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Danger Will Robinson! or why I wont buy from Comic link again10339

Collector Arak private msg quote post Address this user
Some of you may recall last month on the 26th ( So basically a month ago )I won my first and only auction with Comic Link, very late at night. I won a WWBN #32 9.2 I called them at 8am and was told that if I send a check , I will avoid the 3% fee of using my debit card. that sounded good , So I immediately sent one to Chicago bank and they are located in main. a few hours later I had a V8 moment and thought that I may have just sent several thousand dollars to a company I had never done business with before and the address was a post office box.
HOLY Nigerian scams Batman bold text
well having trust issues to start with .I began to worry. As the days turned to weeks my impersonation of Jobe wore thin and I started to call and email their company. a few were nice and some were down right rude ( their shipping manager) I was told lots of things like Chicago mail was having problems...their bank was notoriously slow and about 2 weeks behind on checks WTF??? this isnt 1947 . about 2 1/2 weeks in my check clears
now when I call its ALWAYS a different person and they tell me that now there is about a 2 week QUE for my book to be shipped. " were not one of your rinky dinky local comic shops. we do a large amount of business." ok so is amazon and they can get my stuff in 2 hours. for a $25 dollar shipping cost of one comic ( which btw I have the same USPS account that they have and the most I have every seen unless its international is 4,7,10,13 all north america and Puerto . Seriously y'all ...I was thinking for $25 postage, a gorgeous Lili Simmons (Banshee) would exit a limo and hand deliver it to my door and stay for dinner . what do I know?
SO my book came in tonight finally... I hate packing peanuts , but I will get over it..just glad to get my book. I inspect it and on the back...I see this Comic-link sticker...that's just wrong and its not an easy peal off ...its one of those super glue tupes that I will run the risk of damaging the slab doing surgery to get it off... can they do this and not be held accountable? At the very least I wanted to put the word out. Best case scenario ,it was a chain of isolated events that would only happen to me . MEA CULPA
Y'all be careful. I have a hypothesis that when I deal with people in Maine , it can go south quick and they get rude fast ..I believe its from the cold and lack of sunshine. specially their shipping manager I am convinced has a safe place cause words hurt and he has a participation trophy for every event ever. and the last statement he made.. "well buddy ( really buddy to a customer) your vets from Texas are scary volatile people and I am feeling kinda sorta threatened so I am hanging up"
WOW!!! Caveat emptor Caveat emptor Caveat emptor

Post 1 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Slowly peel the sticker off. You can remove the remaining residue by repeatedly placing a piece or pieces of scotch tape over the area. It will slowly remove everything without any issues. Also $25 isn't that high considering the cost of the book. Definitely don't use comic connect. Equally awful sticker and they quoted me $36.75 shipping for $200 in comics. They definitely get a discount for being a high volume shipper. Not sure why they have to price gouge on shipping.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector cyrano0521 private msg quote post Address this user
That is s.o.p. for ComicLink; it takes them days to ship once the money clears. We have to STOP expecting immediate satisfaction from the larger sellers. They do mot shop FIFO, from what i can tell, they ship by $$$ first. Whoever spends the most gets shipped first once the money clears.

So far as their stickers go, i don’t give one rat’s a.. about them; they don’t block your view of the book and act as a tracker for who sold the book, like fine art auction labels.

My problem with both Link and Connect is with their grading of non-slabs. I won’t go into it all, but when i buy a SMALL lot and there are books with things cut out and this is NOT disclosed, they lose my business. Slabs only, from either place, if ever again.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Arak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by flanders
Slowly peel the sticker off. You can remove the remaining residue by repeatedly placing a piece or pieces of scotch tape over the area. It will slowly remove everything without any issues. Also $25 isn't that high considering the cost of the book. Definitely don't use comic connect. Equally awful sticker and they quoted me $36.75 shipping for $200 in comics. They definitely get a discount for being a high volume shipper. Not sure why they have to price gouge on shipping.

