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What are some "Epic" reads from the last 20 years?10149

Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
My LCS offers the coolest service, a $10 per month Reading Library that allows me unlimited TPB's, one at a time, as much as I can read in a month. Don't want to waste my time on any dud's so I'm hoping for ideas of truly great reads after the era of Dark Knight, Watchmen, Maus, etc.

My experience so far:

Black Hammer: Great, one of those rare comics where the artists vision is just as important as the writers vision to add an extra dimension to the story-telling...waiting for more.

East of West: Same thing, great collaboration of writers vision with artists vision, waiting for book 7.

Descender: Loving book one so far, hope the rest don't disappoint.

Saga: Looks great but probably don't want it around for my kids to pick up and flip through.

Agent Zero: Got bogged down in book 2 and moved on.

I appreciate any suggestion...more recent stuff that you think truly qualifies as great reads.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Fury: My War Gone By and Punisher: Born by Garth Ennis are modern war classics if you ask me. Definitely don’t want them around kids, though.
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Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank. Garth Ennis' work on the Punisher. Absolutely wonderful story, and art by the late great Steve Dillon.

Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers. Just a great read.

Invisible Republic. I doubt the series will ever truly be finished, but a dystopian tale that I found wonderfully told.
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I’m not an ant. I’m a rootin tootin Hornet! Zombie_Head private msg quote post Address this user
Hillbilly is great one of my favorites.
Realm is also good.
Pestilence series one.
Walking dead of coarse.
Saga is good.
Redneck is good.
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Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
My public library offers a similar service, except there's no monthly charge and I can have 15 books at a time.
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Collector Jabberwookie private msg quote post Address this user
Mine will be a little more mainstream, but try these:

Supreme Power
Identity Crisis
Secret Invasion
Empire by Barry Kitson
Hickman’s avengers run culminating with infinity was pretty good, also
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Collector Enelson private msg quote post Address this user

100 Bullets



Not completely produced in the last 20 years- but read the Grendel omnibuses produced by dark horse, I find that series to be an extremely unique experience in its evolution from a singular character to a futuristic feudalist society

Punisher- welcome back Frank- and for guilty pleasure, I loved Franken-castle

Bone Parish- 12 issues, just finished

Also- before you pay anything there is an app produced by many public libraries called hoopla that allows you to download a certain amount of books per month free, and many of these graphic novel collections can be found on there
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I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
I collected East Of West 1-25 but only read issues 1-10 (1st and 2nd story arc) so I have no idea the continuation. Would like to see an EoW movie released but to make a one shot movie of this genre successful would take some serious production/directing/casting. Probably not worth the expense.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
I thought Prometheus: Fire and Stone was a really well-done crossover with each title (Aliens, Predator, AVP, and Prometheus) really presenting the representing the IP well while still weaving them together into one large story

I also really enjoyed Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato which collects Faith in Monsters and Caged Angels (also available separately). It does a great job of presenting a team of villains without them ending up as anti/reluctant heroes.

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Collector Stantheman private msg quote post Address this user
@Catcovers I was just about to say the same thing about the library!
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Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
Hillbilly is, indeed, epic. If you enjoy the subtle hilarities of Black Hammer, you will dig Hillbilly, I’m certain.
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Captain Accident the420bandito private msg quote post Address this user
Scott Pilgrim. Classic. Nuff said.

Saga is definitely great. I still need to read the 2nd HC. I believe a 3rd HC came out but I heard the story takes a dump....

Sixth Gun from Oni Press is one of my favorites. 50 issues of sci-fi Western ass kick.

Lazarus. This book has it all. Forever Carlyle is my girl.

I also agree on EoW.
Post 12 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure if I can recall any truly "epic" reads published in the 21st century TBH.

All-Star Superman?
Batman: White Knight?
Civil War (Marvel)?
Justice (DC, 2006-07)?
The New Frontier (DC)?
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