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'Kirby' Topics

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Need help verifying a Stan Lee, Joe Sinnott and Jack Kirby signature. Darthh8r Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 monthsCapCityComics (75): Despite the circumstances, that's awesome news! I checked that seller's account on eBay, and it appears any and all comic books he had listed are now either gone or taken down.
FS: Tales Of The Unexpected #16 & Phantom Stranger 14 PolarisNuclearSS2020 7 5 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): My eBay feedback can be viewed below. I mostly use mycomicshop and a LCS for consignment, though. Only sold 1 slab on this forum previously, to @multi007
Kid Colt Outlaw #110 “ Poor Man’s Fantastic Four #5 1st Doctor Doom “ PolarisNuclearSS2020 11 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Kindly stop. I did not say the character introduced in KCO #110 is a prototype of Dr Doom, I posted KCO 110 was published after FF 5. The character introduced in KCO 100 was created by Stan Lee, Kirby drew the cover and Ayers did the interior art. If you’re familiar with silver age marvel westerns, you would know that Stan Lee added superhero elements to new characters, had Kirby draw up new supervillain styled villains and monster...
HOUSE OF MYSTERY 69 BERNARD BAILEY + KIRBY ART RED DRESS COVER @MYCOMICSHOP PolarisNuclearSS2020 6 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): P rice dropped to $62.00, …. a whole $4.00 in profit.🤣 Mirrored prices on ebay is $75.00.
Fantastic Four #5 for trade - First Doctor Doom MrNotSoNice 5 8 monthsMrNotSoNice (3552): I see a graded 1.0 offered at $2500, so now I’m thinking mine is worth more like $2000 in trade value.
Marvelmania MrNotSoNice 17 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Turns out there is another signed copy (Kirby, I presume). Oh well, at least my 9.4 is the highest-graded signed copy (so far.)
TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED #16 1st Thor by Jack Kirby $400 PolarisNuclearSS2020 2 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): I also have a House Of Mystery #85 at MCS for sale…..make me an offer here for that book via DM, and I will take less than $400 for this book, if you want both books. Purchase of HOM 85 would occur thru this listing, after we agree on a price. HOM 85 is the 1st Stone Men prototype , predates JIM #83 as well as the 3 other Stone Men prototype issues ie Tales To Astonish #6, by several...
For Sale: X-Men #11 Signed by Jack Kirby (Raw) AcuMan 3 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): The old comic lover me loves subscription creases as well. That's when the comic mattered. Stories mattered. CGC and CBCS did not matter because they weren't around. Then, along came grading companies and made that subscription crease a maximum 5.0 (or so) grade. Which then translates into lower revenue. And now that I just dump this stuff after it's slabbed, I no longer like subscription creases since it makes an impact on my revenue.
Over 75 Items Marked Down on Site! SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsHulkSmash (11384): Spider-Man annual 3 Hulk 116, 131, 159, 250. Wouldnt hurt to have nicer copies of 106, 108 Iron man 76 Defenders 10 TTA 100 Captain Marvel 10 But I cant afford them.
If You’re In The Market For ASM Vol. 1 Omnibus 00slim 1 2 years00slim (18687): Amazon has it for $88 minus a $17 coupon. $71 and change before taxes. Just be sure to click the “coupon” before adding the book to your cart. Here is a link.
Batman and Martian Manhunter VS Iron Man and Silver Surfer! Who wins? CWill2021 23 2 yearsGAC (79224):
FS:Kirby Signed Avenger #2 CBCS 6.5 Verified AcuMan 7 2 yearsPhantomEwan (3992): @Joosh when I spoke to the CBCS rep at Washington State Summer Con about the imaging he told me they don’t do that anymore. I wanted to do the exact same thing with mine:
Kirby Englert print Kas_kas 5 3 yearsdennisqdw (199): Psychedelic, Man ... I need more drugs.
Have a few Fantastic Four late silver/early bronze age comics for sale Carpendaddy 2 3 yearsCarpendaddy (70): BUMP Comic auctions are all ending today and there are quite a few under-performers. Get some FF fillers and keys that range from issue 84 to 151 for a decent price. LINK Good luck to anyone who may be bidding! If you win more than 1 auction ending today, please wait until all are finished and I will send an invoice with combined shipping. Thanks!
Fresh from a reholder Rjman48 3 3 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812): So much better than a stale reholder. Glad to see they picked a fresh slab off the vine! ;)
Should I get this coverless Hulk 2 graded or sell raw? JMSComics 16 3 yearsGAC (79224): @JMSComics For re-sale purposes, keep raw. For the PC...consider a reproduction cover as @ComicHoarder stated. For bigger type books, in my opinion, reproduction covers can be acceptable.
FREE copy of Overstreet’s Lost Universes…sort of Scifinator 8 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @donho - Howdy. Have you had an opportunity to crack open the Lost Universes yet? I couldn't put it down.
FANTASTIC FOUR #52 CGC 9.0 OW/W - OPEN TO OFFERS, TRADES, & TIME-PAYMENTS!! Top_City_Comics 6 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): Are you selling the 7.5 graded copy of FF#52? -----------------------------------------------------
How my Avengers #4 turned out... MrNotSoNice 15 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): @MrNotSoNice sweet
Journey into Mystery #85 CBCS 4.5 - Open to offers, trade, & time-payments! Top_City_Comics 3 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): This book is on it's way to a better home, tho I do have one other copy on hand... More books upcoming!!
X-MEN #1 CGC 5.0 OW FOR SALE/TRADE - Open to offers, trades, time-payments! Top_City_Comics 9 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): THIS BOOK HAS BEEN MOVED VIA MEGA-TRADE!! MORE BOOKS TO COME!!
Fantastic Four #48 CBCS 5.0 - Open to offers, trades, & time-payments!!! Top_City_Comics Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words! Happy Christmakwanzicka!!
FS: Jack Kirby Signature X-Men #2 4.0 AcuMan 10 3 yearsDrWatson (59625): It's the nouveau riche. Next they'll only want to be paid with pictures of money.
X-men #1 Kirby autograph Skaz 14 3 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): The simple answer is rarity. While there might be fifty copies of the newer stuff floating around signed by kirby , there might then only be 5 examples of the older more grail type books signed by him.
Jack Kirby Fans Scifinator 12 3 yearsBPaxson002 (709): I wonder how Houseroy liked working on a Kirby project.
Kirby signed X-Men#2 & Avenger#1 Trade Inquiry AcuMan 1 3 yearsAcuMan (122):
WTB Kirby Signed X-Men #6, Raw or Graded, Any condition AcuMan 4 4 yearsBatman66 (22547): @AcuMan I thought you found a copy already, did that deal fall through?
An interview with Jack Kirby from 1971 HotKeyComics 7 4 yearsDavethebrave (17405): Great piece of history. Kirby’s fame will one day rise even higher than today.