10/10 that some seriously righteous advice my ninja . the one and only contention I have with it is the over charging of a comic because of its price. Insuring something is the ONLY time the books value should be considered. 1 comic sent to Texas is still the same weight as it always will be and for the record. they Place a slab in a fedex envelope and then place said envelope in a box of packing peanuts
1- its just bad physics
2- $25 dollars is insane for one comic
3 if you paid 36.75 I hope you got kissed and a dinner and bottle of wine first. Cause little brother , You got F***ed
4 while getting the sticker off was a success, It just felt so USED CAR LOT, you know how they stick their dealership name on the back and then have it on the license plate holder as well
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Arak private msg quote post Address this user
@cyrano0521 S.O.P ? are you military?
and there is the perfect solution .I made it half a century without a comiclink, I think I will ride out the remainder of my years doing just fine without them. Hell! if I need a book, I have all of you as my wingman.
I am in the pipe 5 by 5
While I respect your opinion about the stickers ,I couldn't disagree more strongly.I detest the fact that it was added to MY work of art without so much as a by your leave and while my memory is not quite eidetic. it is amazingly accurate. hence the need for a fine art like tracker is useless to me a blue collar Texan

and while I could... I have to say that
Sorry bob , I wont be meeting daddykins on the Yacht this weekend to partake in some delicious pate before heading over to the art auction , stopping by the salon a for quick mani/pedi and a good cry*wink*

Big smile little brother ... big smile XD
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
I paid $10 to get my gsx shipped priority with signature confirmation from
Post 6 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
I have never had any problems with Comiclink and I buy a lot of original art from them. Always a great transaction. Just an FYI....
Post 7 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
proper shipping with tracking and insurance isnt cheap. a 9.2 wwbn 32 has gotta be what? $2500 to $3K?

ain't cheap shipping expensive slabs.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Donnied private msg quote post Address this user
That's an unreasonable length of time to get your check processed for sure. And two weeks to ship because they are not a rinky-dink shop? Also unreasonable. It sounds like they are a very large rinky-dink shop with not enough employees. $25 to ship a very expensive comic (hopefully with insurance) is not unreasonable, actually, not that bad really. You saved $75-90, not using a debit card, right?
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
$25 for shipping is their standard price to ship 1-4 comics.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
I have used Comic Link to purchase comics and art for years. They are very up front about their policies.

For example, they state in item 20 of their policies “COMICLINK will not ship your item to you unless and until COMICLINK has received payment in full in clear funds from you. COMICLINK will use best efforts to ship your item to you within twenty (20) business days following the date that your funds have cleared.

All of the different people I have dealt with have been professional with me. I use them much more than the other auction sites due to their smaller seller’s premium small credit card fee. BTW,
I always pay via credit card because I always pay off my bill at the end of the month and I want the points my credit card racks up for other things. I believe I incurred less than $500.00 in annual fees in the last 12 months by using my card to purchase items. That’s roughly 42.00 a month when spread out over 12 months.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
My lone experience 10+ years ago with comicconnect might have been worse. I wanted 2 books that seemed well priced but ordered 2 more marginal selections just to dilute the shipping cost. The two that I wanted were no longer available and the two that I wouldn't have otherwise bought were shipped out to me at the full shipping cost. I sent them for grading (PGX)and one came back Restored, the other a 1/2 point below stated grade...BY PGX!
Post 12 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbaySeller
My lone experience 10+ years ago with comicconnect might have been worse. I wanted 2 books that seemed well priced but ordered 2 more marginal selections just to dilute the shipping cost. The two that I wanted were no longer available and the two that I wouldn't have otherwise bought were shipped out to me at the full shipping cost. I sent them for grading (PGX)and one came back Restored, the other a 1/2 point below stated grade...BY PGX!

