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Danger Will Robinson! or why I wont buy from Comic link again10339

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
Hey guys. I'm the marketing guy for ComicLink and I wanted to address the OP's mention that our shipping manager was rude on the phone as I heard the entire conversation. If someone (such as the OP) asks for preferential treatment (e.g. to place his order ahead of other customers in the shipping queue) and gets a bit of resistance, saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
Hey guys. I'm the marketing guy for ComicLink and I wanted to address the OP's mention that our shipping manager was rude on the phone as I heard the entire conversation. If someone (such as the OP) asks for preferential treatment (e.g. to place his order ahead of other customers in the shipping queue) and gets a bit of resistance, saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.

Agree...if that statement is true, not appropriate in any day and age.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by ComicLinkRick
saying to one of our team members "Do I need to round up my ranger buddies and come up to Maine to get this taken care of?" is not exactly cool in this day and age even if it was tongue in cheek. I don't think ending the call was inappropriate on our part.

I've no idea what else was stated in the back and forth up to that point. Nonetheless, I would have backed away from the conversation, as that's edging up to a line I wouldn't go towards in a conversation with anyone.

Yeah, that crossed the line, IMO. Threaten someone over a comic book? Nah. I wouldn't put up with that either, not for a second. Life's too short to let some yahoo prattle on with tough-guy posturing. And the over-the-top insinuations? The jerkoff comments about people in Maine and "participation trophies?" Forget it ... guy's not worth talking to.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio I keep a small bottle of olive oil in the cupboard. I don't cook with it, it's strickly for removing CL stickers. Peel off the sticker (I use a hair blower to warm it up first), then use a Q-tip to smear some olive oil on the residue. Wipe it clean with a tissue. Works perfect and takes about 5 minutes total.

ps - I wish I had ranger buddies.
Post 29 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
I would never by from these people just because of the Sticker. Way to much trouble trying to remove it and nor should I have to remove a proprietary sticker. I don't care for or use ANY of these big Auction Houses.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, I hate the sticker too. They should give us a rebate for free promotion
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
Agree with BigRed..hate the stickers...why should everyone know where I bought it which gives insight as to when and for how much....and then I have to worry about getting it off without scratching the slab unless I want to patiently keep reapplying an oil to soften it up. Why? I own the book not the auction house..they get their PR with the auction itself. put a flyer in the box and call it a day.
Post 32 IP   flag post
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