an unusual topic for comic collectors, but it is certainly on the minds of many fans given the exponential spread of CORVID-19 to most of the world and recent market upheaval. What I’m seeking is a general consensus view within the collecting community about how this is impacting the acquisition of comics. Convention travel usually requires months of planning for lodging, obtaining badges, etc., especially for the bigger shows like SDCC or NYCC. Besides the expense & preparation involved, cons are crowded, enclosed environments, international in scope, impossible to contain from a health pathogen exposure standpoint. While normally a fan’s biggest worry is coming back home with a case of “con-crud” that usually amounts to a bad cold, this is looking far worse. I’m not being “Chicken Little” here, suggesting that the sky is falling for these events, but as concerns over a likely pandemic are ramping up. The most pressing question for collectors ...especially older collectors... is whether to consider taking a hiatus from big show events until the risks decline or a vaccine is developed to inoculate those at greatest risk! I can’t see this impacting other kinds of comic sales such as transactions through online vendors, auctions or LCS, but it might impact event signings where crowds gather for signature authentication. It will be interesting to see if these views are shared by others. I’ve already reconsidered travel for the remainder of this year to limit our exposure. I’ll greatly miss SDCC and other shows, but if there’s a silver lining it’s that money allocated for travel can be moved to comics & other collectibles. The Town Hall presentation last night was quite useful in getting a current overview of the outbreak along with recommended treatment, knowledge and advice. Here’s what I’ve gleaned from the current consensus of medical professionals... Healthy kids who get the virus are least likely to be at risk or symptomatic as their immune systems are more robust. Their systems can tolerate the virus better than older folks. That doesn’t mean they can’t catch or spread the virus if infected. Those who are elderly, have compromised immune systems or lung issues are at greatest risk. Pneumonia is the secondary illness that poses the greatest mortality threat. Current wisdom is that public contact should be minimized as much as practical. If ill, stay home, period, and if possible, get tested. Sneeze into sleeves and avoid handshaking. Carry and use gel hand sanitizers (60% alcohol, if available) on hands and surfaces such as community used desks and restaurant tables. Wash hands frequently with soap and water. As a nation, the U.S. is woefully unprepared for this, way behind the curve on readiness and testing. These are the current facts. Recommendations are subject to change in either direction based on developments and reaction time. Of course, mileage will vary, but hopefully this info adds meaningful discussion points. Sorry about the length of this, but it's a complex issue with no easy answers. ![]() ![]() |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Watcher If it's worrying you, take him in. If the doctor can stand in the same room with your son and say he doesn't need a test, that's a lot more confidence inspiring than telling you over the phone "stay home, he's fine"...if you get my drift. |
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by EbaySeller I do ![]() |
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Bronte private msg quote post Address this user | |
I just went to my doctor this morning. They had a sign that said if you have coronavirus symptoms, do not come in. Go home and call for advice. They started doing video calls for the sessions. I dont know if this is just my doctor, but video conferencing if possible is a good idea.... |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Bronte That works as long as you get the results you want. But if the doctor is going to insist that there is absolutely no need for testing, and you think maybe there is, then let him put some skin in the game and stand in the same room with the patient. |
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Bronte private msg quote post Address this user | |
@EbaySeller You are correct. I was thinking of my own ailment when suggesting video conferencing was a good idea. For some things, a hands on approach is mandatory. My doctor was saying how clear my airway sounded since my surgery vs prior. There is no way anything except hands on could hear that. My apologies for the misunderstanding. |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Bronte No worries @Bronte. I was actually implying something a little more devious. I was implying that if the doctor is so sure you have nothing to worry about, then he should be perfectly comfortable being exposed to whatever it is that you don't need to worry about. |