I just ordered from them. Waiting for the final invoice. It's my first time buying raw comics from them so hopefully it isn't a disaster.
Post 13 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I haven't ordered from comicconnect, but I think their main downside is that they don't actually have the book until you buy it. Then the seller ships to them and they ship to you. So for raw books you basically have to hope the seller graded it fairly because comicconnect can't check it for you. They also don't seem particularly interested in checking it for you: "You will not hold ComicConnect responsible for items purchased that were incorrectly described or pictured. At ComicConnect's sole discretion, we may make reasonable efforts to verify a Seller's grading and description of an item, and/or detect restoration. However, it remains the Buyer's sole responsibility to make returns under the terms and conditions of ComicConnect Return Policy and Satisfaction Guarantee."
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector ComicLinkRick private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys. I'm the marketing guy for ComicLink and I wanted to address the OP's mention that our shipping manager was rude on the phone as I heard the entire conversation. If someone (such as the OP) asks for preferential treatment (e.g. to place his order ahead of other customers in the shipping queue) and gets a bit of resistance, saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector Arak private msg quote post Address this user
Hey There everyone , I do appreciate all Y'all chiming in on this and I apologize coming in a little behind . Its seems I haven't quite figured out how to respond to the forum posts with out starting at "active threads" and working my way up.

Mr.LinkRick First of all sir I have never asked for nor expected preferential treatment in my entire life.
I most certainly never asked to be put in front of anyone.
I did in fact question why a company I was doing business with for the first time had not delivered my purchase after nearly a month and having your young man give me a ,"bit of resistance" as you call it.
That is what you call it when a 55 year old vet clearly , by your own admission makes a joking statement to perhaps salvage a conversation that was going down quickly, justifies rude behavior and hanging up?
and it just accord to me what a master manipulator you are... this way we skip over everything leading up to that particular point.
I am shocked and no words , this is the world I now live. no sorry mr customer.. BAH! you should have been an attorney. I'll not waste another minute with you . Good day
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by flanders
Originally Posted by EbaySeller
My lone experience 10+ years ago with comicconnect might have been worse. I wanted 2 books that seemed well priced but ordered 2 more marginal selections just to dilute the shipping cost. The two that I wanted were no longer available and the two that I wouldn't have otherwise bought were shipped out to me at the full shipping cost. I sent them for grading (PGX)and one came back Restored, the other a 1/2 point below stated grade...BY PGX!

I just ordered from them. Waiting for the final invoice. It's my first time buying raw comics from them so hopefully it isn't a disaster.

you should be ok but they are not conservative grading and they used qualified grades - so you need to read the description carefully. eg they will say 4.0 - missing one page
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
I haven't ordered from comicconnect, but I think their main downside is that they don't actually have the book until you buy it. Then the seller ships to them and they ship to you. So for raw books you basically have to hope the seller graded it fairly because comicconnect can't check it for you. They also don't seem particularly interested in checking it for you: "You will not hold ComicConnect responsible for items purchased that were incorrectly described or pictured. At ComicConnect's sole discretion, we may make reasonable efforts to verify a Seller's grading and description of an item, and/or detect restoration. However, it remains the Buyer's sole responsibility to make returns under the terms and conditions of ComicConnect Return Policy and Satisfaction Guarantee."

comicconnect is the auction house of metropolis comics who also list their inventory there - so if it is a buy it now book - they might already have the book
Post 18 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
After 33 years of adulthood, I am still often astonished/shocked how one incident results in two or more entirely different stories from those that were involved. And it's like often the case; not once in awhile.
It's incredible actually.
Post 19 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
After 33 years of adulthood, I am still often astonished/shocked how one incident results in two or more entirely different stories from those that were involved. And it's like often the case; not once in awhile.
It's incredible actually.

