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Recent HC books on comic art and collecting...10477

Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Two great reads recommended for fans of great comic art are biographical works on the artists Mac Raboy and Basil Wolverton. The former is by Roger Hill, long time EC fan, artist and publisher his work on popular fan projects harkens back to Jerry Weist’s legendary semi-pro fanzine Squa Tront. Mac Raboy, Master of The Comics while somewhat light in respect to biographical length is well laid out and edited, with plenty of great Raboy art throughout.

Another remarkable HC book deserving of high praise is Brain Bats of Venus, the second volume in a meticulously researched biographical series on Basil Wolverton’s life and art by author Greg Sadowski. His first book on Wolverton’s work published five years ago covered his earliest comics work for Novelty Press, Timely and Centaur.

Greg’s second tome to the prolific and influential Wolverton covers the years 1942 - 1952 and even more heavily researched. Weighing in at over five pounds and 400 plus oversized pages, the Brain Bats of Venus is not a book that can be easily consumed at a single sitting.

Both of these books are excellent holiday reads with a plethora of source art and valuable biographical information on their subjects. These twin tomes to these underappreciated Herculean talents of the golden age should be available now through Amazon or in stock at your LCS. Both are recommended with special praise for Greg Sadowski’s heavily researched magnum opuses on Basil Wolverton’s legacy.

I’ll try to locate and post the applicable cover art for these two recommended works. If you have more book suggestions, please post them as follow-ups in this thread. Thanks, and good reading!

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Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
I have the Wolverton book but not the Mac Raboy book (yet). I can post a pic of “Brain Bats of Venus”

Another book I am fond of is “Black Light: the World of L. B. Cole”.

I also recommend “Tales if Terror/ the EC Companion”, which is more the biography of a publisher but still a must own in my opinion.

Great idea for a thread, Cat! I am always looking to increase my knowledge of comic book history. Looking forward to other recommendations.
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