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm seeing a complete breakdown in handling this in unison...it's mind-blowing. My son's dr dismisses me with a chuckle..basically, "dont worry, odds are he's fine"...State board of health does the same but says "if worse just go to Dr and they will assess and send you here if you need a test"..redundant and time consuming and an hr apart and still not even in the ball park IF immediate care is needed with suppressed airways.....you guys are seeing " dont go to dr...stay home and we'll decide via phone call if you need to go somewhere else for care"...CDC and all news stations are saying "if you even feel the slightest bit sick with x,y and z symptoms, immediately seek attention to monitor and verify" and every tom dick and harry is closing shop and buying up the last set of masks and sanitizer/gloves. My daughter flies out tomorrow for Fla and wanted gloves for the Boston Airport (especially considering the kids that tested positive from trip flew into this airport and she couldn't find gloves anywhere...she spent hrs hitting local stores... told her to go over to nearest nail Salon and ask them for a couple pairs) . The system is trying very hard to set protocol and one standard, yet human nature is turning this into a fiasco with no clear directive |
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Bronte private msg quote post Address this user | |
Well hopefully stock on sanitizer and masks and such will be more reasonable soon. Ebay just stopped allowing sales because of gouging. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ebay-barring-sales-hand-sanitizer-face-masks-coronavirus-2020-3%3famp |
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Watcher private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Bronte nothing like lining your pockets off the fear of others..but I guess it's been the way for eternity |
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EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Watcher I'm the last one to push the panic button, but when it comes to our kids I'm a strong believer that we have to follow our parental instincts and fight for them. Whether we have to argue with coaches, teachers, administrators or health officials, anyone who has authority over them. The kids can't stand up for themselves, and if we as parents don't put their best interest first...well there is no one in the system who will represent them until it's too late. |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
Sadly most aren't getting that being extra careful, and taking extra steps and precautions is not "pushing the panic button" . A zoonotic illness with no known vaccine that has infected 100,000 now globally is worthy of everyones best efforts and caution. We dont beat this by waiting till it involves kids as well..the only defense is a strong offense in this case. That being said , it is reassuring to read and know that so far in China, where the epicenter of the virus is, it has been determined that for some unknown reason the virus seems to pass children by mostly. |
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esaravo private msg quote post Address this user | |
My two cents: Disregard hearsay, respect known threats, and have a healthy fear of the unknown. You will never regret being too cautious when it comes to your family and loved ones. |
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Dalkiel private msg quote post Address this user | |
So far, the CDC has estimated (based on weekly influenza surveillance data) that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.Feb 11, 2020 clickable text Everyone's having a heart attack over nothing and my 401K is taking a nose dive because of it. |
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Bronte private msg quote post Address this user | |
In regards to 401k. Look at it this way, unless you are retired or are retiring soon, it is actually more beneficial to you in the long run since the reinvestment of dividends can purchase more shares at a lower cost. The stocks will eventually regain lost footing over time. | ||
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
oversimplification to an extreme...influenza tends to kill perhaps a half a percent of those it infects...this one is averaging about 3.4 percent by most accepted reports. Also this moves far more quickly than influenza, and is also a zoonotic illness, meaning it is derived from animals and can mutate and has done so, possibly twice if not more. There are medications for influenza, there are no known vaccines for Covid , sars nor Mers. Finally this virus is far more contagious than influenza, and had a massive head start on the doctors and scientists, having spread and infected hundreds if not thousands before it was firmly diagnosed. Influenza has been with us for years, this one is an unknown and many factors could make it quite complicated. Regarding your 401 k, I am unsure your age, but if you are like me and have at least a dozen years or more before retirement, who cares what drops it might take today? Honestly, think about it...you are still investing if , again as I suggested you are younger like myself.....all the price drop means is shares are cheaper to purchase and you will gain even more when the market levels off and starts rising again. I totally get it if you are retiring in a few years or are already retired, otherwise, this couldn't be a more welcome set of circumstances for you. ps regarding the time period and number of deaths remember coronavirus only became an issue we are aware of in the final few months of last year....measuring a solid year of influenza deaths vs a few months of coronavirus is somewhat tipping things out of balance |
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