I worked in auto claims for 6 years. In cases where one car changed lanes into another about 1 in 20 someone would actually admit to changing lanes. The rest of the cases, each party would blame the other. To me, once money is involved you truly see the nature of a person. I too am often shocked that when it comes to things so minor (no one died or was even hurt) you can't rely on people to be honest. Thinking of what these people are capable of if something more serious happens is what truly scares me.
Post 20 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by flanders
Originally Posted by EbaySeller
My lone experience 10+ years ago with comicconnect might have been worse. I wanted 2 books that seemed well priced but ordered 2 more marginal selections just to dilute the shipping cost. The two that I wanted were no longer available and the two that I wouldn't have otherwise bought were shipped out to me at the full shipping cost. I sent them for grading (PGX)and one came back Restored, the other a 1/2 point below stated grade...BY PGX!

I just ordered from them. Waiting for the final invoice. It's my first time buying raw comics from them so hopefully it isn't a disaster.

you should be ok but they are not conservative grading and they used qualified grades - so you need to read the description carefully. eg they will say 4.0 - missing one page

I made sure to read the descriptions. None of my listings mention tape, missing page, loose cover or centerfold, etc. so I'm hoping it turns out alright.
Post 21 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by xkonk
I haven't ordered from comicconnect, but I think their main downside is that they don't actually have the book until you buy it. Then the seller ships to them and they ship to you. So for raw books you basically have to hope the seller graded it fairly because comicconnect can't check it for you. They also don't seem particularly interested in checking it for you: "You will not hold ComicConnect responsible for items purchased that were incorrectly described or pictured. At ComicConnect's sole discretion, we may make reasonable efforts to verify a Seller's grading and description of an item, and/or detect restoration. However, it remains the Buyer's sole responsibility to make returns under the terms and conditions of ComicConnect Return Policy and Satisfaction Guarantee."

comicconnect is the auction house of metropolis comics who also list their inventory there - so if it is a buy it now book - they might already have the book

It used to be a rule of thumb that most of Metro's raw books were about one grade off in raw grade versus the cgc grade. I don't know about recently.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
The only online place I feel comfortable buying expensive raws is mycomicshop. Everywhere else, I go slabbed.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by moodswing
The only online place I feel comfortable buying expensive raws is mycomicshop. Everywhere else, I go slabbed.

Agreed. I enjoy shopping for raws at MCS. Wish I had done more of it in years past.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
If I have a very high priced comic or looking to buy a very high priced comic I likely would go through comiclink versus ebay. Too much risk with scammers

I wish I wish I wish comic link had easier stickers to remove...oh they are awful...
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
Hey guys. I'm the marketing guy for ComicLink and I wanted to address the OP's mention that our shipping manager was rude on the phone as I heard the entire conversation. If someone (such as the OP) asks for preferential treatment (e.g. to place his order ahead of other customers in the shipping queue) and gets a bit of resistance, saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
Hey guys. I'm the marketing guy for ComicLink and I wanted to address the OP's mention that our shipping manager was rude on the phone as I heard the entire conversation. If someone (such as the OP) asks for preferential treatment (e.g. to place his order ahead of other customers in the shipping queue) and gets a bit of resistance, saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.

Agree...if that statement is true, not appropriate in any day and age.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.

Yeah, that crossed the line, IMO. Threaten someone over a comic book? Nah. I wouldn't put up with that either, not for a second. Life's too short to let some yahoo prattle on with tough-guy posturing. And the over-the-top insinuations? The jerkoff comments about people in Maine and "participation trophies?" Forget it ... guy's not worth talking to.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio I keep a small bottle of olive oil in the cupboard. I don't cook with it, it's strickly for removing CL stickers. Peel off the sticker (I use a hair blower to warm it up first), then use a Q-tip to smear some olive oil on the residue. Wipe it clean with a tissue. Works perfect and takes about 5 minutes total.

ps - I wish I had ranger buddies.
Post 29 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
I would never by from these people just because of the Sticker. Way to much trouble trying to remove it and nor should I have to remove a proprietary sticker. I don't care for or use ANY of these big Auction Houses.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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